The ‘Islamophobia’ myth


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

The ‘Islamophobia’ myth

By Jeff Jacoby

When that provocative question appeared on the cover of Time in August, the accompanying story strained to imply, on the basis of some anecdotal evidence, that the answer might be yes. The FBI’s latest compendium of US hate-crimes data suggests far more plausibly that the answer is no.


Of course not. Even one hate crime is one too many, but in a nation of 300 million, all of the religious-based hate crimes added together amount to less than a drop in the bucket. This is not to minimize the 964 hate crimes perpetrated against Jews last year, or those carried out against Muslims (128), Catholics (55), or Protestants (40). Some of those attacks were especially shocking or destructive; all of them should be punished. But surely the most obvious takeaway from the FBI’s statistics is not that anti-religious hate crimes are so frequent in America. It is that they are so rare.

In a column a few years back, I wrote that America has been for the Jews “a safe harbor virtually without parallel.’’ It has proved much the same for Muslims. Of course there is tension and hostility sometimes. How could there not be, when America is at war with violent jihadists who have done so much harm in the name of Islam? But for American Muslims as for American Jews, the tension and hostility are the exception. America’s exemplary tolerance is the rule.

The ‘Islamophobia’ myth - The Boston Globe

Interfaith Against ‘Islamophobia’

January 30, 2013
By Ryan Mauro

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a group with Muslim Brotherhood origins, is again using its interfaith allies to accuse its opponents of being part of an anti-Muslim conspiracy. On January 15, the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Washington D.C. hosted an event about the “Islamophobia Network” that was sponsored by ISNA.


Though ISNA says it is “not now nor has it ever been subject to the control of” the Muslim Brotherhood, the U.S. government listed it in 2007 among entities “who are and/or were members of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood” in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation. In 2009, a federal judge ruled that there was “ample” evidence tying ISNA to Hamas to justify its designation as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land trial.

Internal U.S. Muslim Brotherhood documents agree with the government’s position on ISNA. A 1991 memo lists ISNA as one of “our organizations and the organizations of our friends.” It also lists the ISNA Fiqh Committee and ISNA Political Awareness Committee, as well as several other groups that ISNA calls its “constituent organizations” on its website. The memo says that the Brotherhood’s “work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within.”


For groups like ISNA, interfaith engagement is about more than healthy relationships between Muslims and non-Muslims. It is political coalition-building designed to undermine support for Israel and legitimize the Brotherhood-originated groups while delegitimizing their opposition.

Interfaith Against ?Islamophobia?
Boston Globe Instigates Robert Spencer Speech Cancelation

January 31, 2013
By Robert Spencer

While Christians face escalating persecution from Muslims in Egypt, Nigeria, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia and elsewhere, the Catholic Church temporizes, ignores the victims, and plays at “dialogue” with Islamic supremacist groups whose announced intent is to “build bridges” with non-Muslims. Such bridges are really just proselytizing mechanisms to convert them to Islam, not an attempt to engage in genuine dialogue: “The chasm between Islam and Jahiliyyah [the society of unbelievers] is great, and a bridge is not to be built across it so that the people on the two sides may mix with each other, but only so that the people of Jahiliyyah may come over to Islam.” — Sayyid Qutb, Milestones, chapter 10.

And so it was that I was scheduled to appear at a Catholic Men’s Conference in Worcester, Massachusetts on March 16, until today, when the Roman Catholic Bishop of Worcester, Robert McManus, directed that my appearance be canceled. McManus was under pressure from Islamic supremacist groups who were calling and emailing the diocese demanding that he cancel my appearance. I’ve been informed that they were asked to call the diocese and demand the cancellation by a Boston Globe reporter named Lisa J. Wangsness, who contacted me this morning and appears to have instigated the entire controversy.

This isn’t about me. Robert Spencer will eventually go away, whatever happens. Do Bishop Robert McManus and Lisa J. Wangsness, and the Roman Catholic Church and the mainstream media in general, think that when I go away, their troubles will be over? Do they think that if they make nice with Islamic supremacist groups in the U.S. that Christians will not be persecuted in Muslim countries, and that persecution will not escalate? Do they think that when all the writers and activists who are smeared as “Islamophobes” are finally silenced that a new era of peace and harmony will dawn between the West and the Muslim world?

Such an era will not dawn. When we are silenced, the troubles of the enlightened kuffar who have placed all their hopes in “dialogue” will just be beginning. But when their own turn comes, as it inevitably will, there will be no one left to speak up for them.

Here is my exchange with Lisa Wangsness of the Boston Globe:::


Boston Globe Instigates Robert Spencer Speech Cancelation
CAIR: War on Terror Is Made Up

February 20, 2013
By Ryan Mauro


The Holy Land Foundation was found guilty of financing Hamas and five of its officials were convicted. ISNA and CAIR were labeled unindicted co-conspirators in the trial and as entities that were/are part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood network. Again, they cried foul and went to court. In 2009, a federal judge upheld the labels because of “ample evidence” linking them to Hamas.

This is an ongoing campaign. ISNA has even held interfaith events about the “Islamophobia Network” in churches. In September, Hatem Bazian of American Muslims for Palestine spoke at Zaytuna, America’s first Muslim college, alongside Sheikh Hamza Yusuf and Imam Zaid Shakir.

Bazian told the students that a “military-industrial complex” is behind the “Islamophobic production industry.” He said:

Those who are working on Islamophobia, they believe that the more hatred we have of Muslims in here, the more that we have reflexive hatred of Muslims abroad, thus authorizing or making the need for military action and the death and destruction more palatable to us without having to think we are actually killing humans.

CAIR and its allies make “Islamophobia” the issue and then interfaith partners and government officials engage them to address it. By addressing it, the issue is giving more prominence and CAIR is given a bigger platform. With this platform, CAIR shouts about the “Islamophobia” of its opponents, continuing the cycle.

The FBI and the other security agencies are not guilty of “creating” a war on terror. They are not bigots that make money by persecuting innocent Muslims. This accusation should result in the isolation of CAIR and its allies, not their embrace.

CAIR: War on Terror Is Made Up
How Many Americans Has Obama Killed?

May 13, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


Three days after the tenth anniversary of September 11, left-wing activist Spencer Ackerman struck a blow for Muslim terrorism by denouncing FBI training materials as Islamophobic.

The training materials dealt with such topics as the doctrinal basis for Jihad and the origins of terrorism in Islamic law. The story spread into the mainstream media, and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, whose leaders had endorsed terrorist groups and helped raise money for terrorists, began pressuring the FBI to recant the threat of Islamic terrorism.


The new strategy said that the best way to fight Islamic terrorism was by not offending Muslims, but the Hearts and Minds campaign failed in Afghanistan and it failed in Boston. Pretending Islamic terrorism did not exist, did not make Muslims more willing to turn over terrorists. Instead it made law enforcement less aware of Muslim terrorist threats and cost the lives and limbs of Americans.

Terrorism cannot be fought in the dark. Each step that Obama took to blind law enforcement to the Muslim threat and to give terrorists every possible privilege has been paid for with American blood.

How Many Americans Has Obama Killed? | FrontPage Magazine
Democrats Push Pro-Hijab "Islamophobia" Resolution
Democrats who claim to be feminists endorse and promote the abuse of women.
December 22, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Even though the majority of religious hate crimes target Jews, the left insists that Islamophobia is a major crisis. Even the actual listing of anti-Muslim hate crimes leans heavily on "Intimidation", a dubious and subjective category.

64 out of 178 anti-Muslim hate crimes involve "Intimidation". Most of the rest are categorized as "Vandalism". Bias Intimidation is a fairly slippery and subjective category. Which is also why it's one of the more common. Less than a sixth of anti-Semitic attacks are classified as Intimidation, but over a third of anti-Muslim attacks are.

If a prosecutor is being leaned on to fight the scourge of bigotry, he'll find some crimes where he can attach Intimidation. And Intimidation is the single highest category for anti-Muslim crimes.

Here's an example of how problematic bias intimidation became in New Jersey.

Likewise, if you commit a crime under circumstances that cause any target/victim of that crime to be intimidated and he reasonably believes that the crime was done for the purpose of intimidating him due to the fact that he falls into one of the above-mentioned protected classes, you could be convicted of bias intimidation.

This was one reason why that law was overturned. Meanwhile in New York, feeding animals in a public field became a hate crime because the food was bacon and Muslims were using it.

Muslims who gathered for prayer to celebrate the end of Ramadan in a city park found bacon scattered on the ground, CBS 2’s John Slattery reported Monday.

With Ramadan ending this past weekend, Muslims celebrated the end of fasting with prayer. On Staten Island an outdoor service was held Sunday on a New Dorp football field, attracting some 1,500 Muslims.

But before most of the faithful arrived for Morning Prayer, it was discovered that someone had scattered a quantity of raw bacon on the field.

“This has been determined to be a bias event on the part of our Hate Crimes Task Force,” NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly told reporters, including WCBS 880’s Rich Lamb.

Police computer experts are trying to locate the identity of that person, whom Muslim organizers of the prayer service said was clearly trying to taunt Muslims through intimidation, like other symbols disturbing to African-Americans or Jews.

Because dumping bacon was just as intimidating as a swastika or a burning cross. That's ridiculous and insulting to Jews and African-Americans. It turned out that someone was just trying to feed bacon they couldn't eat to seagulls.

This is how silly the whole "Islamophobia" crisis is. But Democrats in Congress are going ahead anyway with a problematic resolution, as Edward Cline of Rule of Reason discusses.

Resolutions of this nature have a tendency to be reintroduced later as binding legislation to be forwarded to the Senate. The introduction of this resolution is not yet newsworthy, but it will be if it emerges intact from committee to be voted on by the whole House. One suspects that H.Res.569 was inspired by U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s promise to an audience of Muslim Advocates on December 3rd that she would spend efforts to combat and prosecute anyone guilty of anti-Muslim speech. I do not think the two-week gap between Lynch’s pronouncements and the introduction of the resolution is coincidental. It probably took two weeks to compose and fine-tune its wording.

Most of it is boilerplate stuff. "hate speech towards any United States community based on faith is in contravention of the Nation’s founding principles". That would have come as a surprise to men like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson whose views of Islam and Muslim countries were far closer to Pamela Geller than Barack Obama.


Democrats Push Pro-Hijab "Islamophobia" Resolution
"The ‘Islamophobia’ myth"

No, it is indeed real.

Most on the right in fact have an unwarranted fear of Islam, the consequence of their ignorance and bigotry.

The 'argument' that 'all Muslims' are 'terrorists,' or that Islam is a 'terrorist religion' fails as a composition fallacy, as the acts of the few are not representative of an entire class of persons.

The right's hostility toward Islam is unmitigated idiocy.
"The ‘Islamophobia’ myth"

No, it is indeed real.

Most on the right in fact have an unwarranted fear of Islam, the consequence of their ignorance and bigotry.

The 'argument' that 'all Muslims' are 'terrorists,' or that Islam is a 'terrorist religion' fails as a composition fallacy, as the acts of the few are not representative of an entire class of persons.

The right's hostility toward Islam is unmitigated idiocy.
Read the koran, see whats going on in EU, syria, and iraq. You lefties are fucked up with all your PC bull shit. You people are to stupid, stubborn and full of hate for me to explain islam's plans of world domination. You cocksuckers are suppose to be smart, again READ THE MUSLIM VERSION of the koran...

salunsky rule 5&6 used...:bye1:
If there are any more attacks by people of that faith in America I believe one has the right to be scared and more. If an attack is coordinated by a number of people on American soil that kills thousands then I think there may really be a problem.
Watch your neighbors. And ask plumbers wearing turbans be on the no-fly list.
Terror the problem, not Islamophobia


By Tarek Fatah, Toronto Sun First posted:
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

One would have hoped that after the latest Islamic terror attack in America by the husband-wife team of Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, U.S. Islamic organizations would recognize it was time to condemn "jihad" itself and to stop playing the victim card.

However, that was too much to ask.

Last year, in the face of growing ISIS-inspired jihadi terrorism, the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) along with other American Islamic organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), formed the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) that hosted a National Muslim Leadership Summit on Sunday in Washington, D.C.

ICNA is a conservative Islamic group formed in 1968 by Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi followers of the Jamaat-e-Islami in North America. Their stated goal is "to seek the pleasure of Allah "¦ (for the) establishment of the Islamic system of life as spelled out in the Qur'an and the Sunnah (sayings) of Muhammad."

ICNA states in its 2010 members' handbook, "Wherever the Islamic movement succeeds to establish true Islamic society, they will form coalition and alliances. This will lead to the unity of the Ummah (Muslim nation) and towards the establishment of the Khilafah (the Caliphate)."

Predictably, ICNA and CAIR did not invite secular or liberal Muslim American groups who are critical of the doctrine of armed jihad and Islamic Shariah as a source of public law.

Reacting to the formation of the USCMO, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, an ex-U.S. Navy officer who founded and heads the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, told Fox News:

"CAIR may condemn the acts and means of radical violent Islamists, but no one should be fooled for a moment that CAIR's singular fixation (is) on stoking the flames and raising funds off the exaggerated narrative that Muslims are under siege by 'bigoted Americans' "¦ They are feeding the global movement against America."

(CAIR says its "formula on terrorism is simple and comprehensive: CAIR condemns terrorism whenever it happens, whoever commits it" and is a "natural enemy of violent extremists.")


Terror the problem, not Islamophobia
Progressive “Thought-Blockers”: Islamophobia
A deadly belief-system.
December 30, 2015
Bruce Thornton

A few days before the San Bernardino shootings, President Obama reacted to Donald Trump’s proposal to bar Muslims entry into the U.S. by saying, “It is the responsibility of all Americans––of every faith––to reject discrimination. It is our responsibility to reject religious tests on who we admit into this country . . . Muslim Americans are our friends and our neighbors, our co-workers, our sports heroes.” Attorney General Loretta Lynch went even further. In an address at the Muslim Advocates dinner, she commented,

“Now obviously this is a country that is based on free speech, but when it edges towards violence, when we see the potential for someone . . . lifting that mantle of anti-Muslim rhetoric, or, as we saw after 9/11, violence against individuals who may not even be Muslims but may be perceived to be Muslims . . . When we see that, we will take action”––or as she warns, “They will be prosecuted.”

How is that Muslims have become “snowflakes” like those pampered college students so traumatized by opposing points of view that they need “safe spaces” from speech they don’t like, and demand scrapping the First Amendment? For an answer, look to another progressive “thought-blocker,” “Islamophobia.”

This made-up thought-crime is not a response to an epidemic of Muslim persecution in America. Sixty percent of anti-religious hate crimes are directed at Jews, not Muslims. Nor is it penance for historical crimes committed by Christians and Jews against Muslims, whether those are imperialism, colonialism, or Israel’s defense of its nation against incessant violence. Islam’s record of slaughter, enslavement, and occupation far eclipses that of the West.

Rather, “Islamophobia” is the product of peculiarly modern bad ideas. It surfaced in 1997 in a report by a British think-tank, the Runnymede Trust. The purpose was to explain the social dysfunctions and problems of British Muslims, which were laid at the feet of “anti-Islamic bias” that encouraged discrimination, hate crimes against Muslims, and distortions of Islam in the media and popular culture. In 2004 the Commission on British Muslims and Islamophobia––notice how the name begs the question––concluded that England was “institutionally Islamophobic.” Facts of illiberal Muslim behavior such as its unequal treatment of women, intolerance of other faiths, and radical mosques preaching intolerance and jihad were ignored.

So where does “Islamophobia” come from? Start with the suffix “phobia,” from the Greek word for “fear.” This is a vaguely Freudian psychological idea referring to an irrational fear that reflects not reality but repression of unsavory or frightening impulses. After all, fearing a dangerous black widow spider is not irrational. Fearing a harmless brown recluse is. The suffix as used in other ideological smears like “homophobia” or “xenophobia” always implies that the fear is baseless, and has more to do with irrational neuroses and bigotry than genuine threats. “Islamophobia,” then, begs a huge question, for it is perfectly rational to fear a danger like terrorist violence justified by religious doctrine.


“Islamophobia” blocks clear thinking. It ignores the traditional Islamic motives that drive jihadists, trivializing them into wayward teens who “act out” because their self-esteem has been damaged by insensitive adults, and who merely need their self-esteem boosted by recognition of how wonderful their religion and culture are. A foreign policy based on such pop-psychological superstitions is one doomed to fail.

Progressive “Thought-Blockers”: Islamophobia
"The ‘Islamophobia’ myth"

No, it is indeed real.

Most on the right in fact have an unwarranted fear of Islam, the consequence of their ignorance and bigotry.

The 'argument' that 'all Muslims' are 'terrorists,' or that Islam is a 'terrorist religion' fails as a composition fallacy, as the acts of the few are not representative of an entire class of persons.

The right's hostility toward Islam is unmitigated idiocy.

The world is realizing what the lack of understanding of Islam is causing in their countries. Phobia has nothing to do with it. America doesn't want a Muslim invasion for a reason. And it's not ignorance. It is the nightly news. Beheadings insult everyone. "Death to Americans" pisses us off. Islamodisgust more accurately describes the situation. We don't fear them, we abhor their activities.
Muslim Murderers and Christian Victims in Nigeria
While the Left screams about 'Islamophobia' in America, Christians face martyrdom in Islamic lands.
January 8, 2016
Jack Kerwick


As the self-appointed guardians of all that is virtuous and just incessantly berate as “Islamophobic” their compatriots who entertain second thoughts about importing Islamic culture into the West, these same self-avowed agents of “tolerance” utter not a peep regarding the murderous persecution to which Christians and other religious minorities are daily subjected throughout the Islamic world (and beyond).

Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is one organization that exists to raise awareness of this crisis.

In at least 50 countries around the globe, Christians suffer “severe” oppression. Most of these countries—about 80%--have near exclusively Muslim majority populations.

Take, for example, “Amina.” Amina is a Nigerian woman who, in 2011, was staying with her friend “Charity” and the latter’s children when their village was besieged by Islamic militants firing guns.

Charity was ill and Amina was nearly seven months pregnant when the militants began raining down gunfire. Since their home was surrounded by a “high wall,” the women lead the children out of the house toward the back and helped them climb over it. Unfortunately, however, given their own respective conditions, neither Charity nor Amina were capable of climbing the wall themselves.

“I was six months then, going on seven, and my stomach was big,” Amina recalls. She proceeded to search out a room in which to hide when she took a bullet to her leg.

Her sick friend dragged Amina into the house and found her a hiding space before finding one herself.

Yet to no avail. Amina’s gun wound left a trail of blood that her Muslim assailants were able to track easily enough once they overcame the compound. Kicking in the door to the room in which she was hiding, they began to attack poor Amina with….machetes.

They attacked her with machetes.

Let this sink in: American leftists are apoplectic over the prospect of halting Islamic immigration to the United States, say, or—God forbid!—the expectation that “moderate” Muslims should denounce Islamic terror.

In glaring contrast, these same social justice warriors say nothing about the phenomenon of pregnant Christian women being awaken in the dead of night and butchered by machete and gun-wielding Muslim men.

Amina’s tormentors didn’t finish her off. They left her for dead and proceeded to rampage through the rest of the village. Charity found Amina in a pool of her own blood and tried to get her medical attention.


Muslim Murderers and Christian Victims in Nigeria
We Don't Need Another Lecture on Islamophobia
March 22, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Every Muslim terror attack plays out the same way.

1. Shocked reporting from the scene

2. Politicians issuing statements of sympathy while claiming that Islamic "terrorism has no religion"

3. Lectures on "marginalized youth", lack of hope, Islamophobia, our foreign policy and other efforts to explain why the victims had it coming and the terrorists are the real victims.

It doesn't matter where it happens. America. Europe. Canada. Israel. Australia. India. Mars. The same pattern remorselessly plays out.


We Don't Need Another Lecture on Islamophobia
Reza Aslan: Trump Is Popular Because of 'Islamophobia'

Not because of, you know, jihad terror or anything like that.
April 12, 2016
Robert Spencer

In an adulatory Los Angeles Times interview last Friday, Leftist media darling Reza Aslan asserts that Donald Trump’s popularity reveals that “a large swath of us [is] xenophobic, racist and Islamophobic. And we pretend that we’re not. And now it’s out in the open and can’t be ignored any longer.” He has, of course, nothing to say about the possibility that Trump’s supporters could be favoring their candidate because of his apparently strong stance against jihad terror attacks and the endless threats of mass murder and destruction from the Islamic State.

Nor does the Times interviewer, Gina Piccalo, challenge Aslan on this or other highly questionable statements; on the contrary, she fawns over him, writing: “Muslim religious scholar Reza Aslan is Internet famous for keeping his cool. The Iranian American author of the 2013 bestseller ‘Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth’ once confronted a relentless Fox News anchor with such unflappable poise, it made him a viral sensation.”

In reality, Aslan confronted the relentless Fox News anchor by lying repeatedly about his credentials. And in other corners of the Internet, he is not famous for keeping his cool, but for losing it, slinging frenzied abuse at those he hates and, when confronted and exposed about it, claiming risibly that his adolescent insults were automated.

The adulation that Gina Piccalo and the mainstream media in general heap upon Reza Aslan is a singular demonstration of how superficial and biased the mainstream really is. For Aslan is no scholar, and if he were not a Muslim and a Leftist, his frequent howling errors of fact would have consigned him to media oblivion long ago. No non-Muslim conservative would ever have become a media star making the errors Aslan has made and behaving the way he has. He has made the ridiculous claim that the idea of resurrection “simply doesn’t exist in Judaism,” despite numerous passages to the contrary in the Hebrew Scriptures. He has also referred to “the reincarnation, which Christianity talks about” — although he later claimed that one was a “typo.” In yet another howler he later insisted was a “typo,” he claimed that the Biblical story of Noah was barely four verses long — which he then corrected to forty, but that was wrong again, as it is 89 verses long.

Aslan claimed that the “founding philosophy of the Jesuits” was “the preferential option for the poor,” when in reality, that phrase wasn’t even coined until 1968. He called Turkey the second most populous Muslim country, when it is actually the eighth most populous Muslim country. He thinks Pope Pius XI, who issued the anti-fascist encyclical Mit Brennender Sorge, was a fascist. He thinks Marx and Freud “gave birth to the Enlightenment,” when it ended in the late 18th century, before either of them were born. He claims that “the very first thing that Muhammad did was outlaw slavery,” when in fact Muhammad bought slaves, took female captives as sex slaves, and owned slaves until his death. He thinks Ethiopia and Eritrea are in Central Africa.

A “renowned religious scholar” such as Reza Aslan should not make such elementary mistakes. But this is, of course, the man who writes “than” for “then”; apparently thinks the Latin word “et” is an abbreviation; and writes “clown’s” for “clowns.”


Reza Aslan: Trump Is Popular Because of 'Islamophobia'
Islamophobia Forum Features Panelists Linked to Terror and Bigotry
Event speaker claims homosexuals caused 2004 Indonesian tsunami.
May 20, 2016
Joe Kaufman

This month, the Muslim Students Association (MSA) at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) will be sponsoring a panel discussion about Islamophobia. Islamophobia is a modern-day term used mainly by Islamists to describe an unwarranted fear or hatred of Islam and/or Muslims and a term also used by the like to, more appropriately, shut down any conversation about the radical element found within the Muslim community. Not surprisingly, the majority of the event’s panel is made up of those linked to terrorism and bigotry, themselves.

The title of the forum, which is scheduled to take place at FAU in Boca Raton, on May 23rd, is ‘ISLAMOPHOBIA, Voices from the Muslim Community.’ The flyer for the event displays the photos of five panelists, at least three of which have known ties to terrorism. They are Maulana Shafayat Mohamed, the imam of the Darul Uloom mosque, located in Pembroke Pines, Florida; Wilfredo Amr Ruiz, the legal counsel for the Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR); and Bassem Abdo Alhalabi (al-Halabi), an Associate Professor at FAU.

Shafayat Mohamed is the imam at Darul Uloom. He founded it in October 1994. Since then, it has become a haven for al-Qaeda associates. “Dirty Bomber” Jose Padilla was a student at Darul Uloom. Now-deceased al-Qaeda Global Operations Chief Adnan el-Shukrijumah was a prayer leader there. And Darul Uloom Arabic teacher Imran Mandhai, Hakki Aksoy and Shueyb Mossa Jokhan hatched an operation at the mosque to blow up different structures, including area power stations, Jewish businesses, and a National Guard armory.

Shafayat Mohamed, himself, has been thrown off a number of boards in Broward County due to his outspokenness against homosexuals. In February 2005, an article written by him was published on the Darul Uloom website, entitled ‘Tsunami: Wrath of God.’ In it, he claims that gay sex caused the 2004 Indonesian tsunami. Shafayat Mohamed’s article doesn’t just target homosexuals. It also attacks Jews and Christians. In the piece, he claims that most Jews and Christians, whom he refers to as “People of the Book,” are “perverted transgressors.”

Another of the Islamophobia forum participants is Wilfredo Ruiz. Ruiz is the attorney for CAIR-Florida.


Islamophobia Forum Features Panelists Linked to Terror and Bigotry

Forum List
