Firing An IG Is 'Illegal'? FLASHBACK: Barry Fired One To Protect A Sexual Predator


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"On Friday, Trump fired the inspector general of the State Department, Steve Linick. In accordance with the 2008 Inspector General Reform Act, which protects inspectors general from being fired without cause, Trump informed Congress in writing about the intent to fire Linick, expressing that he no longer had the “fullest confidence” in Linick, who was appointed to that position in 2013 by Barack Obama.

Democrats naturally have come out of the woodwork to express their faux outrage, and to launch an investigation into the firing over allegations that Trump acted to protect Pompeo.

But where were these Democrats in 2009 when Barack Obama fired the inspector general of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), Gerald Walpin?

Gerald Walpin was in the middle of an investigation when he was called by White House counsel Norman Eisen, who informed him that he had an hour to resign or be fired. This was in violation of the Reform Act, which Obama co-sponsored as a U.S. senator. Walpin refused.

After Walpin’s refusal, Obama wrote a letter to Congress, giving the following explanation: “It is vital that I have the fullest confidence in the appointees serving as Inspectors General. That is no longer the case with regard to this Inspector General.”

So Barry fired IG Walpin - a violation of the Reform Act Senator Obama co-sponsored for the same reason President Trump gave?


Remember that 'INVESTIGATION' mentioned above Walpin was conducting?

"Walpin found that Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, a former NBA basketball star and Obama supporter, gave $850,000 of AmeriCorps grant money to a nonprofit organization he founded called St. HOPE Academy. In addition to being improperly used to pay AmeriCorps volunteers for political activity, to wash his car, and to run his personal errands, Walpin also discovered that Johnson had used AmeriCorps grant money to pay hush money to underage girls, who were students at St. HOPE Academy, that he had sexually assaulted and then staged a cover-up.

Walpin called for Johnson to be criminally prosecuted. Instead, Johnson was able to get a sweetheart deal avoiding prosecution if he paid back the money. This deal was approved by Alan Solomont, a major Democratic fundraiser who was also the chairman of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS).

Walpin was furious about the deal and made it known, prompting his illegal firing."

Ya know, I don't remember the Democrats, their liberal apologist media, or snowflakes demanding Obama be held accountable for that one.....

Not only that, the dems didn't even have one when Hillary was at State. Try explaining that, along with her illegal server.
Where were the dems with all their fake outrage then?
Vacancy during Clinton tenure
Harold W. Geisel served as Acting Inspector General during Clinton's service.[1] Throughout the tenure of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (which lasted until February 1, 2013),[5] there was no permanent inspector general at the State Department, nor did President Barack Obama nominate anyone for that position while Clinton was Secretary.[6] Later in 2013, Obama nominated Steve A. Linick, and the Senate confirmed Linick to the role.

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