Politicians as news casters?

We can watch CNN and learn about a missing plane from months ago...

We can watch MSNBS and learn about what a godsend Obama is....

We can watch Fox and get a slant from the right....

Or we can scour the internet for the most outlandish stories while mocking everyone else...

Fucking joke

Try NPR.


We can watch CNN and learn about a missing plane from months ago...

We can watch MSNBS and learn about what a godsend Obama is....

We can watch Fox and get a slant from the right....

Or we can scour the internet for the most outlandish stories while mocking everyone else...

Fucking joke
You can still get good info, particularly if you are willing to dig around on the internet for a few minutes and pull in multiple sources. My fear is larger than this though. As we move further and further from actual news, the interest (and therefore the money) in actual reporting is drying up. When the major networks can essentially make shit up then why spend the massive amounts of money it takes to hire good, through journalists, send them all over the planet, pay for rooms/accommodations for them and do so for the sometimes large amount of time that it actually takes to be so through.

No, what really worries me is that news will not simply become a joke but that news will become IMPOSSIBLE to come by because no one is out there actually gathering that info. I think that most people simply do not understand what it takes to truly report news.
Oh....look! FOX is going to break down the worst cases of media bias of 2014 in this hour of Fox and Friends! I can't wait!

Hey Ggramps! Let's play a drinking game. Every time you see a question mark on the chyron while watching this channel.....you take a shot.
They will break it down WITH facts but you will continue to hide under your blanket.

No worries I hear they have a new batch of binkies being made as we speak.

Back to ignore with you

Gee, wasn't he just talking about being "brave" enough to hear the other side... Amazing what passes for bravery these days.
Scott Brown is now on Fox News?
Can't blame the network for trying to pimp their ratings by picking him up but really? My 5am news update is now gonna be read to me by a failed politician? WTF
He's standing in for Steve Doocey who is on Christmas vacation, not taking his place.

Okay, in other words he is trying out for a new job.

Get some damn journalists for Christ's sake.

You mean college grads? How snobbish of you (according to Rick Santorum).
In all seriousness,the Associated Press is probably the most easily accessed, wide-angle-view of today's important news you can get in one place. My tablet's first stop every day is the AP app. No ads either...added plus.

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