Plumber Attacked for being White

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Oh, it is so tempting me to search the Internet and find stories of crimes by White people against Black people. Yet, I think that if I were to do it, someone would reply with a story of a Black crime against a white person. It stories would go back and forth and back and forth. Such activity merely fans the flames of racial division and hatred. Call me a fence sitter if you define my decision not to participate in this racial game as such, but I am simply not going to play. (1) Shame on the particular individuals for attacking plumber. (2) I hope that the specific people who participated in this specific crime are appropriately punished. (3) It doesn't matter to me what race any of the attackers (or the victim) is. That is the only verbal reply that this particular event warrants.

I wish that this board had positive stories of Blacks (and Whites) doing good deeds. It would be nice to have uplifting stories of the "human spirit" helping the fellow man. Perhaps I will start a thread of good, inspirational, and even heroic activity by people of different races.
Originally posted by mattskramer
Oh, it is so tempting me to search the Internet and find stories of crimes by White people against Black people. Yet,
You can't, you cant find one story where a white man raped or murdered a black woman.
Originally posted by Big D
You can't, you cant find one story where a white man raped or murdered a black woman.

I never tried. I don't care to try. Let us assume that I can't find a story specifically of a White man raping a Black woman. So what? I'll grant you more than that. Let us assume that Blacks commit 99% of all crimes in every category. So what? You go on with your pathetic race war. Keep dishing out sad stories of Black crimes. I want no part of it.
Originally posted by mattskramer
I want no part of it.
There will come a day when you will have no choice.

Just ask the person who posts on here, who child was kidnapped today.
Originally posted by Big D
There will come a day when you will have no choice.

Just ask the person who posts on here, who child was kidnapped today.

How will I have no choice but to play in your pathetic race war? Will I be forced to post stories of crimes Blacks commit against Whites or stories of crimes that Whites commit against Blacks? Please expand on your claim that there will come a day when I will have no choice. Give some specifics.

Do you mean to say that a member on this message board had a child that was kidnapped. I hope that the person whose child was kidnapped reads my message.

Dear person:

I guess that such an event was very painful for you. Does the race of the kidnapper make a difference to you? I doubt that it would matter to me. My only serious concern would be to get my child back and see to it that the kidnapper receives appropriate punishment.
Originally posted by mattskramer
How will I have no choice but to play in your pathetic race war? Will I be forced to post stories of crimes Blacks commit against Whites or stories of crimes that Whites commit against Blacks? Please expand on your claim that there will come a day when I will have no choice. Give some specifics.

Do you mean to say that a member on this message board had a child that was kidnapped. I hope that the person whose child was kidnapped reads my message.

Dear person:

I guess that such an event was very painful for you. Does the race of the kidnapper make a difference to you? I doubt that it would matter to me. My only serious concern would be to get my child back and see to it that the kidnapper receives appropriate punishment.
By far the majority of extreamly violent interacial crime is blacks attacking whites because they are white.

Does it make any difference that the the people who owned slaves were whites? Who care that they were white, we should just be glad there not slaves any more.

But you do care that the people who owned slaves were white.
A few angry blacks blame whites for slavery, but who sold the slaves to the European slave traders? Ah yeah, the black leaders of the Muslim controlled Ghana nation. So the tribal leaders that the muslims placed at the head of the Ghana nation sold other blacks to white men...where was their love for their brothers then?
not trying to be a racial instigator here, but seriously, this Affirative Action bull and reparations have got to stop. Did they ever think that some of us Whities who are being punished didn't even have relatives in America when slavery was legal?
Originally posted by Big D
By far the majority of extreamly violent interacial crime is blacks attacking whites because they are white.

Does it make any difference that the the people who owned slaves were whites? Who care that they were white, we should just be glad there not slaves any more.

But you do care that the people who owned slaves were white.

Did you overlook my post on the later half of page 3? No. I simply misspoke.

I'll ask again, how will I have no choice but to play in your pathetic race war?
Originally posted by mattskramer
Did you overlook my post on the later half of page 3? No. I simply misspoke.

I'll ask again, how will I have no choice but to play in your pathetic race war?
You did not misspeak, you said how you felt.

It is not MY war it is A war:

The longest war America has ever fought is the Dirty War, and it is not over. It has lasted 30 years so far and claimed more than 25 million victims. It has cost almost as many lives as the Vietnam War. It determined the result of last year's congressional election.

Yet the American news media do not want to talk about the Dirty War, which remains between the lines and unreported. In fact, to even suggest that the war exists is to be discredited. So let's start suggesting, immediately.

No matter how crime figures are massaged by those who want to acknowledge or dispute the existence of a Dirty War, there is nothing ambiguous about what the official statistics portray: for the past 30 years a large segment of black America has waged a war of violent retribution against white America.

And the problem is getting worse, not better. In the past 20 years, violent crime has increased more than four times faster than the population. Young blacks (under 18) are more violent than previous generations and are 12 times more likely to be arrested for murder than young whites.

Nearly all the following figures, which speak for themselves, have not been reported in America:

* According to the latest US Department of Justice survey of crime victims, more than 6.6 million violent crimes (murder, rape, assault and robbery) are committed in the US each year, of which about 20 per cent, or 1.3 million, are inter-racial crimes.

* Most victims of race crime - about 90 per cent - are white, according to the survey "Highlights from 20 Years of Surveying Crime Victims", published in 1993.

* Almost 1 million white Americans were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by black Americans in 1992, compared with about 132,000 blacks who were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by whites, according to the same survey.

* Blacks thus committed 7.5 times more violent inter-racial crimes than whites even though the black population is only one-seventh the size of the white population. When these figures are adjusted on a per capita basis, they reveal an extraordinary disparity: blacks are committing more than 50 times the number of violent racial crimes of whites.

* According to the latest annual report on murder by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, most inter-racial murders involve black assailants and white victims, with blacks murdering whites at 18 times the rate that whites murder blacks.

These breathtaking disparities began to emerge in the mid-1960's, when there was a sharp increase in black crime against whites, an upsurge which, not coincidentally, corresponds exactly with the beginning of the modern civil rights movement.

Over time, the cumulative effect has been staggering. Justice Department and FBI statistics indicate that between 1964 and 1994 more than 25 million violent inter-racial crimes were committed, overwhelmingly involving black offenders and white victims, and more than 45,000 people were killed in inter-racial murders. By comparisons 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam, and 34,000 were killed in the Korean war.

When non-violent crimes (burglary, larceny, car theft and personal theft) are included, the cumulative totals become prodigious. The Bureau of Justice Statistics says 27 million non-violent crimes were committed in the US in 1992, and the survey found that 31 per cent of the robberies involved black offenders and white victims (while only 2 per cent in the reverse).

When all the crime figures are calculated, it appears that black Americans have committed at least 170 million crimes against white Americans in the past 30 years. It is the great defining disaster of American life and American ideals since World War II.

All these are facts, yet by simply writing this story, by assembling the facts in this way, I would be deemed a racist by the American news media. It prefers to maintain a paternalistic double-standard in its coverage of black America, a lower standard.
ppl have to admit - black-on-white crime is Not NEARLY the 'news story' as the opposite.

Few weeks ago a group of mostly black girls attacked a white girl and none of the local media said much about it. One week prior, a white kid shot a black kid with a b-b gun, and instantly it was 'racially motivated school shooting'. Turns out, the black kid had been beating up the white kid for some time. White kid lost it, and then the shooting happened.

nice posts.

Well, that's the media for you! They will label you anything if it dissagrees with whatever they are trying to feed the public.

Any ideas why more blacks commit inter-racial violent crimes? The numbers are so overwhelming, is there something that I don't know?
Originally posted by Big D
You did not misspeak, you said how you felt.

You do a poor job of mind reading. Did you ever say something that you did not entirely mean, or retract something you ever said?

It is not MY war it is A war

It is a war that some have declared but that others have not declared. I do not recognize it as a war. At the very least, I am not participating in it. Nor does it affect me to any significant degree. Crime is crime whether it is by Blacks or Whites.

The longest war America has ever fought is the Dirty War, and it is not over. It has lasted 30 years so far and claimed more than 25 million victims. ...

It would have been nice of you to have provided the source for your information - "a page published by White Pride women". Is there a rule against plagiarism here? So you have a bunch of statistical info from a white pride web site. Again I say, "So what?" It is not my war.
Dude, facts is facts!

And when you (or your family?) get beaten or raped you might just decide to make this your war. That is why you have to pick a life raft when the boat is sinking, if you don't have some sort of defense, you will drown.
Originally posted by JohnGalt
Dude, facts is facts!

And when you (or your family?) get beaten or raped you might just decide to make this your war. That is why you have to pick a life raft when the boat is sinking, if you don't have some sort of defense, you will drown.

Dude, facts is facts. If and when my family or I get beaten or raped (whether by a White person or by a Black person) I still won't make it (Race) my war. My war will be to see that the criminal be appropriately punished. My family have a good defense - Our strength, personal protection devices, knowledge and skill are just a few defensive tools.
Originally posted by mattskramer
Dude, facts is facts. If and when my family or I get beaten or raped (whether by a White person or by a Black person) I still won't make it (Race) my war. My war will be to see that the criminal be appropriately punished. My family have a good defense - Our strength, personal protection devices, knowledge and skill are just a few defensive tools.
It does not matter if you think your being attack because of race, the blacks who are attacking you are doing it because of your race, and thats what matters. If a member of you family gets attack by a black, ALL blacks will belive that your family member deserved it. You WILL learn the hard way.
Ah very good!

But my defense is better... Paranoia and a gun. hehe just playing. It is good to see that you judge each crime the way it should be, equally. Facts is facts and crimes is crimes. Race has nothing to do with them.:clap:
Originally posted by Big D
It does not matter if you think your being attack because of race, the blacks who are attacking you are doing it because of your race, and thats what matters. If a member of you family gets attack by a black, ALL blacks will belive that your family member deserved it. You WILL learn the hard way.

How do you know that if I am attacked by a Black, it will be due to my race? Could it be because the Black want's to take my money, car, or other personal items? Do Blacks attack Blacks because of their race? How did you become such a mind reader? I don't care what race the attacker would be and I don't care the reason for his attack. All Blacks will believe that my family member deserved it? Does that include Larry Elder and Ken Hamblin? Every single Black individual will think that my family member deserved it - Even some close friends who happen to be Black. Okay. Look...I think that you are losing it (for lack of a better statement). It may be past your bed time. Try again later.
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