Please prove to me that blacks are our equals?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:
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Matthew- every race has individuals at every point on the normal curve. because there are six times as many whites that means there are just as many dull whites as dull blacks. what do you want to do with the dull whites?

I realize there are not as many bright blacks proportionally but that does not make them less than human. but it does knock the crap out of the excuse that blacks as a group have less success because of white racism. they have less success because they have a lower group average intelligence level which predicts lower achievement regardless of race.
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Matthew- every race has individuals at every point on the normal curve. because there are six times as many whites that means there are just as many dull whites as dull blacks. what do you want to do with the dull whites?

I realize there are not as many bright blacks proportionally but that does not make them less than human. but it does knock the crap out of the excuse that blacks as a group have less success because of white racism. they have less success because they have a lower group average intelligence level which predicts lower achievement regardless of race.

Here are the racial differences within the populations.

IQ DIFFERENCES!Difference between the races by percentage of that race per iq.

5% of the black race has a 110 iq or higher
16% of the black race has a 100 iq or higher
40% of the black race has a 90 iq or higher
30% of the black race has a 80 iq or lower
18% of the black race has a 75 iq or lower
10% of the black race has a 70 iq or lower

The white race
Avg at 100-102(50%)
40% above 105 iq
26-27% above 110 iq
18% above 115 iq
10% above 120 iq
35% below 95 iq
15% below 85 iq

This graph shows Asians, Whites, Hispanics and finally blacks per percentage of iq. Blacks are by far the lowest of all groups!

Difference between the races - Science and world events Wiki
Look at the graph for Whites, East Asians, Meso's, blacks that are below this. Should show anyone with two braincells that blacks aren't on par with us.

Brain size and frontal lobe of the three races...

Race, Evolution, and Behavior:

Intelligence and Brain Size

My article with C. D. Ankney "Brain Size and Cognitive Ability" in the 1996 issue of the journal Psychonomic Bulletin and Review surveyed all the published research on this topic. It included studies that used the state-of-the-art technique known as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) which gives a very good image of the human brain. There were eight of these studies with a total sample size of 381 adults. The overall correlation between IQ and brain size measured by MRI is 0.44. This is much higher than the 0.20 correlation found in earlier research using simple head size measures (though 0.20 is still significant). The MRI brain size/IQ correlation of 0.44 is as high as the correlation between social class at birth and adult IQ.

Race Differences in Brain Size

Added by MatthurricaneChart 7 shows that there are race differences in brain size. Orientals average 1 cubic inch more brain matter than Whites, and Whites average a very large 5 cubic inches more than Blacks. Since one cubic inch of brain matter contains millions of brain cells and hundreds of millions of connections, brain size differences help to explain why the races differ in IQ.
Size of the brain and other topics related to iq backed by science!   The single most important trait that man has is his intelligence and therefore its absence is the single most important primitive trait. A population could have primitive bodies, but if they have a high average intelligence they can nevertheless build a great civilization and have a relatively high standard of living. It is anyone’s guess what the minimum average intelligence required today for a population to create and maintain a modern civilization might be, but it can be safely said that 67, the average for today’s sub-Saharan Africans (Lynn, 2006a, p 37),

Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic
A 60-page review of the scientific evidence, some based on state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain size, has concluded that race differences in average IQ are largely genetic.

The lead article in the June 2005 issue of Psychology, Public Policy and Law, a journal of the American Psychological Association, examined 10 categories of research evidence from around the world to contrast "a hereditarian model (50% genetic-50% cultural) and a culture-only model (0% genetic-100% cultural)."


I think we should push gene enhancement of intelligence. Slowly limitinating all gene pools below 90. It's morally the right thing to do. :eusa_angel: Considering they have a much higher murder, rape and violent crime rate because of their lower intelligence=bad for our society. It isn't really debating rather they're human or another species of such.


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if everyone was considered an individual instead of a member of an ethnic sub-group, then there would be no racial "gaps"

Unfortunately, "civil rights groups" such as the NAACP want to classify everyone for their own gain.

Keep stirring the shit or go out of existence.
Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

Such data doesn't exist. All the evidence points to black inferiority and everyone knows it; esp blacks.
Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

These differences are documented from schools. Looking at the stats from schools then the data is indisputable. Now research the data on home schooled kids. When comparing the data from home schooled children, the learning gap is almost invisible among all races. So If we have this huge gap among school children and not among home schooled children (who data shows are smarter) the question becomes how come kids at school don't do nearly as well as kids schooled at home. In fact if you took the smartest group of white school children and pitted them against the smartest group of black home schooled children. The black kids would blow them away. Because as a whole, home schooled kids are much smarter that school kids. Then there is the conundrum of the Harlem Children's Zone. Here we have black public school kids that test as good or better than white kids. This has turned the education world on it's head. Everyone wants to know why Geoffrey Canada can do what what no one else has been able to do.
BBCAmerica don't waste your time I mean look at Matthew's signature, it speaks for itself
Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

I can say with absolute certainly, there is NO ONE who is your "equal".
Matthew- every race has individuals at every point on the normal curve. because there are six times as many whites that means there are just as many dull whites as dull blacks. what do you want to do with the dull whites?

I realize there are not as many bright blacks proportionally but that does not make them less than human. but it does knock the crap out of the excuse that blacks as a group have less success because of white racism. they have less success because they have a lower group average intelligence level which predicts lower achievement regardless of race.

Here are the racial differences within the populations.

IQ DIFFERENCES!Difference between the races by percentage of that race per iq.

5% of the black race has a 110 iq or higher
16% of the black race has a 100 iq or higher
40% of the black race has a 90 iq or higher
30% of the black race has a 80 iq or lower
18% of the black race has a 75 iq or lower
10% of the black race has a 70 iq or lower

The white race
Avg at 100-102(50%)
40% above 105 iq
26-27% above 110 iq
18% above 115 iq
10% above 120 iq
35% below 95 iq
15% below 85 iq

This graph shows Asians, Whites, Hispanics and finally blacks per percentage of iq. Blacks are by far the lowest of all groups!

Difference between the races - Science and world events Wiki
Look at the graph for Whites, East Asians, Meso's, blacks that are below this. Should show anyone with two braincells that blacks aren't on par with us.

Brain size and frontal lobe of the three races...

Race, Evolution, and Behavior:

Intelligence and Brain Size

My article with C. D. Ankney "Brain Size and Cognitive Ability" in the 1996 issue of the journal Psychonomic Bulletin and Review surveyed all the published research on this topic. It included studies that used the state-of-the-art technique known as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) which gives a very good image of the human brain. There were eight of these studies with a total sample size of 381 adults. The overall correlation between IQ and brain size measured by MRI is 0.44. This is much higher than the 0.20 correlation found in earlier research using simple head size measures (though 0.20 is still significant). The MRI brain size/IQ correlation of 0.44 is as high as the correlation between social class at birth and adult IQ.

Race Differences in Brain Size

Added by MatthurricaneChart 7 shows that there are race differences in brain size. Orientals average 1 cubic inch more brain matter than Whites, and Whites average a very large 5 cubic inches more than Blacks. Since one cubic inch of brain matter contains millions of brain cells and hundreds of millions of connections, brain size differences help to explain why the races differ in IQ.
Size of the brain and other topics related to iq backed by science!   The single most important trait that man has is his intelligence and therefore its absence is the single most important primitive trait. A population could have primitive bodies, but if they have a high average intelligence they can nevertheless build a great civilization and have a relatively high standard of living. It is anyone’s guess what the minimum average intelligence required today for a population to create and maintain a modern civilization might be, but it can be safely said that 67, the average for today’s sub-Saharan Africans (Lynn, 2006a, p 37),

Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic
A 60-page review of the scientific evidence, some based on state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain size, has concluded that race differences in average IQ are largely genetic.

The lead article in the June 2005 issue of Psychology, Public Policy and Law, a journal of the American Psychological Association, examined 10 categories of research evidence from around the world to contrast "a hereditarian model (50% genetic-50% cultural) and a culture-only model (0% genetic-100% cultural)."


I think we should push gene enhancement of intelligence. Slowly limitinating all gene pools below 90. It's morally the right thing to do. :eusa_angel: Considering they have a much higher murder, rape and violent crime rate because of their lower intelligence=bad for our society. It isn't really debating rather they're human or another species of such.

gene enhancement?

survival of the fittest is the only way to do that and our society isnt going to go down that road.

incentives to increase reproduction by the fittest members of our society could have some impact but the screams of 'elitism' would be deafening.
Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

They aren't your equals.... you need to work on your intellect to equal the average black.

Just so you know, people are individuals - regardless of race, color or creed - hence, you are not 'smarter' just because you're white. I can prove that with statistics if you are not smart enough to get it.

The links you obsess over are bullshit.
Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

These differences are documented from schools. Looking at the stats from schools then the data is indisputable. Now research the data on home schooled kids. When comparing the data from home schooled children, the learning gap is almost invisible among all races. So If we have this huge gap among school children and not among home schooled children (who data shows are smarter) the question becomes how come kids at school don't do nearly as well as kids schooled at home. In fact if you took the smartest group of white school children and pitted them against the smartest group of black home schooled children. The black kids would blow them away. Because as a whole, home schooled kids are much smarter that school kids. Then there is the conundrum of the Harlem Children's Zone. Here we have black public school kids that test as good or better than white kids. This has turned the education world on it's head. Everyone wants to know why Geoffrey Canada can do what what no one else has been able to do.

Do you have any links for this? I came across a webpage that shown that blacks raised by whites still have about a 10 point gap. Rushton is respectable within the field of intelligence. Race, Evolution, and Behavior: Further down this page Rushton also explains this.

Here is some interesting information

4.Brain Size Differences. Studies using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) find a correlation of brain size with IQ of about 0.40. Larger brains contain more neurons and synapses and process information faster. Race differences in brain size are present at birth. By adulthood, East Asians average 1 cubic inch more cranial capacity than Whites who average 5 cubic inches more than Blacks.
Trans-Racial Adoption Studies. Race differences in IQ remain following adoption by White middle class parents. East Asians grow to average higher IQs than Whites while Blacks score lower. The Minnesota Trans-Racial Adoption Study followed children to age 17 and found race differences were even greater than at age 7: White children, 106; Mixed-Race children, 99; and Black children, 89.

Racial Admixture Studies. Black children with lighter skin, for example, average higher IQ scores. In South Africa, the IQ of the mixed-race "Colored" population averages 85, intermediate to the African 70 and White 100.

IQ Scores of Blacks and Whites Regress toward the Averages of Their Race. Parents pass on only some exceptional genes to offspring so parents with very high IQs tend to have more average children. Black and White children with parents of IQ 115 move to different averages--Blacks toward 85 and Whites to 100.
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Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

I can say with absolute certainly, there is NO ONE who is your "equal".

Small minds don't ask questions...Just follow like a sheep. :eusa_boohoo:

I wish there was more research into this.
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Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

so you think mentlly handicapped children are less human?
I cant remember who it was that said it, but it was a few years back.. went something like this.. "if we aborted all black fetuses, we would solve the crime rate" lol P.S. im not racist, just thought it would fit in here
Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

so you think mentlly handicapped children are less human?


This isn't about being human or not.

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