Protests against Israel for killing hostages


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

People are now protesting Israel for accidentally killing some hostages taken by Hamas?

What the hell for? Do these loons really thing Israel purposefully killed these hostages? The taking of those hostages is part of why the IDF is there. Shouldn't people be protesting Hamas for taking the hostages in the first place?

What the hell is wrong with people?

I think it a mistake for Israel to even negotiate with the taken hostages as it only inspires Hamas to take more hostages.

Sheer insanity.

People are now protesting Israel for accidentally killing some hostages taken by Hamas?

What the hell for? Do these loons really thing Israel purposefully killed these hostages? The taking of those hostages is part of why the IDF is there. Shouldn't people be protesting Hamas for taking the hostages in the first place?

What the hell is wrong with people?

I think it a mistake for Israel to even negotiate with the taken hostages as it only inspires Hamas to take more hostages.

Sheer insanity.
Apparently, these three hostages were abandoned by Hamas and waved a white flag to surrender to the IDF....and got killed for it.
So..people should rightly be protesting...and asking questions. Not insane at all.
Apparently, these three hostages were abandoned by Hamas and waved a white flag to surrender to the IDF....and got killed for it.
So..people should rightly be protesting...and asking questions. Not insane at all.

Apparently, these three hostages were abandoned by Hamas and waved a white flag to surrender to the IDF....and got killed for it.
So..people should rightly be protesting...and asking questions. Not insane at all.
You assume this to be correct, I don't.

But let's say you are correct, they waved the white flag as they ignored it, what is the upside to killing the hostages and then admitting you gunned them down?

Do they just enjoy killing?

People are now protesting Israel for accidentally killing some hostages taken by Hamas?

What the hell for? Do these loons really thing Israel purposefully killed these hostages? The taking of those hostages is part of why the IDF is there. Shouldn't people be protesting Hamas for taking the hostages in the first place?

What the hell is wrong with people?

I think it a mistake for Israel to even negotiate with the taken hostages as it only inspires Hamas to take more hostages.

Sheer insanity.
Being a soldier is a thankless job.
Yes, not you are catching on. If they can't find something, they just make it up.

I'm just puzzled why people are outraged over this.

It makes zero sense.
It makes sense against the backdrop of people already angry because they feel Israel is too indiscrimate in it’s bombings and putting hostages at risk.
It makes sense against the backdrop of people already angry because they feel Israel is too indiscrimate in it’s bombings and putting hostages at risk.
Innocent people die in every war. There is not stopping this.

Could Israel do better? Yes, as could any army that has ever engaged in war, but to think Israel wanted any of this is just pure insanity.

Personally, I would devalue any hostage as nonnegotiable, and just assume they will be killed and then do everything I could do to destroy those who took them hostage. These people should not be negotiated with, just killed.
Innocent people die in every war. There is not stopping this.

Could Israel do better? Yes, as could any army that has ever engaged in war, but to think Israel wanted any of this is just pure insanity.

It is a difficult situation because of the hostages and it’s their families who are upset.

Personally, I would devalue any hostage as nonnegotiable, and just assume they will be killed and then do everything I could do to destroy those who took them hostage. These people should not be negotiated with, just killed.
I suspect that is hard to do when you are faced with families and public pressure (unless you are a dictator).
It is a difficult situation because of the hostages and it’s their families who are upset.

I suspect that is hard to do when you are faced with families and public pressure (unless you are a dictator).
I would tell the families that I was doing everything I could to locate them and free them, which I would do

But negotiate? No, not a chance.

In fact, why is Biden not actively going after US hostages, citizens of the US who are held hostage by Hamas?

That is unforgiveable.
Those Israeli hostages would have never been accidentally killed by the IDF if Hamas had not gone into Israel and murdered and kidnapped innocent civilians.
Those Israeli hostages would have never been accidentally killed by the IDF if Hamas had not gone into Israel and murdered and kidnapped innocent civilians.
It is sad you had to even say this.

In fact, we should post that the sun is sunny and snow is cold, for those on the Left who are unaware of these things.
I would tell the families that I was doing everything I could to locate them and free them, which I would do

But negotiate? No, not a chance.

In fact, why is Biden not actively going after US hostages, citizens of the US who are held hostage by Hamas?

That is unforgiveable.
I suspect there is a hell of a lot of behind the scenes diplomacy going on to try to secure their release. This the sort of stuff that has to get done out of the public eye, not over megaphone. I would hate to be in the position to have to make these kind of choices.
I suspect there is a hell of a lot of behind the scenes diplomacy going on to try to secure their release. This the sort of stuff that has to get done out of the public eye, not over megaphone. I would hate to be in the position to have to make these kind of choices.
Negotiation is why these hostages were taken in the first place.

Once you devalue them, you devalue the desire to take hostages.

Why is this concept hard for you?

People are now protesting Israel for accidentally killing some hostages taken by Hamas?

What the hell for? Do these loons really thing Israel purposefully killed these hostages? The taking of those hostages is part of why the IDF is there. Shouldn't people be protesting Hamas for taking the hostages in the first place?

What the hell is wrong with people?

I think it a mistake for Israel to even negotiate with the taken hostages as it only inspires Hamas to take more hostages.

Sheer insanity.
If the US had done this, you’d be blaming Biden.
If the US had done this, you’d be blaming Biden.
If a group of highly armed combatants slaughtered elderly women and children in mass, and then he went after them to kill them all, I can guarantee I would have no problem with it and would expect innocent people to die and suffer as a result.

1200 Israelites were slaughtered. That is a huge number considering there are very few of them to begin with as they live in a small land, about the size of New Jersey.

This is a fight for their very survival. It is either fight, or jump into the ovens made in Iran.

The choice is their own, but if you ask me, it is not much of a choice, it is a duty.
How about just don't take civilians hostage?

Duh fuckin duh
For the life of me, I don't understand why even Congressmen in the US could not condemn the slaughter of innocent civilians who were openly targeted by Hamas, along with the hostages taken, including US citizens

To me, they have no humanity, and certainly are not representing US citizens.

They are openly traitors to their country.

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