Planned Parenthood: False Allegations and the Clown Car

Kinda like in the 90's when liberals said a blow job wasn't sex?
A blowjob is sex? How about licking a tit? Is that sex, too?

So you don't think oral sex is sex? You have never gotten a BJ...

Here is the definition used of sex for Clinton:

"For the purposes of this deposition, a person engages in sexual relations when the person knowingly engages in or causes:

1. Contact with the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person with an intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person;
2. Contact between any part of the person's body or an object and the genitals or anus of another person; or
3. Contact between the genitals or anus of the person and any part of another person's body.

Contact means intentional touching, either directly or through clothing."

And you don't think Slick didn't engage in that?

Sadly for President Clinton, he's the only man to have ever cheated on his wife; the only man in a position of power to ever be tempted by a younger women, the only man in America, elected to office, who ever cheated on his wife.

Thankfully he wasn't a wrestling coach who fucked one of his students, otherwise the Crazy Right Wing would still be bringing that up decades later. Oh, yeah they do, and they forget to bring up the republican pervert.
We've only had one divorced president. Another Republican, with a criminal administration for good measure.


and Synthaholic exposed the obvious, the right wing is composed of hypocrites.
This reminds me of the PP hoax, and the Right-Wing Media:

Kinda like in the 90's when liberals said a blow job wasn't sex?
A blowjob is sex? How about licking a tit? Is that sex, too?
It's not sex? I wonder how many liberals will let their wife give me a blow job?
Since they provide cheap to free birth control, they help prevent millions of unwanted pregnancies that would likely become abortions. If you do not understand that, then there is no hope for you.

I am sure you have a link to those claimed facts and figures??

Never mind, I brought planned parenthood's own stats to make a liar out of you.

These numbers show why Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA

Estimated number of unintended pregnancies averted by Planned Parenthood
contraceptive services each year:

Estimated number of abortions averted by Planned Parenthood contraceptive services each year:

I am glad we agree then. You have just proven that in the past 40 years, Planned Parenthood has averted over 8 million abortions and millions more unwanted pregnancies.

how many unwanted pregnancies did the condom machines in gas station restrooms prevent? You no more know that than you know how many PP prevented.

You were the one who chose to approve of Planned Parenthood's numbers. So there you have it.

Nope, that was you. So once again, prove that PP has prevented more abortions than it has provided.


Fallacy of the Loaded Question.
What a stupid statement. Obamacare does not provide healthcare services. It is a means to pay for those services. Are you really that dumb? I really hate calling people out on stupidity but damn, that is just an unbelievably stupid statement.
Means you can go to a doctor you stupid shit.

Planned Parenthood has doctors, and they are happy to accept people on Medicaid unlike many private care providers. You cons cry that Obamacare has created more patients than doctors can handle but you want to put a good healthcare provider out of business. SMH!

Good healthcare providers don't murder the innocent

Abortion is not murder. Sorry if I do not share your theological beliefs.

If an unborn baby dies as a result of the murder of the mother, that is considered murder of the baby as well. But if a baby is intentionally killed during birth by a doctor performing a partial birth abortion, then that's not murder.

Correct. And if a person is put to death by the government it is not murder. Murder is the unlawful taking of a life. Get it?
Means you can go to a doctor you stupid shit.

Planned Parenthood has doctors, and they are happy to accept people on Medicaid unlike many private care providers. You cons cry that Obamacare has created more patients than doctors can handle but you want to put a good healthcare provider out of business. SMH!

Good healthcare providers don't murder the innocent

Abortion is not murder. Sorry if I do not share your theological beliefs.

If an unborn baby dies as a result of the murder of the mother, that is considered murder of the baby as well. But if a baby is intentionally killed during birth by a doctor performing a partial birth abortion, then that's not murder.

Correct. And if a person is put to death by the government it is not murder. Murder is the unlawful taking of a life. Get it?

I get it, but unfortunately you don't.
Like I said in another forum. We have obama care now. No need for planned parenthood, put that money some where else.

What a stupid statement. Obamacare does not provide healthcare services. It is a means to pay for those services. Are you really that dumb? I really hate calling people out on stupidity but damn, that is just an unbelievably stupid statement.
Means you can go to a doctor you stupid shit.

Planned Parenthood has doctors, and they are happy to accept people on Medicaid unlike many private care providers. You cons cry that Obamacare has created more patients than doctors can handle but you want to put a good healthcare provider out of business. SMH!

Libs claim Medicaid/Medicare excepts everyone at any time. You changing your tune now?

First of all, I'm not really a liberal. I do lean a bit left of center, but being a former Republican, I'm hardly hard left. Of course, those like you believe anyone who is not far right is just an extreme liberal. As for Medicare and Medicaid, they accept anyone who is eligible. That does not mean all healthcare providers accept Medicaid. You really ought to know this stuff if you are going to discuss it.

Thank you, a spot on post.
Abortions In America

• A total of 730,322 abortions were reported to Centers for Disease Control for 2011, the most recent year numbers are available. (Reporting is voluntary and not 100%.)

• In 2011, the total number of abortions decreased by 5% over 2010 numbers.

• The Associated Press reported in June, 2015, that nationwide the number of abortions decreased by an average 12% since 2010.

• CDC showed that 3,932,181 babies were born in the U.S. in 2013.

• In the United States, about half of all pregnancies are unintended.

• Of all unintended pregnancies, 4 in 10 are aborted.

• Twenty-one percent of all pregnancies in the U.S. end in abortion (not including natural miscarriages).


• There has been a steady decline in abortions since 1980.

• Each year, about 1.7% of all women aged 15-44 have an abortion.

• Of the women obtaining abortions in any given year, about half of them have had at least one previous abortion.

• By age 45, one third of American women will have had at least one abortion.

• The U.S. abortion rate in 2011 was 13.9 abortions per 1,000, down from 19.4 per 1,000 in 2008.

• 88.7% of all abortions take place by the twelfth week of pregnancy.


• Some 1.06 million abortions were performed in 2011, down from 1.21 million abortions in 2008, a decline of 13%.

• Women who have never been married account for one-third of abortions in America.

• Less than 1% of all abortions take place because of rape and/or incest.

Women give an average of 3.7 reasons why they are seeking an abortion including the following:

• 21% Inadequate finances
• 21% Not ready for responsibility
• 16% Woman’s life would be changed too much
• 12% Problems with relationships, unmarried
• 11% Too young and/or immature
• 8% Children are grown; she has all she wants
• 3% Baby has possible health problems
• <1% Pregnancy caused by rape/incest
• 4% Other


Of all abortions at 8 weeks or under, 71.2% are surgical procedures while 28.5% are medication abortions.





• Blacks comprise only 13% of the population of America but account for 37% of all abortions.

• Black women are five times more likely to abort than white women.

• 69% of pregnancies among Blacks are unintended, while that number is 54% among Hispanics and 40% of pregnancies among Whites.

• Planned Parenthood, the largest seller of abortions in the United States, has located 80% of its abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods, disproportionally targeting minorities for abortion.







Since the election of President Barack Obama, Americans have experienced a shift in how they view abortion. In the spring of 2009, several polls showed that for the first time, the majority of Americans identify themselves as “pro-life.”

Not only that, those who identify themselves as “pro-choice” fell dramatically in the same time period that pro-life sentiment rose.


Below are the results from various polls reflecting the changing attitudes about abortion that were released in May, 2009.


Abortions In America
Planned Parenthood has doctors, and they are happy to accept people on Medicaid unlike many private care providers. You cons cry that Obamacare has created more patients than doctors can handle but you want to put a good healthcare provider out of business. SMH!

Good healthcare providers don't murder the innocent

Abortion is not murder. Sorry if I do not share your theological beliefs.

If an unborn baby dies as a result of the murder of the mother, that is considered murder of the baby as well. But if a baby is intentionally killed during birth by a doctor performing a partial birth abortion, then that's not murder.

Correct. And if a person is put to death by the government it is not murder. Murder is the unlawful taking of a life. Get it?

I get it, but unfortunately you don't.

You may believe you do, but you don't. Abortion when done according to the law is a legal medical procedure, as is capital punishment. Murder is the unlawful talking of a human life.

Now, you may believe abortion is murder in terms of your ideology, it is not in the eyes of the law.
What a stupid statement. Obamacare does not provide healthcare services. It is a means to pay for those services. Are you really that dumb? I really hate calling people out on stupidity but damn, that is just an unbelievably stupid statement.
Means you can go to a doctor you stupid shit.

Planned Parenthood has doctors, and they are happy to accept people on Medicaid unlike many private care providers. You cons cry that Obamacare has created more patients than doctors can handle but you want to put a good healthcare provider out of business. SMH!

Libs claim Medicaid/Medicare excepts everyone at any time. You changing your tune now?

First of all, I'm not really a liberal. I do lean a bit left of center, but being a former Republican, I'm hardly hard left. Of course, those like you believe anyone who is not far right is just an extreme liberal. As for Medicare and Medicaid, they accept anyone who is eligible. That does not mean all healthcare providers accept Medicaid. You really ought to know this stuff if you are going to discuss it.

Thank you, a spot on post.

So if patients can't use Medicaid and Medicare. Why were they forced on it by the ACA and the SCOTUS to the glee of the left wing loons??
Good healthcare providers don't murder the innocent

Abortion is not murder. Sorry if I do not share your theological beliefs.

If an unborn baby dies as a result of the murder of the mother, that is considered murder of the baby as well. But if a baby is intentionally killed during birth by a doctor performing a partial birth abortion, then that's not murder.

Correct. And if a person is put to death by the government it is not murder. Murder is the unlawful taking of a life. Get it?

I get it, but unfortunately you don't.

You may believe you do, but you don't. Abortion when done according to the law is a legal medical procedure, as is capital punishment. Murder is the unlawful talking of a human life.

Now, you may believe abortion is murder in terms of your ideology, it is not in the eyes of the law.

Stopping a beating heart stops a life.
still waiting for you to prove that claim.

Do you believe that PP prevents more abortions than it performs?
If so why then would you want to eliminate the gains made with public funding?

Passing out condoms and BC pills may prevent pregnancies. Are you saying that every unintentional pregnancy would result in an abortion?

Not at all.

then how do you support your claim that PP prevents more abortions than it performs?

Fallacy of the Loaded Question ^^^

That isn't a "loaded question," you need to read the definition again. I don't get the relevance of it, but whatever
He got a Monica, Holmes, what difference does your question make?
I don't know. You brought it up.

I did?

A blowjob is sex? How about licking a tit? Is that sex, too?
Well, it was one of you wingnuts. You all post the same, after getting your FOX-Approved talking points.

Bam, thanks! Finally, the girl to ask. I always wondered, why is Fox programming me to be a libertarian? They're conservatives, if they control my thoughts, why don't they make me a conservative? Are they just fucking with me? I always wondered about that. Any insight into that would be appreciated
Do you believe that PP prevents more abortions than it performs?
If so why then would you want to eliminate the gains made with public funding?

Passing out condoms and BC pills may prevent pregnancies. Are you saying that every unintentional pregnancy would result in an abortion?

Not at all.

then how do you support your claim that PP prevents more abortions than it performs?

Fallacy of the Loaded Question ^^^

You don't even know what that is, Wry. Stop trying to sound smart. You aren't. Answer the question.

Probably the better fallacy is this:

Appeal to a Lack of Evidence(Argumentum Ad Ignorantium, literally "Argument from Ignorance"): Appealing to a lack of information to prove a point, or arguing that, since the opposition cannot disprove a claim, the opposite stance must be true. An example of such an argument is the assertion that ghosts must exist because no one has been able to prove that they do not exist. Logicians know this is a logical fallacy because no competing argument has yet revealed itself.

Complex Question (Also called the "Loaded Question"): Phrasing a question or statement in such as way as to imply another unproven statement is true without evidence or discussion.

Mea culpa, I took logic my sophomore year at CAL, 1966. In the future I will check my statements for accuracy.

A blowjob is sex? How about licking a tit? Is that sex, too?

So you don't think oral sex is sex? You have never gotten a BJ...

Here is the definition used of sex for Clinton:

"For the purposes of this deposition, a person engages in sexual relations when the person knowingly engages in or causes:

1. Contact with the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person with an intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person;
2. Contact between any part of the person's body or an object and the genitals or anus of another person; or
3. Contact between the genitals or anus of the person and any part of another person's body.

Contact means intentional touching, either directly or through clothing."

And you don't think Slick didn't engage in that?

Sadly for President Clinton, he's the only man to have ever cheated on his wife; the only man in a position of power to ever be tempted by a younger women, the only man in America, elected to office, who ever cheated on his wife.

Thankfully he wasn't a wrestling coach who fucked one of his students, otherwise the Crazy Right Wing would still be bringing that up decades later. Oh, yeah they do, and they forget to bring up the republican pervert.
We've only had one divorced president. Another Republican, with a criminal administration for good measure.

And Republicans don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to morality.

Non sequitur
still waiting for you to prove that claim.

Since they provide cheap to free birth control, they help prevent millions of unwanted pregnancies that would likely become abortions. If you do not understand that, then there is no hope for you.

Yet you don't care enough to spend your money on that, so you're not really committed to that cause in any way, are you? As long as someone does something with someone else's money, yeah, you're for that

I pay my taxes just like you do.

Filing a tax form with zero do isn't "pay(ing) taxes"

What is zero do? Did you mean zero due? Funny when people try too hard to make themselves look smarter than they actually are.

You know you're desperate when you're going to spell checking....
Since they provide cheap to free birth control, they help prevent millions of unwanted pregnancies that would likely become abortions. If you do not understand that, then there is no hope for you.

Yet you don't care enough to spend your money on that, so you're not really committed to that cause in any way, are you? As long as someone does something with someone else's money, yeah, you're for that

I pay my taxes just like you do.

Filing a tax form with zero do isn't "pay(ing) taxes"

What is zero do? Did you mean zero due? Funny when people try too hard to make themselves look smarter than they actually are.
Conservatives think intelligence and proper spelling and grammar are for suckers and "loosers".

Wow, working conservative into every post, now that's pure desperation. And yes, they are for losers, which is why you noodnicks are obsessed with it
Means you can go to a doctor you stupid shit.

Planned Parenthood has doctors, and they are happy to accept people on Medicaid unlike many private care providers. You cons cry that Obamacare has created more patients than doctors can handle but you want to put a good healthcare provider out of business. SMH!

Libs claim Medicaid/Medicare excepts everyone at any time. You changing your tune now?

First of all, I'm not really a liberal. I do lean a bit left of center, but being a former Republican, I'm hardly hard left. Of course, those like you believe anyone who is not far right is just an extreme liberal. As for Medicare and Medicaid, they accept anyone who is eligible. That does not mean all healthcare providers accept Medicaid. You really ought to know this stuff if you are going to discuss it.

Thank you, a spot on post.

So if patients can't use Medicaid and Medicare. Why were they forced on it by the ACA and the SCOTUS to the glee of the left wing loons??

Yet you don't care enough to spend your money on that, so you're not really committed to that cause in any way, are you? As long as someone does something with someone else's money, yeah, you're for that

I pay my taxes just like you do.

Filing a tax form with zero do isn't "pay(ing) taxes"

Would you rather have an income below the poverty line, or earn enought to pay taxes? Yes or NO; no Libertarian bullshit.

I invested in myself, put myself through college, worked a full time job while doing my first masters degree, paid for my second masters degree. Now I own a business and do contracting work spending half my time in the Netherlands. I have nothing to feel bad about, and clearly most people below the poverty line didn't put that into themselves and would be doing way better financially if they did.

You reap what you sow

So the answer to my question is you'd rather pay taxes than live below the poverty line. Me too; I worked 30 hours a week while attending CAL and 40 hours a week while earning my Master's..

I spent two years in the Navy on AD (USNR) and I obtained my Masters in 1972; I then went on to a career in law enforcement, forgoing law school simply because I learned I didn't particularly like lawyers.

I retired very comfortably with safety retirement 9 weeks after my 56th birthday. I have nothing to feel bad about and I have empathy for those who struggle, knowing as I do that not all haven't applied themselves or worked hard, but because of a myriad of factors independent of not being personally responsible.

Is there any point to this?
A blowjob is sex? How about licking a tit? Is that sex, too?

So you don't think oral sex is sex? You have never gotten a BJ...

Here is the definition used of sex for Clinton:

"For the purposes of this deposition, a person engages in sexual relations when the person knowingly engages in or causes:

1. Contact with the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person with an intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person;
2. Contact between any part of the person's body or an object and the genitals or anus of another person; or
3. Contact between the genitals or anus of the person and any part of another person's body.

Contact means intentional touching, either directly or through clothing."

And you don't think Slick didn't engage in that?

Sadly for President Clinton, he's the only man to have ever cheated on his wife; the only man in a position of power to ever be tempted by a younger women, the only man in America, elected to office, who ever cheated on his wife.

Thankfully he wasn't a wrestling coach who fucked one of his students, otherwise the Crazy Right Wing would still be bringing that up decades later. Oh, yeah they do, and they forget to bring up the republican pervert.
We've only had one divorced president. Another Republican, with a criminal administration for good measure.


and Synthaholic exposed the obvious, the right wing is composed of hypocrites.

Then why are you right wing if you think that makes you a hypocrite?
40 Years: Planned Parenthood Becomes Abortion Empire

By Randall K. O’Bannon Ph.D.

It may surprise some people, but there was a time when Planned Parenthood actually took an official position opposing abortion. A 1963 pamphlet said that “An abortion kills the life of the baby after it has begun.”

There are legitimate questions as to the sincerity of this declaration, coming as it did at a time when abortion was not officially allowed in America. But there is little doubt that Planned Parenthood soon changed its tune, fiercely fighting to legalize abortion and going on to become the nation’s largest abortion chain and most powerful abortion lobby. In 2009, PPFA clinics aborted over 329,000 babies.

From what we can tell, Planned Parenthood first officially began performing abortions in 1970 in Syracuse, New York, on the first day the state legalized them. And shortly thereafter, George Langmyhr, chair of Planned Parenthood’s Medical Committee, published an article in the December 1971 issue of Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology stating, “We support the view that when an unwanted pregnancy has occurred, abortion services should be available, with the decision essentially being made by the patient and her doctor ... . In summary, Planned Parenthood hopes that abortion will become even more available and supports the efforts of others in seeking reform and repeal of outdated laws.”

Planned Parenthood has never looked back. It launched a defense of New York’s permissive abortion law and filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court arguing for abortion to be legalized nationwide without restrictions. It began offering abortions in New York City while waiting for the court to make its decision on abortion on Roe.

While there are estimates that it performed less than 2,000 abortions in those first couple of years, Planned Parenthood’s numbers began to climb steadily once the Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand nationwide in Roe v. Wade in 1973.

The 5,000 abortions Planned Parenthood is estimated to have performed in 1973 then represented only about 0.6% of the abortions performed in the U.S. Performing 58,660 abortions in 1977, the percentage grew to 4.5%. It increased to 6.7% with the 104,411 abortions Planned Parenthood performed in 1987. By 2001, the percentage had climbed to 16.5% when Planned Parenthood topped the 200,000 mark with 213,026 abortions. Today, the 329,445 abortions performed at Planned Parenthood clinics in 2009 represent about 27.1%, or more than one out of every four abortions occurring in the United States.

That Planned Parenthood’s numbers would grow as more abortions began to be performed in the U.S. is not surprising. But it tells you something very significant about the organization that Planned Parenthood’s numbers grew even as abortions leveled off in the United States—and even after the number of abortions began to decline. Planned Parenthood was grabbing a bigger and bigger market share.

40 Years Planned Parenthood Becomes Abortion Empire

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