Pat Robertson says to legalize marijuana!!!


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Just saw this on the news..........

Pat Robertson and marijuana legalization make for strange bedfellows, but he's actually been championing the cause—specifically its place in the conversation about prison reform—since 2010.

Yes, according to an interview with The New York Times on Wednesday, the strict evangelical who believes gay people cause hurricanes and that mac 'n cheese may be a "black thing," is also for the legalization of marijuana. But it isn't because he's tried the stuff. It's a bit more complicated than that. “I really believe we should treat marijuana the way we treat beverage alcohol,” Robertson told The Times. "I’ve never used marijuana and I don’t intend to, but it’s just one of those things that I think: this war on drugs just hasn’t succeeded." This has been a talking point for Robertson for some time now.

Back in December 2010, The Atlantic's Chris Good wrote about "Pat Robertson's Christmas Present to Marijuana Legalizers', his take on a recent airing of The 700 Club where Robertson said, "We're locking up people that take a couple of puffs of marijuana, and the next thing you know they've got ten years ... it's costing us a fortune and it's ruining young people. Young people going to prisons--they go in as youths and they come out as hardened criminals, it's not a good thing." Back then Robertson's spokesman said it wasn't a call to decriminalize pot.

So, fast forward to last week on The 700 Club where Robertson, as The Atlantic's Andrew Cohen writes, "devoted nearly nine minutes of the broadcast to commentary and a (really well produced) piece on the topic." Adding, "He's also right in identifying the notion that decriminalizing pot possession is one of the easiest ways to break the cycle of incarceration that ruins people -- and government budgets." Following that broadcast, Robertson told The Times' Jesse McKinley, " I just want to be on the right side... And I think on this one, I’m on the right side."

Pat Robertson Wants You to Smoke Pot Legally - Yahoo! News

Interesting that he should say this.........discuss....................
I hope he's right ! I'd love a little weed but the "law" prevents me from doing it.:cuckoo:
I'm afraid I'll lose my FreeDumb.:eek::eek::eek:
BRB. I gotta go mix some 20-20-20 :cool:
Just saw this on the news..........

Pat Robertson and marijuana legalization make for strange bedfellows, but he's actually been championing the cause—specifically its place in the conversation about prison reform—since 2010.

Yes, according to an interview with The New York Times on Wednesday, the strict evangelical who believes gay people cause hurricanes and that mac 'n cheese may be a "black thing," is also for the legalization of marijuana. But it isn't because he's tried the stuff. It's a bit more complicated than that. “I really believe we should treat marijuana the way we treat beverage alcohol,” Robertson told The Times. "I’ve never used marijuana and I don’t intend to, but it’s just one of those things that I think: this war on drugs just hasn’t succeeded." This has been a talking point for Robertson for some time now.

Back in December 2010, The Atlantic's Chris Good wrote about "Pat Robertson's Christmas Present to Marijuana Legalizers', his take on a recent airing of The 700 Club where Robertson said, "We're locking up people that take a couple of puffs of marijuana, and the next thing you know they've got ten years ... it's costing us a fortune and it's ruining young people. Young people going to prisons--they go in as youths and they come out as hardened criminals, it's not a good thing." Back then Robertson's spokesman said it wasn't a call to decriminalize pot.

So, fast forward to last week on The 700 Club where Robertson, as The Atlantic's Andrew Cohen writes, "devoted nearly nine minutes of the broadcast to commentary and a (really well produced) piece on the topic." Adding, "He's also right in identifying the notion that decriminalizing pot possession is one of the easiest ways to break the cycle of incarceration that ruins people -- and government budgets." Following that broadcast, Robertson told The Times' Jesse McKinley, " I just want to be on the right side... And I think on this one, I’m on the right side."

Pat Robertson Wants You to Smoke Pot Legally - Yahoo! News

Interesting that he should say this.........discuss....................

Damn straight. About time this happened. We've got bigger fish to fry. How many deaths have alcohol and cigarettes contributed to vs. marijuana deaths. Geez.
I hope he's right ! I'd love a little weed but the "law" prevents me from doing it.:cuckoo:
I'm afraid I'll lose my FreeDumb.:eek::eek::eek:
BRB. I gotta go mix some 20-20-20 :cool:

not to worry. you'll never lose your dumb.
Damn straight. About time this happened. We've got bigger fish to fry. How many deaths have alcohol and cigarettes contributed to vs. marijuana deaths. Geez.

Especially when you consider the fact that cigarettes and alcohol do more damage to the human body than cannabis does.
Yanno...........considering that the U.S. Government has been testing marijuana on people since the 1960's.

Wonder why they're just now catching up with the research?
Granny says, "Dat's right - an' `sides dat, it'll make ya goofy like Rev. Pat...
Health risks of cannabis 'underestimated', experts warn
5 June 2012 - Young people are least aware of the risks
Experts are warning that the public dangerously underestimates the health risks linked to smoking cannabis. The British Lung Foundation carried out a survey of 1,000 adults and found a third wrongly believed cannabis did not harm health. And 88% incorrectly thought tobacco cigarettes were more harmful than cannabis ones - when the risk of lung cancer is actually 20 times higher. The BLF said the lack of awareness was "alarming".

Widely used

Latest figures show that 30% of 16-59 year-olds in England and Wales have used cannabis in their lifetimes. A new report from the BLF says there are established scientific links between smoking cannabis and tuberculosis, acute bronchitis and lung cancer. Cannabis has also been shown to increase chances of developing mental health problems such as schizophrenia. Part of the reason for this, say the experts, is that people smoking cannabis take deeper puffs and hold them for longer than when smoking tobacco cigarettes.

This means that someone smoking a cannabis cigarette inhales four times as much tar as from a tobacco cigarette, and five times as much carbon monoxide, the BLF says. Its survey found that young people are particularly unaware of the risks. Almost 40% of the under-35s surveyed - the age group most likely to have smoked it - thought cannabis was not harmful. However, each cannabis cigarette they smoke increases their chances of developing lung cancer by as much as an entire packet of 20 tobacco cigarettes, the BLF warned.

Its chief executive, Dame Helena Shovelton, said: "It is alarming that, while new research continues to reveal the multiple health consequences of smoking cannabis, there is still a dangerous lack of public awareness of quite how harmful this drug can be. "This is not a niche problem - cannabis is one of the most widely-used recreational drugs in the UK, with almost a third of the population having tried it. "We therefore need a serious public health campaign - of the kind that has helped raise awareness of the dangers of eating fatty foods or smoking tobacco - to finally dispel the myth that smoking cannabis is somehow a safe pastime." The BLF's report says there should be a public education programme to raise awareness of the impact of smoking cannabis and increased investment in research into the health consequences of its use.

BBC News - Health risks of cannabis 'underestimated', experts warn
Damn straight. About time this happened. We've got bigger fish to fry. How many deaths have alcohol and cigarettes contributed to vs. marijuana deaths. Geez.
There never has been a death or serious illness attributed to marijuana use.

It might give you the munchies and make you eat a bunch of junk food...:lol:

But seriously alcohol is MUCH more addictive and dangerous than marijuana is. Nobody has ever overdosed solely on marijuana before. You can't say the same for alcohol. If there was a way for the government to make money off of pot-and not suffer a backlash from the anti-pot people (mostly the older crowd who generated nonsense like reefer madness). Has anybody ever heard of a bar fight involving a high person before? I've seen plenty of drunk people do it haha.

(and no I don't smoke marijuana for the record)
Granny says, "Dat's right - an' `sides dat, it'll make ya goofy like Rev. Pat...
Health risks of cannabis 'underestimated', experts warn
5 June 2012 - Young people are least aware of the risks
Experts are warning that the public dangerously underestimates the health risks linked to smoking cannabis. The British Lung Foundation carried out a survey of 1,000 adults and found a third wrongly believed cannabis did not harm health. And 88% incorrectly thought tobacco cigarettes were more harmful than cannabis ones - when the risk of lung cancer is actually 20 times higher. The BLF said the lack of awareness was "alarming".

Widely used

Latest figures show that 30% of 16-59 year-olds in England and Wales have used cannabis in their lifetimes. A new report from the BLF says there are established scientific links between smoking cannabis and tuberculosis, acute bronchitis and lung cancer. Cannabis has also been shown to increase chances of developing mental health problems such as schizophrenia. Part of the reason for this, say the experts, is that people smoking cannabis take deeper puffs and hold them for longer than when smoking tobacco cigarettes.

This means that someone smoking a cannabis cigarette inhales four times as much tar as from a tobacco cigarette, and five times as much carbon monoxide, the BLF says. Its survey found that young people are particularly unaware of the risks. Almost 40% of the under-35s surveyed - the age group most likely to have smoked it - thought cannabis was not harmful. However, each cannabis cigarette they smoke increases their chances of developing lung cancer by as much as an entire packet of 20 tobacco cigarettes, the BLF warned.

Its chief executive, Dame Helena Shovelton, said: "It is alarming that, while new research continues to reveal the multiple health consequences of smoking cannabis, there is still a dangerous lack of public awareness of quite how harmful this drug can be. "This is not a niche problem - cannabis is one of the most widely-used recreational drugs in the UK, with almost a third of the population having tried it. "We therefore need a serious public health campaign - of the kind that has helped raise awareness of the dangers of eating fatty foods or smoking tobacco - to finally dispel the myth that smoking cannabis is somehow a safe pastime." The BLF's report says there should be a public education programme to raise awareness of the impact of smoking cannabis and increased investment in research into the health consequences of its use.

BBC News - Health risks of cannabis 'underestimated', experts warn

Harvard University researchers have found that, in both laboratory and mouse studies, delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) cuts tumor growth in half in common lung cancer while impeding the cancer's ability to spread.

Marijuana Compound May Fight Lung Cancer - ABC News

The new study of cognitive changes caused by heavy marijuana use has found no lasting effects 28 days after quitting. Following a month of abstinence, men and women who smoked pot at least 5,000 times in their lives performed just as well on psychological tests as people who used pot sparingly or not at all, according to a report in the latest edition of the Archives of General Psychiatry.

Harvard Gazette: Study: Intelligence, cognition unaffected by heavy marijuana use
I am A Con for Legalization ..war on drugs is fucking stupid and pathetic
Quite so! Since we have all but legally stopped enforcing drug laws, it seems sensible to take that last step.
Damn straight. About time this happened. We've got bigger fish to fry. How many deaths have alcohol and cigarettes contributed to vs. marijuana deaths. Geez.
There never has been a death or serious illness attributed to marijuana use.

It might give you the munchies and make you eat a bunch of junk food...:lol:

But seriously alcohol is MUCH more addictive and dangerous than marijuana is. Nobody has ever overdosed solely on marijuana before. You can't say the same for alcohol. If there was a way for the government to make money off of pot-and not suffer a backlash from the anti-pot people (mostly the older crowd who generated nonsense like reefer madness). Has anybody ever heard of a bar fight involving a high person before? I've seen plenty of drunk people do it haha.

(and no I don't smoke marijuana for the record)

What is the record for smoking Marijuana? Is that number of bong hits per minute or joints per hour? Lids per day?
Damn straight. About time this happened. We've got bigger fish to fry. How many deaths have alcohol and cigarettes contributed to vs. marijuana deaths. Geez.
There never has been a death or serious illness attributed to marijuana use.

It might give you the munchies and make you eat a bunch of junk food...:lol:

But seriously alcohol is MUCH more addictive and dangerous than marijuana is. Nobody has ever overdosed solely on marijuana before. You can't say the same for alcohol. If there was a way for the government to make money off of pot-and not suffer a backlash from the anti-pot people (mostly the older crowd who generated nonsense like reefer madness). Has anybody ever heard of a bar fight involving a high person before? I've seen plenty of drunk people do it haha.

(and no I don't smoke marijuana for the record)

Getting the munchies and getting fat will kill you just as fast as overindulging in alcohol or cigarettes. The good thing about it is you don't really care.
Granny says, "Dat's right - an' `sides dat, it'll make ya goofy like Rev. Pat...
Health risks of cannabis 'underestimated', experts warn
5 June 2012 - Young people are least aware of the risks
Experts are warning that the public dangerously underestimates the health risks linked to smoking cannabis. The British Lung Foundation carried out a survey of 1,000 adults and found a third wrongly believed cannabis did not harm health. And 88% incorrectly thought tobacco cigarettes were more harmful than cannabis ones - when the risk of lung cancer is actually 20 times higher. The BLF said the lack of awareness was "alarming".

Widely used

Latest figures show that 30% of 16-59 year-olds in England and Wales have used cannabis in their lifetimes. A new report from the BLF says there are established scientific links between smoking cannabis and tuberculosis, acute bronchitis and lung cancer. Cannabis has also been shown to increase chances of developing mental health problems such as schizophrenia. Part of the reason for this, say the experts, is that people smoking cannabis take deeper puffs and hold them for longer than when smoking tobacco cigarettes.

This means that someone smoking a cannabis cigarette inhales four times as much tar as from a tobacco cigarette, and five times as much carbon monoxide, the BLF says. Its survey found that young people are particularly unaware of the risks. Almost 40% of the under-35s surveyed - the age group most likely to have smoked it - thought cannabis was not harmful. However, each cannabis cigarette they smoke increases their chances of developing lung cancer by as much as an entire packet of 20 tobacco cigarettes, the BLF warned.

Its chief executive, Dame Helena Shovelton, said: "It is alarming that, while new research continues to reveal the multiple health consequences of smoking cannabis, there is still a dangerous lack of public awareness of quite how harmful this drug can be. "This is not a niche problem - cannabis is one of the most widely-used recreational drugs in the UK, with almost a third of the population having tried it. "We therefore need a serious public health campaign - of the kind that has helped raise awareness of the dangers of eating fatty foods or smoking tobacco - to finally dispel the myth that smoking cannabis is somehow a safe pastime." The BLF's report says there should be a public education programme to raise awareness of the impact of smoking cannabis and increased investment in research into the health consequences of its use.

BBC News - Health risks of cannabis 'underestimated', experts warn

Harvard University researchers have found that, in both laboratory and mouse studies, delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) cuts tumor growth in half in common lung cancer while impeding the cancer's ability to spread.

Marijuana Compound May Fight Lung Cancer - ABC News

The new study of cognitive changes caused by heavy marijuana use has found no lasting effects 28 days after quitting. Following a month of abstinence, men and women who smoked pot at least 5,000 times in their lives performed just as well on psychological tests as people who used pot sparingly or not at all, according to a report in the latest edition of the Archives of General Psychiatry.

Harvard Gazette: Study: Intelligence, cognition unaffected by heavy marijuana use

I can hardly wait to get on an airplane and notice that the pilot and copilot are both stoned.

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