Poverty reached FIFTY-YEAR HIGH under obama

Facts are inconveniant to the Left. they run around all day making pathetic excuses for their failures and trying to resell FAILURE as success.

That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
The Washington Times
Jan 7, 2014 - That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record ... reduced the jobless rate to 7 percent from a high of 10 percent four years ago.

Not true.

The True US Poverty Rate Is 4.5%, Not 14.5%
If it were the latter, then it would be half of the rate in 1960.

They calculate the poverty rate while leaving out most of the poverty programs that the poor get to alleviate their poverty,

and then they use those numbers to attack the poverty programs. It's insane.

What if in order to get those programs, you aren't allowed to get an education, you aren't allowed to look for a job, you aren't allowed to get married, you aren't allowed to find a better place to live, you aren't allowed to visit friends or relatives in other states, etc.

What sort of programs are these? Sounds like they are programs meant to trap people where they are, keep them tethered to these programs for survival, and keep them voting for the people that keep the programs as they are. You have to love the genius of the bureaucracy. It's self-perpetuating slavery. Down to the destruction of the host.
We have no such programs. Anyone who wants to use government programs to escape government assistance can do so.

What ever. All government programs restrict freedom. You sit upon a knife's edge if you accept government help. If you improve your lot, you may improve it too much to no longer receive government help, but not enough to sustain independence. The bureaucracy encourages dependence. It is nameless and faceless, it applies the same standards to everyone.

For instance, a woman might be receiving a partial disability or be on SSI unable to work. This might qualify her for assisted living. She might get food assistance as well. She might, however, be able to do short stints of non-physical labor. Like watching a few kids.

Yet, such work may possibly jeopardize her ability to receive assistance, such that she would longer be eligible for housing and food should she not have the SSI. Here's where it gets complicated.

With her physical restrictions, she would still make a fine wife to a man who has been widowed yet who has a son. He makes a decent salary, and rents a two bedroom place. The two would like to get married. But they can't. Why? Because they would suffer economically. She would lose her SSI, housing, and food stamps, and he would have to feed, cloth, and house another person, effectively moving all three of them into poverty. So the government keeps the boy from having a new mother and positive adult role model relationship, that is legal and moral, while it encourages dependency.

This is all made possible by the government.

You do know you said, "Use government programs to escape government programs."

So let me get this straight. . . . Some bureaucrats identified that the government programs were actually trapping people in them, so they decided the best solution was to make still more programs to solve the problem?
you dont know how to do anything but make a fool of yourself idiot

i specifically mentioned polices you blame for the "disaster" that DEMOCRATS VOTED FOR.......................not "jobs bills" that you dont know would have made a difference


your disaster, winger.... the result of baby bush and the other rightwqinguts crashing our economy and you freaks not getting out of the way to get things fixed. that said, our economy is far better now than 6 1/2 years ago despite you loons. I can see why you freaks hate that.

maybe if you weren't competing for jobs with people who can't speak English you wouldn't be so angry and dishonest.

but then again, someone of your clear lack of education and knowledge and ability/.... I can see why you feel angry.


so why didn't Obama's almost trillion dollar Recovery Act recover the economy....?
300 million short of a trillion isn't "almost" a trillion.
If it were the latter, then it would be half of the rate in 1960.

They calculate the poverty rate while leaving out most of the poverty programs that the poor get to alleviate their poverty,

and then they use those numbers to attack the poverty programs. It's insane.

What if in order to get those programs, you aren't allowed to get an education, you aren't allowed to look for a job, you aren't allowed to get married, you aren't allowed to find a better place to live, you aren't allowed to visit friends or relatives in other states, etc.

What sort of programs are these? Sounds like they are programs meant to trap people where they are, keep them tethered to these programs for survival, and keep them voting for the people that keep the programs as they are. You have to love the genius of the bureaucracy. It's self-perpetuating slavery. Down to the destruction of the host.
We have no such programs. Anyone who wants to use government programs to escape government assistance can do so.

What ever. All government programs restrict freedom. You sit upon a knife's edge if you accept government help. If you improve your lot, you may improve it too much to no longer receive government help, but not enough to sustain independence. The bureaucracy encourages dependence. It is nameless and faceless, it applies the same standards to everyone.

For instance, a woman might be receiving a partial disability or be on SSI unable to work. This might qualify her for assisted living. She might get food assistance as well. She might, however, be able to do short stints of non-physical labor. Like watching a few kids.

Yet, such work may possibly jeopardize her ability to receive assistance, such that she would longer be eligible for housing and food should she not have the SSI. Here's where it gets complicated.

With her physical restrictions, she would still make a fine wife to a man who has been widowed yet who has a son. He makes a decent salary, and rents a two bedroom place. The two would like to get married. But they can't. Why? Because they would suffer economically. She would lose her SSI, housing, and food stamps, and he would have to feed, cloth, and house another person, effectively moving all three of them into poverty. So the government keeps the boy from having a new mother and positive adult role model relationship, that is legal and moral, while it encourages dependency.

This is all made possible by the government.

You do know you said, "Use government programs to escape government programs."

So let me get this straight. . . . Some bureaucrats identified that the government programs were actually trapping people in them, so they decided the best solution was to make still more programs to solve the problem?

No single group gets more help from the government than white Republicans.
Facts are inconveniant to the Left. they run around all day making pathetic excuses for their failures and trying to resell FAILURE as success.

That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
The Washington Times
Jan 7, 2014 - That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record ... reduced the jobless rate to 7 percent from a high of 10 percent four years ago.

Not true.

The True US Poverty Rate Is 4.5%, Not 14.5%
If it were the latter, then it would be half of the rate in 1960.

They calculate the poverty rate while leaving out most of the poverty programs that the poor get to alleviate their poverty,

and then they use those numbers to attack the poverty programs. It's insane.

What if in order to get those programs, you aren't allowed to get an education, you aren't allowed to look for a job, you aren't allowed to get married, you aren't allowed to find a better place to live, you aren't allowed to visit friends or relatives in other states, etc.

What sort of programs are these? Sounds like they are programs meant to trap people where they are, keep them tethered to these programs for survival, and keep them voting for the people that keep the programs as they are. You have to love the genius of the bureaucracy. It's self-perpetuating slavery. Down to the destruction of the host.

Who gets destroyed by Medicaid or food stamps, or a school lunch program?
If it were the latter, then it would be half of the rate in 1960.

They calculate the poverty rate while leaving out most of the poverty programs that the poor get to alleviate their poverty,

and then they use those numbers to attack the poverty programs. It's insane.

What if in order to get those programs, you aren't allowed to get an education, you aren't allowed to look for a job, you aren't allowed to get married, you aren't allowed to find a better place to live, you aren't allowed to visit friends or relatives in other states, etc.

What sort of programs are these? Sounds like they are programs meant to trap people where they are, keep them tethered to these programs for survival, and keep them voting for the people that keep the programs as they are. You have to love the genius of the bureaucracy. It's self-perpetuating slavery. Down to the destruction of the host.
We have no such programs. Anyone who wants to use government programs to escape government assistance can do so.

What ever. All government programs restrict freedom. You sit upon a knife's edge if you accept government help. If you improve your lot, you may improve it too much to no longer receive government help, but not enough to sustain independence. The bureaucracy encourages dependence. It is nameless and faceless, it applies the same standards to everyone.

For instance, a woman might be receiving a partial disability or be on SSI unable to work. This might qualify her for assisted living. She might get food assistance as well. She might, however, be able to do short stints of non-physical labor. Like watching a few kids.

Yet, such work may possibly jeopardize her ability to receive assistance, such that she would longer be eligible for housing and food should she not have the SSI. Here's where it gets complicated.

With her physical restrictions, she would still make a fine wife to a man who has been widowed yet who has a son. He makes a decent salary, and rents a two bedroom place. The two would like to get married. But they can't. Why? Because they would suffer economically. She would lose her SSI, housing, and food stamps, and he would have to feed, cloth, and house another person, effectively moving all three of them into poverty. So the government keeps the boy from having a new mother and positive adult role model relationship, that is legal and moral, while it encourages dependency.

This is all made possible by the government.

You do know you said, "Use government programs to escape government programs."

So let me get this straight. . . . Some bureaucrats identified that the government programs were actually trapping people in them, so they decided the best solution was to make still more programs to solve the problem?

I am glad to see you direct your video at your silly comments.
Barack Hussein Obama has brought us closer to Third World Misery than any other President in history. He opened the floodgates and destroyed our Immigration System. And that's gonna hurt American Workers for many years to come. That along with massive Debt, indicates a dismal future. But hey, the People supposedly wanted his 'Hope & Change.' Well, here it is.
Barack Hussein Obama has brought us closer to Third World Misery than any other President in history. He opened the floodgates and destroyed our Immigration System. And that's gonna hurt American Workers for many years to come. That along with massive Debt, indicates a dismal future. But hey, the People supposedly wanted his 'Hope & Change.' Well, here it is.
One, no he has not.

Two, no he did not.

Three, several hundred thousand immigrant fewer are living here than in January 2009.

Four, the immigrants are not depressing our wages.

Five, massive debt is a real issue.
Barack Hussein Obama has brought us closer to Third World Misery than any other President in history. He opened the floodgates and destroyed our Immigration System. And that's gonna hurt American Workers for many years to come. That along with massive Debt, indicates a dismal future. But hey, the People supposedly wanted his 'Hope & Change.' Well, here it is.
One, no he has not.

Two, no he did not.

Three, several hundred thousand immigrant fewer are living here than in January 2009.

Four, the immigrants are not depressing our wages.

Five, massive debt is a real issue.
Why are they always lying? They get upset when you point out what a disaster Bush was, and then turn around and lie about Obama.
Imagine that, a president being handed a live grenade who has to deal with an entire party that refuses to compromise. Tell me, what should Obama do to prevent this poverty? Tax cuts for the rich?
7 years later and its still buuuuuussssshhhheeeeessssss fault :lmao:
Facts are inconveniant to the Left. they run around all day making pathetic excuses for their failures and trying to resell FAILURE as success.

That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
The Washington Times
Jan 7, 2014 - That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record ... reduced the jobless rate to 7 percent from a high of 10 percent four years ago.

Not true.

The True US Poverty Rate Is 4.5%, Not 14.5%
If it were the latter, then it would be half of the rate in 1960.

They calculate the poverty rate while leaving out most of the poverty programs that the poor get to alleviate their poverty,

and then they use those numbers to attack the poverty programs. It's insane.

What if in order to get those programs, you aren't allowed to get an education, you aren't allowed to look for a job, you aren't allowed to get married, you aren't allowed to find a better place to live, you aren't allowed to visit friends or relatives in other states, etc.

What sort of programs are these? Sounds like they are programs meant to trap people where they are, keep them tethered to these programs for survival, and keep them voting for the people that keep the programs as they are. You have to love the genius of the bureaucracy. It's self-perpetuating slavery. Down to the destruction of the host.

Who gets destroyed by Medicaid or food stamps, or a school lunch program?

The moderately disabled.

I have a friend that works in a housing complex as a maintenance manager. This complex subsidizes and houses folks that are on Government assistance.

There are a bunch of cases where these programs destroy lives. Shall I give you just one.

In one apartment is a guy that has a back that is completely gone. He can't really get around at all. Maybe on day out of five he can. But he is really good with electronics. Folks bring him shit to fix, you know, your iphone, radio, tv, what ever you want.

But if he charged you, he would have to get some crummy insurance, a job that he couldn't possible get to, and all of the other living expenses. Plus, he would probably lose his assisted living. So he isn't allowed to charge for his work.

There are lots of things this guy says he would like to spend money on, but his state appointed nurse would know he is making money and he would lose his assistance. He's not allowed. He'd lose his Medicaid, food stamps, and other assistance he needs to live. . . OTH, I don't think if he started charging, he could make a go of it. So, essentially, that state says his services have no value. But he goes on fixing stuff, and asks for trade instead. Thus, as you can see, the rule of these programs, and their rigidity, can make the consumers of them depressed and hopeless.

This especially happens when something goes wrong in the application and distribution. These folks are at the disposal of the government. They are. . . in effect, grown adults that are dependents.
I'm in Trouble...SNAP woes
Anecdotal examples mean nothing, Mr. Beale.

You are an ideologue who truly does not understand life, I think. If you are a libertarian, I know you don't.
you dont know how to do anything but make a fool of yourself idiot

i specifically mentioned polices you blame for the "disaster" that DEMOCRATS VOTED FOR.......................not "jobs bills" that you dont know would have made a difference


your disaster, winger.... the result of baby bush and the other rightwqinguts crashing our economy and you freaks not getting out of the way to get things fixed. that said, our economy is far better now than 6 1/2 years ago despite you loons. I can see why you freaks hate that.

maybe if you weren't competing for jobs with people who can't speak English you wouldn't be so angry and dishonest.

but then again, someone of your clear lack of education and knowledge and ability/.... I can see why you feel angry.


so why didn't Obama's almost trillion dollar Recovery Act recover the economy....?
300 million short of a trillion isn't "almost" a trillion.

you're right idiot; it's a whole THREE PERCENT less than a trillion.

oooooopsssssie ..

RW's are soooooooo full of bs ...

your own chart appears to show household income falling under obama leftard
so what are republicans full of it about dummy??

under obama the very richest got richer and the poorest got poorer; both at a FASTER PACE UNDER OBAMA then was the case under Bush

what are Republicans full of BS about leftard??
If it were the latter, then it would be half of the rate in 1960.

They calculate the poverty rate while leaving out most of the poverty programs that the poor get to alleviate their poverty,

and then they use those numbers to attack the poverty programs. It's insane.

What if in order to get those programs, you aren't allowed to get an education, you aren't allowed to look for a job, you aren't allowed to get married, you aren't allowed to find a better place to live, you aren't allowed to visit friends or relatives in other states, etc.

What sort of programs are these? Sounds like they are programs meant to trap people where they are, keep them tethered to these programs for survival, and keep them voting for the people that keep the programs as they are. You have to love the genius of the bureaucracy. It's self-perpetuating slavery. Down to the destruction of the host.

Who gets destroyed by Medicaid or food stamps, or a school lunch program?

The moderately disabled.

I have a friend that works in a housing complex as a maintenance manager. This complex subsidizes and houses folks that are on Government assistance.

There are a bunch of cases where these programs destroy lives. Shall I give you just one.

In one apartment is a guy that has a back that is completely gone. He can't really get around at all. Maybe on day out of five he can. But he is really good with electronics. Folks bring him shit to fix, you know, your iphone, radio, tv, what ever you want.

But if he charged you, he would have to get some crummy insurance, a job that he couldn't possible get to, and all of the other living expenses. Plus, he would probably lose his assisted living. So he isn't allowed to charge for his work.

There are lots of things this guy says he would like to spend money on, but his state appointed nurse would know he is making money and he would lose his assistance. He's not allowed. He'd lose his Medicaid, food stamps, and other assistance he needs to live. . . OTH, I don't think if he started charging, he could make a go of it. So, essentially, that state says his services have no value. But he goes on fixing stuff, and asks for trade instead. Thus, as you can see, the rule of these programs, and their rigidity, can make the consumers of them depressed and hopeless.

This especially happens when something goes wrong in the application and distribution. These folks are at the disposal of the government. They are. . . in effect, grown adults that are dependents.
I'm in Trouble...SNAP woes
While on disability a person is allowed to earn up to 1k a month or 14k a year....

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