PETA: Minnesota dentist who shot Cecil the lion should be 'hanged'


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
To hell with the haters at Peta, they care more about a lion then they care about people.

PETA Minnesota dentist who shot Cecil the lion should be hanged Sun Times National

The statement, released through the animal rights group’s Twitter account, dubbed Palmer an “over-privileged little man” and called for him to “be extradited, charged, and, preferably hanged.”



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'What lion?' Zimbabweans ask, amid global Cecil circus...
The people of Africa don't understand the complaint of those from the US. They live everyday with the threat of a lion, much like Cecile ripping their bodies to shreds,

"Why are the Americans more concerned than us?" said Joseph Mabuwa, a 33-year-old father-of-two cleaning his car in the center of the capital. "We never hear them speak out when villagers are killed by lions and elephants in Hwange."
That is right, as an American organization send a message that those humans who are accused of mistreating animals will be hanged on the gallows.

Does your fruit loop fucking bat shit crazy ass understand the hypocrisy??

So now Lions lives are worth more than human lives.

Ya'll are some cold blooded mofo's...................
Hopefully this whole ordeal teaches the jerk a lesson.

Why is he a jerk?
For trophy hunting animals whose populations have already been decimated by mankind. Hunting for food, or to control a population is one thing. But hunting because it makes your dick hard is despicable, especially if its species only exists because of massive ongoing conservation to protect them from assholes like this dentist.
Hopefully this whole ordeal teaches the jerk a lesson.

Why is he a jerk?
For trophy hunting animals whose populations have already been decimated by mankind. Hunting for food, or to control a population is one thing. But hunting because it makes your dick hard is despicable, especially if its species only exists because of massive ongoing conservation to protect them from assholes like this dentist.

I agree :clap2:
Hopefully this whole ordeal teaches the jerk a lesson.


I hope that this not only theaches that particular jerk a lesson, but all of the SOBs, jerks, miserable trophy hunters, worthless pieces of trash a lesson.
This guy is being hunted on the internet maybe that creep can understand how that feels now. Bastard
Now that the dentist is fucked, Zimbabwe needs to put a whoa on letting assholes around the world come to Africa and killing their animals.
Hopefully this whole ordeal teaches the jerk a lesson.
Didn't stop him when he killed the bear in Wisconsin and LIED about it.
Dude enjoys killing animals. Whats next? Humans?

Sophistry. Hunting animals where it is PERFECTLY LEGAL to do so is not at all equivalent to murdering a human being nor is it an indicator of the likelihood one would ever do so.
Hopefully this whole ordeal teaches the jerk a lesson.
Didn't stop him when he killed the bear in Wisconsin and LIED about it.
Dude enjoys killing animals. Whats next? Humans?
I think the backlash may do sufficient damage to his business that hopefully he won't be able to afford this sick hobby anymore.
Can't cure his sick hobby any more than one can cure a pedophile. If he can't afford big game hunting, he will resort to domestic animals here in the states. Bighorn sheep, cows, cats, bulls, dogs. And maybe even if he gets his dentistry going again, making sure to not use enough novacaine so he can hear a grunt or scream now and then for that little spurt from his hard on.
Who gives a shit what they have have to say? PETA is an asshole organization. This hunter is also an asshole.

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