Proof of failed Democratic Leadership: California ground water.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
California has teetered on the edge of a water catastrophe for many years. The cost to drill new wells is now hundreds of thousands $ per well because the wells need to be drilled so far down to reach the water. Surface water is a dice roll from year to year as winter storms manage to stay barely above crisis levels. But that seems to be enough for California Democrats who focus all of their attention on Sanctuary Status and multi billion dollar bullet trains.

There is no significant effort to reduce water consumption by farmers, no effort to look for alternative crops that use less water, no significant effort in desalinization or grey water. A sustained drought in California will be a crisis that affects the entire country and yet these useless Liberals from the Governor down to the local levels govern with their head in the dry sand. California is the 6th largest economy in the world, they/we cannot afford this irresponsible ignorance.

Beginning of 2018 drought? – December 31, 2017
but but but...California has solar and windmills and open borders and the beginnings of a train they can't afford.....and sanctuary cities and they are letting felons and sex offenders out of prison and everything is awesome!!!!!!

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