Phoenix: Capitalism Diarism(*)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an 'American Dream' parable/fairy-tale inspired by Money Monster.

Anyone a fan of Monopoly (Parker Brothers)?

Cheers (signing off/retiring),



"My name is Phoenix, and I'm a 'metaphysics lawyer' defending the rights of the everyday man daydreaming about experimenting with capitalism without consequences. Such a defense is challenging, since gambling on Wall Street can invoke the demons of hell. However, I believe capitalism is compatible with democracy, simply because people appreciate fables about being child-like when it comes to serious financial risks(!). That's why Americans love films like Brewster's Millions!"


"Americans also love bizarre comic books and unusual stories about ghoulish characters and incredible heroes. Why? It's because America is such a modern land of outlandish capitalism-related ambitions and 'zany aspirations.' Americans dream of becoming wondrous titans of industry, gods of cinema, pirates of romance, or even angels of democracy. Americans therefore make horror-films and comic book fantasy-tales about awesome daredevils contending with figures of pure evil (e.g., tycoons from hell), and this kind of storytelling reminds us of the 'magic' of capitalism (at least in theory!). Without such inspiration, we're simply wanderers in an unpredictable 'sea of dragons'."


"The modern urban landscape can be downright deranged. There are overwhelming construction projects and cityscapes of Orwellian proportions set against the background of unavoidable 'civilization waste' (i.e., eco-pollution). The proverbial 'dark city' is a reality of unmitigated human ambition. Let's face it --- capitalism is a casino. Therefore, pirates and profiteers may create 'arenas' of strange and ominous foreboding. Christianity helps us as does other philosophical systems of self-control oriented guidance principia (e.g., Scientology!). Without empathy for such 'scales' of immense 'whirlwinds,' we can't seriously appreciate why/how capitalism is integrally wed to the 'forces' of enlightenment. We must beware of the great Red Dragon (a creature signifying pure mischief!)."


"The Red Dragon knows that since capitalism (i.e., Wall Street) is mostly a 'gambling-system,' even pirates/profiteers have to take dangerous risks for the sake of success. The Red Dragon knows that since capitalism is a base for great ambition, envy and greed create terrible crime-world competitions between ruthless individuals/gangs, and this leads to violence, bloodlust, and extreme vanity! The Red Dragon knows that since pity is the only thing separating capitalism from piracy and fascism from teamwork, human beings need to be constantly reminded of the spiritual value of self-control. That's why I (Phoenix) believe that the Red Dragon must be 'cajoled' in terms of 'commerce optimism.' Wish me luck!"


PHOENIX: Capitalism can be wed to democracy!
RED DRAGON: Really? It seems that 'capitalism scandals' are kept 'discreet.'
PHOENIX: Well, the legal system ensures that people can seek fair trials.
RED DRAGON: Really? Why then do Americans complain about spiritual taxation?
PHOENIX: You have to separate the American Dream from the allure of piracy...
RED DRAGON: Piracy will always be tempting, since capitalism requires labor!
PHOENIX: Labor is fatiguing, but it is also a source of great dignity.
RED DRAGON: Perhaps the movie Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is a 'compass.'
PHOENIX: Youngsters appreciate capitalism-games such as Monopoly (Parker Brothers).
RED DRAGON: Monopoly is a popular iPhone app-game now...
PHOENIX: I know! This means that everyday people are 'engaged' in commerce-negotiation.
RED DRAGON: Can we 'negotiate' about capitalism uncertainties (e.g., stock-market crashes)?
PHOENIX: During the Great Depression, bank-robbers (Bonnie and Clyde) were romanticized!
RED DRAGON: Is that evil?
PHOENIX: Well, bank-robbery is dangerous and can be violent, but it can also be pitied...
PHOENIX: Yes. We want to 'empathize' with the child-like daydreams of becoming wealthy.
RED DRAGON: I see; perhaps Americans 'need' films such as Casino and The Good Thief.
PHOENIX: Let's agree then that capitalism creates 'strange creativities' about investments.
RED DRAGON: Perhaps I can concede that investment-bankers are 'guardians.'
PHOENIX: Farewell, Red Dragon, and remember --- fortune without pity is only ugliness.
RED DRAGON: Farewell...




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