Phil Robertson Latest Victim of Gay Mafia War on Freedom of Religion and Speech

Yet you feel that Phil deserves respect for his inflammatory words?

Quoting Romans chapter 1 is inflammatory only for evil people trapped in evil behavior.

really? So being remarried makes you an adulterer? Funny how that rule made it in there since the Jews do not believe in the same, since divorce has been the rule since Moses.
If he really just wanted for all people to love each other, he would have gained more by shutting his mouth.
Homosexuals are the same as terrorist?
Black people were happy before the civil rights law?
He said more than what Romans covers. Yet you will give him a free pass judging millions of remarried Americans and Afro-Americans living under Jim Crow laws.
If in the New Testament Jesus did not say it, it is a fake sin.

He got fired for the whole interview, but the primary complaints come from his quotes of Romans, and I don't give a fig what you twist into this matter, you little cretin.
Rightwinger is a troll, you are better off just ignoring him. He is yanking your chain because he is an adolescent.
Thank you for letting me know. :) :) :)

Yet you feel that Phil deserves respect for his inflammatory words?
My Grandmother, who was the music director at our church in OKC for 45 years had a christian philosophy from God. It was that she believed that no matter who it was she was addressing, she never insulted you, because it was not Christian.
Just like Jesus told us:
All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

Matthew 5:37
To me, what that man said could have been a whole lot worse.

God bless you two and that man always!!! :) :) :)


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