President Trump Gives The Order to End The Nobel Peace Prize Winner's War

If Obama had done it, we'd be hearing about "cut and run" from the same quarters. The hypocrisy never seems to bother them. I guess that's what passes for "morality" in the Age of Trump.

There is nothing more for them to do. Our forces in Iraq have been reduced to doing training with Iraqis for months now as ISIS no longer exists as a fighting force.

The war is over. Bring them home from Syria.

ISIS does still exist. Maybe you ought to use your head for something other than a hat rack.

"Maxwell B. Markusen, a researcher at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, said they are still carrying out an estimated 75 attacks a day.

“U.S. and Iraqi politicians have been quick to declare victory over the group, using terms like ‘defeated’ and ‘obliterated,’” he wrote in a report last month. “The Islamic State is far from obliterated.”

Even some American officials acknowledge that.

"Brett McGurk, Mr. Trump’s special envoy in the fight against the Islamic State, said in a briefing last week that the fight was far from over.

“If we’ve learned one thing over the years, enduring defeat of a group like this means you can’t just defeat their physical space and then leave,” he said. “You have to make sure the internal security forces are in place to ensure that those gains, security gains, are enduring.”

He did not mince words about what an American withdrawal would mean. “It would be reckless if we were just to say, well, the physical caliphate is defeated, so we can just leave now,” he said. “I think anyone who’s looked at a conflict like this would agree with that.”

U.S. Exit Seen as a Betrayal of the Kurds, and a Boon for ISIS
If Obama had done it, we'd be hearing about "cut and run" from the same quarters.
Actually you would not have heard that. You might have heard something about Obama coming to his senses, his deciding that invading Syria was a mistake - one that he corrected, but 'Cut and Run' is not something you would have least not for me.

It's not like we were attacked, fought, and 'cut-and-ran'. It's not like we justifiably entered a war, and were being defeated so we ran away. We never had any business invading Syria. Again, to do so without the sovereign nation's permission or request is actually considered an International War crime. And the fact that Nobel Peace Prize Winner (any - not specifically Obama) is the one who gave the order to invade to begin with made the decision and action to do so worse.
We did not invade only trainers airpower intelligence and supplying with arms, just like now LOL. The orange guy's a bit of a loon. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
If Obama had done it, we'd be hearing about "cut and run" from the same quarters.
Actually you would not have heard that. You might have heard something about Obama coming to his senses, his deciding that invading Syria was a mistake - one that he corrected, but 'Cut and Run' is not something you would have least not for me.

It's not like we were attacked, fought, and 'cut-and-ran'. It's not like we justifiably entered a war, and were being defeated so we ran away. We never had any business invading Syria. Again, to do so without the sovereign nation's permission or request is actually considered an International War crime. And the fact that Nobel Peace Prize Winner (any - not specifically Obama) is the one who gave the order to invade to begin with made the decision and action to do so worse.

We did indeed have business in Syria. Countering the influence of Russia and Iran in Syria. The fact is that Bush was responsible for creating stability in the Middle East. Obama ended that by doing the same thing that the baboon Trump is doing. Withdrawing prematurely. Iran and Russia will be the biggest winners. More evidence of why Russia wanted Trump to win. Trump is a incompetent baboon.

Syria is the ones that are committing war crimes. Using poison gas against women and children. You are proving to be the biggest idiot on this board and a traitor as well. The fact is that we were doing very little of the actual fighting.

Trump is clearly trying to change the subject after the fiasco with Flynn and his backing down on the wall. Sad to say that to protect Trump's ass, the security of the US is being compromised by Trump.
There is no money in the Kurds so Republicans don't care about them
Maxwell B. Markusen, a researcher at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, said they are still carrying out an estimated 75 attacks a day.

The Henry Kissinger Neocon idiot who graduated from a douchebag college a few years ago needs to do more research at that Deep State "think tank!" :p

A lot of well meaning folks like Ann Coulter whine about the stupid WALL to keep the filthy illegal aliens out and that it is not being built. I voted for President Trump and would much rather the Border Patrol shoot the savages rather than fuck up the ecology of the area. Also remove all welfare for illegal aliens, stop anchor babies and curtail welfare for criminal savages. There will be no motivation for the filthy savages to illegally invade the USA if they got no welfare and other free stuff. Probably the biggest thing the Deep State is concerned with is that The Donald is not a Neocon... That is the problem and one of the main reasons why the Deep State hates him. That is why they are whining about the US leaving the disaster created by Brock Hussaine and Crooked Hillary who should face charges for destroying Syria, and causing the scumbag savages who resided there to feel entitled to invade Europe and other Western countries.
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U.S. Military Preparing for a Full Withdrawal of Its Forces From Northeastern Syria

"In an abrupt reversal, the U.S. military is preparing to withdraw its forces from northeastern Syria, people familiar with the matter said Wednesday, a move that throws the American strategy in the Middle East into turmoil.

U.S. officials began informing partners in northeastern Syria of their plans to begin immediately pulling American forces out of the region where they have been trying to wrap up the campaign against Islamic State"

We never had any business in Syria. There was never any reason to drag the United States into another war in a country mired in a civil war, especially when invading a country without the request or permission of that government's nation or President is legally an International War Crime.

The decision to invade, based on the desire for assisting / facilitating regime change, was a failed plan to begin due to Putin's unwavering commitment to keep Syrian President al-Assad in power.

(In a way, the attempt to destroy - completely wipe out - all terrorists / terrorism through war / military invasion is like trying to destroy Jell-O by squeezing it in your hands. Once you close your hand into a fist, it squirts out through gaps between the fingers.)

I am glad we are withdrawing US troops from Syria - time to get them out of there, in harm's way for nothing.
Of course this doesn't end any war.

Personally, I agree- time for America to get out Syria.

What I find darkly amusing about this saga though is how this is another example of Trump doing exactly what he said no President should ever do- lets use the way back machine shall we?

"After we had made those hard-fought sacrifices and gains, we should never have made such a sudden withdrawal — on a timetable advertised to our enemies," Trump said Monday. "Al Qaeda in Iraq had been decimated, and Obama and Clinton gave it new life and allowed it to spread across the world."

So what did Trump do today? Announce a sudden withdrawal on a timetable advertised to our enemies.

Well done Donnie- well Done.
Iraq is the same is Syria? Seriously? Sure they are both brown, ugly, low IQ folks, but still. Apples and oranges! :p
Remember the old days- when Easyt thought a President who sent troops into Syria was a war criminal?

Obama committed War Crimes - he dragged the US into a 2nd Un-Constitutional Un-Authorized war by INVADING SYRIA.
Syria, in the middle of a civil war, never asked Obama for help and never gave him permission to send troops into his country. The Nobel Peace Prize Winner violated the Constitution - Specifically the War Powers A t - by by-passing Congress to send Troops into Syria, thus starting another war.

US troops are still there.

My how Easyt's tune changed after Trump got elected and has for the last 2 years sent troops into Syria without Syria's permission and without asking Congress's permission.

But hallelejuh- Trump the war criminal is now going to withdraw American forces from Syria......
So the entire point of this thread is for the rabid right 'kill a muzzie for mommy' trumpsters to appluad our chickenhawk potus .... who's gone out of his way to dis his sec of defense .....during a 17 yr war.... who's resigned due to it

Weren't these the same sorts demanding we nuke the M.E. to oblivion ?


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