President Trump and the Roseanne Fiasco: too busy to comment

What does it matter what Roseanne, or Chelsea Handler, or Jimmy Kimmel, or Ellen Degeneres, or any comedian says? Only low information types listen to them.

I find political humor enjoyable when there is some context for the joke. But there's no need for what Roseanne pulled and stuff like Letterman dragging Sarah Palin's daughter into his bit. Luckily it doesn't matter.

I liked the new Roseanne show- she just pulled a really stupid bonehead move with her asinine remark- a remark that left a lot of people who needed the work more than she did- out of a job.
I liked the new Roseanne show- she just pulled a really stupid bonehead move with her asinine remark- a remark that left a lot of people who needed the work more than she did- out of a job.

I didn't watch either iteration of the show, but I agree with you. Utter stupidity on her part. Now she's blaming Ambien.

Many if not most comedians have personal, and substance issues. They are not the most stable of people generally. Yes there are exceptions. Roseanne isn't one of the exceptions.
I liked the new Roseanne show- she just pulled a really stupid bonehead move with her asinine remark- a remark that left a lot of people who needed the work more than she did- out of a job.

I didn't watch either iteration of the show, but I agree with you. Utter stupidity on her part. Now she's blaming Ambien.

Many if not most comedians have personal, and substance issues. They are not the most stable of people generally. Yes there are exceptions. Roseanne isn't one of the exceptions.

What I liked about the show is that it showed a family where there were Trump supporters and Trump despisers- and that was just part of what they dealt with.

Its a shame that she shot the show in the foot like this.
What I liked about the show is that it showed a family where there were Trump supporters and Trump despisers- and that was just part of what they dealt with.

Its a shame that she shot the show in the foot like this.

I understand what you are saying, but that is actually why I avoided the show. I didn't want to see yet more politics thrust into my entertainment. I am just tired of seeing people argue over politics, or demonstrate politics when I am trying to relax, even when I agree with the message.
Trump is busy reducing regulations to improve the economy, improving unemployment, denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, stop illegal immigration, reduce taxes, improve health care, improve trade deals and make this country great again after that Obama disaster.

Who gives a shit about Roseanne Barr except for a few butt hurt Moon Bat snowflakes?
Yes folks- Trump has much bigger things going on in the country right now- like addressing Jay-Z's language- 2 years ago...….

That's the best you got? :auiqs.jpg:

You got anything to contribute to the thread- or are you just trolling as usual?

Start a real thread and maybe I'll gift you my incredible knowledge and insight. This one is a joke, you Trump haters are really grasping in desperation to find something to complain about.
Trump made the JayZ comment two years ago at a campaign rally. Liberals may want to lie and say that Trump was commenting today about a JayZ incident of two years ago but that's just lib lies.
Total double standard by the MEDIA, which is corrupt, and LEFTIST.

Leftist? lol
Our fucking media is a corporate machine that doesn't give a flying fuck about the working man and can't be leftist in its current nature.At least in terms of what leftist use to mean.

Most of the media is kind of right wing when it deals with economic issues normally siding with the fucking rich and against the worker. Learn something before you post.
Lie of the decade.
President Trump is too busy to comment on the Roseanne fiasco- and understandably so:

“The president is focused on North Korea, he’s focused on trade deals,” Huckabee Sanders replied aboard Air Force One Tuesday when asked for President Trump’s thoughts on the controversy.

Asked directly if Barr’s popular sitcom should have been pulled by the network, the press secretary dodged again. “That’s not what the president’s looking at,” she said. “We have a lot bigger thing going on in the country right now.

Such as commenting on Jay-Z's language in a 2016 Clinton rally.....

Trump says Jay-Z's 'filthy' campaign language made him look 'clean cut' - CNNPolitics
The only way she filled up the arena was to get Jay-Z," he said to boos while recalling his 2016 victory at a campaign rally in Nashville. "And his language was so filthy that it made me, like, the most clean-cut human being on earth. It's true."Trump continued, "He'd stand up there before those crowds, and by the way, without any musical instruments, I had much bigger crowds than he was drawing. But he'd stand up before those crowds, and he'd use the F word

Yes folks- Trump has much bigger things going on in the country right now- like addressing Jay-Z's language- 2 years ago.......

Our President....focusing on the important issues for America.....
So damned if you do vs damned if you don't?

Get a grip. This bullshit is unworthy of serious discussions
WOW, the Left would neeever compare people to monkeys would they....really?

President Trump is too busy to comment on the Roseanne fiasco- and understandably so:

“The president is focused on North Korea, he’s focused on trade deals,” Huckabee Sanders replied aboard Air Force One Tuesday when asked for President Trump’s thoughts on the controversy.

Asked directly if Barr’s popular sitcom should have been pulled by the network, the press secretary dodged again. “That’s not what the president’s looking at,” she said. “We have a lot bigger thing going on in the country right now.

Such as commenting on Jay-Z's language in a 2016 Clinton rally.....

Trump says Jay-Z's 'filthy' campaign language made him look 'clean cut' - CNNPolitics
The only way she filled up the arena was to get Jay-Z," he said to boos while recalling his 2016 victory at a campaign rally in Nashville. "And his language was so filthy that it made me, like, the most clean-cut human being on earth. It's true."Trump continued, "He'd stand up there before those crowds, and by the way, without any musical instruments, I had much bigger crowds than he was drawing. But he'd stand up before those crowds, and he'd use the F word

Yes folks- Trump has much bigger things going on in the country right now- like addressing Jay-Z's language- 2 years ago.......

Our President....focusing on the important issues for America.....
View attachment 195856

thanks for pointing out how President Trump is focusing on the important Jay-Z dirty language 2 years ago!
So you you pit 2 worthless entertainers against each other. no one cares
President Trump is too busy to comment on the Roseanne fiasco- and understandably so:

“The president is focused on North Korea, he’s focused on trade deals,” Huckabee Sanders replied aboard Air Force One Tuesday when asked for President Trump’s thoughts on the controversy.

Asked directly if Barr’s popular sitcom should have been pulled by the network, the press secretary dodged again. “That’s not what the president’s looking at,” she said. “We have a lot bigger thing going on in the country right now.

Such as commenting on Jay-Z's language in a 2016 Clinton rally.....

Trump says Jay-Z's 'filthy' campaign language made him look 'clean cut' - CNNPolitics
The only way she filled up the arena was to get Jay-Z," he said to boos while recalling his 2016 victory at a campaign rally in Nashville. "And his language was so filthy that it made me, like, the most clean-cut human being on earth. It's true."Trump continued, "He'd stand up there before those crowds, and by the way, without any musical instruments, I had much bigger crowds than he was drawing. But he'd stand up before those crowds, and he'd use the F word

Yes folks- Trump has much bigger things going on in the country right now- like addressing Jay-Z's language- 2 years ago.......

Our President....focusing on the important issues for America.....
You sound like my whining 3 year old....ALWAYS complaining about something!
What I would be interested to hear is how Disney which is the parent company of ABC and ESPN will explain the hiring of Keith Olbermann who has a long history vile and disgusting tweets and attacks on people while getting rid of Roseanne for doing that very thing. To be clear I’m not defending Roseanne or suggesting she shouldn’t have been fired but I do find interesting they hire a person who has a long history of doing what you just fired someone for doing.
Roseanne Barr even admitted it was egregious Indefensible, but not Trump, he was irate at the apology.

Roseanne Barr - “Guys I did something unforgiveable so do not defend me," ... "I went 2 far & do not want it defended-it was egregious Indefensible. I made a mistake I wish I hadn’t but…don’t defend it please." ... “I am sorry for making a thoughtless joke that does not reflect my values — I love all people and am very sorry.

President Trump did not condemn Roseanne Barr's Twitter post about Valerie Jarrett, that led to the swift cancellation of Ms. Barr’s ABC sitcom. Instead, he expressed his own grievances on Wednesday with what the network’s on-air personalities have said about him, and insisted he was the one who deserved an apology.

Specifically, the president called out Robert A. Iger, the chairman of Disney, the parent company of ABC, who had phoned Valerie Jarrett, on Tuesday to apologize for Ms. Barr’s language. The president, referring to himself in the third person, complained on Twitter that Mr. Iger had “never called President Donald J. Trump to apologize for the HORRIBLE statements made and said about me on ABC.”

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