Proof Liberalism NEVER works


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
Living rent free in libs heads
Commentary By

Stephen Moore @StephenMoore

Stephen Moore, who formerly wrote on the economy and public policy for The Wall Street Journal, is a distinguished visiting fellow for the Project for Economic Growth at The Heritage Foundation. Read his research.

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren recently appeared on one of the late night talk shows, beating the class warfare drum and arguing for billions of dollars in new social programs paid for with higher taxes on millionaires and billionaires. In recent years, though, blue states such as California, Illinois, Delaware, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland and Minnesota adopted this very strategy, and they raised taxes on their wealthy residents. How did it work out? Almost all of these states lag behind the national average in growth of jobs and incomes.

So, if income redistribution policies are the solution to shrinking the gap between rich and poor, why do they fail so miserably in the states?

Day after day, the middle class keeps leaving California. The wealthy areas such as San Francisco and the Silicon Valley boom. Yet the state has nearly the highest poverty rate in the nation.

The blue states that try to lift up the poor with high taxes, high welfare benefits, high minimum wages and other Robin Hood policies tend to be the places where the rich end up the richest and the poor the poorest.

California is the prototypical example. It has the highest tax rates of any state. It has very generous welfare benefits. Many of its cities have a high minimum wage. But day after day, the middle class keeps leaving. The wealthy areas such as San Francisco and the Silicon Valley boom. Yet the state has nearly the highest poverty rate in the nation. The Golden State, alas, has become the inequality state.

These Blue States Have Tried the Elizabeth Warren Model

more proof liberalism doesn't work. Libs love to steal other peoples money. It never works and actually makes the poor worse off; but hey they FEEL GOOD! Another example of all emotion, no brains.
Tony Blair says 'flabby liberalism' is helping terrorists because elite feel too 'guilty' to take on the extremists
  • Former Labour PM said many in politics are ‘unwilling to take people on’
  • He said many feared that they will be seen as intolerant of other cultures
  • Speaking ahead of the terror atrocities in Brussels: ‘We have to fight back'
By Eleanor Harding for the Daily Mail

Published: 07:34 EST, 22 March 2016 | Updated: 07:50 EST, 22 March 2016

Tony Blair has warned that ‘flabby liberalism’ is helping terrorists because Britain’s elite feel too ‘guilty’ to tackle the spread of extremism.

The former Labour prime minister said many in politics are now ‘unwilling to take people on’, fearing that they will be seen as intolerant of other cultures.

Speaking ahead of today’s terror atrocities in Brussels, he branded such an approach ‘ridiculous’ and said it had left our country’s liberal values vulnerable to abuse.

Mr Blair urged the establishment to ‘defeat violence’ by ‘attacking extremist thinking’ in schools and wider society. And he said there needs to be a tougher centre ground approach to migration and the refugee crisis, which for many politicians is a still a toxic issue.


Tony Blair has warned that ‘flabby liberalism’ is helping terrorists because Britain’s elite feel too ‘guilty’ to tackle the spread of extremism

He told the BBC: ‘We're in a situation where we have to fight back.

‘The centre has become flabby and unwilling to take people on. We concede far too much.

‘There's this idea that you're part of an elite if you think in terms of respectful tolerance towards other people. It's ridiculous.’


Read more: Tony Blair says 'flabby liberalism' is helping terrorists
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Commentary By

Stephen Moore @StephenMoore

Stephen Moore, who formerly wrote on the economy and public policy for The Wall Street Journal, is a distinguished visiting fellow for the Project for Economic Growth at The Heritage Foundation. Read his research.

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren recently appeared on one of the late night talk shows, beating the class warfare drum and arguing for billions of dollars in new social programs paid for with higher taxes on millionaires and billionaires. In recent years, though, blue states such as California, Illinois, Delaware, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland and Minnesota adopted this very strategy, and they raised taxes on their wealthy residents. How did it work out? Almost all of these states lag behind the national average in growth of jobs and incomes.

So, if income redistribution policies are the solution to shrinking the gap between rich and poor, why do they fail so miserably in the states?

Day after day, the middle class keeps leaving California. The wealthy areas such as San Francisco and the Silicon Valley boom. Yet the state has nearly the highest poverty rate in the nation.

The blue states that try to lift up the poor with high taxes, high welfare benefits, high minimum wages and other Robin Hood policies tend to be the places where the rich end up the richest and the poor the poorest.

California is the prototypical example. It has the highest tax rates of any state. It has very generous welfare benefits. Many of its cities have a high minimum wage. But day after day, the middle class keeps leaving. The wealthy areas such as San Francisco and the Silicon Valley boom. Yet the state has nearly the highest poverty rate in the nation. The Golden State, alas, has become the inequality state.

These Blue States Have Tried the Elizabeth Warren Model

more proof liberalism doesn't work. Libs love to steal other peoples money. It never works and actually makes the poor worse off; but hey they FEEL GOOD! Another example of all emotion, no brains.

Take a look at what teabaggerism did to Louisiana. Epic fail.
Commentary By

Stephen Moore @StephenMoore

Stephen Moore, who formerly wrote on the economy and public policy for The Wall Street Journal, is a distinguished visiting fellow for the Project for Economic Growth at The Heritage Foundation. Read his research.

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren recently appeared on one of the late night talk shows, beating the class warfare drum and arguing for billions of dollars in new social programs paid for with higher taxes on millionaires and billionaires. In recent years, though, blue states such as California, Illinois, Delaware, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland and Minnesota adopted this very strategy, and they raised taxes on their wealthy residents. How did it work out? Almost all of these states lag behind the national average in growth of jobs and incomes.

So, if income redistribution policies are the solution to shrinking the gap between rich and poor, why do they fail so miserably in the states?

Day after day, the middle class keeps leaving California. The wealthy areas such as San Francisco and the Silicon Valley boom. Yet the state has nearly the highest poverty rate in the nation.

The blue states that try to lift up the poor with high taxes, high welfare benefits, high minimum wages and other Robin Hood policies tend to be the places where the rich end up the richest and the poor the poorest.

California is the prototypical example. It has the highest tax rates of any state. It has very generous welfare benefits. Many of its cities have a high minimum wage. But day after day, the middle class keeps leaving. The wealthy areas such as San Francisco and the Silicon Valley boom. Yet the state has nearly the highest poverty rate in the nation. The Golden State, alas, has become the inequality state.

These Blue States Have Tried the Elizabeth Warren Model

more proof liberalism doesn't work. Libs love to steal other peoples money. It never works and actually makes the poor worse off; but hey they FEEL GOOD! Another example of all emotion, no brains.
This article makes no case that rightwing policies work in contrast. How do you explain the economjc failures of states like MS?
Tony Blair says 'flabby liberalism' is helping terrorists because elite feel too 'guilty' to take on the extremists
  • Former Labour PM said many in politics are ‘unwilling to take people on’
  • He said many feared that they will be seen as intolerant of other cultures
  • Speaking ahead of the terror atrocities in Brussels: ‘We have to fight back'
By Eleanor Harding for the Daily Mail

Published: 07:34 EST, 22 March 2016 | Updated: 07:50 EST, 22 March 2016

Tony Blair has warned that ‘flabby liberalism’ is helping terrorists because Britain’s elite feel too ‘guilty’ to tackle the spread of extremism.

The former Labour prime minister said many in politics are now ‘unwilling to take people on’, fearing that they will be seen as intolerant of other cultures.

Speaking ahead of today’s terror atrocities in Brussels, he branded such an approach ‘ridiculous’ and said it had left our country’s liberal values vulnerable to abuse.

Mr Blair urged the establishment to ‘defeat violence’ by ‘attacking extremist thinking’ in schools and wider society. And he said there needs to be a tougher centre ground approach to migration and the refugee crisis, which for many politicians is a still a toxic issue.


Tony Blair has warned that ‘flabby liberalism’ is helping terrorists because Britain’s elite feel too ‘guilty’ to tackle the spread of extremism

He told the BBC: ‘We're in a situation where we have to fight back.

‘The centre has become flabby and unwilling to take people on. We concede far too much.

‘There's this idea that you're part of an elite if you think in terms of respectful tolerance towards other people. It's ridiculous.’


Read more: Tony Blair says 'flabby liberalism' is helping terrorists
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

"Market forces cannot educate us or equip us for this world of rapid technological and economic change. We must do it together. We cannot buy your way to a safe society. We must work for it together. And we cannot purchase an option on whether we grow old. We must plan for it together. We cannot protect the ordinary against the abuse of power by leaving them to it; we must protect each other. That is our insight, a belief in society, working together, solidarity, cooperation, partnership. These are our words. This is my socialism, and we should stop apologising for using the word. (Applause) It is not the socialism of Marx or state control. It is rooted in a straightforward view of society, in the understanding that the individual does best in a strong and decent community of people with principles and standards and common aims and values. We are the party of the individual because we are the party of community. It is social-ism, and our task is to apply those values to the modern world."

Tony Blair - 1994
The former Labour prime minister said many in politics are now ‘unwilling to take people on’, fearing that they will be seen as intolerant of other cultures.
That is so true.

It's appalling to realize how many decisions get made (or avoided) nowadays, not based on what's best for the situation, but based simply on what some unknown persons "might think of it".

That's simple cowardice.

And it's found in liberals in both parties.
Tony Blair says 'flabby liberalism' is helping terrorists because elite feel too 'guilty' to take on the extremists
  • Former Labour PM said many in politics are ‘unwilling to take people on’
  • He said many feared that they will be seen as intolerant of other cultures
  • Speaking ahead of the terror atrocities in Brussels: ‘We have to fight back'
By Eleanor Harding for the Daily Mail

Published: 07:34 EST, 22 March 2016 | Updated: 07:50 EST, 22 March 2016

Tony Blair has warned that ‘flabby liberalism’ is helping terrorists because Britain’s elite feel too ‘guilty’ to tackle the spread of extremism.

The former Labour prime minister said many in politics are now ‘unwilling to take people on’, fearing that they will be seen as intolerant of other cultures.

Speaking ahead of today’s terror atrocities in Brussels, he branded such an approach ‘ridiculous’ and said it had left our country’s liberal values vulnerable to abuse.

Mr Blair urged the establishment to ‘defeat violence’ by ‘attacking extremist thinking’ in schools and wider society. And he said there needs to be a tougher centre ground approach to migration and the refugee crisis, which for many politicians is a still a toxic issue.


Tony Blair has warned that ‘flabby liberalism’ is helping terrorists because Britain’s elite feel too ‘guilty’ to tackle the spread of extremism

He told the BBC: ‘We're in a situation where we have to fight back.

‘The centre has become flabby and unwilling to take people on. We concede far too much.

‘There's this idea that you're part of an elite if you think in terms of respectful tolerance towards other people. It's ridiculous.’


Read more: Tony Blair says 'flabby liberalism' is helping terrorists
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

"Market forces cannot educate us or equip us for this world of rapid technological and economic change. We must do it together. We cannot buy your way to a safe society. We must work for it together. And we cannot purchase an option on whether we grow old. We must plan for it together. We cannot protect the ordinary against the abuse of power by leaving them to it; we must protect each other. That is our insight, a belief in society, working together, solidarity, cooperation, partnership. These are our words. This is my socialism, and we should stop apologising for using the word. (Applause) It is not the socialism of Marx or state control. It is rooted in a straightforward view of society, in the understanding that the individual does best in a strong and decent community of people with principles and standards and common aims and values. We are the party of the individual because we are the party of community. It is social-ism, and our task is to apply those values to the modern world."

Tony Blair - 1994
He's talking about Britain and that's his socialism of 22 years ago...

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