Thank You Hillary!


Gold Member
May 25, 2017
Land of the free, home of the brave.
Thanks to Hillary for being such a cheating scoundrel, and stealing the Dem nomination from Bernie Sanders, Trump won the election.
Sanders might have won if he was the nominee. Hillary cheating put Trump in the White House.
and out of nowhere some extremely late bitching is found!!!
Thanks to Hillary for being such a cheating scoundrel, and stealing the Dem nomination from Bernie Sanders, Trump won the election.
Sanders might have won if he was the nominee. Hillary cheating put Trump in the White House.

I don’t follow

How did HIllary steal the nomination from Bernie?

HIllary won the popular vote, the most states, the most delegates. It wasn’t even close

Bernie won a few caucuses
Bernie wouldn't have won either.

The best candidate won and that was Trump.
Some of the tossup states that were very close, and trump had to win, and did, may very well have went to Sanders.
Sanders lost the nomination

Joe Biden would have won those states and will in 2020
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Thanks to Hillary for being such a cheating scoundrel, and stealing the Dem nomination from Bernie Sanders, Trump won the election.
Sanders might have won if he was the nominee. Hillary cheating put Trump in the White House.

I don’t follow

How did HIllary steal the nomination from Bernie?

HIllary won the popular vote, the most states, the most delegates. It wasn’t even close

Bernie won a few caucuses

Hillary Clinton rigged DNC against Bernie Sanders, Brazile Claims
Thanks to Hillary for being such a cheating scoundrel, and stealing the Dem nomination from Bernie Sanders, Trump won the election.
Sanders might have won if he was the nominee. Hillary cheating put Trump in the White House.

I don’t follow

How did HIllary steal the nomination from Bernie?

HIllary won the popular vote, the most states, the most delegates. It wasn’t even close

Bernie won a few caucuses

Hillary Clinton rigged DNC against Bernie Sanders, Brazile Claims

Putting it in huge fonts does not help your case

Show me the numbers from the primaries and show me any way those numbers support a Sanders win
Actually, the orange clown "won" thanks to Jill Stein and the Russian money poured into her moronic campaign......But, carry on with your stupidity.
and out of nowhere some extremely late bitching is found!!!

Actually he has a point. It's a fair observation.

The primary "process" is a farce all for show, but if it were taken as a serious thing we wouldn't have seen Hillary stacking up delegates (so-called "superdelegates", meaning they're outside the voting-charade process) before the state primary even began. That's just literally stacking the deck.

But leave us not forget, political parties are private enterprises and they ain't required to hold any primary process at all, they'll do what the suits in the party want and take that direction, whether the popular sentiment is behind it or not. They'd rather have it look like a candy was voted in that way but both parties have ignored the popular sentiment when they wanted to. The idea that we the rabble have a part of that decision is pure illusion.

So, you can stack the deck and/or have predetermined outcomes before the voting charade begins, and that's legitimate, but don't sit there and tell us "the people voted for" the eventual candidate. That's just dishonest.
Thanks to Hillary for being such a cheating scoundrel, and stealing the Dem nomination from Bernie Sanders, Trump won the election.
Sanders might have won if he was the nominee. Hillary cheating put Trump in the White House.
Hillary colluded with the MSM and DNC to cheat Bernie, but D voters are upset about a ludicrous report that Putin and Trump somehow colluded to steal the election. The elites must laugh at how easy they can dupe some Americans.

Hillary's proud resume of accomplishments:

  • She said President Obama was wrong not to launch missile strikes on Syria in 2013.

  • She pushed hard for the overthrow of Qadaffi in 2011.

  • She supported the coup government in Honduras in 2009. (Where do those refugees come from, again?)

  • She long backed escalation and prolongation of war in Afghanistan.

  • She voted for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

  • She skillfully promoted the White House justification for the war on Iraq.

  • She did not hesitate to back the use of drones for targeted killing.

  • She consistently backed the military initiatives of Israel.

  • She was not ashamed to laugh at the killing of Qadaffi.

  • She did not hesitate to warn that she could obliterate Iran.

  • She was not afraid to antagonize Russia.

  • She helped facilitate a military coup in Ukraine.

  • She had the financial support of the arms makers and many of their foreign customers.

  • She waived restrictions at the State Department on selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Qatar, all states wise enough to donate to the Clinton Foundation.

  • She supported President Bill Clinton’s wars and the power of the president to make war without Congress.

  • She advocated for arming fighters in Syria.

  • She supported an escalation in Iraq even before President Bush did.
She is clearly a disgusting Neocon, but D voters can't figure that out.
Thanks to Hillary for being such a cheating scoundrel, and stealing the Dem nomination from Bernie Sanders, Trump won the election.
Sanders might have won if he was the nominee. Hillary cheating put Trump in the White House.

If you voted for Trump because you thought Hillary cheated then you are dumber than shit.
Thank you for Trump you assfuck.

Tell Bernie that if he wants to be the candidate nominated by the DEMOCRAT Party that the old fuck should actually be a fucking Democrat.

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