Planned Parenthood: False Allegations and the Clown Car

Planned Parenthood has doctors, and they are happy to accept people on Medicaid unlike many private care providers. You cons cry that Obamacare has created more patients than doctors can handle but you want to put a good healthcare provider out of business. SMH!

Libs claim Medicaid/Medicare excepts everyone at any time. You changing your tune now?

First of all, I'm not really a liberal. I do lean a bit left of center, but being a former Republican, I'm hardly hard left. Of course, those like you believe anyone who is not far right is just an extreme liberal. As for Medicare and Medicaid, they accept anyone who is eligible. That does not mean all healthcare providers accept Medicaid. You really ought to know this stuff if you are going to discuss it.

Thank you, a spot on post.

So if patients can't use Medicaid and Medicare. Why were they forced on it by the ACA and the SCOTUS to the glee of the left wing loons??


Right wingers never get anything, do you?
Sadly for President Clinton, he's the only man to have ever cheated on his wife; the only man in a position of power to ever be tempted by a younger women, the only man in America, elected to office, who ever cheated on his wife.

Thankfully he wasn't a wrestling coach who fucked one of his students, otherwise the Crazy Right Wing would still be bringing that up decades later. Oh, yeah they do, and they forget to bring up the republican pervert.
We've only had one divorced president. Another Republican, with a criminal administration for good measure.

And Republicans don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to morality.

What does that have to do with anything? You will do anything but answer the questions asked you
Funny coming from the wingnut who refuses to answer whether licking a tit is sex.

Republicans are obsessed with licking tits, aren't you?
I pay my taxes just like you do.

Filing a tax form with zero do isn't "pay(ing) taxes"

Would you rather have an income below the poverty line, or earn enought to pay taxes? Yes or NO; no Libertarian bullshit.

I invested in myself, put myself through college, worked a full time job while doing my first masters degree, paid for my second masters degree. Now I own a business and do contracting work spending half my time in the Netherlands. I have nothing to feel bad about, and clearly most people below the poverty line didn't put that into themselves and would be doing way better financially if they did.

You reap what you sow

So the answer to my question is you'd rather pay taxes than live below the poverty line. Me too; I worked 30 hours a week while attending CAL and 40 hours a week while earning my Master's..

I spent two years in the Navy on AD (USNR) and I obtained my Masters in 1972; I then went on to a career in law enforcement, forgoing law school simply because I learned I didn't particularly like lawyers.

I retired very comfortably with safety retirement 9 weeks after my 56th birthday. I have nothing to feel bad about and I have empathy for those who struggle, knowing as I do that not all haven't applied themselves or worked hard, but because of a myriad of factors independent of not being personally responsible.

Is there any point to this?

A claim that the poor, working poor or middle class my be struggling because they are lazy or lack personal ambition/responsibility. I thought my point was obvious, there are road blocks in life beyond the control of all of us.
Planned Parenthood has doctors, and they are happy to accept people on Medicaid unlike many private care providers. You cons cry that Obamacare has created more patients than doctors can handle but you want to put a good healthcare provider out of business. SMH!

Libs claim Medicaid/Medicare excepts everyone at any time. You changing your tune now?

First of all, I'm not really a liberal. I do lean a bit left of center, but being a former Republican, I'm hardly hard left. Of course, those like you believe anyone who is not far right is just an extreme liberal. As for Medicare and Medicaid, they accept anyone who is eligible. That does not mean all healthcare providers accept Medicaid. You really ought to know this stuff if you are going to discuss it.

Thank you, a spot on post.

So if patients can't use Medicaid and Medicare. Why were they forced on it by the ACA and the SCOTUS to the glee of the left wing loons??


Guess you loons should have made sure the "poor" could use Medicaid before you forced them on it huh?
Libs claim Medicaid/Medicare excepts everyone at any time. You changing your tune now?

First of all, I'm not really a liberal. I do lean a bit left of center, but being a former Republican, I'm hardly hard left. Of course, those like you believe anyone who is not far right is just an extreme liberal. As for Medicare and Medicaid, they accept anyone who is eligible. That does not mean all healthcare providers accept Medicaid. You really ought to know this stuff if you are going to discuss it.

Thank you, a spot on post.

So if patients can't use Medicaid and Medicare. Why were they forced on it by the ACA and the SCOTUS to the glee of the left wing loons??


Right wingers never get anything, do you?

I believe I do, as for right wingers I've coined the phrase "willfully ignorant" to define those who could get it, but choose not to challenge their already held beliefs.

Of course that can apply to all of us. Well, with the exception of PoliticalChic.
Filing a tax form with zero do isn't "pay(ing) taxes"

Would you rather have an income below the poverty line, or earn enought to pay taxes? Yes or NO; no Libertarian bullshit.

I invested in myself, put myself through college, worked a full time job while doing my first masters degree, paid for my second masters degree. Now I own a business and do contracting work spending half my time in the Netherlands. I have nothing to feel bad about, and clearly most people below the poverty line didn't put that into themselves and would be doing way better financially if they did.

You reap what you sow

So the answer to my question is you'd rather pay taxes than live below the poverty line. Me too; I worked 30 hours a week while attending CAL and 40 hours a week while earning my Master's..

I spent two years in the Navy on AD (USNR) and I obtained my Masters in 1972; I then went on to a career in law enforcement, forgoing law school simply because I learned I didn't particularly like lawyers.

I retired very comfortably with safety retirement 9 weeks after my 56th birthday. I have nothing to feel bad about and I have empathy for those who struggle, knowing as I do that not all haven't applied themselves or worked hard, but because of a myriad of factors independent of not being personally responsible.

Is there any point to this?

A claim that the poor, working poor or middle class my be struggling because they are lazy or lack personal ambition/responsibility. I thought my point was obvious, there are road blocks in life beyond the control of all of us.

Who said lazy? Why do Republicans always make shit up?

I said they need to work harder and invest in themselves like I did. Virtually all of them who aren't improving their lives can do that and don't. Only those with real issues can't. Yes, they do bear responsibility for their choices.
First of all, I'm not really a liberal. I do lean a bit left of center, but being a former Republican, I'm hardly hard left. Of course, those like you believe anyone who is not far right is just an extreme liberal. As for Medicare and Medicaid, they accept anyone who is eligible. That does not mean all healthcare providers accept Medicaid. You really ought to know this stuff if you are going to discuss it.

Thank you, a spot on post.

So if patients can't use Medicaid and Medicare. Why were they forced on it by the ACA and the SCOTUS to the glee of the left wing loons??


Right wingers never get anything, do you?

I believe I do, as for right wingers I've coined the phrase "willfully ignorant" to define those who could get it, but choose not to challenge their already held beliefs.

Of course that can apply to all of us. Well, with the exception of PoliticalChic.

Yes, right wingers are willfully ignorant, you never get references, particularly ones that contradict your biased beliefs

"The full video shows that after Nucatola mentions the $30 to $100, she describes how those amounts would be reimbursement for expenses related to handling and transportation of the tissues."

"In a statement made to CNN, another presidential candidate, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, called the practice discussed in the video a “clear violation of federal law.” The “sale” of organs, both adult and fetal, for transplantation is indeed illegal, but donation of tissue — both from aborted fetuses and from adults — is not. And payment for “reasonable” costs is also allowed under the law.

"Sawyer, July 20: In reality, $30-100 probably constitutes a loss for [Planned Parenthood]. The costs associated with collection, processing, storage, and inventory and records management for specimens are very high. Most hospitals will provide tissue blocks from surgical procedures (ones no longer needed for clinical purposes, and without identity) for research, and cost recover for their time and effort in the range of $100-500 per case/block. In the realm of tissues for research $30-100 is completely reasonable and normal fee"

"Rick Perry, July 14: The video showing a Planned Parenthood employee selling the body parts of aborted children is a disturbing reminder of the organization’s penchant for profiting off the tragedy of a destroyed human life."

"Rand Paul, July 14: … a video showing [Planned Parenthood]’s top doctor describing how she performs late-term abortions to sell body parts for profit!"

"Carly Fiorina, July 14: This latest news is tragic and outrageous. This isn’t about “choice.” It’s about profiting on the death of the unborn while telling women it’s about empowerment."

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

So you think you can lie your way out of it?

No surprise - but little chance you'll pull it off.

Anti-Abortion Extremist Will Stand Trial for Threatening a Provider Feminist Majority Foundation Blog

In a powerful decision for abortion providers being threatened by extremists, the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals found in a 2-1 ruling that a jury – not a judge – should determine whether or not a 2011 letter Angel Dillard sent to Dr. Mila Means constitutes a true threat actionable under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. The ruling overturns a lower court’s summary decision that Dillard’s letter was constitutionally protected free speech.
Unions Send Dues Money to Planned Parenthood!!!!!

Washington Free Beacon ^ | 8/3/15 | Bill McMorris
Labor groups sent nearly half a million dollars to Planned Parenthood in 2014, according to federal disclosure forms.Three of the nation’s largest unions—the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), and Service Employees International Union (SEIU), contributed $435,000 to the nation’s largest abortion provider.Almost all of that money was spent on political advocacy. AFSCME donated $400,000 to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, which spent about $1 million helping Democratic campaigns in 2014, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. UFCW categorized its $10,000 donation as political activity in federal labor filings.Not all...
Means you can go to a doctor you stupid shit.

Planned Parenthood has doctors, and they are happy to accept people on Medicaid unlike many private care providers. You cons cry that Obamacare has created more patients than doctors can handle but you want to put a good healthcare provider out of business. SMH!

Libs claim Medicaid/Medicare excepts everyone at any time. You changing your tune now?

First of all, I'm not really a liberal. I do lean a bit left of center, but being a former Republican, I'm hardly hard left. Of course, those like you believe anyone who is not far right is just an extreme liberal. As for Medicare and Medicaid, they accept anyone who is eligible. That does not mean all healthcare providers accept Medicaid. You really ought to know this stuff if you are going to discuss it.

Thank you, a spot on post.

So if patients can't use Medicaid and Medicare. Why were they forced on it by the ACA and the SCOTUS to the glee of the left wing loons??
This is unsurprisingly ignorant and wrong.

The ACA didn't 'force' anyone onto anything.

The Act authorized the states to expand Medicaid to allow those not eligible before to be eligible, such as single adults under 65 with no dependent children, who are not determined disabled by the SSA, and unemployed or low income. Such individuals would not be able to afford health insurance through the exchange because they wouldn't be able to afford the premiums, even with the help of subsidies, so Medicaid would be used to accommodate them.

The problem is republican lawmakers in red states refused to expand Medicaid, in essence a petulant temper-tantrum to demonstrate their unwarranted contempt for the president.

Consequently, it's rightwing loons who have rendered millions of Americans ineligible for Medicaid, and without access to affordable healthcare.
Passing out condoms and BC pills may prevent pregnancies. Are you saying that every unintentional pregnancy would result in an abortion?

Not at all.

then how do you support your claim that PP prevents more abortions than it performs?

Fallacy of the Loaded Question ^^^

You don't even know what that is, Wry. Stop trying to sound smart. You aren't. Answer the question.

Probably the better fallacy is this:

Appeal to a Lack of Evidence(Argumentum Ad Ignorantium, literally "Argument from Ignorance"): Appealing to a lack of information to prove a point, or arguing that, since the opposition cannot disprove a claim, the opposite stance must be true. An example of such an argument is the assertion that ghosts must exist because no one has been able to prove that they do not exist. Logicians know this is a logical fallacy because no competing argument has yet revealed itself.

Complex Question (Also called the "Loaded Question"): Phrasing a question or statement in such as way as to imply another unproven statement is true without evidence or discussion.

Mea culpa, I took logic my sophomore year at CAL, 1966. In the future I will check my statements for accuracy.

Citing logical fallacies in lieu of an actual position is simple deflection. You are appealing to lack of evidence by having NO evidence.
Libs claim Medicaid/Medicare excepts everyone at any time. You changing your tune now?

First of all, I'm not really a liberal. I do lean a bit left of center, but being a former Republican, I'm hardly hard left. Of course, those like you believe anyone who is not far right is just an extreme liberal. As for Medicare and Medicaid, they accept anyone who is eligible. That does not mean all healthcare providers accept Medicaid. You really ought to know this stuff if you are going to discuss it.

Thank you, a spot on post.

So if patients can't use Medicaid and Medicare. Why were they forced on it by the ACA and the SCOTUS to the glee of the left wing loons??


Guess you loons should have made sure the "poor" could use Medicaid before you forced them on it huh?

Do you work at being a jerk, or does it come easy to you? I haven't forcedd Medicaid on anyone, if I had that power I force you to get therapy.
“I come to the Sen. floor today to ask my GOP colleagues: Do you have any idea what year it is?

“Because I cannot believe that in 2015, the US Senate would be spending its time trying to defund women’s health care centers.

“Let’s be really clear: The GOP’s scheme to defund @PPFA is not some sort of surprised response to a highly edited video.”

“The GOP vote to defund @PPFA is 1 more piece of a deliberate, methodical, orchestrated right-wing attack on women’s rights.”

“Why do so many people use @PPFA? Because they are nonprofit & they are open.”

"To be clear: Even though the abortions performed at @PPFA are safe & legal, the federal gov isn't paying for them."

"A vote to defund @PPFA is a vote to defund cancer screenings & birth control & basic health care for millions of women."

"Women have lived through a world where backward-looking ideologues tried to interfere in basic health decisions, & we’re not going back."

"The GOP plan to defund @PPFA is a GOP plan to defund women’s health care. I #standwithPP – and I hope my colleagues will do the same."

Elizabeth Warren SenWarren Twitter
This whole deal by the right and all the misinformation thing with the edited tapes reminds me of something else. It's a different subject but the same methodology is used.
It seems like every time there's a mass shooting, the NRA comes out screaming that the government is going to take everybody's guns. In the end, people rush out a buy a record amount of guns the government doesn't go after all the guns and the NRA's biggest sponsor (the gun industry) makes a record amount of money!
This approach works every time, scare the living crap of the the most gullible people in existence and get them to do exactly what their gods want them to do!
The videos were a coordinated centrally command controlled operation against Hillary Clinton...this is all being paid by "dark money" ...these same people paid off someone at the NYT to run a fake Hillary Clinton story claiming she was the target of a criminal Investigation...all of it Bull shit ..the videos and the NYT story........
“I come to the Sen. floor today to ask my GOP colleagues: Do you have any idea what year it is?

“Because I cannot believe that in 2015, the US Senate would be spending its time trying to defund women’s health care centers.

“Let’s be really clear: The GOP’s scheme to defund @PPFA is not some sort of surprised response to a highly edited video.”

“The GOP vote to defund @PPFA is 1 more piece of a deliberate, methodical, orchestrated right-wing attack on women’s rights.”

“Why do so many people use @PPFA? Because they are nonprofit & they are open.”

"To be clear: Even though the abortions performed at @PPFA are safe & legal, the federal gov isn't paying for them."

"A vote to defund @PPFA is a vote to defund cancer screenings & birth control & basic health care for millions of women."

"Women have lived through a world where backward-looking ideologues tried to interfere in basic health decisions, & we’re not going back."

"The GOP plan to defund @PPFA is a GOP plan to defund women’s health care. I #standwithPP – and I hope my colleagues will do the same."

Elizabeth Warren SenWarren Twitter

After finishing her speech, Sen. Warren held an auction for two healthy lungs, aborted in the last 24 hours, and a heart that was discounted 30%, aborted on Saturday. Sen. Warren commented that "you won't find a better deal on quality human organs than from Planned Parenthood."
This whole deal by the right and all the misinformation thing with the edited tapes reminds me of something else. It's a different subject but the same methodology is used.
It seems like every time there's a mass shooting, the NRA comes out screaming that the government is going to take everybody's guns. In the end, people rush out a buy a record amount of guns the government doesn't go after all the guns and the NRA's biggest sponsor (the gun industry) makes a record amount of money!
This approach works every time, scare the living crap of the the most gullible people in existence and get them to do exactly what their gods want them to do!

Oh, edited were they?

Planned Parenthood has doctors, and they are happy to accept people on Medicaid unlike many private care providers. You cons cry that Obamacare has created more patients than doctors can handle but you want to put a good healthcare provider out of business. SMH!

Libs claim Medicaid/Medicare excepts everyone at any time. You changing your tune now?

First of all, I'm not really a liberal. I do lean a bit left of center, but being a former Republican, I'm hardly hard left. Of course, those like you believe anyone who is not far right is just an extreme liberal. As for Medicare and Medicaid, they accept anyone who is eligible. That does not mean all healthcare providers accept Medicaid. You really ought to know this stuff if you are going to discuss it.

Thank you, a spot on post.

So if patients can't use Medicaid and Medicare. Why were they forced on it by the ACA and the SCOTUS to the glee of the left wing loons??
This is unsurprisingly ignorant and wrong.

The ACA didn't 'force' anyone onto anything.

The Act authorized the states to expand Medicaid to allow those not eligible before to be eligible, such as single adults under 65 with no dependent children, who are not determined disabled by the SSA, and unemployed or low income. Such individuals would not be able to afford health insurance through the exchange because they wouldn't be able to afford the premiums, even with the help of subsidies, so Medicaid would be used to accommodate them.

The problem is republican lawmakers in red states refused to expand Medicaid, in essence a petulant temper-tantrum to demonstrate their unwarranted contempt for the president.

Consequently, it's rightwing loons who have rendered millions of Americans ineligible for Medicaid, and without access to affordable healthcare.

Yes forced. If they didn't sign up for insurance they get penalized via the IRS.

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