President Obama tells Medvedev-‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility'

Nor are we talking about changing positions. We are talking about the fact that President Obama realizes he can do whatever the heck he wants if he gets reelected, regardless of what he promises the people. Because he is no longer accountable.

More Freedom does not equal "whatever the heck he wants". That's a false assumption. Regardless, he'll have more freedom to negotiate, but whatever he negotiates will still have to go through ratification in the Senate, which is likely to be GOP even if Obama wins.
You guys are really scared shitless dumbfucks. Obama isn't saying "my (his) election. He is saying '"my (our nations) electon.he is not being arrogant or saying he will win period.

Good try on trying to make an issue out of nothing, by totally taking his words out of context.

You fuckstain 0bama fluffers will spin ANYTHING he says...:lol:

If 0bama was caught humping your dog, you'd take a picture and hang it above the mantle with pride...

You're a fucking joke...:badgrin:
1) I don't have a job
2)im not voting for a man who passed ndaa and extended the patriot act....

But hey continue to talk out your ass like usual.

Glad you brought that up speaking of "flip-flops" and etch-a-sketches...

Surely Obama was against it before he was for it........... :eusa_clap:

‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility'

ha ha etch a sketchy president.... asshole democrat party of donkeys... ! he haw !... he haw !....... the asshole party.... obama '12
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Barack Obama has his own stable of Enrons, companies benefiting from close ties to the president, seemingly able to leverage campaign donations, receiving taxpayer dollars to boost their prospects.


Doesn't Obama excoriate Wall Street on a somewhat regular basis -- especially when bad economic numbers are released and he needs a villain and punching bag to rile up Americans and distract attention from him and his policies? Why is he chumming up and helping Wall Street titans with taxpayer money?

Barack Obama learned a great deal about pay-to-play politics by spending his adult years in Cook County, where pay-to-play is the modus operandi of politicians. He seems to have learned his lesson well. He now has a history of running interference for donors and giving taxpayer dollars to donors. Undoubtedly, dogged investigators are on the trail of other Green Schemes and the people behind them. Will they reach the one guy who seems to the key player who parts with our money with delightful abandon?

Obama and his allies make a great deal about the potential of sunlight. To me, Justice Louis Brandeis had more sensible things to say about sunlight than our president. Brandeis said that "sunlight is the best disinfectant." We need a lot of sunlight in Washington.

The nation needs to see that Barack Obama is the King of Crony Capitalism.

Articles: Obama's Crony Capitalism
Well no TPS..that's not what that means.

It means he can focus more time on various issues without the burden of an election campaign.

What Barry's open mike comment illustrates quite clearly is that once he's reelected he's going to do whatever "he" feels like and the rest of the country can kiss his ass. You think Obama's going to tell the EPA to back off on tighter regulations if he's not worried about losing votes because people's electric bills skyrocket or we experience rolling brown outs in the summer time? You think our economy is grinding along now? Just wait...
Well no TPS..that's not what that means.

It means he can focus more time on various issues without the burden of an election campaign.

I don't like Obama's policies, BUT you are right, this is just him telling the truth, if he is reelected he will be free from concerns about running again. But at the same time we that do not like his policies are right to be concerned about what that means as well. he has shown he is willing to violate the Constitution even in an election year running for reelection, what does that bode for when he has no such concerns?
So, now Dems can't admit to the ridiculousness of jumping on Romney's campaign manager's comment about shifting focus after the primaries... Dembots actually fabricated lies about what he must have meant by what he said and the internet was all atwitter with etch-a-sketch jokes and snarky inferences AS IF shifting focus after primaries isn't standard operating procedure, at which point voters still have an opportunity to fully vet the candidate and his campaign proposals before casting their votes...

Here we have the incumbent President whispering to foreign powers about how he can't be straight with the American people prior to the election........... :eusa_shhh:


Well no mittens has a long history of flipflopping on issues.typically within minutes of each other.

On the other hand obama isn't being secretive at all. He is stating the campaign will eat up a lot of time and missle defense is not a pressing issue at this time. Its not going anywhere anytime soon.

An ex-professor of constitutional law, President Obama understands an unsettling truth about executive overreach: It’s unconstitutional only if somebody squawks. Sure, the Constitution says the president can’t make an appointment without the Senate’s consent. But if he does, and nobody objects, what’s stopping him? Obama

We have few options available to us at this point. The NDAA may be challenged in the courts, and this will almost certainly happen if the president (or a future president) actually makes use of the powers related to US citizens. Even then, however, the courts could come down on either side. The Supreme Court is not exactly filled to the brim with civil libertarians.

Until that time, however, we can try to abandon politics-as-usual and focus on electing politicians who care more about curtailing government excess than expanding government power endlessly in our never-ending War on Terror.

President Obama Signed the National Defense Authorization Act - Now What? - Forbes
Obama has brought in more money from employees of banks, hedge funds and other financial service companies than all of the GOP candidates combined, according to a Washington Post analysis of contribution data. The numbers show that Obama retains a persistent reservoir of support among Democratic financiers who have backed him since he was an underdog presidential candidate four years ago…


The punchline is that, once the GOP nominee is unleashed and Wall Street money starts stampeding into the RNC, Democrats will segue effortlessly from months of quietly raking in as much finance cash as they can muster to months of demagoging the GOP as “the party of Wall Street” for having outraised them. Neat trick, that. They’ll end up being Occupy Wall Street’s best friend just in time for the general election after spending months stuffing their pockets to bursting with offerings from the banking world’s masters of the universe.

Obama’s raised more money for Democrats from Wall Street donors than all Republican candidates combined « Hot Air
Oh..and missile defense doesn't work.

Then why are Russians so adamantly against it?

Let's qualify that. Missile defense would work for one purpose, which is NOT defensive. A missile defense could protect against a very small, very limited missile attack -- the kind the Russians might have left over after a U.S. first strike.

Insofar as it had a military purpose at all, as opposed to just being a boondoggle and a way to rip off the taxpayers to enrich defense contractors, missile defense was always intended to make a first nuclear strike feasible. And THAT is why the Russians have always opposed it.

It doesn't even work against that. It doesn't work.

The Russians are against it because it means they have to reverse engineer yet another weapons system.
Well no TPS..that's not what that means.

It means he can focus more time on various issues without the burden of an election campaign.

I don't think I've ever seen you use truth this carelessly.

No, it means that I will be free to do things that Americans would vote against if I do them now.

I'm surprised at you.
[What's the difference: Barack Obama or Benedict Arnold handing over the plans to the Fort At West Point?]

"In other words, he will give the Russians whatever they want if they lay off until after November’s elections.

SEOUL – President Barack Obama offered a private request Monday to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev for some “space” on missile defense ahead of November’s elections.

“On all these issues, particularly on missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space,” Obama said, referring to incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to a TV pool reporter who heard audio recorded by a Russian reporter who was in the room moments before the two leaders spoke to reporters after their 90-minute meeting."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Hot Mic Catches Obama Asking Russian President Medvedev For “Space” Until After Elections, Says He Will Then “Have More Flexibility”…

"Obama: America Has “Moral Obligation” To Disarm Our Nuclear Weapons Deterrent…

Our enemies seen eagerly nodding in approval.

Via Beltway Confidential:

President Obama called nuclear disarmament as “a moral obligation,” as he suggested that the United States is leading by example to bring about “a world without nuclear weapons.”"

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Obama: America Has “Moral Obligation” To Disarm Our Nuclear Weapons Deterrent…

"Kill this “space” program

Jake Tapper reports another of Obama’s moments of inadvertently shared candor, caught on microphone in Seoul:

At the tail end of his 90 minute meeting with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev Monday, President Obama said that he would have “more flexibility” to deal with controversial issues such as missile defense, but incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to give him “space.”

The exchange was picked up by microphones as reporters were let into the room for remarks by the two leaders.

The man has big plans for us — the kind of plans he won’t be sharing with the American people. Not yet.

Something tells me this next election is a big one. Let’s kill Obama’s “space” program"

Kill this “space” program | Power Line

"President Hot Mic can’t wait for a second term (Update: The bigger question)

Posted by William A. Jacobson Monday, March 26, 2012 at 9:19am

Notice how the Obama captured when he doesn’t think he is being recorded is so differenct from campaign Obama. The ”bitter clinger” remarks and the Netanyahu put-down are the most memorable.

And there are the hot mic sound bites which the media won’t release, like CBS refusing to release the full audio of Obama’s comments about Paul Ryan, and the LA Times holding back the Khalidi tape.

The most recent hot mic is in many ways the most important, because it demonstrates once again that unrestrained by the need for reelection, Obama is going to go to town.

Via Jake Tapper, President Obama Asks Medvedev for ‘Space’ on Missile Defense — ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility’:

No biggie, right? Scott Johnson has a plan:

The man has big plans for us — the kind of plans he won’t be sharing with the American people. Not yet.

Something tells me this next election is a big one. Let’s kill Obama’s “space” program.

Update: I think I along with others have missed the bigger question:

Why does Obama feel the President of Russia is entitled to know more about Obama’s plans than the American public?"

» President Hot Mic can’t wait for a second term (Update: The bigger question) - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

[This is bigger than Obamacare in the Court, bigger than S Flukes vagina and all those male tumescent organs waiting to get in, bigger than George Zimmerman, this is Obama giving away the whole enchilada to the Russians.
B@st@rd, treasonous son of a b!tch!]
The only positive aspect of this exchange is that it is some indication that obama intends that an election will be permitted. He might not permit the outcome of the election if he loses, but we will have some kind of procedure.


This after a president, who in 2000, lost the popular vote was still installed by an extremely dubious process.

Gotta love it.

He won the popular vote in the state in question.

Wanna dispute that?

Didn't think so.
obama isn't trusted. Get it. This is going to be a big issue because the American people expect him to sell us out yet further.
The right continues to show that it is not fact-based.

Abandoning missile defense will not leave us defenseless, or not more defenseless than we are anyway in a nuclear age. It would merely save money that we don't have.

And there is no way that Obama COULD suspend elections. Good grief.

Barack Obama...another Democrat plotting with the Russians against the American people.

Senator Ted Kennedy, Democrat, offered to plot with the Russians against his President.

1. The following from the Central Committee archives, in Moscow: May 14, 1983, Committee on State Security of the USSR, On 9-10 May of this year, Senator Edward Kennedy’s close friend and trusted confidant J. Tunney was in Moscow. The senator charged Tunney to convey the following message, through confidential contacts, to the General Secretary of the Center Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Y. Andropov. … very troubled by the current state of Soviet-American relations. … dangerous. The main reason for this is Reagan’s belligerence, and his firm commitment to deploy new American middle range nuclear weapons… the President’s refusal to engage any modification on his politics…. improvement of the economy: inflation has been greatly reduced, production levels are increasing as is overall business activity. For these reasons, interest rates will continue to decline.

2. … prudent and timely to undertake the following steps to counter the militaristic politics of … he offers the following proposals to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Y.V. Andropov:

a. …a personal meeting in July of this year. The main purpose of the meeting, according to the senator, would be to arm Soviet officials with explanations … so they may be better prepared and more convincing during appearances in the USA… also invite one of the well known Republican senators, for example, Mark Hatfield.

b. … to influence Americans it would be important to organize in August-September of this year, televised interviews with Y.V. Andropov in the USA… the president of the board of directors of ABC, Elton Raul and television columnists Walter Cronkite or Barbara Walters…

c. … Tunney remarked that the senator wants to run for president in 1988. …Kennedy does not discount that during the 1984 campaign, the Democratic Party may officially turn to him to lead the fight against the Republicans…
Letter Details Kennedy Offer To USSR | Sweetness & Light

So very many traitors.....
Well no mittens has a long history of flipflopping on issues.typically within minutes of each other.

On the other hand obama isn't being secretive at all. He is stating the campaign will eat up a lot of time and missle defense is not a pressing issue at this time. Its not going anywhere anytime soon.


Whores tend to make lousy who cares about your opinion.

Gee, so nice to be called names. Sorry but you won't spin this any way but what it is. The man basically told us to fuck off after the election. Of course you won't understand that until you get your head out of his ass.....

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