Petraeus Says Florida Church Koran Burning Threatens Troops


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said the planned burning of Qurans on Sept. 11 by a Florida church could put the lives of American troops in danger and damage the war effort.

Gen. David Petraeus said the Taliban would exploit the demonstration for propaganda purposes, drumming up anger toward the U.S. and making it harder for allied troops to carry out their mission of protecting Afghan civilians.

"It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort," Gen. Petraeus said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. "It is precisely the kind of action the Taliban uses and could cause significant problems. Not just here, but everywhere in the world we are engaged with the Islamic community."

Hundreds of Afghans attended a demonstration in Kabul on Monday to protest the plans of Florida pastor Terry Jones, who has said he will burn the Quran on Sept. 11.

Afghan protesters chanted "death to America" and speakers called on the U.S. to withdraw its military convoy. Some of the protesters threw rocks at a passing military convoy, although officials told the rock-throwers to stop.

Military officials fear the protests are likely to spread beyond Kabul to other Afghan cities. In interviews with various media outlets, Mr. Jones has denied his protest will put troops in danger. Mr. Jones has been denied a permit for the demonstration but has said he plans to go forward with the his protest anyway.

Mr. Jones leads a tiny church of just 50 people, but his threat to burn the Muslim holy book has been condemned around the world and has garnered him international attention.

Gen. Petraeus declined to elaborate on precisely what kinds of threats or violence could occur in the wake of such a demonstration. But westerners in Afghanistan have been warned away from restaurants and other public places as tensions arise over the matter.


Who are you going to believe, General Petraeus or this dumbass pastor?
I agree.

Burning Korans is stupid, hateful and un-Christian.

Unfortunately, according to the left NO ONE should try speak out against them because they have a constitutional right to freedom of expression.

Too bad, because I think we could have done some good here. :eusa_silenced:
I agree.

Burning Korans is stupid, hateful and un-Christian.

Unfortunately, according to the left NO ONE should try speak out against them because they have a constitutional right to freedom of expression.

Too bad, because I think we could have done some good here. :eusa_silenced:
I think, no....I know you're stretching to make some cheap political points here. Too bad because you're missing the point.

Speaking for myself, an avowed Lefty, I can tell you that you should speak out against the idiot wishing to burn Korans. Political speech should be heard from everyone.

Again, speaking as an avowed Lefty, no one should try to get an injunction prohibiting this idiot from burning Korans.

See the difference? Speak out against it, fine. Use the power of the state to stop it? Unconstitutional.
I agree.

Burning Korans is stupid, hateful and un-Christian.

Unfortunately, according to the left NO ONE should try speak out against them because they have a constitutional right to freedom of expression.

Too bad, because I think we could have done some good here. :eusa_silenced:
I think, no....I know you're stretching to make some cheap political points here. Too bad because you're missing the point.

Speaking for myself, an avowed Lefty, I can tell you that you should speak out against the idiot wishing to burn Korans. Political speech should be heard from everyone.

Again, speaking as an avowed Lefty, no one should try to get an injunction prohibiting this idiot from burning Korans.

See the difference? Speak out against it, fine. Use the power of the state to stop it? Unconstitutional.

Wrong, the people who oppose the Ground Zero Mosque never asked the government for anything.

They have only used the power of public pressure...which the left has attacked over and over and over SPECIFICALLY as denying them their rights.

I'll link to it if you'd like to read it for yourself.

You can't have it both ways.
The Muslim radicals who politicize their cause will always find something to stir the pot over. If it's not the book burning, then it's the anti-mosque protest in New York, or it's the fact that the United States doesn't officially observe Ramadan, or it's the fact that Hollywood portrays Muslims as terrorists in the movie "Green Zone." It's gonna be something!

I'm surprised that General Petraeus commented on it one way or the other. The smart thing to do would have been to just ignore the whole issue because it really doesn't have any bearing on military operations. The Muslim militants will attack US troops because they are determined to do so. They don't need some wacko in Florida to inspire them. They will find some reason, any reason, to justify their attacks. Petraeus should be smart enough to know that.
I agree.

Burning Korans is stupid, hateful and un-Christian.

Unfortunately, according to the left NO ONE should try speak out against them because they have a constitutional right to freedom of expression.

Too bad, because I think we could have done some good here. :eusa_silenced:
I think, no....I know you're stretching to make some cheap political points here. Too bad because you're missing the point.

Speaking for myself, an avowed Lefty, I can tell you that you should speak out against the idiot wishing to burn Korans. Political speech should be heard from everyone.

Again, speaking as an avowed Lefty, no one should try to get an injunction prohibiting this idiot from burning Korans.

See the difference? Speak out against it, fine. Use the power of the state to stop it? Unconstitutional.

Wrong, the people who oppose the Ground Zero Mosque never asked the government for anything.

They have only used the power of public pressure...which the left has attacked over and over and over SPECIFICALLY as denying them their rights.

I'll link to it if you'd like to read it for yourself.

You can't have it both ways.
I qualified everything I said in terms like 'Speaking for myself, an avowed Lefty' and 'Again, speaking as an avowed Lefty'.

Don't tell me I'm wrong.

Wrong, the people who oppose the Ground Zero Mosque never asked the government for anything.

That is an outright lie. Either that or you're ignorant of the facts. Opponents of the mosque DID try to get the government to declare the mosque site a historic landmark as a weasel attempt to block it.
I agree.

Burning Korans is stupid, hateful and un-Christian.

Unfortunately, according to the left NO ONE should try speak out against them because they have a constitutional right to freedom of expression.

Too bad, because I think we could have done some good here. :eusa_silenced:
I think, no....I know you're stretching to make some cheap political points here. Too bad because you're missing the point.

Speaking for myself, an avowed Lefty, I can tell you that you should speak out against the idiot wishing to burn Korans. Political speech should be heard from everyone.

Again, speaking as an avowed Lefty, no one should try to get an injunction prohibiting this idiot from burning Korans.

See the difference? Speak out against it, fine. Use the power of the state to stop it? Unconstitutional.

And yet when we speak out against the 'community center' near GZ, we get called 'bigots'. One wonders.... if this were Muslims, burning bibles.... would we get a high five to speak out against it from the left? I think not. I think the majority of the left would call us 'racists' and 'bigots'.
I agree.

Burning Korans is stupid, hateful and un-Christian.

Unfortunately, according to the left NO ONE should try speak out against them because they have a constitutional right to freedom of expression.

Too bad, because I think we could have done some good here. :eusa_silenced:
I think, no....I know you're stretching to make some cheap political points here. Too bad because you're missing the point.

Speaking for myself, an avowed Lefty, I can tell you that you should speak out against the idiot wishing to burn Korans. Political speech should be heard from everyone.

Again, speaking as an avowed Lefty, no one should try to get an injunction prohibiting this idiot from burning Korans.

See the difference? Speak out against it, fine. Use the power of the state to stop it? Unconstitutional.

And yet when we speak out against the 'community center' near GZ, we get called 'bigots'. One wonders.... if this were Muslims, burning bibles.... would we get a high five to speak out against it from the left? I think not. I think the majority of the left would call us 'racists' and 'bigots'.
Who are you pissed off with? Liberals or Muslims?

Wrong, the people who oppose the Ground Zero Mosque never asked the government for anything.

That is an outright lie. Either that or you're ignorant of the facts. Opponents of the mosque DID try to get the government to declare the mosque site a historic landmark as a weasel attempt to block it.

Asking the government to declare a building a historical landmark doesn't violate anyone's civil rights does it?

The city of Gainesville has tried to block this churches freedom of expression by denying them a burn permit.

Is that a 'weasel attempt' ?

Not if it is applied to everyone equally, like declaring a historical landmark.
I think, no....I know you're stretching to make some cheap political points here. Too bad because you're missing the point.

Speaking for myself, an avowed Lefty, I can tell you that you should speak out against the idiot wishing to burn Korans. Political speech should be heard from everyone.

Again, speaking as an avowed Lefty, no one should try to get an injunction prohibiting this idiot from burning Korans.

See the difference? Speak out against it, fine. Use the power of the state to stop it? Unconstitutional.

Wrong, the people who oppose the Ground Zero Mosque never asked the government for anything.

They have only used the power of public pressure...which the left has attacked over and over and over SPECIFICALLY as denying them their rights.

I'll link to it if you'd like to read it for yourself.

You can't have it both ways.
I qualified everything I said in terms like 'Speaking for myself, an avowed Lefty' and 'Again, speaking as an avowed Lefty'.

Don't tell me I'm wrong.

Fair were not wrong speaking only for yourself.

But this has been the Pro-Mosque mantra, if you speak out against the mosque you are a bigot and anti-constitutional rights.

I haven't seen you speak out against this tactic, if I missed it feel free to enlighten me.
A trillion dollar defense budget vs. a bunch of hooligans with Ak47s and home made bombs and a church burning Korans presents some sort of threat to the troops?

Who the fuck is running this operation and why are we getting screwed?
I posted this on 8-20-2010.

This has always been the argument against the GZ Mosque.

Here it is again.

What rational argument can be make for erecting an Islamic Shrine next to the site of the American tragedy planned and executed by Islamic terrorists?

I would be opposed to a Ku Klux Klan Hall next to the Martin Luther King Memorial.

I would be opposed to a Japanese Imperial Navy Museum next to Pearl Harbor if we were still at war with Japan.

I would be opposed to a statue of Santa Anna next to the Alamo if we were at war with Mexico.

I am opposed to the Ground Zero Mosque...not because of Islam...but because of it's symbolism as a victory shrine.

I'm not opposed to the most Americans I'm opposed to it's location.

When we are not at war with Islamic terrorists, it may be a different story.

No appeal to the government...just the opinion of the majority.
The Muslim radicals who politicize their cause will always find something to stir the pot over. If it's not the book burning, then it's the anti-mosque protest in New York, or it's the fact that the United States doesn't officially observe Ramadan, or it's the fact that Hollywood portrays Muslims as terrorists in the movie "Green Zone." It's gonna be something!

I'm surprised that General Petraeus commented on it one way or the other. The smart thing to do would have been to just ignore the whole issue because it really doesn't have any bearing on military operations. The Muslim militants will attack US troops because they are determined to do so. They don't need some wacko in Florida to inspire them. They will find some reason, any reason, to justify their attacks. Petraeus should be smart enough to know that.

It does have a bearing on military operations. The reason why he commented is because he is seeing an increase in hostility to American troops in Afghanistan directly. There is cause and effect. Yes, Muslim radicals will always want to attack us, but not every single Muslim extremist is going to attack at every single second. Everyone has a tipping point, and demonstrations of intolerant hostility - which is what these braindead rednecks burning Korans are doing - will push many more over the edge to think it is now worthy of risking their lives by trying to kill American troops.
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I agree.

Burning Korans is stupid, hateful and un-Christian.

Unfortunately, according to the left NO ONE should try speak out against them because they have a constitutional right to freedom of expression.

Too bad, because I think we could have done some good here. :eusa_silenced:
I think, no....I know you're stretching to make some cheap political points here. Too bad because you're missing the point.

Speaking for myself, an avowed Lefty, I can tell you that you should speak out against the idiot wishing to burn Korans. Political speech should be heard from everyone.

Again, speaking as an avowed Lefty, no one should try to get an injunction prohibiting this idiot from burning Korans.

See the difference? Speak out against it, fine. Use the power of the state to stop it? Unconstitutional.

Wrong, the people who oppose the Ground Zero Mosque never asked the government for anything.

They have only used the power of public pressure...which the left has attacked over and over and over SPECIFICALLY as denying them their rights.

I'll link to it if you'd like to read it for yourself.

You can't have it both ways.

Be fair.

Nosmo specifically pointed out the the expressed views were personal. He is not responsible for the idiots on his side of the aisle anymore than you are for those on your side.

Wrong, the people who oppose the Ground Zero Mosque never asked the government for anything.

That is an outright lie. Either that or you're ignorant of the facts. Opponents of the mosque DID try to get the government to declare the mosque site a historic landmark as a weasel attempt to block it.

Someone wants to declare almost everything a historical landmark. My guess is that at least some of the people who tried to get that landmark status declared actually have no problem with the mosque, they just want to keep anyone from changing anything.
If someone is "radicalized" because of a book burning thousands of miles away, in a country they will never visit, they were a radical to begin with. It isn't going to push some moderate peace loving person to suddenly become an insurgent or suicide bomber. The idea that we are giving terrorists recruiting materials is nothing more than shallow propaganda. Pandora's Box is already opened, nothing is going to shove everything back into it.

They don't need an excuse to recruit more people or to be provoked, their ideology and inculcation of young men into that way of thinking already have a long standing foundation. They could tell them whatever the hell they want to, it's not like the average person in terrorist hotbeds have the means to check. Samir the potential terrorist isn't going to whip out his Iphone 4 and do a google search to fact check what his recruiter is telling him. Even in better off areas and countries information sources such as the internet are severely restricted.

As far as Soldiers being put at risk, newsflash for everyone but they already are. This isn't some bombshell game changer. It is a bunch of noise about essentially nothing.
I was always told that our soldiers are there to protect and defend our rights from all who threaten them.

Perhaps Patraeus is too deep in the trees to still see the forest.
Burn them!

If burning Korans by some shit ass church causes trouble for the troops..then we have a bigger problem then anyone realizes.

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