Pontificating President says no deal; GOP must "budge."

If Republicans won't compromise then how the hell is it Obama who's playing a national game of chicken? What about the Republicans who are saying they won't raise the debt ceiling unless they get tax cuts for the rich? Why isn't that called playing chicken. Obama is doing exactly what he should be doing, not letting the Republicans hold America hostage

The idiot President is playing chicken, stupid, because HE won't budge either. The moron in chief is still trying to raise taxes AND the debt ceiling.

There's only one reason to do that. It's to make sure that the government can go on spending spending spending.

The dipshit can't quite grasp that THAT was precisely what landed us in this mess. And it is exactly what we now have to STOP doing.
I see the left is beating the drum of stupid Americans again. Obama frequently uses this in battling for his position. Oh, the public doesn't "understand" the issue or they would certainly agree with me. No, Mr. President, they know all they need to know and disagree with you. Good news though, the truly stupid will show up enmasse to vote for ya in 2012.

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