petit murders...some men deserve to die


Of course they deserve worse than death for the heinous nature of their crimes, but death is the punishment I expect they'll get.

Of course they deserve worse than death for the heinous nature of their crimes, but death is the punishment I expect they'll get.

Being incarcerated in the equivalent of a living tomb is far worse than (instant) death. It's just a shame that ignorant, knee jerk wankers like driveby can't tear themselves away from their Judge Dread comics and bring themselves to comprehend that. Pity, really.
So you're mentally incapable of performing a task a child would breeze. My condolences, dickhead.

Not my job to 'splain stuff to you, gay boy.....

More like you're incapable, dickhead. Besides, it's OK, I understand. You were dropped on your head as a child. Honestly, there's no shame in coming to terms with your inadequacies.

Just this once:

Moron - a very stupid person (or blagger for short).

Additionally, because it's relevant when it comes to you:

racist - a person that hates and/or is intolerant of another race

Hope this helps, clown...... :thup:
I think the official definition of "a person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from 7 to 12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education" is more accurate when describing you, driveby.

Though in any case, it wasn't my intention to hurt your feelings.

We understand that you're trying to be funny (which there's nothing wrong with), Deldo, but you pre-emptively revealed your punchline, which is meant to come towards the end of an attempt at humour to achieve the desired result. Not to worry, though, as I'm sure Ravi will give you a sympathy chuckle.

2/10, at best.
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We understand that you're trying to funny (which there's nothing wrong with), Deldo, but you pre-emptively revealed your punchline, which is meant to come towards the end of an attempt at humour to achieve the desired result. Not to worry, though, as I'm sure Ravi will give you a sympathy chuckle.

2/10, at best.

coming from a resident of a country that thinks benny hill represents some kind of comedic high point, this doesn't pack quite the sting one may have expected.

now go finish your spotted dick, dick.

We understand that you're trying to funny (which there's nothing wrong with), Deldo, but you pre-emptively revealed your punchline, which is meant to come towards the end of an attempt at humour to achieve the desired result. Not to worry, though, as I'm sure Ravi will give you a sympathy chuckle.

2/10, at best.

coming from a resident of a country that thinks benny hill represents some kind of comedic high point, this doesn't pack quite the sting one may have expected.

now go finish your spotted dick, dick.

I'll see your Benny Hill and raise you with Friends, which was irredeemably woeful. I've never watched Benny Hill (nor do I wish to), but I gather that he knew it was all just slapstick nonsense, whereas the cast and crew of Friends (along with most of America) genuinely believed that their efforts were funny, which they weren't.
Depends if you want justice or vengeance. If you kill him that is a form of justice, and eye for eye.
If you want vengeance then there are many ways to extract that. Want him to suffer for the rest of his life?
Blind him and take his hearing, make him live a life of silence and darkness. Of course that is inhumane but that would surely be worse than prison or death.
I have my issues with the death penalty, but this case seems to be a slam dunk beyond a shadow of a doubt situation.

Personally i think these two assholes should be killed the same way those poor girls and their mother were killed.

If I were personally involved, i.e. a loved one or friend, I'd do the killing without hesitation. However, as a society we need to evaluate not only the cost of capital punishment but the punishment itself.

Anyone who has ever had surgery and has received a general knows, a shot in the arm is almost blissful. Spending one's life alone with his/her thoughts in a cage seems to me to be the best punishment: less expensive and a much longer lasting period to reflect on the evil they have done.

Hysterics like driveby are ruled by their emotions, not by their brains.

The death penalty would work great and be VERY efficient if it were'nt for fools like you always getting in the way.

These two POS need to die ASAP!

May God have mercy on their soul.... as for me I say FUCK EM!
I have my issues with the death penalty, but this case seems to be a slam dunk beyond a shadow of a doubt situation.

Personally i think these two assholes should be killed the same way those poor girls and their mother were killed.

If I were personally involved, i.e. a loved one or friend, I'd do the killing without hesitation. However, as a society we need to evaluate not only the cost of capital punishment but the punishment itself.

Anyone who has ever had surgery and has received a general knows, a shot in the arm is almost blissful. Spending one's life alone with his/her thoughts in a cage seems to me to be the best punishment: less expensive and a much longer lasting period to reflect on the evil they have done.

Hysterics like driveby are ruled by their emotions, not by their brains.

The death penalty would work great and be VERY efficient if it were'nt for fools like you always getting in the way.

These two POS need to die ASAP!

May God have mercy on their soul.... as for me I say FUCK EM!

This ^^

Of course they deserve worse than death for the heinous nature of their crimes, but death is the punishment I expect they'll get.

Being incarcerated in the equivalent of a living tomb is far worse than (instant) death. It's just a shame that ignorant, knee jerk wankers like driveby can't tear themselves away from their Judge Dread comics and bring themselves to comprehend that. Pity, really.

Were I in charge of things I suspect that my sentence for wanton murders like this would be as follows

1/ A LIFETIME in a single cell. No radio, no TV, no books, no pens or paper, no NUTTIN!

2/ NO communication with anyone...ever!

3/ A large red button in the cell available to the inmate that would release cyanide gas.

Number 3 would be there merely as a gift to the taxpayers.

My guess is that most murdering scum would last less than a year in such conditions.

Of course to get such a harsh sentence would demand that the STATE'S case was absolutely bulletproof.

And, as we KNOW that eye-witness testamony is far too often completely wrong, there wouldn't be very many people who got such treatment.
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Not sure why they can't have a spiked bat stuck up their ass on a daily basis ... thats the fairest thing. When that isnt happening they can stand in their 4 X 8 cell and eat maggots and water.

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