Poll: FDR # 1 President

Fenris, ol' buddy, the fact is that you are part of the body politic and the social compact applies. Doesn't matter if you don't like it. Doesn't matter if it makes you unhappy. You will partake in the compact. That is part of an American. If you don't want to, OK, but don't expect the great majority to be carrying you around on their shoulders shouting "Fenris is our hero." If you live here as a citizen, you play by the rules.

Actually, I could give a shit less about the social compact you and your commi buddies devised to make yourselves more comfortable about the ruination of this country. I've lived here all my life and I have yet to see where socialism is part of the rules. Truth of the matter is it's destroying our country. Real Americans will survive this and the teat suckers are going to parish in a fit of hysteria when the great beast of entitlement croaks. You and your ilk depend on a bloated government to provide all the basic necessities for life. You have failed to acquire the skills of self sufficiency and you do not pass these lessons on to the next generation, and have begun a downward spiraling legacy. If you haven't learned by now that the intervention of federal government is the worst solution to every calamity and hardship this country faces then you haven't learned much. It's citizens helping citizens to help themselves that makes the difference, not government handouts and regulation.

Complain all you want, for it means nothing but if it makes you feel well, good for you. That's an American right. And, yes, you will participate.

That's funny a leftist acknowledging that Americans have rights, and they're not even jockeying for a political position. Who's going to make me? What are the consequences of refusal? It's still doesn't change the facts I presented.
Thank you for that bit of totally irrelevant information. I'm sure you think you made a point, I'll be damned if I know what it is.

Kennedy cut taxes right before LBJ took part in the assassination that would make him President and enabled him to begin the Great Society of a Permanent Democrat Voting Underclass Programs

Obama tax rates this year were lower than Bush's

what tax rates? exactly?

Interesting that the Bush Tax Cuts are still in place...and Obama, and the Statists in the Congress are going to let it expire.

Interesting RW said 'This Year'...Means the same as 'Last year' doesn't it?

Don't ask RW anything. he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Good. I wanted you to post those numbers above, and I knew if I put down the figure before that, you would. The actual decrease is about 36% during the War on Poverty, based on your figures. You are bound by that %. You cannot even come close to arguing cogently that the War on Poverty was ineffective.

yea sure you did:lol:....all you had to do was ask..you cannot even figure out the fallacy of your 36% remark :rolleyes:and have totally blown by any other part of the equation/bearing of conversation ala societal results and non results.

now that you apparently have declared victory thanks for nothing at all by way of discussion or conversation. I was wording how you would end this in an up-note for yourself, now I know and have been warned.

There is no fallacy, and if you continued your argument in a college course on Modern America you would receive an F and a conversation on stubbornness in the face of evidence.

you have presented zero, that's zero evidence of anything, posting ramblings/meanderings doesn't qualify.
You threw out a figure that was so completely wrong its barely qualifies as a serious statement then, beat a hasty retreat to some absurd, misguided formulaic leap, by simple subtraction that is so convoluted in its thinking that it doesn't measure up to a serious post either.

Frankly your posts are bereft of anything resembling a logical response to whats been provided as a foil...in short, you got nuthin'. Noted.
yea sure you did:lol:....all you had to do was ask..you cannot even figure out the fallacy of your 36% remark :rolleyes:and have totally blown by any other part of the equation/bearing of conversation ala societal results and non results.

now that you apparently have declared victory thanks for nothing at all by way of discussion or conversation. I was wording how you would end this in an up-note for yourself, now I know and have been warned.

There is no fallacy, and if you continued your argument in a college course on Modern America you would receive an F and a conversation on stubbornness in the face of evidence.

you have presented zero, that's zero evidence of anything, posting ramblings/meanderings doesn't qualify.
You threw out a figure that was so completely wrong its barely qualifies as a serious statement then, beat a hasty retreat to some absurd, misguided formulaic leap, by simple subtraction that is so convoluted in its thinking that it doesn't measure up to a serious post either.

Frankly your posts are bereft of anything resembling a logical response to whats been provided as a foil...in short, you got nuthin'. Noted.

You prove my point, grasshopper. Poverty decline more than 33% in a five year period of the War on Poverty. You have nothing to contradict the facts, nothing.
Jake the Fake does (or is that doesn't do?) that a lot....Only slightly more than declaring victory for himself. :lol:

yea well, you gotta walk the ground to get the layout of the land....:lol:

Yep, you both failed to reconnoiter the land and got blasted off it.

You can't contradict the fact that it worked.

ps: leftist and statist don't work, podjos, except for you. You are both in the very small whack far right community. Yell all you want, but thanks for participating in America. That's what's wonderful about celebrating national independence today. America works, even for those, like you two, that don't like it. You are so lucky.
There is no fallacy, and if you continued your argument in a college course on Modern America you would receive an F and a conversation on stubbornness in the face of evidence.

you have presented zero, that's zero evidence of anything, posting ramblings/meanderings doesn't qualify.
You threw out a figure that was so completely wrong its barely qualifies as a serious statement then, beat a hasty retreat to some absurd, misguided formulaic leap, by simple subtraction that is so convoluted in its thinking that it doesn't measure up to a serious post either.

Frankly your posts are bereft of anything resembling a logical response to whats been provided as a foil...in short, you got nuthin'. Noted.

You prove my point, grasshopper. Poverty decline more than 33% in a five year period of the War on Poverty. You have nothing to contradict the facts, nothing.

Grasshopper? Whom do you think you are exactly?

Was Kwai Chang Caine one in your Padiwan group Sensei? :eusa_think:
Obama tax rates this year were lower than Bush's

what tax rates? exactly?

Interesting that the Bush Tax Cuts are still in place...and Obama, and the Statists in the Congress are going to let it expire.

Interesting RW said 'This Year'...Means the same as 'Last year' doesn't it?

Don't ask RW anything. he doesn't know what he's talking about.

yea I am trying to figure out of the bush cuts have been submarine by Obama then they will just reset to...? Of course someone could be just misinfomed.
what tax rates? exactly?

Interesting that the Bush Tax Cuts are still in place...and Obama, and the Statists in the Congress are going to let it expire.

Interesting RW said 'This Year'...Means the same as 'Last year' doesn't it?

Don't ask RW anything. he doesn't know what he's talking about.

yea I am trying to figure out of the bush cuts have been submarine by Obama then they will just reset to...? Of course someone could be just misinfomed.

The Reset is Cap And Tax, Obama Care, and other little 'entitlements' that will tax us even more.

And don't forget talk of VAT. They do VAT? They seal their doom.
There is no fallacy, and if you continued your argument in a college course on Modern America you would receive an F and a conversation on stubbornness in the face of evidence.

you have presented zero, that's zero evidence of anything, posting ramblings/meanderings doesn't qualify.
You threw out a figure that was so completely wrong its barely qualifies as a serious statement then, beat a hasty retreat to some absurd, misguided formulaic leap, by simple subtraction that is so convoluted in its thinking that it doesn't measure up to a serious post either.

Frankly your posts are bereft of anything resembling a logical response to whats been provided as a foil...in short, you got nuthin'. Noted.

You prove my point, grasshopper. Poverty decline more than 33% in a five year period of the War on Poverty. You have nothing to contradict the facts, nothing.

whatever man...hope you don't run your household finances according to that formula....you'll be living in a box behind a 7-11.

unreal, seriously, simply unreal.
I am very, very successful, grasshopper, and I have no trouble analyzing facts critically and objectively. You do let your bias prism your conclusions, that's obvious.
I am very, very successful, grasshopper, and I have no trouble analyzing facts critically and objectively. You do let your bias prism your conclusions, that's obvious.

well, one only finds trouble when one trys, so try employing some here.......good luck in your endeavors btw, and bring a calculator and a book on critical thinking. They'll come in handy, trust me.
You wouldn't recognize CTS at all, based on what you and Dude have shown here. The War on Poverty worked. The evidence is conclusive, and your disbelief doesn't change the fact. End of story.
What proof?

With the "evidence" you've provided, it could practically be argued that the brain dead Great Society programs made people run faster, jump higher, added ten pins to their bowling average and got the dandelions out of their lawn.

Then again, analytical thought and basic logic aren't exactly in your wheel house to begin with.
What proof?

With the "evidence" you've provided, it could practically be argued that the brain dead Great Society programs made people run faster, jump higher, added ten pins to their bowling average and got the dandelions out of their lawn.

Then again, analytical thought and basic logic aren't exactly in your wheel house to begin with.

Morning, Dude. If you can't play the game, you boo from the stands. I understand that, and so do the ones who play the game well. Keep on booing. And get a rule book.

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