Petraeus Says Florida Church Koran Burning Threatens Troops

You know it's the truth. Some on the left put America down at every chance and that includes your elected leader. I did get the bed made and the floor dusted though.

i havent seen any such thing.

in fact, as to OUR elected prsident (unlike the one we got in 2000) what I've heard him say is that in no other country could he have achieved the success he did.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't say when we do something wrong. How else do we do better?
You know it's the truth. Some on the left put America down at every chance and that includes your elected leader. I did get the bed made and the floor dusted though.

i havent seen any such thing.

in fact, as to OUR elected prsident (unlike the one we got in 2000) what I've heard him say is that in no other country could he have achieved the success he did.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't say when we do something wrong. How else do we do better?

You lost the argument when you alluded to President Bush not being elected. You sound more like TruthMatters every day. Sorry. Your elected leader did stand with Mexico and call the US bigots and racist. He is suing his own people in Arizona. He's an asswipe.
Wrong, the people who oppose the Ground Zero Mosque never asked the government for anything.

They have only used the power of public pressure...which the left has attacked over and over and over SPECIFICALLY as denying them their rights.

Yes they did. The opponents of the mosque initially tried lobbying the NYC and local zoning boards to attempt to prevent construction by declaring the site a "landmark". The building is an old delapidated (sp) place that has no historic value what-so-ever.
Never mind that several candidates for NYS gov have this issue at the top of their priorities, which isnt promising for the state...
You forgot whiney as aprefix willow.

I like their dance. The defend anyone who burns our flag. Yet they want to condemn this guy. It's freaking hilarious. And I was on this board when they cheered the muslim who threw the shoe at President Bush. Someday they may learn that R E S P E C T is a two way street. Hate is causing them to lose once again and yet still they hate.
You forgot whiney as aprefix willow.

I like their dance. The defend anyone who burns our flag. Yet they want to condemn this guy. It's freaking hilarious. And I was on this board when they cheered the muslim who threw the shoe at President Bush. Someday they may learn that R E S P E C T is a two way street. Hate is causing them to lose once again and yet still they hate.

who is this *they* you speak of willow?

I think most people understand that flag burning is legal. and the fact that it is is one of the byproducts of freedom of speech.

the muslim who threw the shoe at bush went to jail for quite a while.... which has nothing to do with the fact that maybe if someone from outside came into your country and killed a lot of people, you might want to throw a shoe at them, too. In fact, you might want to do worse than that.

your 'R E S P E C T' only goes one way and seems to lack any empathy.
You forgot whiney as aprefix willow.

I like their dance. The defend anyone who burns our flag. Yet they want to condemn this guy. It's freaking hilarious. And I was on this board when they cheered the muslim who threw the shoe at President Bush. Someday they may learn that R E S P E C T is a two way street. Hate is causing them to lose once again and yet still they hate.

who is this *they* you speak of willow?

I think most people understand that flag burning is legal. and the fact that it is is one of the byproducts of freedom of speech.

the muslim who threw the shoe at bush went to jail for quite a while.... which has nothing to do with the fact that maybe if someone from outside came into your country and killed a lot of people, you might want to throw a shoe at them, too. In fact, you might want to do worse than that.

your 'R E S P E C T' only goes one way and seems to lack any empathy.

Do you see the differing levels of tolerance and legal protections between the US and these other nations Jillian? Take your shoe off and hit a Koran in many Muslim nations. Pray on a corner in these countries with a Christian cross on. Your understanding of respect will be instantly expanded.
I wonder if I burned Obama's favorite book, “rules for radicals” if he would get this upset?

(WaPo)- President Obama urged a Florida pastor Thursday to call off a plan to burn copies of the Koran on Sept. 11, warning that such a “stunt” would amount to a “recruitment bonanza for al-Qaeda” and would endanger Americans.
Obama added his voice to a chorus of criticism of the proposed Koran-burning in an interview broadcast Thursday on ABC’s “Good Morning America” program. He urged Terry Jones, pastor of a small evangelical church in Gainesville, Fla., to listen to his “better angels” and cancel his plan to burn copies of the Muslim holy book on the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
“If he’s listening, I hope he understands that what he’s proposing to do is completely contrary to our values as Americans, that this country has been built on the notion of freedom and religious tolerance,” Obama said. “And as a very practical matter, I just want him to understand that this stunt that he is talking about pulling could greatly endanger our young men and women who are in uniform.”
Obama added: “Look, this is a recruitment bonanza for al-Qaeda. You could have serious violence in places like Pakistan and Afghanistan. This could increase the recruitment of individuals who would be willing to blow themselves up in American cities or European cities.”
The president said he hopes Jones “listens to those better angels and understands that this is a destructive act that he’s engaging in.”
By weighing in on the controversy, Obama joined critics from across the political and religious spectrum in condemning Jones’s plan.
I guess those innocent citizens in the twin towers had it
coming for burning Korans and inciting mass murder on themselves.
Having them dictate to us what to do is the answer.
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If military personnel were allowed the freedom to burn the koran how many would? I really feel a vast majority would burn it.
You forgot whiney as aprefix willow.

I like their dance. The defend anyone who burns our flag. Yet they want to condemn this guy. It's freaking hilarious. And I was on this board when they cheered the muslim who threw the shoe at President Bush. Someday they may learn that R E S P E C T is a two way street. Hate is causing them to lose once again and yet still they hate.

who is this *they* you speak of willow?

I think most people understand that flag burning is legal. and the fact that it is is one of the byproducts of freedom of speech.

the muslim who threw the shoe at bush went to jail for quite a while.... which has nothing to do with the fact that maybe if someone from outside came into your country and killed a lot of people, you might want to throw a shoe at them, too. In fact, you might want to do worse than that.

your 'R E S P E C T' only goes one way and seems to lack any empathy.

"the muslim who threw the shoe went to jail" which fact has nothing to do with the left on this board who cheered him on now does it? No. I am more jaded than I once was. I am cynical and stingy with my R E S P E C T. Flag burning is legal, and book burning is legal yet you cheer one and condemn the other. Free speech for thee but not for me? is that it?
Okay. Attempted intimidation then.

Jones is attempting to intimidate, just as burning a cross on someone's lawn is an attempt to intimidate.

If terrorists don't terrorize you are they not terrorists?


Massive fail.

If you burn a cross on your own lawn you're not intimidating anyone.

Again, you might have a point if he was going to burn the Koran on a muslim's front lawn.
:cuckoo: If he was burning his personal collection of books he wouldn't be attempting to intimidate someone.

The failure is yours.

So tell us, manipoo...why IS he burning the korans?

I've never seen you go this far off the reservation Ravi, and that's saying something.

You call it an act of violence.

You call it an attempt to intimidate.

You call it a hate crime.

Yet you concede that it's legal.

The mere fact that you can't even see how contradictory your reasoning is, or how ridiculous your arguments have become, tells me that you desperately need to unplug and take some time off... for your own good.

True story :thup:
I can understand the concerns about the troops, even though I disagree.

What I don't understand (or perhaps now fully understand), is the blatant double standard and hypocrisy being spewed by the left when it comes to tolerance and religious freedom.

Muslims believe that God spoke to Muhammad and the Koran is a holy book.

Pastor Jones believes that the devil spoke to Muhammad and fooled him into believing he was God, and the Koran is an evil book inspired by satan.

Now tell me why one of these beliefs is any more "believable" than the other and why one is worthy of tolerance and the other is not?

They are conflicting religious beliefs, both of which I think are bunk, but if one values freedom of religion and tolerance toward all faiths, why is there no tolerance for Jones to practice his faith as he sees fit?

Neither religion's necessarily more believable than the other, but ceremoniously burning the holy book of other religions is not a religious practice.

Mr Jones can believe what he wants to believe and he is free to express his anger toward Islam by burning their holy book, but it is not a Christian act, it is not an American act, it is a personal act of one American citizen who happens to be a Christian minister.

I don't think the act itself reaches the threshold of intimidation like the KKK burning crosses to intimidate blacks because blacks were actually physically harmed (lynched) in the context of those acts, it was a whole different historical context. Mr Jones may or may not threaten physical harm to Muslims that day, only then would it be the same kind of intimidation IMO. As of right now he's just expressing his opinion and demonstrating his disrespect. I do think burning their holy book is a violent act, however protected by his 1st amendment right to express himself in that manner.
Neither religion's necessarily more believable than the other, but ceremoniously burning the holy book of other religions is not a religious practice.

Says who?

Mr Jones can believe what he wants to believe and he is free to express his anger toward Islam by burning their holy book, but it is not a Christian act, it is not an American act, it is a personal act of one American citizen who happens to be a Christian minister.

As always you are welcome to your opinion and have every right to express it, same as Pastor Jones.

I don't think the act itself reaches the threshold of intimidation like the KKK burning crosses to intimidate blacks because blacks were actually physically harmed (lynched) in the context of those acts, it was a whole different historical context. Mr Jones may or may not threaten physical harm to Muslims that day, only then would it be the same kind of intimidation IMO. As of right now he's just expressing his opinion and demonstrating his disrespect. I do think burning their holy book is a violent act, however protected by his 1st amendment right to express himself in that manner.

We'll just have to agree to disagree that burning pieces of paper is a violent act, but I'm glad to see that at least you acknowledge the absurdity of comparing this with burning crosses on a black person's front lawn.
Massive fail.

If you burn a cross on your own lawn you're not intimidating anyone.

Again, you might have a point if he was going to burn the Koran on a muslim's front lawn.
:cuckoo: If he was burning his personal collection of books he wouldn't be attempting to intimidate someone.

The failure is yours.

So tell us, manipoo...why IS he burning the korans?

I've never seen you go this far off the reservation Ravi, and that's saying something.

You call it an act of violence.

You call it an attempt to intimidate.

You call it a hate crime.

Yet you concede that it's legal.

The mere fact that you can't even see how contradictory your reasoning is, or how ridiculous your arguments have become, tells me that you desperately need to unplug and take some time off... for your own good.

True story :thup:
I said it may be a hate crime. If burning a cross on someone's lawn is a hate crime I'm not sure why this can't be considered one. If it is a hate crime then it is not legal. I'm not convinced either way.
I can understand the concerns about the troops, even though I disagree.

What I don't understand (or perhaps now fully understand), is the blatant double standard and hypocrisy being spewed by the left when it comes to tolerance and religious freedom.

Muslims believe that God spoke to Muhammad and the Koran is a holy book.

Pastor Jones believes that the devil spoke to Muhammad and fooled him into believing he was God, and the Koran is an evil book inspired by satan.

Now tell me why one of these beliefs is any more "believable" than the other and why one is worthy of tolerance and the other is not?

They are conflicting religious beliefs, both of which I think are bunk, but if one values freedom of religion and tolerance toward all faiths, why is there no tolerance for Jones to practice his faith as he sees fit?

Neither religion's necessarily more believable than the other, but ceremoniously burning the holy book of other religions is not a religious practice.

Mr Jones can believe what he wants to believe and he is free to express his anger toward Islam by burning their holy book, but it is not a Christian act, it is not an American act, it is a personal act of one American citizen who happens to be a Christian minister.

I don't think the act itself reaches the threshold of intimidation like the KKK burning crosses to intimidate blacks because blacks were actually physically harmed (lynched) in the context of those acts, it was a whole different historical context.
Mr Jones may or may not threaten physical harm to Muslims that day, only then would it be the same kind of intimidation IMO. As of right now he's just expressing his opinion and demonstrating his disrespect. I do think burning their holy book is a violent act, however protected by his 1st amendment right to express himself in that manner.
My grandma's family had a cross burnt on their one was physically harmed but it most certainly was an act of intimidation.

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