Palestine 101

Palestinian's didn't occupy those lands, they are the indigenous population in that area.

The West Bank was never given to Israel and they have no clear title to that land. Palestinian's do.

oh gee-----are you rejecting the latest in islamo Nazi propaganda>>>
"jews and Palestinians are THE SAME PEOPLE"?????

NO FAR FROM IT, it starts the history of the area after WW2 when it started 40 years earlier before WW1. When the allied powers asked the arab muslim and Jewish inhabitants to help them against the axis powers of Germany and Turkey. In return they promised to carve up the land won in WW1 into new countries with indigenous rulers. The hashemites wanted two nations so the allies took part of the land they had promised the Jews and made it trans Jordan. Then they created Syria and Iraq in Palestine leaving less than 10% of the land for the JEWISH NATIONAL HOME the arab muslims started a series of civil wars and massacres of the Jews in the hope that they would be driven out or killed. They failed as the Jews had armed trained men by this time who had fought with the British against the Turks and fought back. So at the end of the day it is the arab muslims that are and have always been the aggressors and deserve all they get.
First of all the reason I mentioned the six days war is because when Iran aims for nuclear missiles, it is my goddamn business to know they won't make it as they aim to kill me,
Iran hasn't attacked anyone in over 200 years. And to date, no one has provided any evidence their nuclear program has been weaponized. And no, you do not have a right to know what sovereign nations do within their own territorial borders.

I deserve to live under nobody mercy, but as a human being, sadly the people of Gaza chose Hamas knowing they are Terrorists, Helping a murderer make you as guilty as the murderer and so about Hamas and the Gazans people,
And when Hamas does street improvements by erecting light poles along a Gazan road and the IDF comes around later and shoots out the lamps at the top, who's the terrorist there? When Gazans are getting shot at while they try to fish and farm, who's the terrorist there? When the Israeli's blow away Palestinian kids playing soccer, who's the terrorist there?

and right now I hear the interceptions of Iron Dome above my home, does Hamas give a damn about my rights to live in safety?
The rockets are in response to the occupation, which started 37 years before the first rocket was fired.

and for the last time this is a fact, Palestinians have zero rights to live in those lands by international law since they occupied those land after the Ottoman Empire fallen, which means they were illegal in the first place as much as the Israeli settlements which by the way is a nation declared and accepted by the U.N. that under security measures decided to manage the West Bank along side with the illegal Palestinians within.
Not according to UN resolution 242.
This is what I mean when I say Zionist:
Zionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is a legit term and far more accurate identification of the historic ideology and movement than "Jews" or "Israelis."
Jews aren't responsible for the acts of the Zionist minority. Even Israelis can't be blamed for much of what Zionism is doing/has done without their knowledge or consent.

From your link we get this

Zionism (Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת, translit. Tsiyonut) is the national movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the creation of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the Land of Israel.

So what do you believe the term means, tell the board in your own words what you see as defining Zionism ?
This is what I mean when I say Zionist:
]Zionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is a legit term and far more accurate identification of the historic ideology and movement than "Jews" or "Israelis."
Jews aren't responsible for the acts of the Zionist minority. Even Israelis can't be blamed for much of what Zionism is doing/has done without their knowledge or consent.
There is a little confusion so I assumed so, My bad, about Zionism:
It is pretty much a term as "Conservative" or "Liberian" which can be changed by each persona or group, this word has been altered from Hebrew and has several meanings there are also different groups who called themselves Zionists and they are different as the sun and the moon differs although both are stars.

Don't be fooled by this poster they are nothing but PRO TERRORIST ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS LIAR. they never give a straight answer and will refer to wiki as if it explains it all.
Okie I've seen the entire video and here what isn't accurate about it:
1."Over the years wars were fought with Israel but Israel won taking control of Palestinian land" - Palestinian never owned the land of Israel and basically are nomads, they've refused to accept any land from the U.N. and never declared as a state.
Yes, Palestinians most definitely "owned" the land as surely as the indigenous black population "owned" South Africa. And this is going to end about like that ended, too. Palestinians are overwhelming NOT bedouin, and have lived on that land for millenia.
2."There wasn't a peace since.." - Israel returned conquered Sinai to Egypt and signed a peace agreement, Israel also made peace with Jordan and now in a close security cooperation and mutual share of the Kineret (Israel main source of water), Israel and South Lebanon Army used to work together fighting Terrorists, Lebanon broke it nesting Hezbollah and Iranian organizations which led to war eventually.
And when exactly was the peace you are referring to? The Zionist poster I saw said "Israel: 65 years and never a day of peace." Was that just because they wanted money?

Wow, I would LOVE to see a source for that. Non-Jewish settlers? What would be the point. Seriously, if you have a source for any of the above groups constituting a portion of settlers please let me know.
Oh, but they DO pay taxes. Remember that tax revolt a few years back? It resulted in the Israeli military bursting into houses and confiscating multiple millions of dollars of property, watches wedding rings, etc. You didn't hear about that? Yes, the people of the West Bank do have to pay taxes. And the only definition by which the West Bankers are illegally there would be the Zionist, which refuses to issue building permits to Arabs, forcing them to build without permits, or live in the open air. Then of course the buildings are demolished without due process, and they have to rebuild them.
The settlements are 100% illegal under international law, never saw anyone say otherwise. Even the U.S. says they are illegal under international law and condemns them.
Yes, settlements are armed to the teeth and always have been, which of course leads to a lot of violence.
Israel does NOT provide basic services. They are taking the ground water, which obviously belongs to Palestinians, and diverting the rivers and streams to provide water to their own settlers. Then they divert the settlements raw sewage down onto Palestinian villages below.
8.I Got lazy quoting that bullshit, the checkpoints are critical for Israel security as they provide control over terrorists, firearms, drugs, stolen goods, and everything else, 20 minutes driving from Jerusalem you must set some kind of security, and this is fully legal by international law(also forced) and just another note that Palestinians get working/visiting/praying permits unless they are related to terrorists.
"Critical," huh? I am going to post a recent Israeli video which shows clearly that the checkpoints are about messing with Palestinians and trying to drive them out.
Anyway I don't want to go on with this, a one sided video like this can be made in one hour but it set so many questions and information that pretty much present the other side as a cruel sick monster which you won't even like to ask.
This kind of Science-Fiction is played in kindergartens in Gaza and breeds hatred, its great you are open minded but try to judge subjectively and not objectively.
No, I will stand by it as accurate, Israel has become a cruel, sick monster.

ISLAMONAZI LIES AND BLOOD LIBELS. History according to the Ottomans says that Palestine was devoid of arab muslim life before 1880
Okie I've seen the entire video and here what isn't accurate about it:
1."Over the years wars were fought with Israel but Israel won taking control of Palestinian land" - Palestinian never owned the land of Israel and basically are nomads, they've refused to accept any land from the U.N. and never declared as a state.
Yes, Palestinians most definitely "owned" the land as surely as the indigenous black population "owned" South Africa. And this is going to end about like that ended, too. Palestinians are overwhelming NOT bedouin, and have lived on that land for millenia.
And when exactly was the peace you are referring to? The Zionist poster I saw said "Israel: 65 years and never a day of peace." Was that just because they wanted money?

Wow, I would LOVE to see a source for that. Non-Jewish settlers? What would be the point. Seriously, if you have a source for any of the above groups constituting a portion of settlers please let me know.
Oh, but they DO pay taxes. Remember that tax revolt a few years back? It resulted in the Israeli military bursting into houses and confiscating multiple millions of dollars of property, watches wedding rings, etc. You didn't hear about that? Yes, the people of the West Bank do have to pay taxes. And the only definition by which the West Bankers are illegally there would be the Zionist, which refuses to issue building permits to Arabs, forcing them to build without permits, or live in the open air. Then of course the buildings are demolished without due process, and they have to rebuild them.
The settlements are 100% illegal under international law, never saw anyone say otherwise. Even the U.S. says they are illegal under international law and condemns them.
Yes, settlements are armed to the teeth and always have been, which of course leads to a lot of violence.
Israel does NOT provide basic services. They are taking the ground water, which obviously belongs to Palestinians, and diverting the rivers and streams to provide water to their own settlers. Then they divert the settlements raw sewage down onto Palestinian villages below.
"Critical," huh? I am going to post a recent Israeli video which shows clearly that the checkpoints are about messing with Palestinians and trying to drive them out.
Anyway I don't want to go on with this, a one sided video like this can be made in one hour but it set so many questions and information that pretty much present the other side as a cruel sick monster which you won't even like to ask.
This kind of Science-Fiction is played in kindergartens in Gaza and breeds hatred, its great you are open minded but try to judge subjectively and not objectively.
No, I will stand by it as accurate, Israel has become a cruel, sick monster.

ISLAMONAZI LIES AND BLOOD LIBELS. History according to the Ottomans says that Palestine was devoid of arab muslim life before 1880

wrong-----aenmity has "proven" that arabs (defined as Arabic speaking people) ---
who are muslims (defined as followers of the religion founded by muhummad---in
the seventh century AD) have been living in "Palestine"----which is an alternate
name for historic Israel/Judea imposed on the region by invading romans
about 100 AD ------------for the past 10,000 years She has "proven" it by citing
genetic evidence which demonstrates that both jews and the people who have
called themselves Palestinians since the 1960s have genetic roots in the levant----
which is an area of land including Lebanon,, Syria, today's Jordan,
historic Israel/Judea and Iraq and Yemen and ?? Saudi Arabia (I am not
sure that Saudi Arabia is part of the Levant----but it probably is)

"genetic roots" means they share in what geneticists call THE GENE POOL ---
of the populations in question Getting to share a gene pool happens thru---
being interbred some time in history -----the fact is----the entire
human population----of the entire earth-----was INTERBRED sometime
in history. One of the most robust mechanisms in human history for
'interbreeding' is warfare. The land which in ancient times was
CANAAN-----was the site of constant warfare between the larger centers of
civilizations-----EGYPT and MESOPOTAMIA-----since more than 5000 years ago
Jews as a nation Israel/Judea----was invaded incessantly throut its
more than 4000 year history-------and thus share in the GENE POOLS of all
the people of the Levant just as do the people who today call themselves
"Palestinians" By the logic Aenmity presents-----both jews and 'Palestinians'
are the indigenous people of the LEVANT and both own it-----all of it (the good
news is that ----at least I think-----Saudi Arabia is part of the Levant----so I own
oil fields ) later we can talk about the significance of the cohen Y chromosome--
haplotype ----I am not sure which geneticist demonstrated that one---
but it was probably a New York jew-----living in New York I do know some
of the docs who did some of the early genetic stuff in recessive congenital
conditions amongst jews in New York--but I do not know who did the cohen
thing------will google
sorry folks----I cannot find the guy who did the ORIGINAL Y chromosome
cohen haplotype thing------right now the citation for definitive work goes
to some guy in Israel -----and only back to something like 1999----
the obviously best articles being----not surprisingly, in the
Journal "NATURE" If my memory serves----the Y chromosome---
cohen haplotype was described long before 1999
Yes, Palestinians most definitely "owned" the land as surely as the indigenous black population "owned" South Africa. And this is going to end about like that ended, too. Palestinians are overwhelming NOT bedouin, and have lived on that land for millenia.
And when exactly was the peace you are referring to? The Zionist poster I saw said "Israel: 65 years and never a day of peace." Was that just because they wanted money?

Wow, I would LOVE to see a source for that. Non-Jewish settlers? What would be the point. Seriously, if you have a source for any of the above groups constituting a portion of settlers please let me know.
Oh, but they DO pay taxes. Remember that tax revolt a few years back? It resulted in the Israeli military bursting into houses and confiscating multiple millions of dollars of property, watches wedding rings, etc. You didn't hear about that? Yes, the people of the West Bank do have to pay taxes. And the only definition by which the West Bankers are illegally there would be the Zionist, which refuses to issue building permits to Arabs, forcing them to build without permits, or live in the open air. Then of course the buildings are demolished without due process, and they have to rebuild them.
The settlements are 100% illegal under international law, never saw anyone say otherwise. Even the U.S. says they are illegal under international law and condemns them.
Yes, settlements are armed to the teeth and always have been, which of course leads to a lot of violence.
Israel does NOT provide basic services. They are taking the ground water, which obviously belongs to Palestinians, and diverting the rivers and streams to provide water to their own settlers. Then they divert the settlements raw sewage down onto Palestinian villages below.
"Critical," huh? I am going to post a recent Israeli video which shows clearly that the checkpoints are about messing with Palestinians and trying to drive them out.
No, I will stand by it as accurate, Israel has become a cruel, sick monster.

ISLAMONAZI LIES AND BLOOD LIBELS. History according to the Ottomans says that Palestine was devoid of arab muslim life before 1880

wrong-----aenmity has "proven" that arabs (defined as Arabic speaking people) ---
who are muslims (defined as followers of the religion founded by muhummad---in
the seventh century AD) have been living in "Palestine"----which is an alternate
name for historic Israel/Judea imposed on the region by invading romans
about 100 AD ------------for the past 10,000 years She has "proven" it by citing
genetic evidence which demonstrates that both jews and the people who have
called themselves Palestinians since the 1960s have genetic roots in the levant----
which is an area of land including Lebanon,, Syria, today's Jordan,
historic Israel/Judea and Iraq and Yemen and ?? Saudi Arabia (I am not
sure that Saudi Arabia is part of the Levant----but it probably is)

"genetic roots" means they share in what geneticists call THE GENE POOL ---
of the populations in question Getting to share a gene pool happens thru---
being interbred some time in history -----the fact is----the entire
human population----of the entire earth-----was INTERBRED sometime
in history. One of the most robust mechanisms in human history for
'interbreeding' is warfare. The land which in ancient times was
CANAAN-----was the site of constant warfare between the larger centers of
civilizations-----EGYPT and MESOPOTAMIA-----since more than 5000 years ago
Jews as a nation Israel/Judea----was invaded incessantly throut its
more than 4000 year history-------and thus share in the GENE POOLS of all
the people of the Levant just as do the people who today call themselves
"Palestinians" By the logic Aenmity presents-----both jews and 'Palestinians'
are the indigenous people of the LEVANT and both own it-----all of it (the good
news is that ----at least I think-----Saudi Arabia is part of the Levant----so I own
oil fields ) later we can talk about the significance of the cohen Y chromosome--
haplotype ----I am not sure which geneticist demonstrated that one---
but it was probably a New York jew-----living in New York I do know some
of the docs who did some of the early genetic stuff in recessive congenital
conditions amongst jews in New York--but I do not know who did the cohen
thing------will google
You maybe talk about Pleshet which by the way is the HEBREW name for the Greece-native who lived in Israel back in those times, they are not related to the Palestinians by genetic or by any other form of connection even some Palestinians claim there is a connection I see nothing but a poor attempt to tie one as for Abraham was the first to make claim on Hebron in the bible(Old Testament) estimated 900 years before the very first note about Pleshet..but since we believe we are all descendants of Abraham the Jewish culture base the connection on Jacob when the exile of Egypt ended by recapturing of the promised land Israel.
ISLAMONAZI LIES AND BLOOD LIBELS. History according to the Ottomans says that Palestine was devoid of arab muslim life before 1880

wrong-----aenmity has "proven" that arabs (defined as Arabic speaking people) ---
who are muslims (defined as followers of the religion founded by muhummad---in
the seventh century AD) have been living in "Palestine"----which is an alternate
name for historic Israel/Judea imposed on the region by invading romans
about 100 AD ------------for the past 10,000 years She has "proven" it by citing
genetic evidence which demonstrates that both jews and the people who have
called themselves Palestinians since the 1960s have genetic roots in the levant----
which is an area of land including Lebanon,, Syria, today's Jordan,
historic Israel/Judea and Iraq and Yemen and ?? Saudi Arabia (I am not
sure that Saudi Arabia is part of the Levant----but it probably is)

"genetic roots" means they share in what geneticists call THE GENE POOL ---
of the populations in question Getting to share a gene pool happens thru---
being interbred some time in history -----the fact is----the entire
human population----of the entire earth-----was INTERBRED sometime
in history. One of the most robust mechanisms in human history for
'interbreeding' is warfare. The land which in ancient times was
CANAAN-----was the site of constant warfare between the larger centers of
civilizations-----EGYPT and MESOPOTAMIA-----since more than 5000 years ago
Jews as a nation Israel/Judea----was invaded incessantly throut its
more than 4000 year history-------and thus share in the GENE POOLS of all
the people of the Levant just as do the people who today call themselves
"Palestinians" By the logic Aenmity presents-----both jews and 'Palestinians'
are the indigenous people of the LEVANT and both own it-----all of it (the good
news is that ----at least I think-----Saudi Arabia is part of the Levant----so I own
oil fields ) later we can talk about the significance of the cohen Y chromosome--
haplotype ----I am not sure which geneticist demonstrated that one---
but it was probably a New York jew-----living in New York I do know some
of the docs who did some of the early genetic stuff in recessive congenital
conditions amongst jews in New York--but I do not know who did the cohen
thing------will google
You maybe talk about Pleshet which by the way is the HEBREW name for the Greece-native who lived in Israel back in those times, they are not related to the Palestinians by genetic or by any other form of connection even some Palestinians claim there is a connection I see nothing but a poor attempt to tie one as for Abraham was the first to make claim on Hebron in the bible(Old Testament) estimated 900 years before the very first note about Pleshet..but since we believe we are all descendants of Abraham the Jewish culture base the connection on Jacob when the exile of Egypt ended by recapturing of the promised land Israel.

' I (rosie) am not the person making the claim that the
people who today call themselves "Palestinians" are related to the
people who jews used to called Philistines or pleshet-----not am I suggesting
that they are "descended from ancient jews"-----I have correctly stated
that they share genes with all the people of the LEVANT ----as do jews.
The Philistines ----are no longer extant-----they probably all left----
they were a small nation and sea faring-----Philistia was a kind of colony of
Aegeans living around ASHDOD. Greeks also colonized Syria-----Antiochus
was greek. LOTS of Syrians have greek background way back there Due to
the fact that there were greeks -----in the middle east------a greek historian
named the whole aree for them-----ie for the PLESHTET----He named the
whole area PALESTINA ---Syria, Lebanon,, Israel/Judea--todays JORDAN---
I think even parts of Iraq and Egypt------600 BC. About 100 AD the romans used
the name PALESTINA for Israel/Judea--------all of this stuff has Aenmity confused---
she seems to imagine a nation called "Palestine" which developed and resided
in Israel/Judea-------instead of jews for the past 10,000 years----speaking their
native tongue------Arabic She even thinks she PROVED this fascinating theory
wrong-----aenmity has "proven" that arabs (defined as Arabic speaking people) ---
who are muslims (defined as followers of the religion founded by muhummad---in
the seventh century AD) have been living in "Palestine"----which is an alternate
name for historic Israel/Judea imposed on the region by invading romans
about 100 AD ------------for the past 10,000 years She has "proven" it by citing
genetic evidence which demonstrates that both jews and the people who have
called themselves Palestinians since the 1960s have genetic roots in the levant----
which is an area of land including Lebanon,, Syria, today's Jordan,
historic Israel/Judea and Iraq and Yemen and ?? Saudi Arabia (I am not
sure that Saudi Arabia is part of the Levant----but it probably is)

"genetic roots" means they share in what geneticists call THE GENE POOL ---
of the populations in question Getting to share a gene pool happens thru---
being interbred some time in history -----the fact is----the entire
human population----of the entire earth-----was INTERBRED sometime
in history. One of the most robust mechanisms in human history for
'interbreeding' is warfare. The land which in ancient times was
CANAAN-----was the site of constant warfare between the larger centers of
civilizations-----EGYPT and MESOPOTAMIA-----since more than 5000 years ago
Jews as a nation Israel/Judea----was invaded incessantly throut its
more than 4000 year history-------and thus share in the GENE POOLS of all
the people of the Levant just as do the people who today call themselves
"Palestinians" By the logic Aenmity presents-----both jews and 'Palestinians'
are the indigenous people of the LEVANT and both own it-----all of it (the good
news is that ----at least I think-----Saudi Arabia is part of the Levant----so I own
oil fields ) later we can talk about the significance of the cohen Y chromosome--
haplotype ----I am not sure which geneticist demonstrated that one---
but it was probably a New York jew-----living in New York I do know some
of the docs who did some of the early genetic stuff in recessive congenital
conditions amongst jews in New York--but I do not know who did the cohen
thing------will google
You maybe talk about Pleshet which by the way is the HEBREW name for the Greece-native who lived in Israel back in those times, they are not related to the Palestinians by genetic or by any other form of connection even some Palestinians claim there is a connection I see nothing but a poor attempt to tie one as for Abraham was the first to make claim on Hebron in the bible(Old Testament) estimated 900 years before the very first note about Pleshet..but since we believe we are all descendants of Abraham the Jewish culture base the connection on Jacob when the exile of Egypt ended by recapturing of the promised land Israel.

' I (rosie) am not the person making the claim that the
people who today call themselves "Palestinians" are related to the
people who jews used to called Philistines or pleshet-----not am I suggesting
that they are "descended from ancient jews"-----I have correctly stated
that they share genes with all the people of the LEVANT ----as do jews.
The Philistines ----are no longer extant-----they probably all left----
they were a small nation and sea faring-----Philistia was a kind of colony of
Aegeans living around ASHDOD. Greeks also colonized Syria-----Antiochus
was greek. LOTS of Syrians have greek background way back there Due to
the fact that there were greeks -----in the middle east------a greek historian
named the whole aree for them-----ie for the PLESHTET----He named the
whole area PALESTINA ---Syria, Lebanon,, Israel/Judea--todays JORDAN---
I think even parts of Iraq and Egypt------600 BC. About 100 AD the romans used
the name PALESTINA for Israel/Judea--------all of this stuff has Aenmity confused---
she seems to imagine a nation called "Palestine" which developed and resided
in Israel/Judea-------instead of jews for the past 10,000 years----speaking their
native tongue------Arabic She even thinks she PROVED this fascinating theory

Another very interesting fact is the Arabic of the Palestinians which is incomplete as they share words with all versions of Arabic they also lack a massive dictionary, unlike the Ottoman which considered as brilliant mathematical minds and poetry, Palestinians never seem to be involved at all before 1900.
I believe the origins of the Palestinians are basically nomad tribes as for Israel located in a great strategically point connecting Africa,Asia,Middle Terrian sea and India.
French and GB was seeking control over that point and during WW2 most of those nomads caught between, there are also Badduis tribes in Israel, they posses great knowledge about the desert as they are used to travel all the time, it is offensive to address Baddui as Palestinian since they are very proud of their culture yet Palestinians and Badduis look pretty much the same and share the same language, except for the culture difference I assume some are just pure nomads (Baddui) they also never strive for land nor country, the Palestinians does.
Again I would like to ask who claims these lands, The West Bank,Golan Heights, Gaza(which is not under Israeli control by the way)? Is it the Palestinians that never had any authority over those lands? Living in the settlements which definitely not belong to the state of Palestine is legal for Israeli since it doesn't belong to ANYONE ELSE.
In the U.S. there are estimated number of 17 million Jewish, is that making it belong also to the Jewish regardless of the American rights to run a the state the way they see it?
About the 6 days war in Hebrew we have two ancient sayings I'll try to translate it as simple as possible.
1."Haste a medicine to the incoming pain"
2."To those who aim to kill you, get up earlier to kill them"
that mentality is why we as a strategic move decided to move tanks, it is well known Israel did not attacked first and the Egyptians that were also out numbering just by themselves whole Israel initiated first and lost along side with 4 other armies, our country is too small to hide in and don't be mistaken Bnei Netzarim was the first colony to be attacked by Egyptian forces.
And if you do want to talk about conquered areas open a map and see for your self Sinai and Peace Island.
back in the days of 47 the U.N. offered the Arabs (Muslim and Christians) which was 68% of the population within Israel 80% of the land I don't see any reason in the world why this is not fair or why to declare war.
It is illegal to hold onto land seized in a war. Period.

And yes, Israel does control Gaza. It controls 80% of everything that goes into (and out of) that area. Why can't Gazans leave by sea or air? Why do they need to get permission from Israeli authorities in order to travel abroad?

Trying to make it illegal for Israel but not other nations?
Maps change constantly.
Okie I've seen the entire video and here what isn't accurate about it:
1."Over the years wars were fought with Israel but Israel won taking control of Palestinian land" - Palestinian never owned the land of Israel and basically are nomads, they've refused to accept any land from the U.N. and never declared as a state.
Yes, Palestinians most definitely "owned" the land as surely as the indigenous black population "owned" South Africa. And this is going to end about like that ended, too. Palestinians are overwhelming NOT bedouin, and have lived on that land for millenia.
And when exactly was the peace you are referring to? The Zionist poster I saw said "Israel: 65 years and never a day of peace." Was that just because they wanted money?

Wow, I would LOVE to see a source for that. Non-Jewish settlers? What would be the point. Seriously, if you have a source for any of the above groups constituting a portion of settlers please let me know.
Oh, but they DO pay taxes. Remember that tax revolt a few years back? It resulted in the Israeli military bursting into houses and confiscating multiple millions of dollars of property, watches wedding rings, etc. You didn't hear about that? Yes, the people of the West Bank do have to pay taxes. And the only definition by which the West Bankers are illegally there would be the Zionist, which refuses to issue building permits to Arabs, forcing them to build without permits, or live in the open air. Then of course the buildings are demolished without due process, and they have to rebuild them.
The settlements are 100% illegal under international law, never saw anyone say otherwise. Even the U.S. says they are illegal under international law and condemns them.
Yes, settlements are armed to the teeth and always have been, which of course leads to a lot of violence.
Israel does NOT provide basic services. They are taking the ground water, which obviously belongs to Palestinians, and diverting the rivers and streams to provide water to their own settlers. Then they divert the settlements raw sewage down onto Palestinian villages below.
"Critical," huh? I am going to post a recent Israeli video which shows clearly that the checkpoints are about messing with Palestinians and trying to drive them out.
Anyway I don't want to go on with this, a one sided video like this can be made in one hour but it set so many questions and information that pretty much present the other side as a cruel sick monster which you won't even like to ask.
This kind of Science-Fiction is played in kindergartens in Gaza and breeds hatred, its great you are open minded but try to judge subjectively and not objectively.
No, I will stand by it as accurate, Israel has become a cruel, sick monster.

ISLAMONAZI LIES AND BLOOD LIBELS. History according to the Ottomans says that Palestine was devoid of arab muslim life before 1880

Israel reuses household water, they don't waste water. Israel also desalinizes water and sells surplus to palestinians.
Never said all Jews are Z's. That is manifestly NOT the case.

See many of my earlier posts which feature LOTS of anti-Zionist Jews.

"Lots of" is still only some tens of thousands, out of 14 million. And you also grossly misrepresented those extremist fundamentalist 'Jews' as "Orthodox" - from which they had been ejected some three hundred years ago. You were corrected on that misrepresentation many times, but ignored it as well.

Each of those 'haredi' groups is almost like its own religion - just as SDA's and JW's will tell you that they are not 'Christians' OR that they are 'the faithful remnant', so it is with most of the haredim. And some of them are very like a cult - like the followers of Arnold Murray or Howard Camping.....

It wasn't until after 1967 that "most" American Jews were Zionists, and even that is very debatable. The point is that it took a long time for Zionism to take hold among American Jewry and now the pendulum is swinging the other way. Israel is an embarrassment to most.
Yes, Palestinians most definitely "owned" the land as surely as the indigenous black population "owned" South Africa. And this is going to end about like that ended, too. Palestinians are overwhelming NOT bedouin, and have lived on that land for millenia.
And when exactly was the peace you are referring to? The Zionist poster I saw said "Israel: 65 years and never a day of peace." Was that just because they wanted money?

Wow, I would LOVE to see a source for that. Non-Jewish settlers? What would be the point. Seriously, if you have a source for any of the above groups constituting a portion of settlers please let me know.
Oh, but they DO pay taxes. Remember that tax revolt a few years back? It resulted in the Israeli military bursting into houses and confiscating multiple millions of dollars of property, watches wedding rings, etc. You didn't hear about that? Yes, the people of the West Bank do have to pay taxes. And the only definition by which the West Bankers are illegally there would be the Zionist, which refuses to issue building permits to Arabs, forcing them to build without permits, or live in the open air. Then of course the buildings are demolished without due process, and they have to rebuild them.
The settlements are 100% illegal under international law, never saw anyone say otherwise. Even the U.S. says they are illegal under international law and condemns them.
Yes, settlements are armed to the teeth and always have been, which of course leads to a lot of violence.
Israel does NOT provide basic services. They are taking the ground water, which obviously belongs to Palestinians, and diverting the rivers and streams to provide water to their own settlers. Then they divert the settlements raw sewage down onto Palestinian villages below.
"Critical," huh? I am going to post a recent Israeli video which shows clearly that the checkpoints are about messing with Palestinians and trying to drive them out.
No, I will stand by it as accurate, Israel has become a cruel, sick monster.

ISLAMONAZI LIES AND BLOOD LIBELS. History according to the Ottomans says that Palestine was devoid of arab muslim life before 1880

Israel reuses household water, they don't waste water. Israel also desalinizes water and sells surplus to palestinians.

So can you find a source to dispute this film on the point that illegal Israeli settlers hog 3 times as much water as Palestinians are left with, despite being only 10% of the population?

Besides, why do they have any right to sell Palestinians THEIR OWN WATER?
So can you find a source to dispute this film on the point that illegal Israeli settlers hog 3 times as much water as Palestinians are left with, despite being only 10% of the population? Besides, why do they have any right to sell Palestinians THEIR OWN WATER?
Illegal arab settlers should stamp their water.

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