Photos/Video: The Occupy Wall Street "Bat Signal" Projections

Fleabaggers? LOL. They do not have special rights, we all have the 1st amendment, they are just more imaginative with how they use it.

Yes, fleabaggers...

You mean like raping, shitting in public, infecting others, overdosing, and avoiding personal hygene?

I am so impressed...

You've won America over....:lol:

Wall Street destroyed the world economy, not OWS.

God bless them for bringing attention to the real bad guys.

No government forced lending did...

This is what happens when everyone is entitled to a house they cant afford, or a boat or fast food or cars or anything they want and don't pay the money back...

Guess who loses money? those who had invested interests in the market...

How you think a bank works???

This whole collapse was designed by Clinton for the "greater good" of communism - he wanted a central bank - as do all democrats..

And the retards blame Wall Street???

Why would Wall Street collapse itself??? What do they have to gain???

Its the federal government dictating the economy...

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