Paul Ryan: I Didn’t Vote For The Defense Cuts I Voted For


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Zack Beauchamp

Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan has gotten in hot water before for criticizing President Obama for the very same defense cuts that he voted for in 2011. When confronted with this incongruity today on Face The Nation, Ryan simply denied that he ever voted for the cuts, telling an incredulous Norah O’Donnell that he didn’t actually vote for the cuts he’s on record as voting for:

O’DONNELL: Now you’re criticizing the President for those same defense cuts you’re voting for and called a victory.

RYAN: No, no — I have to correct on you this, Norah. I voted for a mechanism that says the sequester will occur if we don’t cut $1.2 trillion in government. … We can get into this nomenclature; I voted for the Budget Control Act. But the Obama Administration proposed $478 billion in defense cuts. We don’t agree with that, our budget rejected that, and then on top of that is another $500 billion in defense cuts in the sequester.

O’DONNELL: Right. A trillion dollars in defense spending, and you voted for it!

RYAN: No, Norah. I voted for the Budget Control Act.

O’DONNELL: That included defense spending!

RYAN: Norah, you’re mistaken.​

O’Donnell is, in fact, not mistaken. The Budget Control Act, as passed, included both the roughly $600 billion in “sequestration” cuts that will happen if there’s no compromise on the budget by December as well as the $487 billion of military-supported cuts that will take place regardless. The fact that Ryan may have wished that the bill didn’t contain said defense cuts does not absolve him of the fact that he and 201 other Republicans voted for the bill as-passed.

More: Ryan: I Didn't Vote For The Defense Cuts I Voted For | ThinkProgress

Video: [ame=]Ryan: I Didn't Vote For Defense Cuts I Voted For - YouTube[/ame]
No, he wasn't. He was the worst pick of all in my opinion. But I'm glad Romney was so stupid...
ah Ryan is trying the Literal game and the trick congress critters can use about Bills having many parts to it.

Thats the problem when you elect a congress member.
Anyone remember the "American Jobs Creation Act"? It didn't create any jobs, it just let Corporations like GE pay zero tax. Anyone recall Exxon CEO getting a $400m bonus? I'm not upset by Ryan, I'm pissed that the DC whores let 14,000 factories move overseas. US manufacturing went from 28% of tyhe economy to 12%.

The economy can't recover like it used to, we have fewer factories, and the ones we have use Mexican workers?!
Anyone remember the "American Jobs Creation Act"? It didn't create any jobs, it just let Corporations like GE pay zero tax. Anyone recall Exxon CEO getting a $400m bonus? I'm not upset by Ryan, I'm pissed that the DC whores let 14,000 factories move overseas. US manufacturing went from 28% of tyhe economy to 12%.

The economy can't recover like it used to, we have fewer factories, and the ones we have use Mexican workers?!

The "American Jobs Creation Act of 2004" happened on Bush's watch - so thank him! Plus, it was passed by a Republican House and Senate - and Bush signed it.
In fairness, the guy has been in Congress since adolescence--he may honestly not know how silly he sounds.

On the other hand, Lyin' Ryan does seem to have a problem with compulsive lying and I think we should all hope he gets the help he needs.
Anyone remember the "American Jobs Creation Act"? It didn't create any jobs, it just let Corporations like GE pay zero tax. Anyone recall Exxon CEO getting a $400m bonus? I'm not upset by Ryan, I'm pissed that the DC whores let 14,000 factories move overseas. US manufacturing went from 28% of tyhe economy to 12%.

The economy can't recover like it used to, we have fewer factories, and the ones we have use Mexican workers?!

The "American Jobs Creation Act of 2004" happened on Bush's watch - so thank him! Plus, it was passed by a Republican House and Senate - and Bush signed it.

Good catch. I wish I could rep you. BTW, what happened to your rep?
PRyan has a problem with his SPECIES, no one can ascertain which it is. And his "Obama is no Clinton" quote is STUNNING, and I do not mean beautiful. I do not recall PRyan fighting against The Monica Show; Romney managed to make McCain's choice of Palin seem acceptable.
So you're saying people shouldn't vote for a candidate who doesn't tell the truth?


By Zack Beauchamp

Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan has gotten in hot water before for criticizing President Obama for the very same defense cuts that he voted for in 2011. When confronted with this incongruity today on Face The Nation, Ryan simply denied that he ever voted for the cuts, telling an incredulous Norah O’Donnell that he didn’t actually vote for the cuts he’s on record as voting for:

O’DONNELL: Now you’re criticizing the President for those same defense cuts you’re voting for and called a victory.

RYAN: No, no — I have to correct on you this, Norah. I voted for a mechanism that says the sequester will occur if we don’t cut $1.2 trillion in government. … We can get into this nomenclature; I voted for the Budget Control Act. But the Obama Administration proposed $478 billion in defense cuts. We don’t agree with that, our budget rejected that, and then on top of that is another $500 billion in defense cuts in the sequester.

O’DONNELL: Right. A trillion dollars in defense spending, and you voted for it!

RYAN: No, Norah. I voted for the Budget Control Act.

O’DONNELL: That included defense spending!

RYAN: Norah, you’re mistaken.​

O’Donnell is, in fact, not mistaken. The Budget Control Act, as passed, included both the roughly $600 billion in “sequestration” cuts that will happen if there’s no compromise on the budget by December as well as the $487 billion of military-supported cuts that will take place regardless. The fact that Ryan may have wished that the bill didn’t contain said defense cuts does not absolve him of the fact that he and 201 other Republicans voted for the bill as-passed.
Why can't any of them just stand behind the shit they do or what they believe in? Pathetic pandering.

You mean like when Obama said "this is a one term proposition" if he didn't get the economy fixed? Is that what you expect him to stand behind?
Ryan simply denied that he ever voted for the cuts, telling an incredulous Norah O’Donnell that he didn’t actually vote for the cuts he’s on record as voting for…

The irony, of course, is if there’s going to be any serious effort to balance the budget, defense cuts will need to be on the table.

Why can't any of them just stand behind the shit they do or what they believe in? Pathetic pandering.

A rhetorical question, to be sure – but Ryan felt he needed to lie because the neo-cons, rightist hawks, and many rank-and-file republicans would never tolerate talk of defense spending cuts.

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