Trump Shatters An Obama Debt Record


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
The US needs to borrow almost $300 billion this week

The United States plans to sell about $294 billion of debt, according to the Treasury Department. That's the highest for a week since the record set during the 2008 financial crisis.

I bet when Trump said he was going to undo everything Obama accomplished, the rubes didn't know Trump meant he was going to outspend Obama.

Trump is a YUGE spender. Now he has to borrow $300 billion this week to cover his spending.

Not even Obama had to borrow that much in one week.

And that money has to be borrowed from our enemies. Enemies like China.

The United States ran a $215 billion deficit in February, the biggest in six years. The annual budget deficit could exceed $1 trillion as soon as next year, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. The fiscal watchdog group recently warned that interest payments on US debt alone could quadruple to $1.05 trillion by 2028 if current policies stay in effect.


What can I say? I hate being Number Two!
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We're not even in a financial crisis, but Trump is borrowing as if we are. He is more Keynesian than Keynes!
Not yet, but he's off and running. 5% growth sustainable? LOL. In the 90s I thought we'd reached econ heaven with little inflation and consistent 3%. Recently 2% and absolutely no inflation wasn't bad, imo, but there was no wage-push. We may have LOTS of wage push soon.
The US needs to borrow almost $300 billion this week

The United States plans to sell about $294 billion of debt, according to the Treasury Department. That's the highest for a week since the record set during the 2008 financial crisis.

I bet when Trump said he was going to undo everything Obama accomplished, the rubes didn't know Trump meant he was going to outspend Obama.

Trump is a YUGE spender. Now he has to borrow $300 billion this week to cover his spending.

Not even Obama had to borrow that much in one week.

And that money has to be borrowed from our enemies. Enemies like China.

The United States ran a $215 billion deficit in February, the biggest in six years. The annual budget deficit could exceed $1 trillion as soon as next year, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. The fiscal watchdog group recently warned that interest payments on US debt alone could quadruple to $1.05 trillion by 2028 if current policies stay in effect.


What can I say? I hate being Number Two!
why should anybody be surprised....the GOP are nortorious for high deficits.....its only when democrats get into office that these bastards give a damn.
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The Republicans have ACCELERATED deficit spending since taking power.

The federal debt is the biggest threat to America and our future.

Not Mexicans. Not Muslims. Not even guns.
"Shatters"? Is that a political term? What did we get for Hussein's record spending? Cash for clunkers, a golden parachute for bankrupt solar companies and a lame promise to "wean America off fossil fuel" while the economy remained stagnant for eight years and our enemies became more powerful.
Suddenly Liberals care about the debt. lol
Suddenly, the tea party and conservatives don't give a damn about debt? It was you motherfuckers who for the last 8 years hounded liberals on debt spending, even shut down the you bastards don't give a fuck? Kiss my ass
Suddenly Liberals care about the debt. lol
Is that all you have? :lol:

From you and the other pseudocons' silent consent, and your tu quoques and red herrings and straw men fallacies, it is blazingly obvious none of you ever actually gave a fuck about the debt.
"Shatters"? Is that a political term? What did we get for Hussein's record spending? Cash for clunkers, a golden parachute for bankrupt solar companies and a lame promise to "wean America off fossil fuel" while the economy remained stagnant for eight years and our enemies became more powerful.
LOLOL....okay, name one motherfuckin thing Trump has done for ya? And our enemies getting powerful????? Your gotdamned president has gave every enemy of our nation a FUCK US WHILE I'M IN OFFICE PASS.....get the fuck outta here and choke on his sperm
Suddenly Liberals care about the debt. lol
Is that all you have? :lol:

From you and the other pseudocons' silent consent, and your tu quoques and red herrings and straw men fallacies, it is blazingly obvious none of you ever actually gave a fuck about the debt.
They don't give a fuck about the debt, Putin, communism, our constitution, nothing.....that is until a democrat gets into office.
"Shatters"? Is that a political term? What did we get for Hussein's record spending? Cash for clunkers, a golden parachute for bankrupt solar companies and a lame promise to "wean America off fossil fuel" while the economy remained stagnant for eight years and our enemies became more powerful.
Stagnant for eight years, eh? In what alternative universe have you been living?

Is that all you have? Tu quoques, red herrings, and straw men?

Not one critical word about Trump and the Republicans ACCELERATING deficit spending. Why am I not the least surprised at your brazen hypocrisy?
Suddenly Liberals care about the debt. lol
The difference in philosophy was simple. Liberals borrow money to build infrastructure. Conservatives borrow money to pay this months bills., What used to be an insult is actually a responsible characteristic.

It's said, liberals are tax and spenders. Which means the spending is paid for.
Conservatives want to cut taxes, yet still spend more, so they have to borrow. So their spending isn't paid for. So they say to cover their debt. That deficits don't matter.
Democrats: Tax and spend

Republicans: Borrow and spend
Suddenly Liberals care about the debt. lol
Is that all you have? :lol:

From you and the other pseudocons' silent consent, and your tu quoques and red herrings and straw men fallacies, it is blazingly obvious none of you ever actually gave a fuck about the debt.

That's quite some bob-and-weave regarding the debt.

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