

Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011

This whole article is clownish

With all of that, why have we not achieved more? Four reasons: An astonishing number of people work at low-wage jobs. Plus, many more households are headed now by a single parent, making it difficult for them to earn a living income from the jobs that are typically available

No Shit.....most people dont have high paying jobs....becasue if most people had them, they wouldnt be high paying.....Why do people like this miss the point, high paying jobs mean you make more than others, so by definition, you only have a few....DOH!

And the single parent thing is a big big problem and Dan Quayle called it 20 years ago.

This whole article is clownish

With all of that, why have we not achieved more? Four reasons: An astonishing number of people work at low-wage jobs. Plus, many more households are headed now by a single parent, making it difficult for them to earn a living income from the jobs that are typically available

No Shit.....most people dont have high paying jobs....becasue if most people had them, they wouldnt be high paying.....Why do people like this miss the point, high paying jobs mean you make more than others, so by definition, you only have a few....DOH!

And the single parent thing is a big big problem and Dan Quayle called it 20 years ago.

funny...one income was plenty enough in the 50's, 60's, and 70's. Until Ronnie boy trickled the country's workforce into a death spiral....he didn't know it at the time, and neither did I. It made sense to me and the first time I voted, I voted for Reagan proudly....but something happened along the way trim the until now....The wealthy figured out that trickling down was optional and there was nothing stopping them from keeping all of that for themselves....and boy, did they ever.

Now we NEED two incomes, oft times just to scrape by...in hindsight, Ronnie was wrong and so was I.
Wages have not kept pace with such mandatory spending such as food, shelter, energy and medical care. Maybe if you stretch really hard you can find a way to blame this 30 year trend on the party that is not actively involved in attacking the minimum wage, union membership, higher education and reacting in horror to any and all protectionist measures.
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Wages have not kept pace with such mandatory spending such as food, shelter, energy and medical care. Maybe if you stretch really hard you can find a way to blame this 30 year trend on the party that is not actively involved in attacking the minimum wage, union membership, higher education and reacting in horror to any and all protectionist measures.

yeah, but electronics are cheap...too bad people can't live in, eat or drive their iPads. Necessities? nope they'll gouge the fuck out if us because we don't have a choice and they know it...This is the essence of MODERN DAY Capitalism. Capitalize on as many people as you can and if they can't afford to live? Fuck 'em.
Wages have not kept pace with such mandatory spending such as food, shelter, energy and medical care. Maybe if you stretch really hard you can find a way to blame this 30 year trend on the party that is not actively involved in attacking the minimum wage, union membership, higher education and reacting in horror to any and all protectionist measures.

yeah, but electronics are cheap...too bad people can't live in, eat or drive their iPads. Necessities? nope they'll gouge the fuck out if us because we don't have a choice and they know it...This is the essence of MODERN DAY Capitalism. Capitalize on as many people as you can and if they can't afford to live? Fuck 'em.

Poverty is just not a priority of either party at the moment and I do not see that changing anytime soon. The social stigma attached to poverty has never been more painful, people suffer in silence, go to ridiculous lengths to hide their poverty and keep their complaints to themselves. With such a silent, fearful group it no wonder that they fly below the radar of politicians or worse, scapegoated as useless drags on society.
I think we have a problem defining "poverty." Poverty in the US is having one car, at least one cell phone, an assortment of technological devices and at least two tv's with the internet. Basically, it seems that economists or columnists want to declare it is a minority that is single parent!

Obama wants to call it a minority he can get to call on food stamps regardless of need and a possible Democratic vote.

What is true poverty? Is it someone who is out of a job and no home, no cell phone or hope for the future. Do we have a pverty problem? Yes, but he doesn't make $30K a year.
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I think we have a problem defining "poverty." Poverty in the US is having one car, at least one cell phone, an assortment of technological devices and at least two tv's with the internet. Basically, it seems that economists or columnists want to declare it is a minority that is single parent!

Obama wants to call it a minority he can get to call on food stamps regardless of need and a possible Democratic vote.

What is true poverty? Is it someone who is out of a job and no home, no cell phone or hope for the future. Do we have a pverty problem? Yes, but he doesn't make $30K a year.

People can have a pile of technological gadgets and still not be able to count on having a job next month or next week, having a car does not mean it is a good dependable car or having the money to have the rust bucket maintained or repaired. Security is becoming a thing of the past, we are increasingly becoming a people who are just one "minor" emergency away from homelessness.
I think we have a problem defining "poverty." Poverty in the US is having one car, at least one cell phone, an assortment of technological devices and at least two tv's with the internet. Basically, it seems that economists or columnists want to declare it is a minority that is single parent!

Obama wants to call it a minority he can get to call on food stamps regardless of need and a possible Democratic vote.

What is true poverty? Is it someone who is out of a job and no home, no cell phone or hope for the future. Do we have a pverty problem? Yes, but he doesn't make $30K a year.

Poverty might be defined as someone having an IQ of under 90; my friend, you are one poor person.
I think we have a problem defining "poverty." Poverty in the US is having one car, at least one cell phone, an assortment of technological devices and at least two tv's with the internet. Basically, it seems that economists or columnists want to declare it is a minority that is single parent!

Obama wants to call it a minority he can get to call on food stamps regardless of need and a possible Democratic vote.

What is true poverty? Is it someone who is out of a job and no home, no cell phone or hope for the future. Do we have a pverty problem? Yes, but he doesn't make $30K a year.

People can have a pile of technological gadgets and still not be able to count on having a job next month or next week, having a car does not mean it is a good dependable car or having the money to have the rust bucket maintained or repaired. Security is becoming a thing of the past, we are increasingly becoming a people who are just one "minor" emergency away from homelessness.

If a person is responsible, they wouldn't put themselves in a position of having a rust bucket of a car and a pile on technological devices. We have to learn to have priorities and an account for repairing the rust bucket would out weigh the technological toys.
I think we have a problem defining "poverty." Poverty in the US is having one car, at least one cell phone, an assortment of technological devices and at least two tv's with the internet. Basically, it seems that economists or columnists want to declare it is a minority that is single parent!

Obama wants to call it a minority he can get to call on food stamps regardless of need and a possible Democratic vote.

What is true poverty? Is it someone who is out of a job and no home, no cell phone or hope for the future. Do we have a pverty problem? Yes, but he doesn't make $30K a year.

when you have a family, 30k isn't all that much in this country. It'll keep your kids from starving....but when you consider housing, utilities, transportation, Day Care until the kids hit school age, food and any extraneous spending....from clothing to toilet paper, and then those durable goods that pop up from time to time...car repairs...appliance replacement, etc....$30k is two minimum wage jobs, or one job making about $15/hr....

This whole article is clownish

With all of that, why have we not achieved more? Four reasons: An astonishing number of people work at low-wage jobs. Plus, many more households are headed now by a single parent, making it difficult for them to earn a living income from the jobs that are typically available

No Shit.....most people dont have high paying jobs....becasue if most people had them, they wouldnt be high paying.....Why do people like this miss the point, high paying jobs mean you make more than others, so by definition, you only have a few....DOH!

And the single parent thing is a big big problem and Dan Quayle called it 20 years ago.

funny...one income was plenty enough in the 50's, 60's, and 70's. Until Ronnie boy trickled the country's workforce into a death spiral....he didn't know it at the time, and neither did I. It made sense to me and the first time I voted, I voted for Reagan proudly....but something happened along the way trim the until now....The wealthy figured out that trickling down was optional and there was nothing stopping them from keeping all of that for themselves....and boy, did they ever.

Now we NEED two incomes, oft times just to scrape by...in hindsight, Ronnie was wrong and so was I.

Wait, alot of that has to do with families having two incomes, Womens libbers got women in the workforce, so you then had two incomes, disposable income, and people they raised prices, along with regulation and inflation. Low wage jobs are low wage because you make less than someone else? Am I wrong there? So by definition you have less high paying jobs, no?
I think we have a problem defining "poverty." Poverty in the US is having one car, at least one cell phone, an assortment of technological devices and at least two tv's with the internet. Basically, it seems that economists or columnists want to declare it is a minority that is single parent!

Obama wants to call it a minority he can get to call on food stamps regardless of need and a possible Democratic vote.

What is true poverty? Is it someone who is out of a job and no home, no cell phone or hope for the future. Do we have a pverty problem? Yes, but he doesn't make $30K a year.

when you have a family, 30k isn't all that much in this country. It'll keep your kids from starving....but when you consider housing, utilities, transportation, Day Care until the kids hit school age, food and any extraneous spending....from clothing to toilet paper, and then those durable goods that pop up from time to time...car repairs...appliance replacement, etc....$30k is two minimum wage jobs, or one job making about $15/hr....

So what do you expect? Everyone to be rich? What is your average standard of living?
I think we have a problem defining "poverty." Poverty in the US is having one car, at least one cell phone, an assortment of technological devices and at least two tv's with the internet. Basically, it seems that economists or columnists want to declare it is a minority that is single parent!

Obama wants to call it a minority he can get to call on food stamps regardless of need and a possible Democratic vote.

What is true poverty? Is it someone who is out of a job and no home, no cell phone or hope for the future. Do we have a pverty problem? Yes, but he doesn't make $30K a year.

People can have a pile of technological gadgets and still not be able to count on having a job next month or next week, having a car does not mean it is a good dependable car or having the money to have the rust bucket maintained or repaired. Security is becoming a thing of the past, we are increasingly becoming a people who are just one "minor" emergency away from homelessness.

If a person is responsible, they wouldn't put themselves in a position of having a rust bucket of a car and a pile on technological devices. We have to learn to have priorities and an account for repairing the rust bucket would out weigh the technological toys.

most poor people I know have old CRT Televisions, a computer that's barely functional(I know, I repair them for friends, co-workers, etc....oft times for free), s cheap vehicle and if they have a cell phone, it's a track phone that they aren't stuck in a contract and can buy minutes when they can afford it. Are you sure you aren't speaking in Stereotype?
I think we have a problem defining "poverty." Poverty in the US is having one car, at least one cell phone, an assortment of technological devices and at least two tv's with the internet. Basically, it seems that economists or columnists want to declare it is a minority that is single parent!

Obama wants to call it a minority he can get to call on food stamps regardless of need and a possible Democratic vote.

What is true poverty? Is it someone who is out of a job and no home, no cell phone or hope for the future. Do we have a pverty problem? Yes, but he doesn't make $30K a year.

People can have a pile of technological gadgets and still not be able to count on having a job next month or next week, having a car does not mean it is a good dependable car or having the money to have the rust bucket maintained or repaired. Security is becoming a thing of the past, we are increasingly becoming a people who are just one "minor" emergency away from homelessness.

If a person is responsible, they wouldn't put themselves in a position of having a rust bucket of a car and a pile on technological devices. We have to learn to have priorities and an account for repairing the rust bucket would out weigh the technological toys.

The time worn personal responsibility cop-out, consider yourself fortunate to not know how erroneous that concept is in America today.
Wages have not kept pace with such mandatory spending such as food, shelter, energy and medical care. Maybe if you stretch really hard you can find a way to blame this 30 year trend on the party that is not actively involved in attacking the minimum wage, union membership, higher education and reacting in horror to any and all protectionist measures.

yeah, but electronics are cheap...too bad people can't live in, eat or drive their iPads. Necessities? nope they'll gouge the fuck out if us because we don't have a choice and they know it...This is the essence of MODERN DAY Capitalism. Capitalize on as many people as you can and if they can't afford to live? Fuck 'em.

Poverty is just not a priority of either party at the moment and I do not see that changing anytime soon. The social stigma attached to poverty has never been more painful, people suffer in silence, go to ridiculous lengths to hide their poverty and keep their complaints to themselves. With such a silent, fearful group it no wonder that they fly below the radar of politicians or worse, scapegoated as useless drags on society.

WAit now it is, even after all the programs, it has more stigman now then say the evil, mean 1950s when there was less regulation and govenrment help?
Wages have not kept pace with such mandatory spending such as food, shelter, energy and medical care. Maybe if you stretch really hard you can find a way to blame this 30 year trend on the party that is not actively involved in attacking the minimum wage, union membership, higher education and reacting in horror to any and all protectionist measures.

Yeah blame republicans, stock answer from you. Food, has skyrocketted up since the ehtanol disaster. Remember alternate energy and we were the next Brazil.....ooooooops.....all it did was jack food prices....another unintended consequence

Shelter... well what caused house prices to rise?

energy....yeah lets not use coal and oil...you know the CHEAP energy....instead we have to use expensive "green" energy, I want my insandescent CHEAP lightbulb back

Medical care....get rid of lawsuits and make insurance like the phone companies, but instead we have laws that PROHIBIT competition and we need to get it away from being in your job....it should be much more like car insurance in that regard.

Unions raise prices and so does the mw, so I'm not a big fan
People can have a pile of technological gadgets and still not be able to count on having a job next month or next week, having a car does not mean it is a good dependable car or having the money to have the rust bucket maintained or repaired. Security is becoming a thing of the past, we are increasingly becoming a people who are just one "minor" emergency away from homelessness.

If a person is responsible, they wouldn't put themselves in a position of having a rust bucket of a car and a pile on technological devices. We have to learn to have priorities and an account for repairing the rust bucket would out weigh the technological toys.

most poor people I know have old CRT Televisions, a computer that's barely functional(I know, I repair them for friends, co-workers, etc....oft times for free), s cheap vehicle and if they have a cell phone, it's a track phone that they aren't stuck in a contract and can buy minutes when they can afford it. Are you sure you aren't speaking in Stereotype?
While it may be generallization, it doesnt mean it's false....Generalizations dont hold true if there is not truth, hence you dont hear about bad German drivers or asians that cant do math......sure they exist, but why dont people latch onto those (hint it's called statistics and percentages base on what people SEE)
yeah, but electronics are cheap...too bad people can't live in, eat or drive their iPads. Necessities? nope they'll gouge the fuck out if us because we don't have a choice and they know it...This is the essence of MODERN DAY Capitalism. Capitalize on as many people as you can and if they can't afford to live? Fuck 'em.

Poverty is just not a priority of either party at the moment and I do not see that changing anytime soon. The social stigma attached to poverty has never been more painful, people suffer in silence, go to ridiculous lengths to hide their poverty and keep their complaints to themselves. With such a silent, fearful group it no wonder that they fly below the radar of politicians or worse, scapegoated as useless drags on society.

WAit now it is, even after all the programs, it has more stigman now then say the evil, mean 1950s when there was less regulation and govenrment help?

Besides the people on government assistance there are more who put up with ridiculous hardship to avoid asking for help, were you not aware of this?
I think we have a problem defining "poverty." Poverty in the US is having one car, at least one cell phone, an assortment of technological devices and at least two tv's with the internet. Basically, it seems that economists or columnists want to declare it is a minority that is single parent!

Obama wants to call it a minority he can get to call on food stamps regardless of need and a possible Democratic vote.

What is true poverty? Is it someone who is out of a job and no home, no cell phone or hope for the future. Do we have a pverty problem? Yes, but he doesn't make $30K a year.

when you have a family, 30k isn't all that much in this country. It'll keep your kids from starving....but when you consider housing, utilities, transportation, Day Care until the kids hit school age, food and any extraneous spending....from clothing to toilet paper, and then those durable goods that pop up from time to time...car repairs...appliance replacement, etc....$30k is two minimum wage jobs, or one job making about $15/hr....

So what do you expect? Everyone to be rich? What is your average standard of living?

what do I expect? I expect the standard of living when I was a kid...where an overhead crane operator in a fabrication plant can support his family comfortably...even with only an 8th grade education. I want to turn the clock back to our heyday..when rich people were still extremely wealthy, but didn't have an issue with actually trickling down.

Conservatives, on the other hand, seem to want to go back further....most? to the early 1900's where men like the Rockerfellers and the Carnegies raked it in on slave labor rates and coal barons forced their employees to buy in company owned stores that made more profit on those goods, oft times putting their employees in debt to them.

I mean...we've seen this time after time these pat 30 years....they fuck up, shrug their shoulders, and demand more breaks....like dumb asses, we keep giving them to 'em.....it's like a horrific game of "kick the football Charlie Brown...
this time I swear I won't pull the ball away!".....Let me tell you a secret.....We sure as fuck aren't playing the role of Lucy.
Though I do not agree with the conclusion of Jackson's post, I see valid points therein. Many in our society have added electronic devices to actual NECESSITIES. Teenagers EXPECT to have cell phones, want iphones, and a flat screen TV is a must for many families. Add in a DVD player, Blu-Ray, and of course a tablet........poverty exists, but can we wade through the machines and actually recognize it?

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