Cadillac tax a health care car crash

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
If you like your plan you can keep it, until the government taxes it out of existence.

Yet one more burden on the middle class in this country courtesy of nanny state government. ObamaCare supporters should ask themselves why they despise the middle class and favor the rich so much.

If the White House has its say, your insurance plan is about to change for the worse. That's because companies are expected to phase out many of these plans. Whether you're a public employee, a union employee or you work in a manufacturing plant, many Nevadans are going to feel the wrath of the Obamacare "Cadillac tax."

The tax imposes a stiff 40 percent penalty on employers if they sponsor an employee health plan with annual premiums exceeding $10,200 for an individual or $27,500 for a family. Yes, if you are in the middle class and actually like your health plan, the government is about to tax that plan until it goes away.

Growing up in my dad's auto shop, I remember when Cadillac's slogans were "universal symbol of excellence" and "world's best synonym for quality." The Obamacare Cadillac tax is the opposite. If anything, it makes sure all hard-working Nevadans have the same terrible health insurance.

The Obama administration contends this tax will hit only a tiny sliver of generous health care plans, hence the name "Cadillac tax." But in reality, the percentage of plans hit by the tax will grow exponentially by the end of this decade. Set to take effect in 2018, this tax is expected to impact 54 percent of employers and almost 151 million workers, including retirees, small businesses, government employees, the self-employed and low- and moderate-income families. Hardly anyone in Nevada will be shielded from the devastating effects of the Cadillac tax.

What will happen as a result of this tax? The cost of health insurance will increase for hard-working families, who will be forced to pay higher co-pays and deductibles because companies will no longer have an incentive to bear the burden of subsidizing moderate health plans enjoyed by middle-class Americans.

Cadillac tax a health care car crash
Out of curiosity, how many middle-class people actually opt for high-end insurance coverage? I'm sure you've got statistics.
What's the great disaster here supposed to be? More people opening HSAs, more people asking what the price of a scan/procedure/whatever is at Facility A vs. Facility B? Such is the stuff of price competition between care providers.

A $28,000 health plan is not some great thing to be defended at all costs. It's not particularly good for the market, the individual, or the health system.
^Aw, you know. It's just something they heard Uncle Jimmy say after eight beers and they've been parroting ever since. They don't even know what it means. But "Cadillac" sounds cool, man!

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