Please prove to me that blacks are our equals?

Shootspeeders has no accomplishments in his life and probably feels the only way to make himself feel superior is by saying his race is smarter than the other races. Best to ignore him. If he was successful in life, I'm sure he wouldn't be such an ignorant prick. I actually kind of feel sorry for the guy.

I always get a good laugh when people like you think that you can magically devine the inner workings and intentions of other posters. news can't

when you put the evidence into piles, for and against, there is massive amounts of data drawn from reality on one side. and wishful thinking on the other.

on average, blacks are
1. less intelligent
2. more violent and prone to criminality
3. less socially successful and much more likely to need social assistance

you cannot argue these things. they have been measured and found to be true.

there is much more room to argue why these things are true. genetics is a slam dunk for intelligence. genetics is highly suggestive in violence and criminality. intelligence is a strong factor in social success, which leads back to genetics.

but many people wish that everybody was equal in all ways even though it is obvious that they are not. not betweenindividual blacks, not between indiviual whites, and not between the white and black racial groups.
Please prove how this all comes down to genetics. I guess I would be an exception. My iq is 100 and I have never stole anything in my life. (Iq tests don't even fully tell how smart a person is. Some people have low Iqs but are very smart people. They can't tell everything.) Most of the blacks I am friends with are no where what you call them. My mother and father works their asses for their doctorates degree. While doing this, my mother is a substitute teacher and my dad works as a principle. Both of my parents have worked in the educational fields all their life.

Please prove how this all comes down to genetics. Intelligence can also be increased by the individual. Free will determines if a person does crime or violence. Adding these makes it seems like its our instinct to cause crime and do what we do. It is free will and people who happen to be black are the ones who misuse it. It is sad that races have to be generalized or averaged out.

Now I ask you this. You think your smarter than the average black? I am asking YOU individually. What do you do? Hows your attitudes? Can you explain how you are more intelligent than the average black?

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