Police leaving their jobs

When you get in legal battles over stupid things .. why would you risk the liability to become the next "George Floyd" officer? So sad that these liberal states have strict firearm laws .. those residents will use .. something .. to protect themselves?
Pay them double the wage. Jobs filled!
Disagree ... why would any amount of money be worth the liability? Would you accept $200K with a high risk of liability of being in jail, losing your job and / or being in the national spotlight for the press to eat you up? Law enforcement will start ignoring and / or providing less effort for encounters that equal high risk.
That's bullshit, it's amazing how fools like you see no wrongdoing when it comes to the police. Mainly when it comes to black folks.
Wrong again genius. Police are public servants and should be held accountable as such. But now we have left wing loons who paint most police as racists because of some bad apples in some police departments.
Cops are very reluctant to leave The Job. The most important factor in their lives is that pension. In NYC, however, there are tremendous job opportunities for people with NYPD experience. There are security firms, suburban police departments, state police and the Feds.

And that's the answer. No need to fret about the pressures, lack of public support, failures of leadership, and so on. Better jobs available.

criminals are not. Don't prosecute street crime, just political crimes against the left.

The police are leaving because society is failing. It's failing not just in Democrat run places... it's failing everywhere.
The police are leaving because society is failing. It's failing not just in Democrat run places... it's failing everywhere.
If any authoritarian screws with you, you owe them nothing and the area you live in nothing unless you choose to. Why help anyone if the local society craps on you. The government lackeys even ruin the name of people with the private side if you do not fall in line to their forced standards. So, help to bring it down. We can replace authoritarians with new authoritarians that would gain acceptance for eliminating the old ones.
When you get in legal battles over stupid things .. why would you risk the liability to become the next "George Floyd" officer? So sad that these liberal states have strict firearm laws .. those residents will use .. something .. to protect themselves?
The bed wetting leftist city dwelling vermin deserve to suffer at the hands of their pet ghetto rats.

I don't care if they're cannibalized.
Cops should be making 6 figures just as entry pay plus pensions plus 12 weeks paid vacation. They've always been severely underpaid.

criminals are not. Don't prosecute street crime, just political crimes against the left.
Only an idiot would want to be a police officer. In my town they have billboards up with some kind of theme like, "It starts with you". What a pile of crap. Nothing starts with the police. When they do their jobs the loony left let the criminals right back out on the streets.

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