Palestine 101

Yes, but they are all Zionist.

And I like the accuracy of the term.

So you will have no problem in defining what you mean by Zionism in your own words, what defines a Zionist action in your eyes ?

Nope. i won't.

I like the classical definitions found in all dictionaries.

I also like the one proffered by the UN when it equated:
Zionism = Racism.

Wish that one had stood, and maybe it will be reinstated one day. At least I am sure that will be the judgment of history.

Zionism = Racism
Although amity does seem to be one of those who try to be neutral here, I have found that when you post a lengthy post and punch a lot of holes in her post, she will do the ole, 'duck and dodge'. Do not expect her to actually respond fully to any well thought out and multi faceted rebuttal to anything she posts here. She will just either ignore it or start another thread.

Amity, sure your video could be called "accurate" as it contains a lot of factual information but as pointed out, the presentation is grossly without any timeline and therefore clearly distorts the context.

Teddyearp, I can't think WHERE you got the idea that I am neutral.

I am NOT neutral. I am pro-Palestinian.

I think what you are responding to is simply that I do meticulously source all my statements AND I try not to bring discredit on the cause I espouse by hurling TOO much ridiculous invective. I try to make use of a reasonably good mind to build a case rather than just hate.
I suppose in some eyes that might make me look "neutral."

And the reason I just post another thread rather than arguing with certain responses is that I can't be bothered to try to parse anything with a bunch of racism and Islamophobia in it. There are so many wonderful sources and so many good things to post I just move on and post something else. I don't really think anyone reads the backside of threads once they descend into ridiculous assertions of "Islamonazi!" etc. We've all got better things to do and time is limited. So I am just grateful for the bump and move on to the next post.
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Yes, but they are all Zionist.

And I like the accuracy of the term.

So you will have no problem in defining what you mean by Zionism in your own words, what defines a Zionist action in your eyes ?

Nope. i won't.

I like the classical definitions found in all dictionaries.

I also like the one proffered by the UN when it equated:
Zionism = Racism.

Wish that one had stood, and maybe it will be reinstated one day. At least I am sure that will be the judgment of history.

Zionism = Racism
Screw the UN. UN = Terrorist Supporters.
That IS the world community you are condemning, Hossfly.

If Israel can't at the very least align itself with world opinion, it is doomed.
Because the world nations no longer consist of racist white supremacist colonialists like they did back in 1948??
You maybe talk about Pleshet which by the way is the HEBREW name for the Greece-native who lived in Israel back in those times, they are not related to the Palestinians by genetic or by any other form of connection even some Palestinians claim there is a connection I see nothing but a poor attempt to tie one as for Abraham was the first to make claim on Hebron in the bible(Old Testament) estimated 900 years before the very first note about Pleshet..but since we believe we are all descendants of Abraham the Jewish culture base the connection on Jacob when the exile of Egypt ended by recapturing of the promised land Israel.

' I (rosie) am not the person making the claim that the
people who today call themselves "Palestinians" are related to the
people who jews used to called Philistines or pleshet-----nor am I suggesting that they are "descended from ancient jews"-----I have correctly stated
that they share genes with all the people of the LEVANT ----as do jews.
The Philistines ----are no longer extant-----they probably all left----
they were a small nation and sea faring-----Philistia was a kind of colony of
Aegeans living around ASHDOD. Greeks also colonized Syria-----Antiochus
was greek. LOTS of Syrians have greek background way back there Due to
the fact that there were greeks -----in the middle east------a greek historian
named the whole aree for them-----ie for the PLESHTET----He named the
whole area PALESTINA ---Syria, Lebanon,, Israel/Judea--todays JORDAN---
I think even parts of Iraq and Egypt------600 BC. About 100 AD the romans used
the name PALESTINA for Israel/Judea--------all of this stuff has Aenmity confused---
she seems to imagine a nation called "Palestine" which developed and resided
in Israel/Judea-------instead of jews for the past 10,000 years----speaking their
native tongue------Arabic She even thinks she PROVED this fascinating theory

Another very interesting fact is the Arabic of the Palestinians which is incomplete as they share words with all versions of Arabic they also lack a massive dictionary, unlike the Ottoman which considered as brilliant mathematical minds and poetry, Palestinians never seem to be involved at all before 1900.
I believe the origins of the Palestinians are basically nomad tribes as for Israel located in a great strategically point connecting Africa,Asia,Middle Terrian sea and India.
French and GB was seeking control over that point and during WW2 most of those nomads caught between, there are also Badduis tribes in Israel, they posses great knowledge about the desert as they are used to travel all the time, it is offensive to address Baddui as Palestinian since they are very proud of their culture yet Palestinians and Badduis look pretty much the same and share the same language, except for the culture difference I assume some are just pure nomads (Baddui) they also never strive for land nor country, the Palestinians does.

Dan----the stuff I read involves analysis of the language of the Bedouins (and
their customs and practices) -----done by anthropologists. Analysis of language
and customs and practices and---interestingly "child rearing practices" are
actually more accurate in following a civilization around than genes. No doubt---
the Bedouins are largely FROM ARABIA----they wandered in---nomads. As to owning
land----they no more own land than do bands of gypsies who camped
out on the shores of rivers of the British isles-----who btw---never attained
property rights
ISLAMONAZI LIES AND BLOOD LIBELS. History according to the Ottomans says that Palestine was devoid of arab muslim life before 1880

Israel reuses household water, they don't waste water. Israel also desalinizes water and sells surplus to palestinians.

So can you find a source to dispute this film on the point that illegal Israeli settlers hog 3 times as much water as Palestinians are left with, despite being only 10% of the population?

Besides, why do they have any right to sell Palestinians THEIR OWN WATER?

In the land of canaan>> Israel/Judea>>>>Palestine----in fact thruout the middle
east-------the person who OWNS water is the person who dug the well or in more
modern times----the person who DESALINATES IT Sheesh Aemnity-----
remember Omar Shariff-------(? I think it was omar) shooting some poor
thirsty guy in the head for trying to get a cupful of water from his well out there
in the Arabian desert? -----it was an arab he shot

I was born in the USA----and I PAY FOR WATER----the water that is right under my
own feet-------and I own land in the USA (well---measured in feet----not even dunams)
Israel reuses household water, they don't waste water. Israel also desalinizes water and sells surplus to palestinians.

So can you find a source to dispute this film on the point that illegal Israeli settlers hog 3 times as much water as Palestinians are left with, despite being only 10% of the population?

Besides, why do they have any right to sell Palestinians THEIR OWN WATER?

In the land of canaan>> Israel/Judea>>>>Palestine----in fact thruout the middle
east-------the person who OWNS water is the person who dug the well or in more
modern times----the person who DESALINATES IT Sheesh Aemnity-----
remember Omar Shariff-------(? I think it was omar) shooting some poor
thirsty guy in the head for trying to get a cupful of water from his well out there
in the Arabian desert? -----it was an arab he shot

I was born in the USA----and I PAY FOR WATER----the water that is right under my
own feet-------and I own land in the USA (well---measured in feet----not even dunams)

WB enjoys more rainfall than London but so much is wasted with poor pipes and lack of proper sewage disposal that eventually fouls the wells.
Palestinians are not without water, they just don't know how to manage their water properly.

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