Project veritas exposes youtube for electoral manipulation prior to abortion vote in Ireland


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Project Veritas Exposes YouTube for Electoral Manipulation Prior to Abortion Vote in Ireland - Big League Politics
James O’Keefe of Project Veritas is back with another disclosure proving the bias of the corporate giant Google as their agenda to censor conservative and Christian viewpoints becomes more abundantly clear.

When Hitler rises in the West just look at those sites who shut down. block censors what is so funny is these stupid asses can't figure it out when you have a 1 side faience you can't profit from a one sided bunch of idiots lmfao.
A study of Hitler and our Democrat party should be viewed side by side for parallel's in an investigation of both.
For how much longer the manipulation of these totalitarians tech tyrants will be allowed to continue?

These traitors should be sued. NOW.
For how much longer the manipulation of these totalitarians tech tyrants will be allowed to continue?

These traitors should be sued. NOW.
The days of the "Tower of Babylon" seem to be back upon the world once again.
Iwatched the project veritas video it was yesterday
The girl just spilled the beans ..jen gennai

It got a million views in 24 hours before they yanked it :04:
others on the right were throwing copies up all over you tube the left wing progressive nazi morons couldn't ban em fast enough
the copy i watched they banned

OF course they cant touch bit chute

No wonder they're scrambling for cover


Every ones favorite Canadian lefty BP chimed in after everyone else did

And in other authoritarian globo homo left wing nazi progressive scum news! Facebook is now also at it with the French government ....theyre going after "hate Speech"

We all know what that means
Nazism will be right wing forever no matter what your propaganda machine brain washes you into, Super dupers. All respected journalists and law enforcement around the world says you are nuts.
Nazism will be right wing forever no matter what your propaganda machine brain washes you into, Super dupers. All respected journalists and law enforcement around the world says you are nuts.
American neo nazis will tell you they are socialist.
The only difference between you and those morons is that they're nationalist and white supremacists. they want socialist programs! they want free college ,health care and everything else...but only for whites only ..

The national socialist of Germany lead by that glorious socialist Hitler
The nazis had national health care , child care, food for the poor and a bunch of other programs Long before the war broke out

They also eliminated or incorporated all private charity early in the 30's ...all giving , assistance , and help was done by the state ...

The majority of us American Right wingers have nothing ideological wise with nazi socialists or commies like your pathetic useful idiot self

I joke around and hurl racial slurs BUt no i dont share their white supremacists views

OUR White minority (we are one of the planets true minorities ) culture and capitalism is far superior to anything else on the planet ..i welcome the productive who would like to assimilate and dont need food stamps on day 2....

.everyone else on the planet can fuck off and die

Ive seen you blow over your lefty economic and social beliefs on other threads .
Youre wasting your breath on a right wing capitalist pig like me and youre only going to be trying to convince yourself of your useful idiot left wing progressive nazi beliefs
Nazism will be right wing forever no matter what your propaganda machine brain washes you into, Super dupers. All respected journalists and law enforcement around the world says you are nuts.
American neo nazis will tell you they are socialist.
The only difference between you and those morons is that they're nationalist and white supremacists. they want socialist programs! they want free college ,health care and everything else...but only for whites only ..

The national socialist of Germany lead by that glorious socialist Hitler
The nazis had national health care , child care, food for the poor and a bunch of other programs Long before the war broke out

They also eliminated or incorporated all private charity early in the 30's ...all giving , assistance , and help was done by the state ...

The majority of us American Right wingers have nothing ideological wise with nazi socialists or commies like your pathetic useful idiot self

I joke around and hurl racial slurs BUt no i dont share their white supremacists views

OUR White minority (we are one of the planets true minorities ) culture and capitalism is far superior to anything else on the planet ..i welcome the productive who would like to assimilate and dont need food stamps on day 2....

.everyone else on the planet can fuck off and die

Ive seen you blow over your lefty economic and social beliefs on other threads .
Youre wasting your breath on a right wing capitalist pig like me and youre only going to be trying to convince yourself of your useful idiot left wing progressive nazi beliefs
Well I have a masters in history and I'm telling you what polite society and academics and everybody that Reads
knows. Yes Hitler promised full employment jobs jobs jobs and he produced them, mainly through debt and confiscation of Jewish assets. He had to go to war it was a war economy. That is not socialist and socialist is not communist it's just fair capitalism with a good safety net. The United States is Healthcare short of being socialist. only the UK and the United States Canada Australia New Zealand have a problem with the term socialist like we do. It's a capitalist and English-speaking thing. But the new leave the English-speaking countries also all have a channel or an ocean between them in the continent of Europe, their big advantage and they think they're geniuses. LOL

Anyway socialism in the modern world now is fair capitalism that's all. Only propaganda makes it possible. And ignorance. Why are we the only rich country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration?well it's because we are the only rich country with a flat tax system Tama a giveaway to the rich that only propaganda makes possible.
Project Veritas Exposes YouTube for Electoral Manipulation Prior to Abortion Vote in Ireland - Big League Politics
James O’Keefe of Project Veritas is back with another disclosure proving the bias of the corporate giant Google as their agenda to censor conservative and Christian viewpoints becomes more abundantly clear.

When Hitler rises in the West just look at those sites who shut down. block censors what is so funny is these stupid asses can't figure it out when you have a 1 side faience you can't profit from a one sided bunch of idiots lmfao.
Is James O'Keefe still out of jail.... Pathetic propaganda sheet.
Nazism will be right wing forever no matter what your propaganda machine brain washes you into, Super dupers. All respected journalists and law enforcement around the world says you are nuts.
American neo nazis will tell you they are socialist.
The only difference between you and those morons is that they're nationalist and white supremacists. they want socialist programs! they want free college ,health care and everything else...but only for whites only ..

The national socialist of Germany lead by that glorious socialist Hitler
The nazis had national health care , child care, food for the poor and a bunch of other programs Long before the war broke out

They also eliminated or incorporated all private charity early in the 30's ...all giving , assistance , and help was done by the state ...

The majority of us American Right wingers have nothing ideological wise with nazi socialists or commies like your pathetic useful idiot self

I joke around and hurl racial slurs BUt no i dont share their white supremacists views

OUR White minority (we are one of the planets true minorities ) culture and capitalism is far superior to anything else on the planet ..i welcome the productive who would like to assimilate and dont need food stamps on day 2....

.everyone else on the planet can fuck off and die

Ive seen you blow over your lefty economic and social beliefs on other threads .
Youre wasting your breath on a right wing capitalist pig like me and youre only going to be trying to convince yourself of your useful idiot left wing progressive nazi beliefs
Well I have a masters in history and I'm telling you what polite society and academics and everybody that Reads
knows. Yes Hitler promised full employment jobs jobs jobs and he produced them, mainly through debt and confiscation of Jewish assets. He had to go to war it was a war economy. That is not socialist and socialist is not communist it's just fair capitalism with a good safety net. The United States is Healthcare short of being socialist. only the UK and the United States Canada Australia New Zealand have a problem with the term socialist like we do. It's a capitalist and English-speaking thing. But the new leave the English-speaking countries also all have a channel or an ocean between them in the continent of Europe, their big advantage and they think they're geniuses. LOL

Anyway socialism in the modern world now is fair capitalism that's all. Only propaganda makes it possible. And ignorance. Why are we the only rich country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration?well it's because we are the only rich country with a flat tax system Tama a giveaway to the rich that only propaganda makes possible.

why are you ignoring that lefttards have more in common with the nazis ?
If you have a masters in history learn who tagged the Nazis as " right wingers " in the late 50's and made it stick

LOOK to Spain

Then burn your degree and piss on everyone of your commie peers. Youre mostly losers misfits and failures ....even the well paid well read RED ones.....tee hee
You have a giant flawed social safety net right now
No one has faith in the well educated morons of the left, their useful idiots are an even bigger joke ......... OR the establishment politicians to make anything better or even run better for that matter .
Nazism will be right wing forever no matter what your propaganda machine brain washes you into, Super dupers. All respected journalists and law enforcement around the world says you are nuts.
American neo nazis will tell you they are socialist.
The only difference between you and those morons is that they're nationalist and white supremacists. they want socialist programs! they want free college ,health care and everything else...but only for whites only ..

The national socialist of Germany lead by that glorious socialist Hitler
The nazis had national health care , child care, food for the poor and a bunch of other programs Long before the war broke out

They also eliminated or incorporated all private charity early in the 30's ...all giving , assistance , and help was done by the state ...

The majority of us American Right wingers have nothing ideological wise with nazi socialists or commies like your pathetic useful idiot self

I joke around and hurl racial slurs BUt no i dont share their white supremacists views

OUR White minority (we are one of the planets true minorities ) culture and capitalism is far superior to anything else on the planet ..i welcome the productive who would like to assimilate and dont need food stamps on day 2....

.everyone else on the planet can fuck off and die

Ive seen you blow over your lefty economic and social beliefs on other threads .
Youre wasting your breath on a right wing capitalist pig like me and youre only going to be trying to convince yourself of your useful idiot left wing progressive nazi beliefs
Well I have a masters in history and I'm telling you what polite society and academics and everybody that Reads
knows. Yes Hitler promised full employment jobs jobs jobs and he produced them, mainly through debt and confiscation of Jewish assets. He had to go to war it was a war economy. That is not socialist and socialist is not communist it's just fair capitalism with a good safety net. The United States is Healthcare short of being socialist. only the UK and the United States Canada Australia New Zealand have a problem with the term socialist like we do. It's a capitalist and English-speaking thing. But the new leave the English-speaking countries also all have a channel or an ocean between them in the continent of Europe, their big advantage and they think they're geniuses. LOL

Anyway socialism in the modern world now is fair capitalism that's all. Only propaganda makes it possible. And ignorance. Why are we the only rich country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration?well it's because we are the only rich country with a flat tax system Tama a giveaway to the rich that only propaganda makes possible.

why are you ignoring that lefttards have more in common with the nazis ?
If you have a masters in history learn who tagged the Nazis as " right wingers " in the late 50's and made it stick

LOOK to Spain

Then burn your degree and piss on everyone of your commie peers. Youre mostly losers misfits and failures ....even the well paid well read RED ones.....tee hee
You have a giant flawed social safety net right now
No one has faith in the well educated morons of the left, their useful idiots are an even bigger joke ......... OR the establishment politicians to make anything better or even run better for that matter .
I lived there for a year and a half in 1992 and visited under Franco back in the 60s early 70s and I know what fascism is. And it is not left-wing and it is not socialist. Communism is the left wing totalitarianism.
Back to the topic

Which we weren't to far off on ...SEE book burning nazi left wing progressives

James O'Keefe

Follow Follow @JamesOKeefeIII
BREAKING UPDATE: @Vimeo has BANNED our account days after @YouTube PULLED our video. They keep citing "privacy violations." BEING EMBARRASSED BY LEGITIMATE INVESTIGATE JOURNALISM is not a "privacy violation." Video STILL ON BITCHUTE. DOWNLOAD + SHARE:
Veritas Visuals

Broads and BETA cucks ....IM shocked
But wait theirs more
everyday is kristallnacht in the progressive nazi FUSA!!!

Election Meddling: Reddit Quarantines ‘The Donald’ Forum On First Night of Presidential Debates
Hugely influential forum locked down after a single complaint from a left-wing journalist.

Published 3 mins ago on 26 June, 2019 Paul Joseph Watson 7 Comments
Reddit has quarantined the hugely popular ‘The Donald’ forum on the night of the first Democratic presidential debates in yet another flagrant example of Big Tech election meddling.
Users attempting to access the forum are met with a warning message asking them “are you sure you want to visit this community?”
“The_Donald has officially been quarantined by Reddit. They waited until the election to totally suppress us,” tweeted the forum’s owner.

From their twitter site:
A mod responded to em Straight up With NO bs.... dont know how true it is (if thats a real reddit mod or not ) but the way moron lefttarded progressive nazis act I wouldn't doubt it or the story

1 the don reddit.png
Nazism will be right wing forever no matter what your propaganda machine brain washes you into, Super dupers. All respected journalists and law enforcement around the world says you are nuts.
American neo nazis will tell you they are socialist.
The only difference between you and those morons is that they're nationalist and white supremacists. they want socialist programs! they want free college ,health care and everything else...but only for whites only ..

The national socialist of Germany lead by that glorious socialist Hitler
The nazis had national health care , child care, food for the poor and a bunch of other programs Long before the war broke out

They also eliminated or incorporated all private charity early in the 30's ...all giving , assistance , and help was done by the state ...

The majority of us American Right wingers have nothing ideological wise with nazi socialists or commies like your pathetic useful idiot self

I joke around and hurl racial slurs BUt no i dont share their white supremacists views

OUR White minority (we are one of the planets true minorities ) culture and capitalism is far superior to anything else on the planet ..i welcome the productive who would like to assimilate and dont need food stamps on day 2....

.everyone else on the planet can fuck off and die

Ive seen you blow over your lefty economic and social beliefs on other threads .
Youre wasting your breath on a right wing capitalist pig like me and youre only going to be trying to convince yourself of your useful idiot left wing progressive nazi beliefs
Well I have a masters in history and I'm telling you what polite society and academics and everybody that Reads
knows. Yes Hitler promised full employment jobs jobs jobs and he produced them, mainly through debt and confiscation of Jewish assets. He had to go to war it was a war economy. That is not socialist and socialist is not communist it's just fair capitalism with a good safety net. The United States is Healthcare short of being socialist. only the UK and the United States Canada Australia New Zealand have a problem with the term socialist like we do. It's a capitalist and English-speaking thing. But the new leave the English-speaking countries also all have a channel or an ocean between them in the continent of Europe, their big advantage and they think they're geniuses. LOL

Anyway socialism in the modern world now is fair capitalism that's all. Only propaganda makes it possible. And ignorance. Why are we the only rich country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration?well it's because we are the only rich country with a flat tax system Tama a giveaway to the rich that only propaganda makes possible.

why are you ignoring that lefttards have more in common with the nazis ?
If you have a masters in history learn who tagged the Nazis as " right wingers " in the late 50's and made it stick

LOOK to Spain

Then burn your degree and piss on everyone of your commie peers. Youre mostly losers misfits and failures ....even the well paid well read RED ones.....tee hee
You have a giant flawed social safety net right now
No one has faith in the well educated morons of the left, their useful idiots are an even bigger joke ......... OR the establishment politicians to make anything better or even run better for that matter .
the greatest generation is spinning in their graves listening to you.
Nazism will be right wing forever no matter what your propaganda machine brain washes you into, Super dupers. All respected journalists and law enforcement around the world says you are nuts.
American neo nazis will tell you they are socialist.
The only difference between you and those morons is that they're nationalist and white supremacists. they want socialist programs! they want free college ,health care and everything else...but only for whites only ..

The national socialist of Germany lead by that glorious socialist Hitler
The nazis had national health care , child care, food for the poor and a bunch of other programs Long before the war broke out

They also eliminated or incorporated all private charity early in the 30's ...all giving , assistance , and help was done by the state ...

The majority of us American Right wingers have nothing ideological wise with nazi socialists or commies like your pathetic useful idiot self

I joke around and hurl racial slurs BUt no i dont share their white supremacists views

OUR White minority (we are one of the planets true minorities ) culture and capitalism is far superior to anything else on the planet ..i welcome the productive who would like to assimilate and dont need food stamps on day 2....

.everyone else on the planet can fuck off and die

Ive seen you blow over your lefty economic and social beliefs on other threads .
Youre wasting your breath on a right wing capitalist pig like me and youre only going to be trying to convince yourself of your useful idiot left wing progressive nazi beliefs
Well I have a masters in history and I'm telling you what polite society and academics and everybody that Reads
knows. Yes Hitler promised full employment jobs jobs jobs and he produced them, mainly through debt and confiscation of Jewish assets. He had to go to war it was a war economy. That is not socialist and socialist is not communist it's just fair capitalism with a good safety net. The United States is Healthcare short of being socialist. only the UK and the United States Canada Australia New Zealand have a problem with the term socialist like we do. It's a capitalist and English-speaking thing. But the new leave the English-speaking countries also all have a channel or an ocean between them in the continent of Europe, their big advantage and they think they're geniuses. LOL

Anyway socialism in the modern world now is fair capitalism that's all. Only propaganda makes it possible. And ignorance. Why are we the only rich country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration?well it's because we are the only rich country with a flat tax system Tama a giveaway to the rich that only propaganda makes possible.

why are you ignoring that lefttards have more in common with the nazis ?
If you have a masters in history learn who tagged the Nazis as " right wingers " in the late 50's and made it stick

LOOK to Spain

Then burn your degree and piss on everyone of your commie peers. Youre mostly losers misfits and failures ....even the well paid well read RED ones.....tee hee
You have a giant flawed social safety net right now
No one has faith in the well educated morons of the left, their useful idiots are an even bigger joke ......... OR the establishment politicians to make anything better or even run better for that matter .
I lived there for a year and a half in 1992 and visited under Franco back in the 60s early 70s and I know what fascism is. And it is not left-wing and it is not socialist. Communism is the left wing totalitarianism.

It was a Spanish college professor ...history major

why did you automatically call the veritas project propaganda when you have the google employee on tape in her own words
go watch and listen to her own words then get back to us

Why do you keep ignoring your national socialist worker party brothers who almost share your exact ideology have much in common ....go hug your socialist rat brothers

since youre a history major what do you admire most about the national socialist workers party National health care system?
AND since the US post offices and roads are "non frightening socialism" (according to quite a few useful idiots and leftwing retards on this very board) how is the nazis national heath care program for everyone NOT Socialist ?
Nazism will be right wing forever no matter what your propaganda machine brain washes you into, Super dupers. All respected journalists and law enforcement around the world says you are nuts.
American neo nazis will tell you they are socialist.
The only difference between you and those morons is that they're nationalist and white supremacists. they want socialist programs! they want free college ,health care and everything else...but only for whites only ..

The national socialist of Germany lead by that glorious socialist Hitler
The nazis had national health care , child care, food for the poor and a bunch of other programs Long before the war broke out

They also eliminated or incorporated all private charity early in the 30's ...all giving , assistance , and help was done by the state ...

The majority of us American Right wingers have nothing ideological wise with nazi socialists or commies like your pathetic useful idiot self

I joke around and hurl racial slurs BUt no i dont share their white supremacists views

OUR White minority (we are one of the planets true minorities ) culture and capitalism is far superior to anything else on the planet ..i welcome the productive who would like to assimilate and dont need food stamps on day 2....

.everyone else on the planet can fuck off and die

Ive seen you blow over your lefty economic and social beliefs on other threads .
Youre wasting your breath on a right wing capitalist pig like me and youre only going to be trying to convince yourself of your useful idiot left wing progressive nazi beliefs
Well I have a masters in history and I'm telling you what polite society and academics and everybody that Reads
knows. Yes Hitler promised full employment jobs jobs jobs and he produced them, mainly through debt and confiscation of Jewish assets. He had to go to war it was a war economy. That is not socialist and socialist is not communist it's just fair capitalism with a good safety net. The United States is Healthcare short of being socialist. only the UK and the United States Canada Australia New Zealand have a problem with the term socialist like we do. It's a capitalist and English-speaking thing. But the new leave the English-speaking countries also all have a channel or an ocean between them in the continent of Europe, their big advantage and they think they're geniuses. LOL

Anyway socialism in the modern world now is fair capitalism that's all. Only propaganda makes it possible. And ignorance. Why are we the only rich country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration?well it's because we are the only rich country with a flat tax system Tama a giveaway to the rich that only propaganda makes possible.

why are you ignoring that lefttards have more in common with the nazis ?
If you have a masters in history learn who tagged the Nazis as " right wingers " in the late 50's and made it stick

LOOK to Spain

Then burn your degree and piss on everyone of your commie peers. Youre mostly losers misfits and failures ....even the well paid well read RED ones.....tee hee
You have a giant flawed social safety net right now
No one has faith in the well educated morons of the left, their useful idiots are an even bigger joke ......... OR the establishment politicians to make anything better or even run better for that matter .
I lived there for a year and a half in 1992 and visited under Franco back in the 60s early 70s and I know what fascism is. And it is not left-wing and it is not socialist. Communism is the left wing totalitarianism.

It was a Spanish college professor ...history major

why did you automatically call the veritas project propaganda when you have the google employee on tape in her own words
go watch and listen to her own words then get back to us

Why do you keep ignoring your national socialist worker party brothers who almost share your exact ideology have much in common ....go hug your socialist rat brothers

since youre a history major what do you admire most about the national socialist workers party National health care system?
AND since the US post offices and roads are "non frightening socialism" (according to quite a few useful idiots and leftwing retards on this very board) how is the nazis national heath care program for everyone NOT Socialist ?
they already had universal healthcare before Hitler. He promised jobs jobs jobs. And he delivered that, based on debt and confiscated Jewish assets.communism is totalitarian. Socialism is democratic end of story Nazism is right wing they kept the corporations they loved the aristocrats and company owners. Hated minorities. Right wing....

your brainwashed brand new theory that Nazis were socialists is absolute garbage propaganda
American neo nazis will tell you they are socialist.
The only difference between you and those morons is that they're nationalist and white supremacists. they want socialist programs! they want free college ,health care and everything else...but only for whites only ..

The national socialist of Germany lead by that glorious socialist Hitler
The nazis had national health care , child care, food for the poor and a bunch of other programs Long before the war broke out

They also eliminated or incorporated all private charity early in the 30's ...all giving , assistance , and help was done by the state ...

The majority of us American Right wingers have nothing ideological wise with nazi socialists or commies like your pathetic useful idiot self

I joke around and hurl racial slurs BUt no i dont share their white supremacists views

OUR White minority (we are one of the planets true minorities ) culture and capitalism is far superior to anything else on the planet ..i welcome the productive who would like to assimilate and dont need food stamps on day 2....

.everyone else on the planet can fuck off and die

Ive seen you blow over your lefty economic and social beliefs on other threads .
Youre wasting your breath on a right wing capitalist pig like me and youre only going to be trying to convince yourself of your useful idiot left wing progressive nazi beliefs
Well I have a masters in history and I'm telling you what polite society and academics and everybody that Reads
knows. Yes Hitler promised full employment jobs jobs jobs and he produced them, mainly through debt and confiscation of Jewish assets. He had to go to war it was a war economy. That is not socialist and socialist is not communist it's just fair capitalism with a good safety net. The United States is Healthcare short of being socialist. only the UK and the United States Canada Australia New Zealand have a problem with the term socialist like we do. It's a capitalist and English-speaking thing. But the new leave the English-speaking countries also all have a channel or an ocean between them in the continent of Europe, their big advantage and they think they're geniuses. LOL

Anyway socialism in the modern world now is fair capitalism that's all. Only propaganda makes it possible. And ignorance. Why are we the only rich country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration?well it's because we are the only rich country with a flat tax system Tama a giveaway to the rich that only propaganda makes possible.

why are you ignoring that lefttards have more in common with the nazis ?
If you have a masters in history learn who tagged the Nazis as " right wingers " in the late 50's and made it stick

LOOK to Spain

Then burn your degree and piss on everyone of your commie peers. Youre mostly losers misfits and failures ....even the well paid well read RED ones.....tee hee
You have a giant flawed social safety net right now
No one has faith in the well educated morons of the left, their useful idiots are an even bigger joke ......... OR the establishment politicians to make anything better or even run better for that matter .
I lived there for a year and a half in 1992 and visited under Franco back in the 60s early 70s and I know what fascism is. And it is not left-wing and it is not socialist. Communism is the left wing totalitarianism.

It was a Spanish college professor ...history major

why did you automatically call the veritas project propaganda when you have the google employee on tape in her own words
go watch and listen to her own words then get back to us

Why do you keep ignoring your national socialist worker party brothers who almost share your exact ideology have much in common ....go hug your socialist rat brothers

since youre a history major what do you admire most about the national socialist workers party National health care system?
AND since the US post offices and roads are "non frightening socialism" (according to quite a few useful idiots and leftwing retards on this very board) how is the nazis national heath care program for everyone NOT Socialist ?
they already had universal healthcare before Hitler. He promised jobs jobs jobs. And he delivered that, based on debt and confiscated Jewish assets.communism is totalitarian. Socialism is democratic end of story Nazism is right wing they kept the corporations they loved the aristocrats and company owners. Hated minorities. Right wing....

your brainwashed brand new theory that Nazis were socialists is absolute garbage propaganda

You ain't got no masters in History, you lying sack of shit. You're not even American, your posting manner makes that glaringly obvious. Shall I pick your posts apart and show why, Stupor Duper?
Well I have a masters in history and I'm telling you what polite society and academics and everybody that Reads
knows. Yes Hitler promised full employment jobs jobs jobs and he produced them, mainly through debt and confiscation of Jewish assets. He had to go to war it was a war economy. That is not socialist and socialist is not communist it's just fair capitalism with a good safety net. The United States is Healthcare short of being socialist. only the UK and the United States Canada Australia New Zealand have a problem with the term socialist like we do. It's a capitalist and English-speaking thing. But the new leave the English-speaking countries also all have a channel or an ocean between them in the continent of Europe, their big advantage and they think they're geniuses. LOL

Anyway socialism in the modern world now is fair capitalism that's all. Only propaganda makes it possible. And ignorance. Why are we the only rich country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration?well it's because we are the only rich country with a flat tax system Tama a giveaway to the rich that only propaganda makes possible.

why are you ignoring that lefttards have more in common with the nazis ?
If you have a masters in history learn who tagged the Nazis as " right wingers " in the late 50's and made it stick

LOOK to Spain

Then burn your degree and piss on everyone of your commie peers. Youre mostly losers misfits and failures ....even the well paid well read RED ones.....tee hee
You have a giant flawed social safety net right now
No one has faith in the well educated morons of the left, their useful idiots are an even bigger joke ......... OR the establishment politicians to make anything better or even run better for that matter .
I lived there for a year and a half in 1992 and visited under Franco back in the 60s early 70s and I know what fascism is. And it is not left-wing and it is not socialist. Communism is the left wing totalitarianism.

It was a Spanish college professor ...history major

why did you automatically call the veritas project propaganda when you have the google employee on tape in her own words
go watch and listen to her own words then get back to us

Why do you keep ignoring your national socialist worker party brothers who almost share your exact ideology have much in common ....go hug your socialist rat brothers

since youre a history major what do you admire most about the national socialist workers party National health care system?
AND since the US post offices and roads are "non frightening socialism" (according to quite a few useful idiots and leftwing retards on this very board) how is the nazis national heath care program for everyone NOT Socialist ?
they already had universal healthcare before Hitler. He promised jobs jobs jobs. And he delivered that, based on debt and confiscated Jewish assets.communism is totalitarian. Socialism is democratic end of story Nazism is right wing they kept the corporations they loved the aristocrats and company owners. Hated minorities. Right wing....

your brainwashed brand new theory that Nazis were socialists is absolute garbage propaganda

You ain't got no masters in History, you lying sack of shit. You're not even American, your posting manner makes that glaringly obvious. Shall I pick your posts apart and show why, Stupor Duper?
I don't care what you think oh, you are an idiot ignoramus. Like all GOP voters now but you are nuts. LOL
Project Veritas Exposes YouTube for Electoral Manipulation Prior to Abortion Vote in Ireland - Big League Politics
James O’Keefe of Project Veritas is back with another disclosure proving the bias of the corporate giant Google as their agenda to censor conservative and Christian viewpoints becomes more abundantly clear.

When Hitler rises in the West just look at those sites who shut down. block censors what is so funny is these stupid asses can't figure it out when you have a 1 side faience you can't profit from a one sided bunch of idiots lmfao.
Project veritus has never "exposed" anything. They invent conspiracy theories out of whole cloth and show them to the hard of thinking.
why are you ignoring that lefttards have more in common with the nazis ?
If you have a masters in history learn who tagged the Nazis as " right wingers " in the late 50's and made it stick

LOOK to Spain

Then burn your degree and piss on everyone of your commie peers. Youre mostly losers misfits and failures ....even the well paid well read RED ones.....tee hee
You have a giant flawed social safety net right now
No one has faith in the well educated morons of the left, their useful idiots are an even bigger joke ......... OR the establishment politicians to make anything better or even run better for that matter .
I lived there for a year and a half in 1992 and visited under Franco back in the 60s early 70s and I know what fascism is. And it is not left-wing and it is not socialist. Communism is the left wing totalitarianism.

It was a Spanish college professor ...history major

why did you automatically call the veritas project propaganda when you have the google employee on tape in her own words
go watch and listen to her own words then get back to us

Why do you keep ignoring your national socialist worker party brothers who almost share your exact ideology have much in common ....go hug your socialist rat brothers

since youre a history major what do you admire most about the national socialist workers party National health care system?
AND since the US post offices and roads are "non frightening socialism" (according to quite a few useful idiots and leftwing retards on this very board) how is the nazis national heath care program for everyone NOT Socialist ?
they already had universal healthcare before Hitler. He promised jobs jobs jobs. And he delivered that, based on debt and confiscated Jewish assets.communism is totalitarian. Socialism is democratic end of story Nazism is right wing they kept the corporations they loved the aristocrats and company owners. Hated minorities. Right wing....

your brainwashed brand new theory that Nazis were socialists is absolute garbage propaganda

You ain't got no masters in History, you lying sack of shit. You're not even American, your posting manner makes that glaringly obvious. Shall I pick your posts apart and show why, Stupor Duper?
I don't care what you think oh, you are an idiot ignoramus. Like all GOP voters now but you are nuts. LOL

Okay bitch:

"they already had universal healthcare before Hitler." <<This is a sentence you typed. What's wrong with it?

"communism is totalitarian." <<Another one.

Socialism is democratic end of story Nazism is right wing they kept the corporations they loved the aristocrats and company owners." What the fucking fuck is this hot mess?

Anyone with a Master's degree would read and write Proper English, bitch. You have to submit proper theses and many proper research papers in Proper English order to earn those degrees.

You don't even type coherently; Ergo you lied about having a Master's degree.

I came to that conclusion by deductive reasoning.
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