POLL: Do you agree with Michael Flynn?

Do you agree with Michael Flynn? Should we have just one religion?

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That is all you have on Trump. Why is this different?
Can you point to one false claim I’ve made about trump?

You’re right that there is alot of propaganda flying around about Trump. Your shit is not different or justified because of that
Not true.

But the statement was still falsified.

Many I’m sure have seen the stories about the mass graves of Indian children found at boarding schools in Canada and the United States. The remains of thousands of children have been found around the school sites and more unmarked mass graves keep appearing. Beyond superficial apologies, the explanations given do not do justice to the scale of the crimes committed.....................

The children were physically punished for being caught speaking Native languages.

The schools told the children that what their parents practiced would send them to hell. They were forced to adopt Christianity. The indoctrination was intended to make the children ashamed to be Native Americans.

Jonathan P. Baird: U.S. public knows little about the history of Indian boarding schools in this country.
Can you point to one false claim I’ve made about trump?

You’re right that there is alot of propaganda flying around about Trump. Your shit is not different or justified because of that
You just said I was right. Thanks moron.
I dais you were right that there a lot of propaganda. I asked if you could point to ME saying anything false, like you claimed. Can you or was that another lie?
Saying something to you about anything is the least of my worries.
Not at all, I was right on topic. What do you think I was deflecting from?
Republicans aren't the party that let the fanatics run their entire narrative and policy.
You never go full retard. And the liberal elites/entertainment industry/left media and most Washington politicians all went full retard.
In a time in this country where inflation is killing everyone, rent is record high... our education system has never been this bad according to testing - the Democratic Parties message is LGBQT/DeFund Police/People of color/Ignore the border/Equity boards/.... full retard. And everyday people all over this country don't give a flying fuck about any of that.

Record high inflation... Democrat Party - "let's invite drag queens into our grade schools - fantastic idea!!
Crime rates never in history this high - Democrat Party - "Zero bail for criminals - let them loose!!"
Education testing has never been this low.... "Trump!!! Trump!! Trump!!"
Frankly, doesn't sound any different than the Islamophobic shit I've heard you spew here, Stormy Mac.
Islamophobia isn’t a bad thing, it’s a defense mechanism against a fascist ideology posing as a religion. I oppose anti-Muslim bigotry. It’s about the ideology, not the people. They were born into it and it’s all they know. They need to checkout Youtube and the ex-Muslim channels to find out the real story. What’s really laughable is the notion that it’s a feminist religion. Obviously those saying have never read Chapter 4 of the Koran.
Republicans aren't the party that let the fanatics run their entire narrative and policy.
You never go full retard. And the liberal elites/entertainment industry/left media and most Washington politicians all went full retard.
In a time in this country where inflation is killing everyone, rent is record high... our education system has never been this bad according to testing - the Democratic Parties message is LGBQT/DeFund Police/People of color/Ignore the border/Equity boards/.... full retard. And everyday people all over this country don't give a flying fuck about any of that.

Record high inflation... Democrat Party - "let's invite drag queens into our grade schools - fantastic idea!!
Crime rates never in history this high - Democrat Party - "Zero bail for criminals - let them loose!!"
Education testing has never been this low.... "Trump!!! Trump!! Trump!!"
Those are the narratives you’re focusing using on so it’s apparently all you hear. What media sources do you follow?
Those are the narratives you’re focusing using on so it’s apparently all you hear. What media sources do you follow?
The left focuses on TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!.... and LGQBT, brown people, equity.... so you are correct.
As for me... getting news is very hard. I basically am my own news source. Sort of,
I look at Twitter to see headlines, and read different links of a story to try and figure out what is real and what is narrative.
Take the Paul Pelosi story.
The left media -- IT IS A MAGA KILLER!!!... RIGHT WING!... QAnon!!!

Me - I read what parts of the police report they showed, articles that were local primarily. Etc. So instead of believing what a narrative driven talking head tells me to believe - I look for myself.

And BTW - America's crashing education test scores is not a narrative.
40 plus year record inflation is not a narrative.
Equity boards in schools setting agendas and silencing teachers is not a narrative.
Insane teachers and school boards allowing adult entertainment dancers into primary schools is not a narrative.
Facts are not narrative.
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The left focuses on TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!.... and LGQBT, brown people, equity.... so you are correct.
As for me... getting news is very hard. I basically am my own news source. Sort of,
I look at Twitter to see headlines, and read different links of a story to try and figure out what is real and what is narrative.
Take the Paul Pelosi story.
The left media -- IT IS A MAGA KILLER!!!... RIGHT WING!... QAnon!!!

Me - I read what parts of the police report they showed, articles that were local primarily. Etc. So instead of believing what a narrative driven talking head tells me to believe - I look for myself.

And BTW - America's crashing education test scores is not a narrative.
40 plus year record inflation is not a narrative.
Equity boards in schools setting agendas and silencing teachers is not a narrative.
Insane teachers and school boards allowing adult entertainment dancers into primary schools is not a narrative.
Facts are not narrative.
Good, I respect the approach you take in vetting out news stories. That’s what everybody should do. unfortunately, not everybody has that kind of time.

I don’t deny the list you made exists. I would take issue with the abundance and severity of some of those items as the media makes them appear much more prevalent and dire then they are at least in the reality of the world I live in.
"We should stamp out all traces of Christianity and go back to our Norse Pagan root"
Isn't Christianity a not-native introduced and intrusive trait here in North America?
Wouldn't Norse Paganism be too?

Would non-native introduced stuff be the best thing for America?
Why not raise up the beliefs of the natives?
There were lots of them .... so you have many choices.

Go native, natural, and home-grown. Not introduced foreign migrant religions.

Some might say.

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