Planned Parenthood: False Allegations and the Clown Car

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area

"The full video shows that after Nucatola mentions the $30 to $100, she describes how those amounts would be reimbursement for expenses related to handling and transportation of the tissues."

"In a statement made to CNN, another presidential candidate, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, called the practice discussed in the video a “clear violation of federal law.” The “sale” of organs, both adult and fetal, for transplantation is indeed illegal, but donation of tissue — both from aborted fetuses and from adults — is not. And payment for “reasonable” costs is also allowed under the law.

"Sawyer, July 20: In reality, $30-100 probably constitutes a loss for [Planned Parenthood]. The costs associated with collection, processing, storage, and inventory and records management for specimens are very high. Most hospitals will provide tissue blocks from surgical procedures (ones no longer needed for clinical purposes, and without identity) for research, and cost recover for their time and effort in the range of $100-500 per case/block. In the realm of tissues for research $30-100 is completely reasonable and normal fee"

"Rick Perry, July 14: The video showing a Planned Parenthood employee selling the body parts of aborted children is a disturbing reminder of the organization’s penchant for profiting off the tragedy of a destroyed human life."

"Rand Paul, July 14: … a video showing [Planned Parenthood]’s top doctor describing how she performs late-term abortions to sell body parts for profit!"

"Carly Fiorina, July 14: This latest news is tragic and outrageous. This isn’t about “choice.” It’s about profiting on the death of the unborn while telling women it’s about empowerment."

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video
Like I said in another forum. We have obama care now. No need for planned parenthood, put that money some where else.
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If PP was selling puppy organs their funding would have been cut off immediately. Or heaven forbid, lion organs from lions killed by hunters.

our society is very screwed up right now.

You and the person who thanked you for your post need to read the link. Or, you can continue to lie by inference. PP DID NOT sell body parts, of course that fact will not disabuse you and her, as proud and loud members of the echo chamber.

The truth should make you mute, sadly it never does.
If PP was selling puppy organs their funding would have been cut off immediately. Or heaven forbid, lion organs from lions killed by hunters.

our society is very screwed up right now.

You and the person who thanked you for your post need to read the link. Or, you can continue to lie by inference. PP DID NOT sell body parts, of course that fact will not disabuse you and her, as proud and loud members of the echo chamber.

The truth should make you mute, sadly it never does.

OK, dude. pay attention. when you get paid money to deliver something, you are selling it.
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Like I said in another forum. We have obama care now. No need for planned parenthood, put that money some where else.

Are you a women? Do you know the full range of services provided by PP? Do you know the gaps which may exist in service to women?

You have a right to your opinion, but in expressing it, it is important to explain why if you hope to be credible.
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If PP was selling puppy organs their funding would have been cut off immediately. Or heaven forbid, lion organs from lions killed by hunters.

our society is very screwed up right now.

You and the person who thanked you for your post need to read the link. Or, you can continue to lie by inference. PP DID NOT sell body parts, of course that fact will not disabuse you and her, as proud and loud members of the echo chamber.

The truth should make you mute, sadly it never does.

OK, dude. pay attention. when you get paid money to deliver something, you are selling it.

Okay dude, what ever you say. Feel free to continue to prove you're a partisan hack who does not value the truth.

From the OP: "The “sale” of organs, both adult and fetal, for transplantation is indeed illegal, but donation of tissue — both from aborted fetuses and from adults — is not. And payment for “reasonable” costs is also allowed under the law.
Like I said in another forum. We have obama care now. No need for planned parenthood, put that money some where else.

Are you a women? Do you know the full range of services provided by PP? Do you know the gaps which may exist in service to women?

You have a right to your opinion, but in expressing it, it is important to explain why if you hope to be credible.
A women? You mean a woman? A woman has obama care now, she can find a doctor that actually cares for her. Instead of wanting her to have an abortion so they can sell it's organs and limbs.
Extremist rightwing disinformation manages to reach the "highest" levels of the GOP and it is interesting to note that there are zero critical thinking skills to be found amongst the entire clown car circus troop.

Then again pandering to their lackwitted base is far more important than actual facts and the truth.

I fully expect this BS to be used to drive the dullards to the polls in 2016.
Like I said in another forum. We have obama care now. No need for planned parenthood, put that money some where else.

Are you a women? Do you know the full range of services provided by PP? Do you know the gaps which may exist in service to women?

You have a right to your opinion, but in expressing it, it is important to explain why if you hope to be credible.
You challenge his credibility while using childish terms like "clown car"

Stupid liberal
Like I said in another forum. We have obama care now. No need for planned parenthood, put that money some where else.

Are you a women? Do you know the full range of services provided by PP? Do you know the gaps which may exist in service to women?

You have a right to your opinion, but in expressing it, it is important to explain why if you hope to be credible.

I know that PP could provide all of those services excluding abortions, with private donations and no government money. That is why the Democrats passed Obamacare.
Like I said in another forum. We have obama care now. No need for planned parenthood, put that money some where else.

Are you a women? Do you know the full range of services provided by PP? Do you know the gaps which may exist in service to women?

You have a right to your opinion, but in expressing it, it is important to explain why if you hope to be credible.
A women? You mean a woman? A woman has obama care now, she can find a doctor that actually cares for her. Instead of wanting her to have an abortion so they can sell it's organs and limbs.

Raising a trivial objection isn't the best way to start a rebuttal. Women may have health insurance and still want to go to a specialist. PP does more than you might believe, but you seem to be one of those stuck in a locked box and unwilling or unable to think.

I'll try, but you'll probably point out I used an 'e' before an 'i' and believe that's a substantive response.

Consider a women, or a woman who needs to have a confidential conversation with an expert on sexual matters and her relationship and fear of her partner? A very complex set of issues PP is trained to discuss. A GP is not trained in and likely has little experience (yeah, I got it correct) with such matters.

Forgo the, "yes but" you've already proved your mind is closed.
If PP was selling puppy organs their funding would have been cut off immediately. Or heaven forbid, lion organs from lions killed by hunters.

our society is very screwed up right now.

You and the person who thanked you for your post need to read the link. Or, you can continue to lie by inference. PP DID NOT sell body parts, of course that fact will not disabuse you and her, as proud and loud members of the echo chamber.

The truth should make you mute, sadly it never does.
"Sell for profit" is a lie....but they keep repeating it.
If PP was selling puppy organs their funding would have been cut off immediately. Or heaven forbid, lion organs from lions killed by hunters.

our society is very screwed up right now.

You and the person who thanked you for your post need to read the link. Or, you can continue to lie by inference. PP DID NOT sell body parts, of course that fact will not disabuse you and her, as proud and loud members of the echo chamber.

The truth should make you mute, sadly it never does.
"Sell for profit" is a lie....but they keep repeating it.

How was one Dr going to buy a Lamboghouni if they didn't make a profit?
If PP was selling puppy organs their funding would have been cut off immediately. Or heaven forbid, lion organs from lions killed by hunters.

our society is very screwed up right now.

You and the person who thanked you for your post need to read the link. Or, you can continue to lie by inference. PP DID NOT sell body parts, of course that fact will not disabuse you and her, as proud and loud members of the echo chamber.

The truth should make you mute, sadly it never does.
"Sell for profit" is a lie....but they keep repeating it.

How was one Dr going to buy a Lamboghouni if they didn't make a profit?
If PP was selling puppy organs their funding would have been cut off immediately. Or heaven forbid, lion organs from lions killed by hunters.

our society is very screwed up right now. don't think that's happening in the vet business? :rofl:

How many millions does the government give vets to harvest animal organs?

"The full video shows that after Nucatola mentions the $30 to $100, she describes how those amounts would be reimbursement for expenses related to handling and transportation of the tissues."

"In a statement made to CNN, another presidential candidate, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, called the practice discussed in the video a “clear violation of federal law.” The “sale” of organs, both adult and fetal, for transplantation is indeed illegal, but donation of tissue — both from aborted fetuses and from adults — is not. And payment for “reasonable” costs is also allowed under the law.

"Sawyer, July 20: In reality, $30-100 probably constitutes a loss for [Planned Parenthood]. The costs associated with collection, processing, storage, and inventory and records management for specimens are very high. Most hospitals will provide tissue blocks from surgical procedures (ones no longer needed for clinical purposes, and without identity) for research, and cost recover for their time and effort in the range of $100-500 per case/block. In the realm of tissues for research $30-100 is completely reasonable and normal fee"

"Rick Perry, July 14: The video showing a Planned Parenthood employee selling the body parts of aborted children is a disturbing reminder of the organization’s penchant for profiting off the tragedy of a destroyed human life."

"Rand Paul, July 14: … a video showing [Planned Parenthood]’s top doctor describing how she performs late-term abortions to sell body parts for profit!"

"Carly Fiorina, July 14: This latest news is tragic and outrageous. This isn’t about “choice.” It’s about profiting on the death of the unborn while telling women it’s about empowerment."

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

To Rick Perry. Hey asswipe! no one profits off of human misery like a republican.
If PP was selling puppy organs their funding would have been cut off immediately. Or heaven forbid, lion organs from lions killed by hunters.

our society is very screwed up right now.

You and the person who thanked you for your post need to read the link. Or, you can continue to lie by inference. PP DID NOT sell body parts, of course that fact will not disabuse you and her, as proud and loud members of the echo chamber.

The truth should make you mute, sadly it never does.
"Sell for profit" is a lie....but they keep repeating it.

How was one Dr going to buy a Lamboghouni if they didn't make a profit?

Hey moron...Doctors make a lot of money here in the USA. That is true even for those that occasionally perform abortions.

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