Pence Tries To Distance Himself From The Trump Family Cesspool. How Will It End?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Pence wants everyone to believe he is clean in the Russian scandal engulfing the current administration. While he might have started out clean, as time wore on, he slowly waded hip deep into the Trump crime family’s cesspool.

As a conservative, Pence also has their overwhelming propensity to deny truth. So it surprises no one that he would claim zero involvement in the sinkhole of corruption that has swallowed the White House.

Pence’s denial of any knowledge of wrongdoing before joining the ticket is no proof he remained ignorant, or innocent. And, if he is so blind that he could not see what was happening all around him, he is much too gullible and stupid to be POTUS.

Eventually, the Big Orange Idiot will be forced out. And, given the widespread criminal activities already known, the next person in the line of succession can only be decided after all of the evidence being gathered by Mueller is analyzed.

With all the dirt that is going to come out, it is going to be a difficult slog through the line of succession as things sit now. As we can see:

-Vice President Mike Pence will fall with the other crooks.

-Speaker of the House Paul Ryan spent too much time helping to cover up the crimes being investigated, and will likely face investigation himself before the smoke clears.

-President pro tempore of the Senate Orrin Hatch is 83-years-old now, and will be pushing 84 when the time comes to replace the president. He would be crazy to accept the position, the pressure and stress of the office would kill him in less than three months. Especially when considering the mess that will be left to clean up.

-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, like Pence and Ryan, he is too close to the corruption, and so, he will also be tainted by the administration’s stench.

-Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin is just another crooked billionaire and has too many skeletons in his closet. He won’t want the public scrutiny the presidency would cause him. He knows full well he would have less time in office than Big Orange before someone like Mueller would be appointed to look into his corrupt past.

-Secretary of Defense James Mattis, he could be the final choice. He is a retired Marine General and is likely far enough from the scandals to avoid investigation. Unfortunately, he did slip up and tell the truth in an interview with a high school journalism student. (Is Defense Secretary James Mattis Wrong For His Job?) The fat cats that run the U.S. don’t approve of this behavior in any of their Republican lap dogs. So this would be a strike against Mattis, but doesn’t mean he’s out.

If the U.S. survives as a nation, historians will have much to write about the 2016 presidential election. The obscene and vulgar campaign run by Big Orange. The criminal acts during the campaign, and after his inauguration. The Big Orange Idiot’s incompetence, stupidity, Twitter rants, his corrupt family and collegues, the embarrassment he was to the country and the office, the disrespect he earned from the true world leaders, how Putin easily manipulated Big Orange, etc. etc. ect.

However, historians may never get the chance. And Pence’s worries might be for nothing. In addition to his corruption, the Big Orange Idiot has created a situation where there is now a good chance nuclear war will be how it all ends.

Veep Mike Pence Puts Distance Between Himself And Donald Trump Family



A criminal president and his whole crooked family.

Pence wants everyone to believe he is clean in the Russian scandal engulfing the current administration. While he might have started out clean, as time wore on, he slowly waded hip deep into the Trump crime family’s cesspool.

As a conservative, Pence also has their overwhelming propensity to deny truth. So it surprises no one that he would claim zero involvement in the sinkhole of corruption that has swallowed the White House.

Pence’s denial of any knowledge of wrongdoing before joining the ticket is no proof he remained ignorant, or innocent. And, if he is so blind that he could not see what was happening all around him, he is much too gullible and stupid to be POTUS.

Eventually, the Big Orange Idiot will be forced out. And, given the widespread criminal activities already known, the next person in the line of succession can only be decided after all of the evidence being gathered by Mueller is analyzed.

With all the dirt that is going to come out, it is going to be a difficult slog through the line of succession as things sit now. As we can see:

-Vice President Mike Pence will fall with the other crooks.

-Speaker of the House Paul Ryan spent too much time helping to cover up the crimes being investigated, and will likely face investigation himself before the smoke clears.

-President pro tempore of the Senate Orrin Hatch is 83-years-old now, and will be pushing 84 when the time comes to replace the president. He would be crazy to accept the position, the pressure and stress of the office would kill him in less than three months. Especially when considering the mess that will be left to clean up.

-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, like Pence and Ryan, he is too close to the corruption, and so, he will also be tainted by the administration’s stench.

-Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin is just another crooked billionaire and has too many skeletons in his closet. He won’t want the public scrutiny the presidency would cause him. He knows full well he would have less time in office than Big Orange before someone like Mueller would be appointed to look into his corrupt past.

-Secretary of Defense James Mattis, he could be the final choice. He is a retired Marine General and is likely far enough from the scandals to avoid investigation. Unfortunately, he did slip up and tell the truth in an interview with a high school journalism student. (Is Defense Secretary James Mattis Wrong For His Job?) The fat cats that run the U.S. don’t approve of this behavior in any of their Republican lap dogs. So this would be a strike against Mattis, but doesn’t mean he’s out.

If the U.S. survives as a nation, historians will have much to write about the 2016 presidential election. The obscene and vulgar campaign run by Big Orange. The criminal acts during the campaign, and after his inauguration. The Big Orange Idiot’s incompetence, stupidity, Twitter rants, his corrupt family and collegues, the embarrassment he was to the country and the office, the disrespect he earned from the true world leaders, how Putin easily manipulated Big Orange, etc. etc. ect.

However, historians may never get the chance. And Pence’s worries might be for nothing. In addition to his corruption, the Big Orange Idiot has created a situation where there is now a good chance nuclear war will be how it all ends.

Veep Mike Pence Puts Distance Between Himself And Donald Trump Family


View attachment 138342

A criminal president and his whole crooked family.

grasping straws 2.jpg
Pence wants everyone to believe he is clean in the Russian scandal engulfing the current administration. While he might have started out clean, as time wore on, he slowly waded hip deep into the Trump crime family’s cesspool.

As a conservative, Pence also has their overwhelming propensity to deny truth. So it surprises no one that he would claim zero involvement in the sinkhole of corruption that has swallowed the White House.

Pence’s denial of any knowledge of wrongdoing before joining the ticket is no proof he remained ignorant, or innocent. And, if he is so blind that he could not see what was happening all around him, he is much too gullible and stupid to be POTUS.

Eventually, the Big Orange Idiot will be forced out. And, given the widespread criminal activities already known, the next person in the line of succession can only be decided after all of the evidence being gathered by Mueller is analyzed.

With all the dirt that is going to come out, it is going to be a difficult slog through the line of succession as things sit now. As we can see:

-Vice President Mike Pence will fall with the other crooks.

-Speaker of the House Paul Ryan spent too much time helping to cover up the crimes being investigated, and will likely face investigation himself before the smoke clears.

-President pro tempore of the Senate Orrin Hatch is 83-years-old now, and will be pushing 84 when the time comes to replace the president. He would be crazy to accept the position, the pressure and stress of the office would kill him in less than three months. Especially when considering the mess that will be left to clean up.

-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, like Pence and Ryan, he is too close to the corruption, and so, he will also be tainted by the administration’s stench.

-Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin is just another crooked billionaire and has too many skeletons in his closet. He won’t want the public scrutiny the presidency would cause him. He knows full well he would have less time in office than Big Orange before someone like Mueller would be appointed to look into his corrupt past.

-Secretary of Defense James Mattis, he could be the final choice. He is a retired Marine General and is likely far enough from the scandals to avoid investigation. Unfortunately, he did slip up and tell the truth in an interview with a high school journalism student. (Is Defense Secretary James Mattis Wrong For His Job?) The fat cats that run the U.S. don’t approve of this behavior in any of their Republican lap dogs. So this would be a strike against Mattis, but doesn’t mean he’s out.

If the U.S. survives as a nation, historians will have much to write about the 2016 presidential election. The obscene and vulgar campaign run by Big Orange. The criminal acts during the campaign, and after his inauguration. The Big Orange Idiot’s incompetence, stupidity, Twitter rants, his corrupt family and collegues, the embarrassment he was to the country and the office, the disrespect he earned from the true world leaders, how Putin easily manipulated Big Orange, etc. etc. ect.

However, historians may never get the chance. And Pence’s worries might be for nothing. In addition to his corruption, the Big Orange Idiot has created a situation where there is now a good chance nuclear war will be how it all ends.

Veep Mike Pence Puts Distance Between Himself And Donald Trump Family


View attachment 138342

A criminal president and his whole crooked family.

There's nothing to deny, moron. No crime has been uncovered. There's no "there" there.
Pence wants everyone to believe he is clean in the Russian scandal engulfing the current administration. While he might have started out clean, as time wore on, he slowly waded hip deep into the Trump crime family’s cesspool.

As a conservative, Pence also has their overwhelming propensity to deny truth. So it surprises no one that he would claim zero involvement in the sinkhole of corruption that has swallowed the White House.

Pence’s denial of any knowledge of wrongdoing before joining the ticket is no proof he remained ignorant, or innocent. And, if he is so blind that he could not see what was happening all around him, he is much too gullible and stupid to be POTUS.

Eventually, the Big Orange Idiot will be forced out. And, given the widespread criminal activities already known, the next person in the line of succession can only be decided after all of the evidence being gathered by Mueller is analyzed.

With all the dirt that is going to come out, it is going to be a difficult slog through the line of succession as things sit now. As we can see:

-Vice President Mike Pence will fall with the other crooks.

-Speaker of the House Paul Ryan spent too much time helping to cover up the crimes being investigated, and will likely face investigation himself before the smoke clears.

-President pro tempore of the Senate Orrin Hatch is 83-years-old now, and will be pushing 84 when the time comes to replace the president. He would be crazy to accept the position, the pressure and stress of the office would kill him in less than three months. Especially when considering the mess that will be left to clean up.

-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, like Pence and Ryan, he is too close to the corruption, and so, he will also be tainted by the administration’s stench.

-Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin is just another crooked billionaire and has too many skeletons in his closet. He won’t want the public scrutiny the presidency would cause him. He knows full well he would have less time in office than Big Orange before someone like Mueller would be appointed to look into his corrupt past.

-Secretary of Defense James Mattis, he could be the final choice. He is a retired Marine General and is likely far enough from the scandals to avoid investigation. Unfortunately, he did slip up and tell the truth in an interview with a high school journalism student. (Is Defense Secretary James Mattis Wrong For His Job?) The fat cats that run the U.S. don’t approve of this behavior in any of their Republican lap dogs. So this would be a strike against Mattis, but doesn’t mean he’s out.

If the U.S. survives as a nation, historians will have much to write about the 2016 presidential election. The obscene and vulgar campaign run by Big Orange. The criminal acts during the campaign, and after his inauguration. The Big Orange Idiot’s incompetence, stupidity, Twitter rants, his corrupt family and collegues, the embarrassment he was to the country and the office, the disrespect he earned from the true world leaders, how Putin easily manipulated Big Orange, etc. etc. ect.

However, historians may never get the chance. And Pence’s worries might be for nothing. In addition to his corruption, the Big Orange Idiot has created a situation where there is now a good chance nuclear war will be how it all ends.

Veep Mike Pence Puts Distance Between Himself And Donald Trump Family


View attachment 138342

A criminal president and his whole crooked family.


Can we really blame Pence???

As a religious zealot, Pence had to "defend" pussy grabbing, 3 wives, Trump U., etc., etc.....LOL
Pence wants everyone to believe he is clean in the Russian scandal
Are you capable of summing up that spew in your own words? Accusations, especially very long winded ones, don't create a scandal. Liberals use accusations as political fodder and its' supposed to be accepted as a given.

I heard Trump a few days ago on Limbaugh's show, an unexpected call. He was very supportive and onboard with what Trump is doing and Trump himself. That how I know you are a filthy liar. Par for the course for libs.
Can we really blame Pence???

As a religious zealot, Pence had to "defend" pussy grabbing, 3 wives, Trump U., etc., etc.....LOL
No pussy was grabbed other than lefties last November. Their vaginas are still aching and now raw from constant irritation. Pence didn't run for Pope. You are all kinds of fucked up.
How will it end?

With the impeachment of Donald Trump in the House of Representatives, his conviction in the Senate, and his removal from office.

He won't go voluntarily... he won't resign... but he will be ejected from office, and the charge will ultimately be led by the Republicans, with the Democrats contributing.

We will quite possibly see newly sworn-in President Pence and his wife, bidding goodbye to former President Trump on the White House lawn, as Marine One lifts off for Andrews.


The First Lady, of course, will have separated by then, will not be present on the White House lawn that day, and will file for divorce later that afternoon.

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With all the dirt that is going to come out, it is going to be a difficult slog through the line of succession as things sit now. As we can see:

-Vice President Mike Pence will fall with the other crooks.

I can't see that.

I think that if there is enough evidence to force Trump out, where even Republicans can't ignore it anymore, they will draw a line of defense around Pence, who was probably savvy enough to keep out of the room whenever there was a Russian there.

In many ways, Trump getting replaced by Pence could even be bad for Democrats. Jerry Ford did a lot to recover republican fortunes between Nixon's resignation and when he was only barely beaten by Jimmy Carter in 1976.

Still, Trump should go because he's ethically, temperamentally and intellectually unfit to serve. But Democrats need to be realistic in what their goals are.
Pence wants everyone to believe he is clean in the Russian scandal engulfing the current administration. While he might have started out clean, as time wore on, he slowly waded hip deep into the Trump crime family’s cesspool.

As a conservative, Pence also has their overwhelming propensity to deny truth. So it surprises no one that he would claim zero involvement in the sinkhole of corruption that has swallowed the White House.

Pence’s denial of any knowledge of wrongdoing before joining the ticket is no proof he remained ignorant, or innocent. And, if he is so blind that he could not see what was happening all around him, he is much too gullible and stupid to be POTUS.

Eventually, the Big Orange Idiot will be forced out. And, given the widespread criminal activities already known, the next person in the line of succession can only be decided after all of the evidence being gathered by Mueller is analyzed.

With all the dirt that is going to come out, it is going to be a difficult slog through the line of succession as things sit now. As we can see:

-Vice President Mike Pence will fall with the other crooks.

-Speaker of the House Paul Ryan spent too much time helping to cover up the crimes being investigated, and will likely face investigation himself before the smoke clears.

-President pro tempore of the Senate Orrin Hatch is 83-years-old now, and will be pushing 84 when the time comes to replace the president. He would be crazy to accept the position, the pressure and stress of the office would kill him in less than three months. Especially when considering the mess that will be left to clean up.

-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, like Pence and Ryan, he is too close to the corruption, and so, he will also be tainted by the administration’s stench.

-Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin is just another crooked billionaire and has too many skeletons in his closet. He won’t want the public scrutiny the presidency would cause him. He knows full well he would have less time in office than Big Orange before someone like Mueller would be appointed to look into his corrupt past.

-Secretary of Defense James Mattis, he could be the final choice. He is a retired Marine General and is likely far enough from the scandals to avoid investigation. Unfortunately, he did slip up and tell the truth in an interview with a high school journalism student. (Is Defense Secretary James Mattis Wrong For His Job?) The fat cats that run the U.S. don’t approve of this behavior in any of their Republican lap dogs. So this would be a strike against Mattis, but doesn’t mean he’s out.

If the U.S. survives as a nation, historians will have much to write about the 2016 presidential election. The obscene and vulgar campaign run by Big Orange. The criminal acts during the campaign, and after his inauguration. The Big Orange Idiot’s incompetence, stupidity, Twitter rants, his corrupt family and collegues, the embarrassment he was to the country and the office, the disrespect he earned from the true world leaders, how Putin easily manipulated Big Orange, etc. etc. ect.

However, historians may never get the chance. And Pence’s worries might be for nothing. In addition to his corruption, the Big Orange Idiot has created a situation where there is now a good chance nuclear war will be how it all ends.

Veep Mike Pence Puts Distance Between Himself And Donald Trump Family


View attachment 138342

A criminal president and his whole crooked family.


Can we really blame Pence???

As a religious zealot, Pence had to "defend" pussy grabbing, 3 wives, Trump U., etc., etc.....LOL
sit in corner.jpg
In many ways, Trump getting replaced by Pence could even be bad for Democrats.

My only disagreement with the above would be IF Pence is placed in a situation where he'd have to "pardon" Trump's misdeeds........
With all the dirt that is going to come out, it is going to be a difficult slog through the line of succession as things sit now. As we can see:

-Vice President Mike Pence will fall with the other crooks.

I can't see that.

I think that if there is enough evidence to force Trump out, where even Republicans can't ignore it anymore, they will draw a line of defense around Pence, who was probably savvy enough to keep out of the room whenever there was a Russian there.

In many ways, Trump getting replaced by Pence could even be bad for Democrats. Jerry Ford did a lot to recover republican fortunes between Nixon's resignation and when he was only barely beaten by Jimmy Carter in 1976.

Still, Trump should go because he's ethically, temperamentally and intellectually unfit to serve. But Democrats need to be realistic in what their goals are.
I think the OP doesn't understand how the system works.

Assuming Trump is forced to resign, Pence becomes president. Period. Then a new vice president is appointed by Congress under the provisions of the 25th Amendment.

While it is unlikely Pence will be incriminated in Trump's crimes, when Congress has to appoint a new Vice President, they are going to appoint someone with impeccable credentials. someone that the whole country can agree is a decent enough guy.

When Spiro Agnew resigned in 1974, Congress appointed Gerald Ford to replace him, a guy both sides of the aisle respected. When Nixon resigned and Ford moved up to replace him, they appointed Nelson Rockefeller, a moderate Republican largely respected by all segments.

So assuming the Orange Shitgibbon is forced out, Congress will probably appoint someone like Lindsey Graham to be Vice President. Someone who can show up on the Sunday shows and not get jeered by the media.
In many ways, Trump getting replaced by Pence could even be bad for Democrats.

My only disagreement with the above would be IF Pence is placed in a situation where he'd have to "pardon" Trump's misdeeds........

Unfortunately, I think that precedent has already been set.

Ford Pardoned Nixon
Bush-41 pardoned all the Iran-Contra figures
Clinton Pardoned all the Whitewater figures
Bush-43 commuted the sentence of Scooter Libby.

It's kind of expected that the Pardon gets used to excuse anyone caught up in the web of scandal.

So I expect that if Pence becomes president, he'll pardon the whole Trump clan to put this behind us.

Which I'm totally good with.

Look I'm not going to like anything Pence does as president. Let's take that as a given. But he's not a whackjob who is going to do crazy things like a Reality TV show host.
How will it end?

With the impeachment of Donald Trump in the House of Representatives, his conviction in the Senate, and his removal from office.

He won't go voluntarily... he won't resign... but he will be ejected from office, and the charge will ultimately be led by the Republicans, with the Democrats contributing.

We will quite possibly see newly sworn-in President Pence and his wife, bidding goodbye to former President Trump on the White House lawn, as Marine One lifts off for Andrews.


The First Lady, of course, will have separated by then, will not be present on the White House lawn that day, and will file for divorce later that afternoon.

You are one incredibly delusional snowflake.
I think the OP doesn't understand how the system works.

Assuming Trump is forced to resign, Pence becomes president. Period. Then a new vice president is appointed by Congress under the provisions of the 25th Amendment.

While it is unlikely Pence will be incriminated in Trump's crimes, when Congress has to appoint a new Vice President, they are going to appoint someone with impeccable credentials. someone that the whole country can agree is a decent enough guy.

When Spiro Agnew resigned in 1974, Congress appointed Gerald Ford to replace him, a guy both sides of the aisle respected. When Nixon resigned and Ford moved up to replace him, they appointed Nelson Rockefeller, a moderate Republican largely respected by all segments.

So assuming the Orange Shitgibbon is forced out, Congress will probably appoint someone like Lindsey Graham to be Vice President. Someone who can show up on the Sunday shows and not get jeered by the media.
What "crimes," douche bag?
How will it end?

With the impeachment of Donald Trump in the House of Representatives, his conviction in the Senate, and his removal from office.

He won't go voluntarily... he won't resign... but he will be ejected from office, and the charge will ultimately be led by the Republicans, with the Democrats contributing.

We will quite possibly see newly sworn-in President Pence and his wife, bidding goodbye to former President Trump on the White House lawn, as Marine One lifts off for Andrews.


The First Lady, of course, will have separated by then, will not be present on the White House lawn that day, and will file for divorce later that afternoon.

You are one incredibly delusional snowflake.
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, child.

If you have something to add to the conversation, then do it; otherwise, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, Little True Believer.

The work of Special Counsel Mueller continues... tick... tick... tick...

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