po white


Silver Member
Mar 6, 2012
Never mind the fact that merely 6% of all “risky” loans were given to minorities. It sounds so much better to say the gubb’ment was forced at gunpoint to hand these shifty, lazy Negroes keys to a duplex, for fear of otherwise being tabbed as racist. As if the GOP was ever concerned about being accused of racism.[3] Also never mind the fact that the Republican who presided over this nonsense was the main dude claiming that minority home ownership reaching all-time high levels in the mid 2000′s was proof of his commitment to leveling the “soft bigotry of low expectations”. That’s right, when you’re writing revisionist history, you can have it both ways. Those are the rules.
The next portrayal of blacks as “victims of circumstance” I see at the hands of the MSM will be the first. I’m not holding my breath, because that would be pointless. A similar Diane Sawyer expose about poor minorities in Camden, NJ a few years ago was pockmarked with the typical “violent, babypoppin’, lazy gubb’ment leachers” nonsense. And lest anyone get it confused: inner-city poverty is hardly an exclusively black thang. If you’ve been to Fishtown in Philly[4], or any random backstreet from B-More or Beantown, you’ll know exactly what I mean. You can attempt to marginalize it to your liking, but white poverty isn’t just some epidemic confined to a handfulla’ folks up in dem’ dar’ hills. Lets change that tired narrative for once and for all, please.
Just so nobody gets it confused, I’m emphatically not saying black folks don’t need to claim personal responsibility for their own destiny. Of course I agree with that, this blog more or less says so everyday! The problem is, when that very same set of expectations isn’t extended to poor whites, we’ve got a really big disconnect. And I don’t know bout’ ya’ll, but I smell a Grand Hu$tle here.:clap2:
Never mind the fact that merely 6% of all “risky” loans were given to minorities. It sounds so much better to say the gubb’ment was forced at gunpoint to hand these shifty, lazy Negroes keys to a duplex, for fear of otherwise being tabbed as racist. As if the GOP was ever concerned about being accused of racism.[3] Also never mind the fact that the Republican who presided over this nonsense was the main dude claiming that minority home ownership reaching all-time high levels in the mid 2000′s was proof of his commitment to leveling the “soft bigotry of low expectations”. That’s right, when you’re writing revisionist history, you can have it both ways. Those are the rules.
The next portrayal of blacks as “victims of circumstance” I see at the hands of the MSM will be the first. I’m not holding my breath, because that would be pointless. A similar Diane Sawyer expose about poor minorities in Camden, NJ a few years ago was pockmarked with the typical “violent, babypoppin’, lazy gubb’ment leachers” nonsense. And lest anyone get it confused: inner-city poverty is hardly an exclusively black thang. If you’ve been to Fishtown in Philly[4], or any random backstreet from B-More or Beantown, you’ll know exactly what I mean. You can attempt to marginalize it to your liking, but white poverty isn’t just some epidemic confined to a handfulla’ folks up in dem’ dar’ hills. Lets change that tired narrative for once and for all, please.
Just so nobody gets it confused, I’m emphatically not saying black folks don’t need to claim personal responsibility for their own destiny. Of course I agree with that, this blog more or less says so everyday! The problem is, when that very same set of expectations isn’t extended to poor whites, we’ve got a really big disconnect. And I don’t know bout’ ya’ll, but I smell a Grand Hu$tle here.:clap2:
Excellent points.
Never mind the fact that merely 6% of all “risky” loans were given to minorities. It sounds so much better to say the gubb’ment was forced at gunpoint to hand these shifty, lazy Negroes keys to a duplex, for fear of otherwise being tabbed as racist. As if the GOP was ever concerned about being accused of racism.[3] Also never mind the fact that the Republican who presided over this nonsense was the main dude claiming that minority home ownership reaching all-time high levels in the mid 2000′s was proof of his commitment to leveling the “soft bigotry of low expectations”. That’s right, when you’re writing revisionist history, you can have it both ways. Those are the rules.
The next portrayal of blacks as “victims of circumstance” I see at the hands of the MSM will be the first. I’m not holding my breath, because that would be pointless. A similar Diane Sawyer expose about poor minorities in Camden, NJ a few years ago was pockmarked with the typical “violent, babypoppin’, lazy gubb’ment leachers” nonsense. And lest anyone get it confused: inner-city poverty is hardly an exclusively black thang. If you’ve been to Fishtown in Philly[4], or any random backstreet from B-More or Beantown, you’ll know exactly what I mean. You can attempt to marginalize it to your liking, but white poverty isn’t just some epidemic confined to a handfulla’ folks up in dem’ dar’ hills. Lets change that tired narrative for once and for all, please.
Just so nobody gets it confused, I’m emphatically not saying black folks don’t need to claim personal responsibility for their own destiny. Of course I agree with that, this blog more or less says so everyday! The problem is, when that very same set of expectations isn’t extended to poor whites, we’ve got a really big disconnect. And I don’t know bout’ ya’ll, but I smell a Grand Hu$tle here.:clap2:

By all means you should edit your racist rant to include slave reparations to black people who have never been enslaved payable by people who had absolutely nothing to do with slavery in America... Might as well tackle the entire enchilada. Don't forget how you want to be treated equally with whites yet oddly we never hear of any black leaders telling us how America should do away with affirmative action to realize that goal... But by all means, feel free to blame someone else like the GOP.
And for the record, upscale white communities crashed and burned during the housing market crash. Funny thing, you claim not to rewrite history, but you actually did rewrite history ignoring some significant facts.

You seem to have left out that ground zero of the housing bubble crash didn't begin in "poor black neighborhoods" as you and others seem to insist, but in upscale WHITE communities.

San Bernardino Was Ground Zero for the Housing Bust | Mother Jones

Cause of the Housing Bubble, Burst and Recession Revealed: It's Growth Management | Planetizen

The Bankruptcy Dominoes Begin to Fall in California

California: Ground Zero for America’s Foreclosure Crisis - New America Media

Yeah, I think I'll go play my fiddle for all of those poor ass white folks who were overlooked, if you're telling it.

I'll play my fiddle for those poor ass black neighborhoods who caused the housing bubble crash in the inner city. LMFAO

Never mind the fact that merely 6% of all “risky” loans were given to minorities. It sounds so much better to say the gubb’ment was forced at gunpoint to hand these shifty, lazy Negroes keys to a duplex, for fear of otherwise being tabbed as racist. As if the GOP was ever concerned about being accused of racism.[3] Also never mind the fact that the Republican who presided over this nonsense was the main dude claiming that minority home ownership reaching all-time high levels in the mid 2000′s was proof of his commitment to leveling the “soft bigotry of low expectations”. That’s right, when you’re writing revisionist history, you can have it both ways. Those are the rules.
The next portrayal of blacks as “victims of circumstance” I see at the hands of the MSM will be the first. I’m not holding my breath, because that would be pointless. A similar Diane Sawyer expose about poor minorities in Camden, NJ a few years ago was pockmarked with the typical “violent, babypoppin’, lazy gubb’ment leachers” nonsense. And lest anyone get it confused: inner-city poverty is hardly an exclusively black thang. If you’ve been to Fishtown in Philly[4], or any random backstreet from B-More or Beantown, you’ll know exactly what I mean. You can attempt to marginalize it to your liking, but white poverty isn’t just some epidemic confined to a handfulla’ folks up in dem’ dar’ hills. Lets change that tired narrative for once and for all, please.
Just so nobody gets it confused, I’m emphatically not saying black folks don’t need to claim personal responsibility for their own destiny. Of course I agree with that, this blog more or less says so everyday! The problem is, when that very same set of expectations isn’t extended to poor whites, we’ve got a really big disconnect. And I don’t know bout’ ya’ll, but I smell a Grand Hu$tle here.:clap2:
Excellent points.

Yeah Excellent points if you like believing BULLSHIT!!:clap2:

Really? What was bullshit that I put in bold and said "excellent points" to in the above post?

This isn't true? "For loans to comply with CRA, 68 percent went to whites, 15 percent to Hispanics and 12 percent to African-Americans—hardly enough volume from minorities to cause the housing crisis. "For loans to comply with CRA, 68 percent went to whites, 15 percent to Hispanics and 12 percent to African-Americans—hardly enough volume from minorities to cause the housing crisis. "

"In his new study on racial-ethnic lending patterns, Jourdain-Earl finds that Federal Reserve data show that 84 percent of mortgages purchased by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac between 2004 and 2009 had been made to whites, with 8 percent going to Hispanics and 5 percent to African-Americans."

"The study by the Center for Responsible Lending found that whites made up the majority of the 2.5 million foreclosures completed between 2007 and 2009 -- about 56 percent -"

"While about 4.5 percent of white borrowers lost their homes to foreclosure during that period, black and Latino borrowers had 7.9 and 7.7 percent foreclosure rates, respectively."

The second item I put in bold above was referring to what I am going to post below, tell me what you think is "bullshit" about those FACTS. :lol:

"Read these snippets from Bush's speech:

Less than 50 percent of African Americans are part of the homeownership in America. And less than 50 percent of the Hispanics who live here in this country own their home. And that has got to change for the good of the country. It just does.

That's why I've challenged the industry leaders all across the country to get after it for this goal, to stay focused, to make sure that we achieve a more secure America, by achieving the goal of 5.5 million new minority home owners. I call it America's home ownership challenge.

..... Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as the federal home loan banks, will increase their commitment to minority markets by more than $440 billion. (Applause.)

....they will purchase more loans made by banks to African Americans, Hispanics and other minorities

Fannie Mae will establish 100 partnerships with faith-based organizations that will provide home buyer education and help increase homeownership for their congregations. I love the partnership

The Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation will dramatically expand financial and home buyer education efforts to 380,000 minority families.

First, the single greatest barrier to first time homeownership is a high downpayment. It is really hard for many, many, low income families to make the high downpayment. And so that's why I propose and urge Congress to fully fund the American Dream Downpayment Fund. This will use money, taxpayers' money to help a qualified, low income buyer make a downpayment.

..will help 40,000 families every year realize the dream of owning a home

And so what I've done is propose what we call a Single Family Affordable Housing Tax Credit, to encourage the development of affordable housing in neighborhoods where housing is scarce. (Applause.) Over five years, the initiative amounts to $2.4 billion in tax credits.

And so, therefore, education is a critical component of increasing ownership throughout America. Financial education, housing counseling, how to help people understand that there are unscrupulous lenders. And so one of the things we're going to do is we're going to promote education, the education of owning a home, the education of buying a home throughout our society.

And we want to fully implement the Section 8 housing program, homeownership program. The program will provide vouchers that first-time home buyers can use to help pay their mortgage or apply to their downpayment... (
Question: Did states use Section 8 funds to pay mortgages? Section 8 subsidies usually goes to landlords.)

Many of the partners today, many of the people here today, many of the business leaders here today are creating a market for the mortgages where Section 8 vouchers are a source of the payment. And that's good -- see, it's an underpinning of capital. It helps move capital to where we want capital to go.

Are you stating that there are no white neighborhoods that are rough areas?

"black folks need to claim personal responsibility for their own destiny."

What's "bullshit" about the truth?
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