Progressive Left Wing Liberal Party


The Left’s War on Minorities, the Poor, and Working Americans

April 5, 2013
By Discover The Networks

The “progressive” policies of the socialist left, under the banners of “social justice,” “equality,” and “compassion,” have inflicted catastrophe in many forms—poverty, moral decline, criminality, violence, illness, and death—upon countless millions of people. The programs and policies that led to these disastrous outcomes were often promoted by “progressives” as expressions of high-minded “liberal” idealism that promised to improve the living conditions not only of people in great need, but also of those in the middle class.

Progressives view their own prescriptions for all manner of social ills—racism, sexism, homophobia, intolerance, greed, alienation—as solutions uniquely rooted in enlightenment and decency. By contrast, they portray conservative social policy as the outgrowth of selfish greed and mean-spiritedness. But the solutions they have advanced in the form of social and ideological crusades, often prosecuted with messianic zeal, have actually brought immense, needless suffering to the very same “victims” in whose names they have acted.


The Left?s War on Minorities, the Poor, and Working Americans | FrontPage Magazine
Ben Shapiro Exposes Leftist Bullies at Horowitz’s Wednesday Morning Club

April 15, 2013
By Paul Schnee


According to the liberal psyche, if you are opposed to gay marriage then you hate gay people; if you approve of voter I.D. requirements then you are a racist; if you don’t want sequestration then you dislike poor people; if you oppose certain gun-control measures then you don’t care about dead children.

The Liberal Myth Machine distorts everything it touches and, said Shapiro, the righteous indignation of the Left is always in inverse proportion to their ability to argue the facts. That is why the Left lies about what it really is and hides its agenda from view. It has to give the impression that it supports the down-trodden, the dispossessed and the disenfranchised. If people really understood the totalitarian nature of its goals, the Left would never get elected to anything. Who would have voted for the results produced by Stalin, Castro or the Greek government if they had known of them beforehand?


Ben Shapiro entered UCLA at age sixteen and graduated summa cum laude with a BA in political science. He then attended Harvard Law where he graduated cum laude in 2007. To say that he is a “wunderkind” is no exaggeration. Piers Morgan found this out the hard way. When he had Shapiro on as a guest to discuss his book and gun-control, Morgan mounted his high horse, an animal he always keeps closely tethered, and tried to make Shapiro’s position look callous and unfeeling. Shapiro eviscerated Morgan using reason and evidence — two things as distasteful to the Left as garlic is to vampires. At that moment Piers understood the central message of Shapiro’s new book when Shapiro hit him back twice as hard and right between his eyes (with intellectual wisdom of course). As for the rest of us, we can learn the lesson the easy way by listening carefully to what Ben Shapiro has to say and by acting upon the perceptive insights contained from cover to cover in “Bullies.”

Ben Shapiro Exposes Leftist Bullies at Horowitz?s Wednesday Morning Club | FrontPage Magazine
The Origins of Leftist Racial Orthodoxy

May 31, 2012 By Michael Filozof

If "diversity" is good, why do liberals congregate in lily-white enclaves like Vermont (the whitest state in the Union, according to the Census) and Marin County, California? White liberals hector others incessantly about the need for "diversity," but most have no interest in living in neighborhoods with large numbers of blacks. The ideal society in the liberal mind always seems to be a Scandinavian socialist one (which is to say that liberals strive to make the U.S. more like some of the most uniformly white nations in the world).

The liberal enforcers of racial correctness are quick to decry the evils of racism, yet they are quite willing to practice it themselves in the form of affirmative action -- and they are strangely silent when blacks engage in "hate crimes" against whites. Conservatives have been increasingly willing to point out these and other hypocrisies of our racial orthodoxy, but they invariably fail to understand its true origins.

What drives our contemporary racial orthodoxy? Many conservatives mistakenly believe that liberals obsessed by race are afflicted with "white guilt." Not so. The truth about racial matters in the U.S. is this: racial issues are not actually about race. In the hands of the progressive left, race is a tool used by powerful whites against other whites; specifically, race is a weapon used by liberals to bludgeon conservatives and delegitimize conservative, patriotic values.

But it has not always been so.

Prior to World War II, progressives and leftists -- like Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger -- viewed blacks as inferior human scum who should be eliminated through eugenic hygiene. But after World War II, "progressive" thinking about race underwent an astonishing metamorphosis. The American left forged a strategic alliance with blacks, using race to attack the core values of an American society they had now come to despise as the ultimate evil.


The White Negro is perhaps the most important work of literature in postwar America. It provided a blueprint for the cultural revolution of the 1960s, and in hindsight, it explains nearly all left-wing, anti-conservative behavior since. If blacks were social outcasts in American life, then the white enemies of traditional American values would align with them. An immoderate drunk like the late Sen. Edward Kennedy -- who was kicked out of Harvard for cheating, then killed a young girl he was presumably cheating on his wife with, and got away with it -- could not possibly point the finger at blacks and tell them to be honest, chaste, and sober. He could, however, falsely accuse Judge Robert Bork of wanting blacks to "sit at segregated lunch counters" to deflect attention from his own behavior. And it worked. (Today, following the same "enemy of my enemy is my friend" strategy, leftists align themselves with Islamic terrorists and radicals, under whose rule they would never actually want to live.)


Left-wing racial rhetoric about "fairness" and "equality" and "non-discrimination" has been used to conceal a subterranean leftist agenda of anti-Americanism and anti-conservatism for over fifty years. Conservatives persist in stupidly taking this rhetoric at face value; hence, they always find themselves on the racial defensive.

Conservatives need to stop being suckered by this leftist con game, and they need to do it before November.

Read more: Articles: The Origins of Leftist Racial Orthodoxy

Vermont and Maine aren't mostly White because Whites congregated there. Whites were there since they stole the land from the Indians.

Those states are still mostly White because Blacks never migrated there like they did in the rest of the industrialized north.

Sheila Jackson-Lee: “Don’t Condemn the Gangbangers. Blame the Guns.”

April 15, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

The NRA’s slogan has been, “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” Liberals have often mocked it, but they’ve never actually tried to argue that the guns carry the moral responsibility. Until now.

Sheila Jackson-Lee, the dumbest human being in Congress, can always be counted on to offer innovative ideas about the Vietnam War (North Vietnam and South Vietnam are living in peace) or her inability to tell the difference between Mars and the Moon. And this time around, Sheila Jackson-Lee put forward the bold theory that the gangbangers who are behind much of the gun violence murder rate shouldn’t be blamed.


Sheila Jackson-Lee: ?Don?t Condemn the Gangbangers. Blame the Guns.? | FrontPage Magazine

Lee is about as dumb as McKinney...:cuckoo:
Margaret Thatcher’s Passing and the Hateful Spirit of the Left

April 17, 2013
By Mark Hendrickson

Since former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher passed away last week, small pockets of leftists have been figuratively spitting on her memory. You’ve probably seen the stories of their juvenile antics, such as drinking champagne in Trafalgar Square while holding up disrespectful signs and singing “Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead.”


The left, by contrast, prefers to mark this great leader’s passing with derision and disrespect. Part of this is due to simple ignorance combined with a failure of decency. I am thinking here of twenty-something Britons, who have no personal recollections of Thatcher’s time in office, rendering themselves ridiculous by vilifying her. These young people seem sadly ignorant of the historical reality that Thatcher’s visionary leadership and steely resolve revitalized what had become a moribund economy in the UK.


Lenin made the centrality of hatred in leftist movements chillingly explicit. In 1923, he told the Soviet commissars of education, “We must teach our children to hate. Hatred is the basis of communism.” In his tract “Left-Wing Communism,” Lenin baldly asserted that hatred was “the basis of every socialist and Communist movement.”


Now, while the leftists stew in their own pathetic, self-imposed unhappiness, the rest of us can celebrate a life well-lived and remember with gratitude a principled leader who did so much for so many. Bravo, Mrs. Thatcher. Well done!

Margaret Thatcher?s Passing and the Hateful Spirit of the Left | FrontPage Magazine
I see that this thread has devolved into a cut-and-paste scrapbook of well-worn, right-wing rants.
Note To Liberals: Making Excuses Does Not Help Minorities

Written on Friday, April 19, 2013
by David L. Goetsch


I spent 37 years in education. That experience taught me an invaluable lesson, to wit: Students who are serious about learning and committed to getting a good education will do so—regardless of the obstacles. In spite of what liberals like to claim, the race, age, gender, and socio-economic circumstances of students are not the principal determiners of school performance. Performance in the classroom is no different than performance on the playing field. It is the result of desire, commitment, hard work, and perseverance.

The single-most important factor in the performance of students is commitment to learning. Students who are serious about their education do well. Those who lack commitment and look for excuses do not. These rules of thumb apply from Kindergarten through college. Consequently, minorities as a group are not likely to improve their school performance until they stop listening to pandering politicians who would rather provide them with excuses for failure than tell them the truth about how to succeed.


Minorities in America perform well below their white and Asian contemporaries in graduation rates, grade point averages, and scores on standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT. Educators, politicians, and community leaders should be concerned about this unnecessary fact—concerned enough to ask why. Could the disparity exist because minorities are not academically capable? No, this can’t be the reason because too many individual minority students outperform their white and Asian contemporaries. Every year throughout the United States some of the highest performing high school graduates are minorities.
Could the lower academic performance of minorities be—as liberals like to claim—the result of financial discrimination that results in schools with large minority populations being habitually underfunded? No, this cannot be the reason because the highest per-pupil expenditures on education in America are found in school districts with high minority populations such as Washington, D.C., New York, and Los Angeles. Further, many minority students excel in private and charter schools that when compared with public schools are grossly underfunded.

As an elementary and high school student, Dr. Ben Carson could have been the poster child for liberal excuse making concerning the under-performance of minority students. He had it all when it came to making excuses for failure: illiterate single mother, poverty, inner-city streets that resembled war zones, and constant exposure to contemporaries who were angry and resentful toward life in general. But young Ben had something many of his contemporaries did not have: a mother who was committed to seeing him make education his launching pad to a better life, a commitment she passed on to Ben.


Read more: Note To Liberals: Making Excuses Does Not Help Minorities - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update
What the Obama Scandals Reveal About Progressive Ideology

May 17, 2013 By Bruce Thornton

The three scandals dominating the news this week all reveal the moral and intellectual corruption at the heart of progressive ideology. Whether are not these revelations gain enough traction to halt the country’s downward spiral is the more important question.


The moment it came into office the Obama administration bought into the delusional narrative that Islamic jihadist terror is a response to Western historical crimes against Muslims, rather than an expression of Islamic theology. The Israeli “occupation” of Palestine, the depredations of colonialism and imperialism, the resulting dysfunctional economies and oppressive governments in Muslim countries, the arrogant xenophobia and intolerance of American culture, the invasions of Muslim countries after 9/11––all were identified as the “root causes” of terrorism.


What the Obama Scandals Reveal About Progressive Ideology | FrontPage Magazine
If "diversity" is good, why do liberals congregate in lily-white enclaves like Vermont (the whitest state in the Union, according to the Census) and Marin County, California? White liberals hector others incessantly about the need for "diversity," but most have no interest in living in neighborhoods with large numbers of blacks.

I also believe that the government ought to put out housefires, but that does not mean I am going to run into one out of some misguided sense of fairness.
The Progressive Contempt for Liberty

June 19, 2013 By Walter Williams

Grutter v. Bollinger was the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld the University of Michigan Law School’s racial admissions policy. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, writing for the majority, said the U.S. Constitution “does not prohibit the Law School’s narrowly tailored use of race in admissions decisions to further a compelling interest in obtaining the educational benefits that flow from a diverse student body.” But what are the educational benefits of a diverse student body?

Intellectuals argue that diversity is necessary for academic excellence, but what’s the evidence? For example, Japan is a nation bereft of diversity in any activity. Close to 99 percent of its population is of one race. Whose students do you think have higher academic achievement — theirs or ours? According to the 2009 Program for International Student Assessment, the academic performance of U.S. high-school students in reading, math and science pales in comparison with their diversity-starved counterparts in Japan.


But what the heck, the 14th Amendment’s requirement of “equal protection” before the law for everybody can be cast aside in the name of diversity, so why can’t it be cast aside in the name of saving the planet? There are politically favored industries just as there are politically favored groups.


I’m not arguing that today’s progressives are racists like their predecessors, but they share a contempt for liberty, just as President Wilson did. According to Hillsdale College history professor Paul A. Rahe — author of “Soft Despotism, Democracy’s Drift” — in his National Review Online (4/11/13) article “Progressive Racism,” Wilson wanted to persuade his compatriots to get “beyond the Declaration of Independence.” President Wilson said the document “did not mention the questions” of his day, adding, “It is of no consequence to us.” My question is: Why haven’t today’s progressives disavowed their racist predecessors?

The Progressive Contempt for Liberty | FrontPage Magazine
A Leftist’s Harsh Words for the Unholy Alliance

July 12, 2013 By Matthew Vadum

It isn’t often that a leftist thought leader calls out her comrades for aligning themselves with the Islamist enemies of the United States but that’s exactly what Meredith Tax does in her new book.


These secularists that Tax writes of are those unicorns that in the West the mainstream media call moderate Muslims. We keep hearing about these people, and occasionally a few surface for TV cameras, but in most of the Ummah they have no real political power. Islam is not known for embracing pluralism. There may be some secularists in the Islamic world who struggle heroically for freedoms Americans and Europeans taken for granted, and we may admire their bravery and perseverance, but unfortunately in the end they count for little.

As the totalitarian Islamic juggernaut sweeps across Africa and Islamism becomes even more solidly entrenched in the Middle East (thanks in part to Obama administration policies), those who endorse Western-style notions of human rights are increasingly marginalized, terrorized, and liquidated by the powers that be.

Criticizing the Left

Tax chastens her fellow leftists for making common cause with Islamists out of hatred of the U.S. Over the last decade “some groups on the far Left have allied with conservative Muslim organizations that stand for religious discrimination, advocate death for those they consider apostates, oppose gay rights, subordinate women, and seek to impose their views on others through violence,” Tax writes.

This is happening “in the current climate of increasing xenophobia, discrimination and violent attacks upon Muslims in both Europe and North America,” she writes.


Smearing the Right

In her own words, Double Bind is about what’s wrong with the Left’s approach to Islamic terrorism. It is about “what happens when the Left takes up the language and framing of the Muslim Right.”

But Tax’s own taxonomy is troubling.

She defines the Muslim Right as “a range of transnational political movements that mobilize identity politics towards the goal of a theocratic state.” This means that in Tax’s world, the Left is always on the side of the angels. Those who favor dictatorship, the death penalty for homosexuality, and the brutal subjugation of women — including forced female genital mutilation — are right-wingers.

In other words, ”Muslim Right” is a synonym for Islamism.


In America it is only the Right that has carried on the battle for the rights of women and gays in Islamic countries. The Left, on the other hand, has largely been AWOL.

Nonetheless, boiled down to its essence, left-wing is good and right-wing is bad, according to Tax.

And Tax believes that leftists “have to oppose all varieties of right wing politics” and “must stand up to demagogues who characterize every Muslim as a potential terrorist and try to whip up violence against civilians.” She also claims “we have a problem with white fascists in the US or UK.” She doesn’t name any of these alleged demagogues or fascists in the United States, probably because there aren’t any of note.


There is also no such thing as separation of religion and state in Islam. Trying to convince Muslims to embrace separation of mosque and state first requires teaching Muslims that mosque and state are in fact not the same thing and that separating them is actually possible.



Also to her credit, Tax acknowledges that Islamists and their defenders smear their critics in an attempt to silence them. She notes that they hurl the word “Islamophobia” as a means of shutting down debate about the Muslim religion, whose leaders fairly uniformly reject democratic culture and the idea of separation of church and state.

Tax separates the two meanings behind the word.


Glenn Greenwald and Other Useful Idiots

Tax criticizes American writer Glenn Greenwald, the journalist now best known for his ties to NSA leaker Edward Snowden, for functioning as a useful idiot. Like the Islamists, Greenwald sees the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Mali as anti-Muslim actions. He has written:


Tax believes the Islamic world is ripe for revolution and the Left can help nudge it into modernity. It’s going to take a lot more than pamphlets and pickets to free Muslims from their self-imposed chains. It’s going to require a sea change in thinking in the Ummah.

Good luck with that.

A Leftist?s Harsh Words for the Unholy Alliance | FrontPage Magazine
If our country were like a bird, with a left wing and a right wing... this country would not fly very far. Only because one wing moves at a time. Never count on this country using both wings to launch itself into the air.
Cracker and Uncle Thomas

July 18, 2013 By Andrew Marcus

I believe in giving credit where credit is due, and I’ve got to hand it to the Left – they are gifted moralizers. Nobody can put on a sanctimonious soapboxing spectacle like a Progressive Leftist. Do you believe, for whatever reason, that marriage is between one man and one woman? Then you’re a homophobe. Do you believe that men are generally taller and have larger biceps than women? Then you’re a sexist. Do you believe that people who move to America ought to come here legally and become American? Then you’re a nativist. Do you believe that 16 years of global temperature stability might mean that global warming isn’t actually happening? Then you’re a flat-earther. And, of course, if you disagree about any given issue with a Progressive, you’re a racist. Yep, they have all sorts of fancy words to describe how you don’t agree with them, and they use them all – a lot.

But where the Left excels at preaching and condescension, they fall a bit short when it comes to self-awareness. So convinced are they of their moral superiority that they fail to recognize their own flaws, and, dare I say, silly racism. A famous and wise Jew once said, “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” Last week has revealed so many logs in so many eyes, you’d think the Left was planning on building a cabin – or a lodge.


Up is down. One is Four. Cracker is not a racist term. Red is blue. Day is night. Uncle Thomas is not a racist term. Death is hilarious. Water is sand. Toxic little queen means “I Love Gays!” Welcome to 2013, where language means whatever the heck the Left says it means because they say so and shut up or we’re sicking the IRS on you.

It’s all very sad. The very idea of a “race traitor” seems so outdated – at least to people who do not view the world through the prism of race. Among Whites (except among the goofball White Supremacist fringe), the idea of race betrayal died with Jim Crow – something last week’s Supreme Court ruling recognized. In the world of the Progressive Left, however, only Blacks can be race traitors – and how, you may ask, does a Black person reveal their race betrayal? By disagreeing with the Progressive Left. You’ve got to admit, it’s a handy setup they’ve got going. Among the Democratic base, White liberals like Ryan Winkler are in charge of telling Blacks how and what to think – and if they stray a bit from their prescribed politics, they become an Uncle Thomas.

Or, perhaps better, a toxic little Cracker Lover.

Cracker and Uncle Thomas | FrontPage Magazine

Liberals: Hey, our brilliant urban model would work great if people would stop leaving

By Dan Calabrese

I love Robert Reich, the former Clinton Secretary of Labor. I don’t love the way he thinks, but I love the way he will often take off the mask and honestly express what the left really thinks - especially when they are exasperated by a situation they can’t explain away with their usual Bolshevik. The Detroit bankruptcy is one such situation, and Reich went on Twitter the other day with this gem:

Americans are segregating by income, leaving the poor behind in their own separate cities. Any wonder Detroit goes bankrupt?
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) July 19, 2013

Let’s break down his thinking, because it’s even more instructive than you might realize at first glance. First, yes indeed, he does correctly identify the elephant in the room. The hardest problem to overcome in Detroit - and bankruptcy will not fix it - is that over the course of six decades, almost everyone who could leave Detroit has done so. I say almost because there are always some people who simply prefer the urban lifestyle, and still others who live in the city as some sort of social or moral statement. I personally know people who live in Detroit because they see it as “the right thing to do,” and God bless them. Live wherever you want for whatever reason you want.


As it stands, they run cities via a model that seems perfect to them, only to complain when people who don’t like that model leave. The only difference between Detroit and the notorious models of the Soviet communist era is that people are still allowed to leave Detroit, and for the most part, anyone who can does. This upsets the likes of Robert Reich, but the fault doesn’t lie with those who leave. The fault lies with whose who run the cities and can’t give them a reason to stay.

Liberals: Hey, our brilliant urban model would work great if people would stop leaving
The Origins of Leftist Racial Orthodoxy

May 31, 2012 By Michael Filozof

If "diversity" is good, why do liberals congregate in lily-white enclaves like Vermont (the whitest state in the Union, according to the Census) and Marin County, California? White liberals hector others incessantly about the need for "diversity," but most have no interest in living in neighborhoods with large numbers of blacks. The ideal society in the liberal mind always seems to be a Scandinavian socialist one (which is to say that liberals strive to make the U.S. more like some of the most uniformly white nations in the world).

The liberal enforcers of racial correctness are quick to decry the evils of racism, yet they are quite willing to practice it themselves in the form of affirmative action -- and they are strangely silent when blacks engage in "hate crimes" against whites. Conservatives have been increasingly willing to point out these and other hypocrisies of our racial orthodoxy, but they invariably fail to understand its true origins.

What drives our contemporary racial orthodoxy? Many conservatives mistakenly believe that liberals obsessed by race are afflicted with "white guilt." Not so. The truth about racial matters in the U.S. is this: racial issues are not actually about race. In the hands of the progressive left, race is a tool used by powerful whites against other whites; specifically, race is a weapon used by liberals to bludgeon conservatives and delegitimize conservative, patriotic values.

But it has not always been so.

Prior to World War II, progressives and leftists -- like Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger -- viewed blacks as inferior human scum who should be eliminated through eugenic hygiene. But after World War II, "progressive" thinking about race underwent an astonishing metamorphosis. The American left forged a strategic alliance with blacks, using race to attack the core values of an American society they had now come to despise as the ultimate evil.


The White Negro is perhaps the most important work of literature in postwar America. It provided a blueprint for the cultural revolution of the 1960s, and in hindsight, it explains nearly all left-wing, anti-conservative behavior since. If blacks were social outcasts in American life, then the white enemies of traditional American values would align with them. An immoderate drunk like the late Sen. Edward Kennedy -- who was kicked out of Harvard for cheating, then killed a young girl he was presumably cheating on his wife with, and got away with it -- could not possibly point the finger at blacks and tell them to be honest, chaste, and sober. He could, however, falsely accuse Judge Robert Bork of wanting blacks to "sit at segregated lunch counters" to deflect attention from his own behavior. And it worked. (Today, following the same "enemy of my enemy is my friend" strategy, leftists align themselves with Islamic terrorists and radicals, under whose rule they would never actually want to live.)


Left-wing racial rhetoric about "fairness" and "equality" and "non-discrimination" has been used to conceal a subterranean leftist agenda of anti-Americanism and anti-conservatism for over fifty years. Conservatives persist in stupidly taking this rhetoric at face value; hence, they always find themselves on the racial defensive.

Conservatives need to stop being suckered by this leftist con game, and they need to do it before November.

Read more: Articles: The Origins of Leftist Racial Orthodoxy

Liberals are people who learned the error of their ways. Conservatives are people who still have those "racist" beliefs.

Glad I could clear that up. It was quite "simple". Because I am speaking to Republicans and many of them are "simpletons". After all, they will never have the "elite smart people" on their side.
The Origins of Leftist Racial Orthodoxy

May 31, 2012 By Michael Filozof

If "diversity" is good, why do liberals congregate in lily-white enclaves like Vermont (the whitest state in the Union, according to the Census) and Marin County, California? White liberals hector others incessantly about the need for "diversity," but most have no interest in living in neighborhoods with large numbers of blacks. The ideal society in the liberal mind always seems to be a Scandinavian socialist one (which is to say that liberals strive to make the U.S. more like some of the most uniformly white nations in the world).

The liberal enforcers of racial correctness are quick to decry the evils of racism, yet they are quite willing to practice it themselves in the form of affirmative action -- and they are strangely silent when blacks engage in "hate crimes" against whites. Conservatives have been increasingly willing to point out these and other hypocrisies of our racial orthodoxy, but they invariably fail to understand its true origins.

What drives our contemporary racial orthodoxy? Many conservatives mistakenly believe that liberals obsessed by race are afflicted with "white guilt." Not so. The truth about racial matters in the U.S. is this: racial issues are not actually about race. In the hands of the progressive left, race is a tool used by powerful whites against other whites; specifically, race is a weapon used by liberals to bludgeon conservatives and delegitimize conservative, patriotic values.

But it has not always been so.

Prior to World War II, progressives and leftists -- like Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger -- viewed blacks as inferior human scum who should be eliminated through eugenic hygiene. But after World War II, "progressive" thinking about race underwent an astonishing metamorphosis. The American left forged a strategic alliance with blacks, using race to attack the core values of an American society they had now come to despise as the ultimate evil.


The White Negro is perhaps the most important work of literature in postwar America. It provided a blueprint for the cultural revolution of the 1960s, and in hindsight, it explains nearly all left-wing, anti-conservative behavior since. If blacks were social outcasts in American life, then the white enemies of traditional American values would align with them. An immoderate drunk like the late Sen. Edward Kennedy -- who was kicked out of Harvard for cheating, then killed a young girl he was presumably cheating on his wife with, and got away with it -- could not possibly point the finger at blacks and tell them to be honest, chaste, and sober. He could, however, falsely accuse Judge Robert Bork of wanting blacks to "sit at segregated lunch counters" to deflect attention from his own behavior. And it worked. (Today, following the same "enemy of my enemy is my friend" strategy, leftists align themselves with Islamic terrorists and radicals, under whose rule they would never actually want to live.)


Left-wing racial rhetoric about "fairness" and "equality" and "non-discrimination" has been used to conceal a subterranean leftist agenda of anti-Americanism and anti-conservatism for over fifty years. Conservatives persist in stupidly taking this rhetoric at face value; hence, they always find themselves on the racial defensive.

Conservatives need to stop being suckered by this leftist con game, and they need to do it before November.

Read more: Articles: The Origins of Leftist Racial Orthodoxy

Liberals are people who learned the error of their ways. Conservatives are people who still have those "racist" beliefs.

Glad I could clear that up. It was quite "simple". Because I am speaking to Republicans and many of them are "simpletons". After all, they will never have the "elite smart people" on their side.

"Glad I could clear that up." ROLMAO In yo own mind. Both parties are fucked but the leftwing literally SUCKS...:suck:
The Left Agenda

August 2, 2013 by Nick Adams

The left’s agenda is easier to spot than a kangaroo in a dinner jacket.

Exceptionalism, as a notion, is repelled by relativists, collectivists, and the academic-media corridor.

It is, of course, in political incorrectness stakes, an unforgivable sin to declare a set of ideas or values to be exceptional. Heck, it’s even unforgivable to give the best kid on the park a trophy; everyone has to get one.

Welcome to the war on exceptionalism.

Teachers warp history to fight the prospect of students determining that American is the greatest country, and the most free, this world has ever seen. Instead of crystallizing, they distort. Instead of truthfully teaching history, they creatively direct it.

The effect of demonizing exceptionalism is to replace upward mobility with downward stability. It’s substituting Belgium for America.


We cannot afford to censor ourselves to comfort the left’s ignorance. They are untethered from earthly reality.

Remember, one man with courage is a majority. Vision and self-confidence is infectious.

Get infected, America.

Read more: The Left Agenda - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Sniff sniff, cheap toilet paper I'll get them next

Liberals to Ban E-Cigarettes

Saturday, August 10, 2013

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg doesn’t just want to limit the use of cigarettes – but electronic cigarettes as well.

In a newly leaked draft of three tobacco-related bills soon to be voted on by the NYC City Council, the new definition of “tobacco products” under city law would be changed to include e-cigarettes and related components, parts and accessories. If the ordinances pass, the display of e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco would be banned in retail stores.

Also, while tobacco and menthol flavored e-cigarettes would still be available in retail stores, all other flavored e-cigarettes could only be sold in age-restricted “tobacco bars.” But there’s a catch. New York City prohibits the operation of “tobacco bars” that weren’t opened before December 31, 2001.


Read more at Liberals to Ban E-Cigarettes - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Sniff sniff, cheap toilet paper I'll get them next

Liberals to Ban E-Cigarettes

Saturday, August 10, 2013

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg doesn’t just want to limit the use of cigarettes – but electronic cigarettes as well.

In a newly leaked draft of three tobacco-related bills soon to be voted on by the NYC City Council, the new definition of “tobacco products” under city law would be changed to include e-cigarettes and related components, parts and accessories. If the ordinances pass, the display of e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco would be banned in retail stores.

Also, while tobacco and menthol flavored e-cigarettes would still be available in retail stores, all other flavored e-cigarettes could only be sold in age-restricted “tobacco bars.” But there’s a catch. New York City prohibits the operation of “tobacco bars” that weren’t opened before December 31, 2001.


Read more at Liberals to Ban E-Cigarettes - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

I've heard that that stuff leads to the "Bright-Leaf Madness" :lol:

btw, I thought that this discussion was about Democrats...

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