Prison walls are 20 or 30 foot tall. Elite estates have 10 to 15 foot walls.

Yes, we are building a wall to control people who are not citizens of this country. Why would we not want to control unfettered immigrants invading our nation illegally?

Invasion? Oh fuck. Stop wetting yourself and pay attention.

You obviously did not watch any of the coverage of people rushing the border. What do you call that?
Ask Israel about the for them.
They have been invaded by an Army
We have been invaded by people wanting to cut our lawns

Really? Until you have been displaced by them. Used to be that meatpacking in this country was a good paying way to earn a living. Now its being taken over by illegals. Same thing is happening with construction.
They are not here to mow our lawns or pick our crops. They are here to take any job offered by working for less than a citizen is willing to work for.

We have had too many workers and not enough jobs for decades. We have had stagnant wages for decades. Then Trump gets elected, and we "suddenly" are having worker shortages and rising wages. Black unemployment is at historic lows.

Why would anyone want to again try to flood the market to reverse that trend?

But walls to protect America are unacceptable. WHY?

Do you have a fence around your property?
Do you have a front door you keep closed or God forbid locked?
Do you lock your car doors?
Would you allow your TEENAGE DAUGHTER go for jogs at night?

They arent unacceptable. They are just a waste of money in this case.

Yes I have a fence around part of my property. Helps out great when cutting the grass or keeping my dog from roaming the neighborhood.
Have a front door and I keep it closed and locked because I dont want anyone walking in on me while taking a shower.
Lock my car doors too so no one decides to go to sleep in my car or try to steal it.
Yes I would allow my teenage daughters to go for jogs at night. Sounds like you live in a horrible area.

Yes I have a brain which is the primary reason I oppose a wall that will be a waste of money. Besides Mexico was supposed to pay for it. :rolleyes:
Good grief, but you don't want a secure border that includes multiple measures implemented (including border barriers upgraded or built), in those bad neighborhoods down along that border where things have been out of control eh ??

What about our kids here, who find themselves for example (while out of your close care if you have kids), being introduced to drugs that come in from that area ?? Your kids don't matter to you ??

You see this is the problem folks - these leftist have this attitude that if it ain't affecting them where they live, then it don't exist. Pathetic...

They figure if it's on TV then it's really not real. lol

I know it had to drive you crazy just having to list any of the secure measures that you do take in your life.

More than half of Americans do not support border wall. It’s just a waste of my tax $. But we support border security.

1. If kids taking drugs or eat at McDonald’s getting fat or playing video games all day or play skate board all day...... Then you should ask their parents.
2. Are you telling us only lefties taking drugs, getting erections, getting high on mj, drunk driving??

Lol. I have heard many liberals say they support border security, and they never give us any examples of how it will work without a wall.

So, here is your shot. Tell us what plan the left has to secure our borders?

If cons really want a wall they should get a leader thats more credible. If Drumpf was more credible the wall would already be built. There is nothing like a good ole fashion appeal to fear to get what you want. Politicians have long used fear of crime as a motivator.

Who else would build the wall? The Dems want the future voters, and the GOP wants the cheap labor. Reagan gave amnesty to the illegals in the 1980's after making a deal that our immigration effortd would be strengthened.

And nothing happened.

So, the GOP pushed candidates like McCain and Romney on us, and we all understood that nothing was gonna change. Trump came along and told us what we have been waiting for our GOP pols to tell us, and they never did.

BTW, The Dems also use fear as a motivator.

Yes, we are building a wall to control people who are not citizens of this country. Why would we not want to control unfettered immigrants invading our nation illegally?

Invasion? Oh fuck. Stop wetting yourself and pay attention.

You obviously did not watch any of the coverage of people rushing the border. What do you call that?

And there was a wall there to stop them. It is my understanding that the second they set foot on AMerican soil, that they have to have their case adjudicated before they can be sent back or deported. What would have happened without that wall of razor wire that was there?

5th post
Ask Israel about the for them.
The only way that a wall would not be effective, is if Mexico was a super power with a huge military complex that could blast through, fly over it, and use sofisticated tactics to harass us and/or by pass the wall.

As long as we are dealing with foot soldiers with limited abilities, a wall is sufficient along with other security measures taken.


1. If they can dig a mile long tunnel. How difficult is that to dig 7 or 8 feet deep by 8 feet long?

2. The logistics of bringing a simple 35 foot ladder with a team of 8 people is not that difficult. A one pole ladder with a steps is more than enough to breach your lousy wall.

3. You don’t need to blast the wall. Stupid Mexicans are not that stupid to create attentions.

The wall impedes their progress,I don't care if it doesn't stop them, it slows them down. Drones or surveillance can alert guards. If they enter our country, they cannot be removed until their case is determined. We can keep them in jail for months until that happens, but that costs money as well.

Ask Israel about the for them.
The only way that a wall would not be effective, is if Mexico was a super power with a huge military complex that could blast through, fly over it, and use sofisticated tactics to harass us and/or by pass the wall.

As long as we are dealing with foot soldiers with limited abilities, a wall is sufficient along with other security measures taken.


1. If they can dig a mile long tunnel. How difficult is that to dig 7 or 8 feet deep by 8 feet long?

2. The logistics of bringing a simple 35 foot ladder with a team of 8 people is not that difficult. A one pole ladder with a steps is more than enough to breach your lousy wall.

3. You don’t need to blast the wall. Stupid Mexicans are not that stupid to create attentions.

Sure, if a wall is simply a wall, it can be breached easily enough. What if the top of the wall is covered in razor wire? Many ways to overcome a ladder.

I like the bounty idea.

Louisiana pays you 5 dollars a tail to go out and shoot nutria because they are destroying the wetlands. Pay people 100 dollars per wetback dead or alive to capture or kill them crossing the border.

You'd have 50,000 applications by tomorrow morning.

We are not in the business of murdering people.

You wouldn't be. Once the word got out, nobody in their right mind would try to cross.

But walls to protect America are unacceptable. WHY?

Do you have a fence around your property?
Do you have a front door you keep closed or God forbid locked?
Do you lock your car doors?
Would you allow your TEENAGE DAUGHTER go for jogs at night?


Why I oppose the wall:

As you saw from the 2018 election the left gained the House which mean they control the purse strings for funding.

Now you will proclaim " who gives a fuck " but alas let me explain...

You build the wall and it just does not cost to build it but maintain it for as long as it stands.

Now had the GOP gotten the fund passed through the Senate to Trump desk to sign the reality is the funding to maintain the wall would be cut when Democrats obtain power.

For me it is a waste of money that can be used in other areas.

Now how to stop illegals from coming in?

Simple, dry up their resources here and make it impossible for them to earn a living.

What do I mean?

Fine employers and close them down if they hire illegals.

Deport only once and the second time send the illegals and their family ( if here ) to Syria.

Enforce our laws for once that we have and punish Sanctuary States and Cities with jailing Politicians that harbor illegals.

It would work better.

Also use our Technology we have with drones and other technologies that will monitor illegal activity at our border.

Also implant a chip in the Illegals so you will know when they are here.

I am not kidding about any of my suggestions and they will work more better than some wall the left will defund the maintenance of.

I like your suggestions. But when the next Obama is elected, all those "ideas" will go by the wayside. The wall would still be there.

But walls to protect America are unacceptable. WHY?

Do you have a fence around your property?
Do you have a front door you keep closed or God forbid locked?
Do you lock your car doors?
Would you allow your TEENAGE DAUGHTER go for jogs at night?

So that's it? Either or? Republicans are so stupid, then can't figure out anything in between?

I will say, if the house next door caught on fire, I would welcome them onto my property, not force them back into a burning building.

The same kind of people caused great damage to the country when they tried to block:


and so on.

Right wing conservatives are just a hateful and frightened people. And they pretend to be Godly. They want to take away a woman's right because they feel that's what God would want.
All they have to do is actually read the Bible and they could find out what God wants and not what they imagine he wants, being white and all.
10th post
But walls to protect America are unacceptable. WHY?

Do you have a fence around your property?
Do you have a front door you keep closed or God forbid locked?
Do you lock your car doors?
Would you allow your TEENAGE DAUGHTER go for jogs at night?

So that's it? Either or? Republicans are so stupid, then can't figure out anything in between?

I will say, if the house next door caught on fire, I would welcome them onto my property, not force them back into a burning building.

The same kind of people caused great damage to the country when they tried to block:


and so on.

Right wing conservatives are just a hateful and frightened people. And they pretend to be Godly. They want to take away a woman's right because they feel that's what God would want.
All they have to do is actually read the Bible and they could find out what God wants and not what they imagine he wants, being white and all.

Times change. When my ancestors arrived here, there were no entitlements. They were dirt poor and uneducated, but the government didn't give them money to survive.

Entitlement societies simply cannot afford to have open borders.

But walls to protect America are unacceptable. WHY?

Do you have a fence around your property?
Do you have a front door you keep closed or God forbid locked?
Do you lock your car doors?
Would you allow your TEENAGE DAUGHTER go for jogs at night?

l will say, if the house next door caught on fire, I would welcome them onto my property, not force them back into a burning building.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.... If the house next door was a meth cooking house, and it was full of meth heads that you crats have so much misguided sympathy for once caught, and it were like you say to catch fire, I bet you wouldn't welcome them onto your property would you ???

No because you would then peek through your security fence while the law that you called shows up before the fire trucks you called shows up also, and this just to see what is going on in it all from across the way. Then you would double check the lock on the gate to make sure it was still locked.

Now I ain't discarding the fact that there might be innocent victims (mother, children, elderly), caught up in it all and/or amongst the crowd over there, but at this point you wouldn't know who the Innocents are or who they aren't except for the children who are of course always innocent below a certain age.

Ok so you let the police figure this one out as you sit there safely watching the show from a safe distance in your safe space all nice and secure behind your security structure.

Say it ain't so ??.... LOL

But you want America to just allow the illegals in without vetting them, and worse to have a revolving door if they end up deported or not deported from these sanctuary cities ?? What are you trying to suggest or say to your fellow Americans here ???
Simple, dig a canal and flood it... Try and dig under it then.

Cost to build wall at current estimate is about $25 billions. 30 feet tall & 6 feet deep. If you add a canal means......

1. You have to make the wall deeper far more than 6 feet deep.

2. Making a canal that long and deep is an enormous task and cost by itself.

3. Plus a water system ( aqueduct) so it will not dried up. Where is the water system coming from?

So the $25 billions becomes what? $30 $35 $40 billions??

Petulant Trump having a very hard time getting $5 billions after 2 years. Let alone going way over $30 billions???

Don’t worry bud...... they will not build a canal for your wall.

Also to build something like a wall or a bridge that is purposely to go on a water. Are entirely different kind of construction and materials.

You and I can build a wall. But you and I cannot build a wall that are designed to submerge to a water.

Everything ain't gonna cost as much as you think it will. That's just fear mongering and you know it. Who are the best construction workers in the world ?? The Mexicans might figure that they are, so why not employ their labor to build the wall / canal ??? Aren't they extremely poor, and aren't they in need of employment to help their situation out in life ?? Well there's the wall/canal project... :)

The border towns on the Mexican side would welcome the project with open arms. They would realize the economic value of such a project immediately. Being close by they would stand to make huge money off of the project if allowed to participate.

The canal wouldn't run beneath the wall, but rather it would run along beside it with it's own dirt banks and dirt bottom. The rivers would supply the water to the canal. Tunnel digging would be over if the canal would flood the tunnels if attempted, otherwise if those tunnels are dug under the wall they would flood. I garantee you that it can be figured out with the help of the Mexican and American Laborers to get the job done over time. American engineering is hopefully still the top builders in the world if globalization hadn't destroyed it yet.

I’m not trying to scare you. I’m just being realistic and specific.

According to latest estimates by experts it’s about $25 billions. This stupid wall does not include:
1. Your canal and water systems.
2. Housing and food for construction workers. So they don’t travel 100+ miles back and forth.
3. Emergency for any accidents.
3. Road concrete pavements.
4. Never ending heavy equipments to build the wall.
5. Moving of materials to the borders 100 to 300+ miles away.
6. Gas and fuel.

Trump's border wall -- how much it will actually cost according to a statistician | Fox News
Every project cost, and yes they have cost over runs too. All things are and would be considered in the cost. The moat/canal is just a hypothetical built off of other hypotheticals here. The wall with built in sensors etc (as a layered defense system) is within reach, cost, and because it is to help stop a serious problem the Demon-crats have faked their compassion over, and the greedy have created over time, it will be money well spent.

Sensors was not even part of any estimate.

In short you just prove me 100% accurate. Wall is just a waste of my tax dollars.

You do know we just gave Mexico 5 billion dollars right?

Cost to build wall at current estimate is about $25 billions. 30 feet tall & 6 feet deep. If you add a canal means......

1. You have to make the wall deeper far more than 6 feet deep.

2. Making a canal that long and deep is an enormous task and cost by itself.

3. Plus a water system ( aqueduct) so it will not dried up. Where is the water system coming from?

So the $25 billions becomes what? $30 $35 $40 billions??

Petulant Trump having a very hard time getting $5 billions after 2 years. Let alone going way over $30 billions???

Don’t worry bud...... they will not build a canal for your wall.

Also to build something like a wall or a bridge that is purposely to go on a water. Are entirely different kind of construction and materials.

You and I can build a wall. But you and I cannot build a wall that are designed to submerge to a water.

Everything ain't gonna cost as much as you think it will. That's just fear mongering and you know it. Who are the best construction workers in the world ?? The Mexicans might figure that they are, so why not employ their labor to build the wall / canal ??? Aren't they extremely poor, and aren't they in need of employment to help their situation out in life ?? Well there's the wall/canal project... :)

The border towns on the Mexican side would welcome the project with open arms. They would realize the economic value of such a project immediately. Being close by they would stand to make huge money off of the project if allowed to participate.

The canal wouldn't run beneath the wall, but rather it would run along beside it with it's own dirt banks and dirt bottom. The rivers would supply the water to the canal. Tunnel digging would be over if the canal would flood the tunnels if attempted, otherwise if those tunnels are dug under the wall they would flood. I garantee you that it can be figured out with the help of the Mexican and American Laborers to get the job done over time. American engineering is hopefully still the top builders in the world if globalization hadn't destroyed it yet.

I’m not trying to scare you. I’m just being realistic and specific.

According to latest estimates by experts it’s about $25 billions. This stupid wall does not include:
1. Your canal and water systems.
2. Housing and food for construction workers. So they don’t travel 100+ miles back and forth.
3. Emergency for any accidents.
3. Road concrete pavements.
4. Never ending heavy equipments to build the wall.
5. Moving of materials to the borders 100 to 300+ miles away.
6. Gas and fuel.

Trump's border wall -- how much it will actually cost according to a statistician | Fox News
Every project cost, and yes they have cost over runs too. All things are and would be considered in the cost. The moat/canal is just a hypothetical built off of other hypotheticals here. The wall with built in sensors etc (as a layered defense system) is within reach, cost, and because it is to help stop a serious problem the Demon-crats have faked their compassion over, and the greedy have created over time, it will be money well spent.

Sensors was not even part of any estimate.

In short you just prove me 100% accurate. Wall is just a waste of my tax dollars.

You do know we just gave Mexico 5 billion dollars right?

Maybe Mexico will give it back so Drumpf can build his wall with Mexican money?
Everything ain't gonna cost as much as you think it will. That's just fear mongering and you know it. Who are the best construction workers in the world ?? The Mexicans might figure that they are, so why not employ their labor to build the wall / canal ??? Aren't they extremely poor, and aren't they in need of employment to help their situation out in life ?? Well there's the wall/canal project... :)

The border towns on the Mexican side would welcome the project with open arms. They would realize the economic value of such a project immediately. Being close by they would stand to make huge money off of the project if allowed to participate.

The canal wouldn't run beneath the wall, but rather it would run along beside it with it's own dirt banks and dirt bottom. The rivers would supply the water to the canal. Tunnel digging would be over if the canal would flood the tunnels if attempted, otherwise if those tunnels are dug under the wall they would flood. I garantee you that it can be figured out with the help of the Mexican and American Laborers to get the job done over time. American engineering is hopefully still the top builders in the world if globalization hadn't destroyed it yet.

I’m not trying to scare you. I’m just being realistic and specific.

According to latest estimates by experts it’s about $25 billions. This stupid wall does not include:
1. Your canal and water systems.
2. Housing and food for construction workers. So they don’t travel 100+ miles back and forth.
3. Emergency for any accidents.
3. Road concrete pavements.
4. Never ending heavy equipments to build the wall.
5. Moving of materials to the borders 100 to 300+ miles away.
6. Gas and fuel.

Trump's border wall -- how much it will actually cost according to a statistician | Fox News
Every project cost, and yes they have cost over runs too. All things are and would be considered in the cost. The moat/canal is just a hypothetical built off of other hypotheticals here. The wall with built in sensors etc (as a layered defense system) is within reach, cost, and because it is to help stop a serious problem the Demon-crats have faked their compassion over, and the greedy have created over time, it will be money well spent.

Sensors was not even part of any estimate.

In short you just prove me 100% accurate. Wall is just a waste of my tax dollars.

You do know we just gave Mexico 5 billion dollars right?

Maybe Mexico will give it back so Drumpf can build his wall with Mexican money?

We need to build the racist wall now!!

15th post
I’m not trying to scare you. I’m just being realistic and specific.

According to latest estimates by experts it’s about $25 billions. This stupid wall does not include:
1. Your canal and water systems.
2. Housing and food for construction workers. So they don’t travel 100+ miles back and forth.
3. Emergency for any accidents.
3. Road concrete pavements.
4. Never ending heavy equipments to build the wall.
5. Moving of materials to the borders 100 to 300+ miles away.
6. Gas and fuel.

Trump's border wall -- how much it will actually cost according to a statistician | Fox News
Every project cost, and yes they have cost over runs too. All things are and would be considered in the cost. The moat/canal is just a hypothetical built off of other hypotheticals here. The wall with built in sensors etc (as a layered defense system) is within reach, cost, and because it is to help stop a serious problem the Demon-crats have faked their compassion over, and the greedy have created over time, it will be money well spent.

Sensors was not even part of any estimate.

In short you just prove me 100% accurate. Wall is just a waste of my tax dollars.

You do know we just gave Mexico 5 billion dollars right?

Maybe Mexico will give it back so Drumpf can build his wall with Mexican money?

We need to build the racist wall now!!

As soon as you raise the funds I will let you build the wall.
Every project cost, and yes they have cost over runs too. All things are and would be considered in the cost. The moat/canal is just a hypothetical built off of other hypotheticals here. The wall with built in sensors etc (as a layered defense system) is within reach, cost, and because it is to help stop a serious problem the Demon-crats have faked their compassion over, and the greedy have created over time, it will be money well spent.

Sensors was not even part of any estimate.

In short you just prove me 100% accurate. Wall is just a waste of my tax dollars.

You do know we just gave Mexico 5 billion dollars right?

Maybe Mexico will give it back so Drumpf can build his wall with Mexican money?

We need to build the racist wall now!!

As soon as you raise the funds I will let you build the wall.

How will you "let"?

Sensors was not even part of any estimate.

In short you just prove me 100% accurate. Wall is just a waste of my tax dollars.

You do know we just gave Mexico 5 billion dollars right?

Maybe Mexico will give it back so Drumpf can build his wall with Mexican money?

We need to build the racist wall now!!

As soon as you raise the funds I will let you build the wall.

How will you "let"?

When you see the signal you'll know. You just worry about raising the funds.
You understand Mexico isn't a prison, right?

Again, reign in that racism.

Really? Then why are so many trying to escape, and why complain about the wall? And try reigning in you own racism and your Party's; it's getting people killed.

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