pardon me ..

"Obviously, given the constant shuffle of attorneys in and out of the president's legal team, one would be reticent to focus a significant portion of your practice on representing the president, only to find yourself on the sidelines a short time later because the president saw someone he liked better on Fox News," said Barry Boss, Cozen O'Connor's criminal defense and internal investigations practice co-chair, in an email. "There is also definitely a stigma to being linked to this president," added Boss, who leads Cozen's D.C. office. "[A]ny attorney is going to consider whether a connection to this case will result in other clients not wanting to hire him or her in the future, especially if the representation of the president is going to be short-lived."

Let's hope Obama appointees and establishment RINO's feel the same way. Maybe the swamp will be drained sooner rather than later.

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