Pastor stiffs waitress, waitress gets fired

I have, on more than one occasion, given ZERO tip for shitty service, i.e. SLOW, wrong order, snotty-assed server, etc. Liberals seem to think everyone is "entitled" to a reward - even if they're piss-poor performers.

Boy restaurants must suck ass where you live.

Question for the Libberhoids - how much of a tip do you leave for shitty, slow service, receiving the wrong order, being served by a snotty-assed server?

I don't go out to eat if I'm in a hurry.
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I would think that the pastor should learn that servers don't get minimum wage because of tips.

what a creep. i'm sure jesus was proud.
The original check was for a large party....over $200, and for large parties gratuities are automatically added. He knew this going in and still stiffed her.

So if the hand out was already added in how did he stiff her? My friends who are waiters say woman and asians are the worst tippers, besides black people of course.....they NEVER tip according to numerous people that I have talked to about it.
One of the things I love about Pei Wei, no waiters. I don't need anybody to wait on me, I can get up and get more water.
In my experience the most religious people are the biggest fuck wads on the planet.

Just because you're a pastor or a priest is no reason to be a dick.
I have, on more than one occasion, given ZERO tip for shitty service, i.e. SLOW, wrong order, snotty-assed server, etc. Liberals seem to think everyone is "entitled" to a reward - even if they're piss-poor performers.

Question for the Libberhoids - how much of a tip do you leave for shitty, slow service, receiving the wrong order, being served by a snotty-assed server?

I can't imagine why nobody would want to serve you
seeing as thumpers are apparently in the majority that asswipe pastor will prolly recieve a key to the city if he's in a deep red state like Oklahoma.

I used to get little brainwash Jesus pamphlets instead of cash money as tips for delivering pizza. Needless to say I wasn't in a hurry to deliver next time those types ordered.

You're a better man than I.

When I delivered pizza, those folks would often get the "special sauce."

Good for you! I never went that far. But sometimes I'd open up the box to let the pizza turn stone cold before they got it.

Folks like Warrior probably have no idea how many body fluids have been slipped in their food.
When I delivered pizza, those folks would often get the "special sauce."

Never delivered pizza - but did work in a pretty upscale eatery when I was in college. I worked in food prep. I have to admit, I jerked off in more than one Liberal's salad.

The good old days...
When I delivered pizza, those folks would often get the "special sauce."

Never delivered pizza - but did work in a pretty upscale eatery when I was in college. I worked in food prep. I have to admit, I jerked off in more than one Liberal's salad.

The good old days...

You could tell who someone voted for by what salad they ordered?
Watrisses are generly not very wealthy, and probley have a few problems relating to money. Pastors are taught to help those in need. This particular watriess may not have been very good at her job and would soon be fired on accont of that. This 'pastor' should have been helping this poor girl, perhaps giving her a bigger tip then other custemers. This pastor and all those like him do not deserve the right of teaching others the ways of God.
You could tell who someone voted for by what salad they ordered?

Why not? You idiots in this thread can tell the guy who didn't leave a tip is a Christian Pastor just because some lame-dick media outlet said so. You probably also believe John Kerry was a war hero.
According to the article she posted the full receipt with his signature on the bottom originally, and the costumer was identified, which is why she lost her job.

I just read the update but I didn't see where it was confirmed he was a Pastor. I know a few men who call themselves Pastors but have no real church. lol He might just be a cheap bastard.
You could tell who someone voted for by what salad they ordered?

Why not? You idiots in this thread can tell the guy who didn't leave a tip is a Christian Pastor just because some lame-dick media outlet said so. You probably also believe John Kerry was a war hero.

He signed it "Pastor" you ignorant red neck. Jews don't have "pastors". Muslims do not have "pastors" You can't seriously be this retarded, can you?
He signed it "Pastor" you ignorant red neck. Jews don't have "pastors". Muslims do not have "pastors" You can't seriously be this retarded, can you?

How do you know he wrote Pastor on that receipt? It could have been the fucking dishwasher in the kitchen.

Got a link that confirms he signed it Pastor, asswipe?

If not, stick a dick in your mouth and STFU
He signed it "Pastor" you ignorant red neck. Jews don't have "pastors". Muslims do not have "pastors" You can't seriously be this retarded, can you?

How do you know he wrote Pastor on that receipt? It could have been the fucking dishwasher in the kitchen.

How do I know you're a real person? You might be some computer program.

Got a link that confirms he signed it Pastor, asswipe?
How could a link possibly confirm anything? Video and audio evidence can always be doctored. Its all one big conspiracy to make Christians look bad!

If not, stick a dick in your mouth and STFU
It'd be nice if you came out of the closet and admitted to the world that you're a homosexual.

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