President Obama tells Medvedev-‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility'

I can't believe that the right is once again selling "star wars"...


Wow. Obama is caught telling the Russians he'll appease them to no end after he is re-elected and all you can do is attack "the right".
Oh..and missile defense doesn't work.

Then why are Russians so adamantly against it?

Let's qualify that. Missile defense would work for one purpose, which is NOT defensive. A missile defense could protect against a very small, very limited missile attack -- the kind the Russians might have left over after a U.S. first strike.

Insofar as it had a military purpose at all, as opposed to just being a boondoggle and a way to rip off the taxpayers to enrich defense contractors, missile defense was always intended to make a first nuclear strike feasible. And THAT is why the Russians have always opposed it.
The right continues to show that it is not fact-based.

Abandoning missile defense will not leave us defenseless, or not more defenseless than we are anyway in a nuclear age. It would merely save money that we don't have.

And there is no way that Obama COULD suspend elections. Good grief.

Your so-called "fact based" conclusions are based on delusions rather than facts.

You simply label everything you believe "facts" and everything you disagree with as "non-facts."
"my election" Thought it was our election but I guess he thinks another coronation is coming. Lol.

He's not stupid. He can see the way things are going, and how only the second-string Republicans are running against him. He knows he's going to win.
The only positive aspect of this exchange is that it is some indication that obama intends that an election will be permitted. He might not permit the outcome of the election if he loses, but we will have some kind of procedure.


This after a president, who in 2000, lost the popular vote was still installed by an extremely dubious process.

Gotta love it.

Most 5th graders understand that a President can get elected without winning the popular vote because of the electorial system. Evidently you don't.
Yeah Right.

President Obama's National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order of March 16 does to the country as a whole what the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act did to the Constitution in particular -- completely eviscerates any due process or judicial oversight for any action by the Government deemed in the interest of "national security." Like the NDAA, the new Executive Order puts the government completely above the law, which, in a democracy, is never supposed to happen. The United States is essentially now under martial law without the exigencies of a national emergency.

Even as the 2012 NDAA was rooted in the Patriot Act and the various executive orders and Congressional bills that ensued to broaden executive power in the "war on terror," so the new Executive Order is rooted in the Defense Production Act of 1950 which gave the Government powers to mobilize national resources in the event of national emergencies, except now virtually every aspect of American life falls under ultimate unchallengeable government control, to be exercised by the president and his secretaries at their discretion.

Jim Garrison: Martial Law by Executive Order
You simply label everything you believe "facts" and everything you disagree with as "non-facts."

LOL no, it's the other way around. That which I believe is a fact, is a fact, and that is WHY I believe it.

You, on the other hand, begin with the conclusion and shout loudly enough to drown out any evidence that contradicts it.
Yeah more flexibility to unilaterally disarm, abandon Israel, and conceded to China and Russia. Obama can play games with Iran, but he can't control what Israel will have to do soon, there are things that are out of Obama's control, although hopefully we won't have to find out what another four years of Obama will bring the us
You simply label everything you believe "facts" and everything you disagree with as "non-facts."

LOL no, it's the other way around. That which I believe is a fact, is a fact, and that is WHY I believe it..

Your arrogance is incredible.

[You, on the other hand, begin with the conclusion and shout loudly enough to drown out any evidence that contradicts it.

The irony of your post is excruciating!
aka I can do what I want.

President Obama Asks Medvedev for ‘Space’ on Missile Defense — ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility’

SEOUL, South Korea — At the tail end of his 90 minute meeting with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev Monday, President Obama said that he would have “more flexibility” to deal with controversial issues such as missile defense, but incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to give him “space.”

The exchange was picked up by microphones as reporters were let into the room for remarks by the two leaders.
The exchange:

President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.

President Medvedev: Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…

President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.

President Obama Asks Medvedev for ‘Space’ on Missile Defense — ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility’ - ABC News

Aka, after the election, the American people won't be able to stop me disarming missile defense and leaving this country defenseless.

Remember this and vote.

November 2012 is coming.

Exactly what I've been saying for the last year or so.
It's kind of heartening that so many democrats think that obama would never try to seize the remainder of dictatorial powerm or wouldn't get away with it if he did.
You simply label everything you believe "facts" and everything you disagree with as "non-facts."

LOL no, it's the other way around. That which I believe is a fact, is a fact, and that is WHY I believe it.

You, on the other hand, begin with the conclusion and shout loudly enough to drown out any evidence that contradicts it.

You are the Perfect Model Proletarian. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Oh, looky who needs an etch-a-sketch now...........

I can't believe that the right is once again selling "star wars"...


Wow. Obama is caught telling the Russians he'll appease them to no end after he is re-elected and all you can do is attack "the right".

Kinda makes you wonder what other secret deals our etch-a-sketch President is whispering in the ears of others, huh...? :eusa_whistle:
It's kind of heartening that so many democrats think that obama would never try to seize the remainder of dictatorial powerm or wouldn't get away with it if he did.

That's called, "having at least a fingernail's grip on reality." Seriously. It's not high praise of Obama to say that he isn't about to impose a dictatorship. It's just rejection of an absurdity.
I think this is a very keen insight into what President Obama is thinking. He expects to have alot more flexibility if he is reelected to do thinks he knows the people won't like. Considering he has already done alot of things the people don't like, it's a bit scary to wonder what the heck he is holding back.
After the election, why would Russia care what an former President has to say on missle defense?

its a very good question. But you do realize that Obama is so arrogant that he can't even concieve of losing, right?

And that's precisely why he will. Pride comes before the fall.

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