PPACA and early retirement


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2015
Obamacare not spurring more early retirements yet despite predictions

A team of University of Michigan researchers studied Census Bureau employment data for 2014 - the first full year of the law’s implementation - and found no evidence of a higher rate of retirement, or a shift to part-time work, for Americans age 55 to 64.

“We looked for it. In fact we really looked hard for it,” said Helen Levy, a research associate professor at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research. “This just hasn’t been the labor supply Armageddon some were predicting.”

Still, the ACA has had an enormous, positive impact on older Americans.

At the end of the ACA’s first full year, the share of Americans ages 50 to 64 without health insurance had fallen by nearly a third, to just 8 percent, according to research by the Urban Institute and AARP. The uninsured rate was even lower in the 27 states that chose to expand Medicaid eligibility - just 5.5 percent at the end of last year.

It is too early to document improved health, but Levy and other experts think the higher coverage rates will mean healthier seniors in the years ahead.

“For these folks, health insurance really matters,” Levy said. “They’re the ones who tend to get sick, and they have a nest egg to protect. It really is a matter of life and death."

(A) You don't seem to understand what the article in the OP was about
(B) As usual, the article you posted is from before the implementation of the PPACA. It would be interesting to poll those doctors now and see if any of them have changed their minds. Do you have data more current than March 2013?

When you consider that the full impact of this terrible law won't be known until it is completely rolled out (remember obama kept delaying sections of the law to try and get more Dems elected) and King obama granted exemptions to his good buddies, thus staving off an even more catastrophic loss of jobs than we have already witnessed, so we really have no clue how bad it is going to be.

I am curious though, are you a paid public employee? If you are you may not be so happy with obummercare as the Nevada Public Employee Union members are finding out. They ain't too happy. How hard do you think it's going to be to get the taxpayers to pay for someone elses health plan that they can only dream of?

Key Findings

  1. In 2018, local taxpayers could face a large tax increase when the Affordable Care Act’s Cadillac Tax, a 40% excise tax on some health insurance plans, begins.
  2. Since the recession of 2008, wage freezes have been common for all workers, but government employees have been much more likely to receive increased compensation through expanded health benefits.
  3. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimated the tax would generate $80 billion in new revenue over 10 years. The Cadillac Tax could potentially add a total of $76 million in local taxes for 10 years beginning in 2018.
  4. As 2018 approaches, the Cadillac Tax is emerging as a significant financial burden placed by the federal government on state and local governments and will have a major impact in funding essential local services.
  5. Public employers will have only two options: either reduce health care benefits for their public workers or pass the cost of the federal tax to local taxpayers.

How Obamacare’s “Cadillac Tax” will affect local governments, public employees and local taxpayers | Washington Policy Center
Projections about climate change are "bogus," but projections about the PPACA - as long as they fit the narrative - are 100% accurate, right?
Projections about climate change are "bogus," but projections about the PPACA - as long as they fit the narrative - are 100% accurate, right?

No, they are equally bullshit. Climate change because it is all based on fraudulent computer models and PPACA because we don't know what the unintended consequences will be. We do KNOW that one of the primary directives of the law is to hire 9,000 new IRS agents so clearly revenue generation is paramount to the law. Health care not so much.
Projections about climate change are "bogus," but projections about the PPACA - as long as they fit the narrative - are 100% accurate, right?

No, they are equally bullshit. Climate change because it is all based on fraudulent computer models and PPACA because we don't know what the unintended consequences will be. We do KNOW that one of the primary directives of the law is to hire 9,000 new IRS agents so clearly revenue generation is paramount to the law. Health care not so much.

I wasn't talking about the PPACA, but about the projections you posted.
Projections about climate change are "bogus," but projections about the PPACA - as long as they fit the narrative - are 100% accurate, right?

No, they are equally bullshit. Climate change because it is all based on fraudulent computer models and PPACA because we don't know what the unintended consequences will be. We do KNOW that one of the primary directives of the law is to hire 9,000 new IRS agents so clearly revenue generation is paramount to the law. Health care not so much.

I wasn't talking about the PPACA, but about the projections you posted.

The projections are from the government using the best information they have. That was one of those unintended consequences I was talking about. It shocked the shit out of Nevada I can safely say. There will be more surprises as this horrible law is implemented.

But thank you for your mindless support! The insurance companies must be paying you well to shill for them!
The projections are from the government using the best information they have.

We'll just have to wait and see, then.

The insurance companies must be paying you well to shill for them!

As I've said numerous times, I was and remain a proponent of single-payer. But I find it interesting how many on your side default to the "someone must be paying you" meme. It suggests how many of you are on the take.
The projections are from the government using the best information they have.

We'll just have to wait and see, then.

The insurance companies must be paying you well to shill for them!

As I've said numerous times, I was and remain a proponent of single-payer. But I find it interesting how many on your side default to the "someone must be paying you" meme. It suggests how many of you are on the take.

No, I just find it amazing that someone can be so forcefully supportive of something that is so obviously flawed. Single payer is likewise flawed but progressives never seem to understand how that works. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I get paid MILLIONS to be a Moderator here!
No, I just find it amazing that someone can be so forcefully supportive of something that is so obviously flawed.

Again, it wasn't what we wanted, but some of us see it as a step toward true reform, the goal of which is a healthier America.

Single payer is likewise flawed but progressives never seem to understand how that works.

Every human activity is flawed. As for single-payer, we've had decades to observe which countries have good systems and which countries don't. When - not if, but when - we make the transition, we'll have learned from the mistakes of others.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I get paid MILLIONS to be a Moderator here!

Then you're being cheated. The Koch brothers are spending billions trying to destroy the PPACA. You need to get yourself a piece of that. :p
No, I just find it amazing that someone can be so forcefully supportive of something that is so obviously flawed.

Again, it wasn't what we wanted, but some of us see it as a step toward true reform, the goal of which is a healthier America.

Single payer is likewise flawed but progressives never seem to understand how that works.

Every human activity is flawed. As for single-payer, we've had decades to observe which countries have good systems and which countries don't. When - not if, but when - we make the transition, we'll have learned from the mistakes of others.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I get paid MILLIONS to be a Moderator here!

Then you're being cheated. The Koch brothers are spending billions trying to destroy the PPACA. You need to get yourself a piece of that. :p

A 'step' toward reform? So you're OK with all the deaths that will result form inadequate care so long as it furthers your political goal. I see. Nice to see you show your colors so early. And really. The Kochs are spending "billions". Hyperbole much?
So you're OK with all the deaths that will result form inadequate care...

You mean the deaths that resulted from insurance caps and denials for preexisting conditions? The insurers can't pull that crap anymore.

The Kochs are spending "billions".

Their spend in 2014 alone was $290 million. Add their spend in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and this year and see what you come up with.
So you're OK with all the deaths that will result form inadequate care...

You mean the deaths that resulted from insurance caps and denials for preexisting conditions? The insurers can't pull that crap anymore.

The Kochs are spending "billions".

Their spend in 2014 alone was $290 million. Add their spend in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and this year and see what you come up with.

People were always able to go to the emergency room and stiff the taxpayers for their care in those situations as you very well know and choose to ignore. How about a link to what they actually spent that money on. That 290 million was for ALL of their political activities. How much does Soros spend on a yearly basis? Or Steyer? Bloomie? There are many billionaires lavishing money on politics in the USA for the progressive side. Not too many on the conservative side though so I think it's only fair. Don't you?
People were always able to go to the emergency room and stiff the taxpayers for their care in those situations as you very well know ...

And I've posted that numerous times here. There are several dimensions to that:

(A) Now that more people have insurance, fewer are showing up in the ER. This means less stress on hospital budgets, and fewer costs passed to other patients
(B) A trip to the ER won't do you much good if you've got a stage III, III, or IV cancer. But access to a screening when it's only stage I, and access to affordable first-line treatment will
People were always able to go to the emergency room and stiff the taxpayers for their care in those situations as you very well know ...

And I've posted that numerous times here. There are several dimensions to that:

(A) Now that more people have insurance, fewer are showing up in the ER. This means less stress on hospital budgets, and fewer costs passed to other patients
(B) A trip to the ER won't do you much good if you've got a stage III, III, or IV cancer. But access to a screening when it's only stage I, and access to affordable first-line treatment will

Fewer are getting care period. The poor people are forced to go on Medicare or Medicaid and most of the doctors in my area no longer accept them as patients so they are screwed. Yeppers, that "free medical care" is GREAT! When you can find someone to accept it. Look to see fewer and fewer doctors accepting it as the Feds reduce the payments to doctors for the services rendered.
Fewer are getting care period. The poor people are forced to go on Medicare or Medicaid and most of the doctors in my area no longer accept them as patients so they are screwed.

I'm going to need some statistics for that. While there's no doubt the people in States with Stupid Governors are suffering, those governors may find themselves less than popular come reelection time, and at least some of those states will eventually get relief, but you'll have to show me that, nationwide, fewer patients are getting care.

Remember: Actual, real-time stats, not projections, mmkay?

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