Palin says media easier on Kennedy because of class.

btw: My support and vote for Obama had absolutely nothing to do with being fed up with white men. Perhaps it did for you, but to assume that is a majority mindset is a bit spurious, if not arrogant.
btw: My support and vote for Obama had absolutely nothing to do with being fed up with white men. Perhaps it did for you, but to assume that is a majority mindset is a bit spurious, if not arrogant.
Why are you misstating what I said?
not significantly higher than the African American vote for Kerry or Gore.

The major difference here was actually in the middle... libertarians and moderates.

I mean the democratic primaries.
Why are you misstating what I said?

You suggested that people voted for Obama because...

The Republicans have made people fed up with white men.

Presumably the people you refer to voted for Obama.

btw: My support and vote for Obama had absolutely nothing to do with being fed up with white men. Perhaps it did for you, but to assume that is a majority mindset is a bit spurious, if not arrogant.

Where is the misstatement?
To be honest the media has been attacking Kennedy about her being the senator from NY. But she is just going for Senator if Palin was going for Senator no one would have mind most of what she was saying. But when you are just one step away from being president you need to be more mindful of what you say and how you say it.

Yet you don't have a problem voting for an idiot that stated that he had visited 57 states so far, had plans of going to another tomorrow but wasn't going to Alaska or Hawaii because his handlers wouldn't let them. Your new President dickhead thinks we have 60 states! No problem with that? Plenty of other incredibly stupid things said by the community organizer and the stooge from the Senate that voted against the Alaska Pipeline as his first dumb ass vote in the Senate........ you lib clowns really know how to pick them. Why should it bother you anyway, the Democrat party has nothing but imbeciles elected to office, it's almost like the idiots that put them in office don't want anyone more intelligent than they are. Pathetic.
Palin got more scrutiny because she was in an election for national office. Kennedy is not in an election, nor is it for a national office. If anything, Palin *should* have gotten more scrutiny because its a more important position. Palin was running to represent millions upon millions more people than Kennedy. Those aspiring to represent 50 states should get more scrutiny than those aspiring to represent 1 state.

This makes less sense than a hypothetical situation where McCain complains that Mark Warner got less media scrutiny in their respective 2008 elections.
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I was talking about in the democratic primaries, not the general.

I don't care elvis, your opinions are pathetic and meaningless, I'll make it a point to skip over them. You libs are just a bunch of lemmings following each other mindlessly off a cliff........ shouldn't be allowed to vote, to damn ignorant.
Where is the misstatement?
Saying that I thought you voted for Obama because he's black or that I voted for Obama because he's black. Do you actually read my posts or do you just ASSUME everything?

It is naive of you to think Americans aren't sheep to a certain extent and don't vote for superficial reasons...and it isn't any more arrogant of me to say being black was beneficial this time around than it was of you thinking being black was detrimental.
Palin got more scrutiny because she was in an election for national office. Kennedy is not in an election, nor is it for a national office. If anything, Palin *should* have gotten more scrutiny because its a more important position. Palin was running to represent millions upon millions more people than Kennedy. Those aspiring to represent 50 states should get more scrutiny than those aspiring to represent 1 state.

This makes less sense than a hypothetical situation where McCain complains that Mark Warner got less media scrutiny in their respective 2008 elections.

It hasn't anything to do with class per se. It does have to do with the fact that she is an Eastern left winger. And the talking heads that Gave Palin Grief are also mostly Eaetern lefties.
it isn't any more arrogant of me to say being black was beneficial this time around than it was of you thinking being black was detrimental.

Right, because blacks have always been exalted throughout American history. How silly of me to forget. :cuckoo:
Manifold what does one hundred years ago or fifty years ago have to do with the Election 2 months ago? Frankly, being black (sort of) was a tremendous help to Obama. It would not have been so 10 years ago. I suspect more than a few Obama votes were cast by people hoping once and for all to bury all the racist cholesterol that's been clogging the nations arteries for the last 150 years.
Manifold what does one hundred years ago or fifty years ago have to do with the Election 2 months ago? Frankly, being black (sort of) was a tremendous help to Obama. It would not have been so 10 years ago. I suspect more than a few Obama votes were cast by people hoping once and for all to bury all the racist cholesterol that's been clogging the nations arteries for the last 150 years.

Obama is not black.

He's beige.
Saying that I thought you voted for Obama because he's black or that I voted for Obama because he's black.

So what, we don't count as "people?"

Do you actually read my posts or do you just ASSUME everything?

I've read them all and you opemlu admit to thinking Obama's ethnicity gave him an advantage. I don't have to assume anything. You've made the same retarded claim multiple times.

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