PC Games


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2015
Salutations and Excalibur.

I am looking for one or two new PC games to waste time on. Please don't post more than two thank you.

A strategy game that is Expert to Grognard in difficulty. I've had War In The Pacific for ten years and the depth in that is what I'm looking for. Something to play a turn or two each day. I like the detail. WITP: Admiral's Edition is also 9 years old so am looking for something new. I have Civil War II and Cities Skylines. MEH. Men of War Assault Squad 2 is great but also getting dated and have played through enough mods.

Also looking for a First Person Shooter like Far Cry 3-4. Open world, good story, a lot of depth and replay. FC3 and FC4 were great fun. The new Tomb Raiders were also very good. Call of Duty seems too scripted now. I think open world gaming is where it's at. I still have fun driving around FC3 crashing pirate roadblocks and having chases and firefights and using a bow long distance, and having to correct for arrow fall is good stuff.

I've searched Uplay, Origin, Steam, Ubisoft and other sites but the offerings are also MEH. FC5 is due out in 2 months so will have to check that out. If they have just repackaged FC3 and FC4, with the same sounds and upgrade trees but made to look different I'll wait a year and get it for $7.99 on sale. I hate it when developers get lazy and just put out something that 'looks' new just to milk money out of the old engine.

I have to say FC3 ruined things for many games to me, that one is so much fun it's hard to go back to more scripted games like COD or BField.

Any suggestions?
Salutations and Excalibur.

I am looking for one or two new PC games to waste time on. Please don't post more than two thank you.

A strategy game that is Expert to Grognard in difficulty. I've had War In The Pacific for ten years and the depth in that is what I'm looking for. Something to play a turn or two each day. I like the detail. WITP: Admiral's Edition is also 9 years old so am looking for something new. I have Civil War II and Cities Skylines. MEH. Men of War Assault Squad 2 is great but also getting dated and have played through enough mods.

Also looking for a First Person Shooter like Far Cry 3-4. Open world, good story, a lot of depth and replay. FC3 and FC4 were great fun. The new Tomb Raiders were also very good. Call of Duty seems too scripted now. I think open world gaming is where it's at. I still have fun driving around FC3 crashing pirate roadblocks and having chases and firefights and using a bow long distance, and having to correct for arrow fall is good stuff.

I've searched Uplay, Origin, Steam, Ubisoft and other sites but the offerings are also MEH. FC5 is due out in 2 months so will have to check that out. If they have just repackaged FC3 and FC4, with the same sounds and upgrade trees but made to look different I'll wait a year and get it for $7.99 on sale. I hate it when developers get lazy and just put out something that 'looks' new just to milk money out of the old engine.

I have to say FC3 ruined things for many games to me, that one is so much fun it's hard to go back to more scripted games like COD or BField.

Any suggestions?

The best strategy game is Civilization. I've got 6 at the moment, 5 is also really good. If you've player Far Cry 4 your computer will easily be able to play both of those.

First person shooters like Fry Cry, well, nothing comes as good as Far Cry 3, but maybe you could consider Grand Theft Auto. I like it, not as much as Far Cry 3, I'm playing Far Cry 4 at the moment and have Grand Theft Auto 5 waiting to play after I finish that, might be in a year.
I haven't played any of the Civ games, they look good I will check Youtube for Civ 5 and 6 gameplay. I'm not much into Assassin's Creed or Witcher though both look very well done. I have Galactic Civs 3 and after playing 3-4 hours it doesn't have enough depth for my taste. Again it isn't a bad game by any stretch. Waiting to see if FC5 is just a re-skinned clone of FC3 and 4.

Red Dead Redemption was very good and RDR 2 that is due out this year looks great as well but no pc! WTH is that!? Uncharted 4, The Last Of Us, a new game called Days Gone all very good but not ported to pc which I frigin hate as I only run games on PC.

I'd like to see a war game with modern graphics but open world like FC3 and 4. I, probably like others, used to play almost any game that came out the last 25 years or so but as you get older I find it has to be very well done or I don't want to waste my time on it. I really love the flightsim games like IL2 and it's variations as well as FSX (waiting on a successor which likely won't arrive. Time to go to X-Plane or Pr3pared I guess).

Thanks for the replies.
I haven't played any of the Civ games, they look good I will check Youtube for Civ 5 and 6 gameplay. I'm not much into Assassin's Creed or Witcher though both look very well done. I have Galactic Civs 3 and after playing 3-4 hours it doesn't have enough depth for my taste. Again it isn't a bad game by any stretch. Waiting to see if FC5 is just a re-skinned clone of FC3 and 4.

Red Dead Redemption was very good and RDR 2 that is due out this year looks great as well but no pc! WTH is that!? Uncharted 4, The Last Of Us, a new game called Days Gone all very good but not ported to pc which I frigin hate as I only run games on PC.

I'd like to see a war game with modern graphics but open world like FC3 and 4. I, probably like others, used to play almost any game that came out the last 25 years or so but as you get older I find it has to be very well done or I don't want to waste my time on it. I really love the flightsim games like IL2 and it's variations as well as FSX (waiting on a successor which likely won't arrive. Time to go to X-Plane or Pr3pared I guess).

Thanks for the replies.
Not war but zombie epidemic is Dying Light. There´s a big open world and you start with table-legs ect as weapons but you´ll get your first firearms soon. There are skill-trees to unlock and the graphics are quite good.
Salutations and Excalibur.

I am looking for one or two new PC games to waste time on. Please don't post more than two thank you.

A strategy game that is Expert to Grognard in difficulty. I've had War In The Pacific for ten years and the depth in that is what I'm looking for. Something to play a turn or two each day. I like the detail. WITP: Admiral's Edition is also 9 years old so am looking for something new. I have Civil War II and Cities Skylines. MEH. Men of War Assault Squad 2 is great but also getting dated and have played through enough mods.

Also looking for a First Person Shooter like Far Cry 3-4. Open world, good story, a lot of depth and replay. FC3 and FC4 were great fun. The new Tomb Raiders were also very good. Call of Duty seems too scripted now. I think open world gaming is where it's at. I still have fun driving around FC3 crashing pirate roadblocks and having chases and firefights and using a bow long distance, and having to correct for arrow fall is good stuff.

I've searched Uplay, Origin, Steam, Ubisoft and other sites but the offerings are also MEH. FC5 is due out in 2 months so will have to check that out. If they have just repackaged FC3 and FC4, with the same sounds and upgrade trees but made to look different I'll wait a year and get it for $7.99 on sale. I hate it when developers get lazy and just put out something that 'looks' new just to milk money out of the old engine.

I have to say FC3 ruined things for many games to me, that one is so much fun it's hard to go back to more scripted games like COD or BField.

Any suggestions?
Good for wasting an hour or so but there's also a certain mode that longates the game if you need to waste 2 hours or so.

Game:Unreal Tournament
Capture the Flag mode can waste an hour or so, more at difficult levels, but motion sickness can kick in with all the jumpy movement. Great AI in those series makes it challenging and keeps you drawn in.
Risk is too simple these days. I played the hell out of that game long ago as a board game.
Fandango, isn't that a really old release? Also a bit too art-house for me. Very cool to look at.
Dying Light looks good as far as graphics and gameplay go. I tried I Am Alive a whilte back but the mechanics in the game didn't work well. This is why Far Cry 3 and after have made it tough for new titles. If the mechanics of the game don't work well it's like going backwards. FC3 and 4 the mechanics are fluid and work great. I'm not a real zombie fan but if done well I can live with it. Dead Island the mechanics were also a little clunky. No go. I'll check for a demo of Dying Light.

As I said I've grown rather picky about what to spend time on these days, probably to my own detriment, but I absolutely refuse to play a game where you have to repeat something over and over because the game mechanics aren't well done. Also why I like open world games now, it is open world!

Thanks again for the suggestions.
You could give Guild Wars 2 a try. It is what I am currently addicted to while I am waiting for them to upgrade Civilization 6 to a playable game.

It took them a few years to make Civilization 5 as good as Civilization 4.

You can try it here for free, if you like it, you can then purchase the upgrades.

Play For Free Today – GuildWars2.com
I'm already addicted enough to this game I am in.

Apparently there are three different chat programs players use. The guild I am in uses the most updated tech, apparently Skype is SOO last decade.


My kid really likes the fast past action part, I'm too old for that. I like the strategy, the chat, the community, the crafting. .. And, well, the evolving story. Oh hell, there is just too much and something for everyone.

This review was made six years ago when you had to pay for it, like I said, the base game is free now. . .
In the early 90's I was playing on MUD's at Uni before they had the internet via university networks.

After school, I was too busy for video games till after I settled down a bit.
I'm already addicted enough to this game I am in.

Apparently there are three different chat programs players use. The guild I am in uses the most updated tech, apparently Skype is SOO last decade.


My kid really likes the fast past action part, I'm too old for that. I like the strategy, the chat, the community, the crafting. .. And, well, the evolving story. Oh hell, there is just too much and something for everyone.

This review was made six years ago when you had to pay for it, like I said, the base game is free now. . .

I like strategy games like this, isn't there Guild Wars 3 and 4 out now? And I agree on the fast paced online RTS games they leave little to enjoy between frantic building and attacking/defending. Age of Empires was like that and various people always had some special hack they did where they'd cheat the system. After a while it's like ok you don't really want to play the game you want to semi-cheat with people that haven't played 1000 hours like you have.
I'm already addicted enough to this game I am in.

Apparently there are three different chat programs players use. The guild I am in uses the most updated tech, apparently Skype is SOO last decade.


My kid really likes the fast past action part, I'm too old for that. I like the strategy, the chat, the community, the crafting. .. And, well, the evolving story. Oh hell, there is just too much and something for everyone.

This review was made six years ago when you had to pay for it, like I said, the base game is free now. . .

I like strategy games like this, isn't there Guild Wars 3 and 4 out now? And I agree on the fast paced online RTS games they leave little to enjoy between frantic building and attacking/defending. Age of Empires was like that and various people always had some special hack they did where they'd cheat the system. After a while it's like ok you don't really want to play the game you want to semi-cheat with people that haven't played 1000 hours like you have.

No, just expansions to number 2. New versions would separate and spread out the player base. Instead, they focus on the current version, creating new story and new content.

I also think the reason is, in order to get the most players on-line and playing, they want to limit the specs of the PC that is needed to Play.

I remember when GW2 was first released, we could not even play it, our machines were too slow, we played GW for several years before our machines died and we bought new ones.

And then, like you, we were searching for a multi-player communal game.

STEAM has pretty much cornered the market in PC gaming, except for MMO gaming.

That left us with a few choices. Did we want to have an RPG flavor, or an RTS flavor? It really came down to World of War craft (monthly sub. . no thanks,) Starcraft, or Guild Wars 2, and there are a few other smaller ones. We had played Runescape many many years ago. . but meh, we had much more powerful machines now.

When you are gaming, and you want community, you pretty much have to go where the people, (the young) are.

I searched for a long time on STEAM to see what was the most popular and we weren't really into the FPS type games. . . those just get repetitive and dull. If you are into the call of duty or Fall Out type, there are plenty out there to choose from, not much time for cooperation and community with that type though, IMO. I like to form community to play against the game, not others. . . but you can get the PvP with GW2 as well.

I have heard of folks trying to cheat on GW2, but there is a moderation team that will find out, and they have banned folks for it, and players are aware, they don't like it, and thus, they don't do it.

I've played less than a year. Most of the time I play in player vs. environment. Occasionally I will enter world vs. world where one server battles another server, that is hella fun. My guild isn't really active in that aspect, not yet really. That really requires Teamspeak, skype, or that other app I was talking about. The server I am playing on, Eredon Terrace, is currently ranked forth from the bottom. I don't care about it that much, since I am not competitive. (The upside is, I have less problems with logging in than the more busy and popular servers, which is why I am there.) However, since I have played so much Civ 5, I have SO many ideas to help out the guild I am in when I am ready to focus more on that aspect. I will contact my guild leader when I am ready. I think what it will take is communication between guilds, currently, I don't think there is any. The folks in WvW are great at hack and slash, but I see no overall strategy.

I really do like the WvW, which incorporates elements of high strategy warfare, with large, and I mean sometimes groups of 30 or 40 players vs another 30 or 40 other players, with siege craft. It really is quite exciting trying to hold or siege a castle against another group. Or joining an elite group of spies or harassers trying to cut off the supply to a castle. . . .
Oh, I also forgot to mention, before we went with GW2, we almost went with ARMA 3, that is an open world FPS.

I am just old and don't have the coordination for that.

But it might interest you.

Arma 3
Salutations and Excalibur.

I am looking for one or two new PC games to waste time on. Please don't post more than two thank you.

A strategy game that is Expert to Grognard in difficulty. I've had War In The Pacific for ten years and the depth in that is what I'm looking for. Something to play a turn or two each day. I like the detail. WITP: Admiral's Edition is also 9 years old so am looking for something new. I have Civil War II and Cities Skylines. MEH. Men of War Assault Squad 2 is great but also getting dated and have played through enough mods.

Also looking for a First Person Shooter like Far Cry 3-4. Open world, good story, a lot of depth and replay. FC3 and FC4 were great fun. The new Tomb Raiders were also very good. Call of Duty seems too scripted now. I think open world gaming is where it's at. I still have fun driving around FC3 crashing pirate roadblocks and having chases and firefights and using a bow long distance, and having to correct for arrow fall is good stuff.

I've searched Uplay, Origin, Steam, Ubisoft and other sites but the offerings are also MEH. FC5 is due out in 2 months so will have to check that out. If they have just repackaged FC3 and FC4, with the same sounds and upgrade trees but made to look different I'll wait a year and get it for $7.99 on sale. I hate it when developers get lazy and just put out something that 'looks' new just to milk money out of the old engine.

I have to say FC3 ruined things for many games to me, that one is so much fun it's hard to go back to more scripted games like COD or BField.

Any suggestions?
When I'm really bored and just want some relatively mindless bang, bang, shoot-em-up I fire up my old Operation Blockade.

This is the start, your weapons (and the enemy's) get progressively better.

what about ARMA 3 multiplayer? many different vehicles/weapons
..Eve Online is the ultimate open world/sandbox game--but it's a space game--high learning curve...it takes months just to be a rookie

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