An example of how liberal tax policy can hurt your state:


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Any sports fans notice how liberal tax policies are affecting the NBA? Yep. Lebron James, the current mega-star of the NBA, is shopping for a new team to play for. He'll make millions anywhere, but Jersey and Miami are selling him on the lower taxes ploy. Reportedly, in a 5 year deal, he'll bank an extra $15 million just from saved taxes by playing for Miami instead of NY.

NOW, apply the NBA/James situation to a state trying to lure a big-name company with 5,000 good jobs to their state. Wouldn't it help if they had lower taxes?

Now, this isn't a sports thread, it's a political tax policy thread using a sports star as an analogy. James is gonna go where he has the best opportunity to succeed and get paid. The tax issue is a big one, since Florida has no income tax, neither does Texas, and Jersey's are lower or soon-to-be lower under Chris Christie.

Here in South Carolina we just went through the business equivalent of the above. Boeing was planning a massive new facility to build Dreamliners. The city of Charleston was trying to lure them here away from their traditional home of Seattle. Seattle is far left, union heavy, tax heavy. Boeing considered both fronts. And guess what? Charleston won. Yep. Boeing is coming, with 5,000 HIGH paying jobs. Why? South Carolina is non-union state, and has far lower taxes. The good liberal folks in Seattle ran comic strips trashing South Carolina, calling us rednecks, making fun of our culture. They were pissed. But guess what? 5,000 of our folks will be working on those jobs because we have non-union work conditions, and lower corporate taxes. Hence, Charleston and the SC coast are among the top 40 fastest growing areas in America, even in this economy, while places like Illinois, California, New York, New Jersey, and yes, Seattle, are going broke in crisis.

Wake up folks. Liberalism is a suicide pact.
Let us know if those jobs really materialize.

Far too often corporations dangle vapor-jobs in front of State officials in order to get tax breaks and incentives, and then those jobs never really happen.
If the NBA folded tomorrow my life wouldn't change one bit.
That has nothing to do with the effect o0f state taxes on jobs creation (and retaining).

States with high taxes lose jobs to states with low taxes.

It's not difficult to extend that to countries. Companies leave this country and go to wherever they can make a profit.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. This predictable effect has been recorded in history many times. Somehow, the dumb ass liberals think 'this time will be different'.
Let us know if those jobs really materialize.

Far too often corporations dangle vapor-jobs in front of State officials in order to get tax breaks and incentives, and then those jobs never really happen.

Well, OK, I'm letting you know. Boeing announced that about 7 months ago. The first wave of hirings happened last month. Here in Charleston, foreclosed homes are starting to be bought buy folks who landed jobs at Boeing. Small sandwich shops, gas stations, etc, are opening near the new plant (small biz = more jobs) so the 5,000 jobs Boeing is bringing will result in probably a net of 7,000 new jobs all around.

And that also happened in upstate SC in Greenville/Spartanburg. BMW put a plant there in the early 90's because of non-union work and low taxes. That area has blossomed into a metro area between Atlanta and Charlotte that is attracting many new businesses.

ALSO in Charleston, the Department of Energy has decided to build a wind-turbine testing facility, partly due to the Boeing and Air Force bases nearby, which is predicted to bring 3-4,000 new good jobs. The feds can get cheap work down there from contractors (again, non-union). Google also has announced plans to build a massive facility in Charleston in the next few years. And Force Protetction Industries, who builds all the armored MRAPS for the military, is located in Charleston, because of SC's non-union work, and low taxes.

In fact, the Charleston, Columbia and Greenville metro areas of South Carolina are fairing quite well in this recession. Why? Because a lot of business is relocating to this state........this state librals like Jon Stewart trash on daily and make fun of. Well, so be it, but they'll be making fun of employed people here. Thanks to the near absence of liberal ideology in this state.
states compete with each other, that's a fact...not just on lower taxes, but with educated and qualified workers, cost of living standards, best school systems etc...

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