Palestine 101

"Lots of" is still only some tens of thousands, out of 14 million. And you also grossly misrepresented those extremist fundamentalist 'Jews' as "Orthodox" - from which they had been ejected some three hundred years ago. You were corrected on that misrepresentation many times, but ignored it as well.

Each of those 'haredi' groups is almost like its own religion - just as SDA's and JW's will tell you that they are not 'Christians' OR that they are 'the faithful remnant', so it is with most of the haredim. And some of them are very like a cult - like the followers of Arnold Murray or Howard Camping.....

What about Ilan Pappe, Breaking the Silence, and the others?

OK, so that's another 853 or so...... and concentrated at both extreme fringes of the political spectrum. They are NEVER going to be part of a government: it's rather a conflict of interests to run for office when your goal is to demolish the State itself.

They're just not politically significant, so why bother yapping about them at every turn? It's a waste of time.

marge----have some compassion---it's all she got----a group of jews who are waiting
for an Israel under their totalitarian control ---even willing to let the present one
be destroyed in order to obtain that goal----and a few desperados who make their
living writing sensationalized books and articles and who sing for their suppers---
the poor woman is desperate
Daniyel: welcome to the forum!

Since you're new, I want to warn you about the poster amity1844.

She is a lying anti Semitic propaganda spewing Palestinian shill.
She will constantly lie and lie and try to brainwash you with her distortion of history..

Yes, Daniyel, don't believe me, just watch the videos. I can't force Israelis to do and say the things they do. I rarely even post anything by Palestinians ... the Israelis/Zionists do it to themselves!

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Daniyel: welcome to the forum!

Since you're new, I want to warn you about the poster amity1844.

She is a lying anti Semitic propaganda spewing Palestinian shill.
She will constantly lie and lie and try to brainwash you with her distortion of history..

Yes, Daniyel, don't believe me, just watch the videos.


the videos are even funnier than the islamo Nazi pig propaganda I used to
read as a child------they are even funnier than visits to mosques where little kids
are taught to chant MAWT AL YAHOOOD
Yes, but they are all Zionist.

And I like the accuracy of the term.

Naaaah, you just like to use it to denigrate, dehumanize, delegitimate, and demonize about 95% of the Jewish People and anyone who agrees that the Jews ALSO should get to live in their homeland (which is all that 'Zionism' actually means)
If the homeland was in uninhabited territory, fine.
The way you use it is closely akin to 'Tail Gunner Joe' talking about Communism. Even Hadassah did not escape your condemnation, simply for being a 'Zionist' organization - although you knew next to nothing of Hadassah's century of effort to build up the land and ALL the people within it.
I don't remember saying anything negative about Hadassah except that it was Zionist. I do applaud their very unusual efforts for non-Jews, including even Palestinians. Lord knows that spirit is a rarity among Zionists. But they are still a Zionist organization, in league with the bad guys, supporting an entity that denies even basic human and civic rights to an entire nation. If they can see through their Zionism, I'll be all for them. But unfortunately in the last analysis they are just another Zionist organization and being comparatively compassionate toward individual Palestinians doesn't change their role in maintaining the specifically Jewish character of the state of Israel in contravention of the rights of another nation.

I like the term Zionist for reasons I have already set forth. I have negative things to say about much of what Israel has done historically, and much of what has been done in the name of Israel. I will NOT say negative things about Jews, and that would be wholly inappropriate, as Jews are not to blame for Israel's misdeeds. And I even resist saying negative things about Israelis, even though of course some are jerks and some aren't. So the term I am going to use is "Zionist." That is the term Zionists use for themselves and it is entirely appropriate in this context. I can't think of any other term that would be appropriate, unless you want to suggest one perhaps??

Now if the Z word is starting to feel uncomfortable in your ears, better ask yourself why.

What is nauseating is you parroting the bold filth above. You don't know ANYTHING about actual Zionist individuals or organizations, but you are quite willing to condemn ANY group which uses that word to describe itself. You may as well say 'Jew' for all the difference it makes: it's 95% the same.

The disgusting mischaracterization which you lay upon Hadassah is offensive: we have not and do not ever look at 'who' we are helping, only that a person needs help. You may as well accuse the Shriners of being racist on the basis that race relations in the US are not perfect. The bathetic pseudo-support you express for Hadassah is completely overwhelmed by the base and hateful 'aside' which you just couldn't keep yourself from spitting. Yes the LORD does know whether or not the spirit of Hadassah is rare among Zionists (or any other group of humans!) - but you, Hostility, are not HE - nor do you have some special knowledge of such matters, as those posted words of yours intimate.

You're not just condemning an Administration, but an entire nation AND its people AND whoever has any support or sympathy for those people.

It's not a 'zero-sum' situation: supporting the right of half of Israel's population to sleep outside of bomb shelters is NOT 'oppressing' anyone. Just as supporting the due rights of the Palestinians to have their own state need not be 'attacking' Israel.

As for a term 'supporters of Israel' would do nicely - as long as you drip all the lying filth of 'apartheid' and 'fascist' and 'oppression' and 'indigenous people'. That last is obscenely ridiculous: Palestinians are Arabs - they even say so. And 'Arabs' means 'people from Arabia'.... of whom many were Jews, once upon a time. Before Khayber......
Daniyel: welcome to the forum!

Since you're new, I want to warn you about the poster amity1844.

She is a lying anti Semitic propaganda spewing Palestinian shill.
She will constantly lie and lie and try to brainwash you with her distortion of history..

Yes, Daniyel, don't believe me, just watch the videos. I can't force Israelis to do and say the things they do. I rarely even post anything by Palestinians ... the Israelis/Zionists do it to themselves!


Where's the proof that those videos show actual Israelis and not Pallywood or HAMAS actors? I didn't see any documentation, no affadavits, no verification of any sort..........
Naaaah, you just like to use it to denigrate, dehumanize, delegitimate, and demonize about 95% of the Jewish People and anyone who agrees that the Jews ALSO should get to live in their homeland (which is all that 'Zionism' actually means)
If the homeland was in uninhabited territory, fine.
The way you use it is closely akin to 'Tail Gunner Joe' talking about Communism. Even Hadassah did not escape your condemnation, simply for being a 'Zionist' organization - although you knew next to nothing of Hadassah's century of effort to build up the land and ALL the people within it.
I don't remember saying anything negative about Hadassah except that it was Zionist. I do applaud their very unusual efforts for non-Jews, including even Palestinians. Lord knows that spirit is a rarity among Zionists. But they are still a Zionist organization, in league with the bad guys, supporting an entity that denies even basic human and civic rights to an entire nation. If they can see through their Zionism, I'll be all for them. But unfortunately in the last analysis they are just another Zionist organization and being comparatively compassionate toward individual Palestinians doesn't change their role in maintaining the specifically Jewish character of the state of Israel in contravention of the rights of another nation.

I like the term Zionist for reasons I have already set forth. I have negative things to say about much of what Israel has done historically, and much of what has been done in the name of Israel. I will NOT say negative things about Jews, and that would be wholly inappropriate, as Jews are not to blame for Israel's misdeeds. And I even resist saying negative things about Israelis, even though of course some are jerks and some aren't. So the term I am going to use is "Zionist." That is the term Zionists use for themselves and it is entirely appropriate in this context. I can't think of any other term that would be appropriate, unless you want to suggest one perhaps??

Now if the Z word is starting to feel uncomfortable in your ears, better ask yourself why.

What is nauseating is you parroting the bold filth above. You don't know ANYTHING about actual Zionist individuals or organizations, but you are quite willing to condemn ANY group which uses that word to describe itself. You may as well say 'Jew' for all the difference it makes: it's 95% the same.

The disgusting mischaracterization which you lay upon Hadassah is offensive: we have not and do not ever look at 'who' we are helping, only that a person needs help. You may as well accuse the Shriners of being racist on the basis that race relations in the US are not perfect. The bathetic pseudo-support you express for Hadassah is completely overwhelmed by the base and hateful 'aside' which you just couldn't keep yourself from spitting. Yes the LORD does know whether or not the spirit of Hadassah is rare among Zionists (or any other group of humans!) - but you, Hostility, are not HE - nor do you have some special knowledge of such matters, as those posted words of yours intimate.

You're not just condemning an Administration, but an entire nation AND its people AND whoever has any support or sympathy for those people.

It's not a 'zero-sum' situation: supporting the right of half of Israel's population to sleep outside of bomb shelters is NOT 'oppressing' anyone. Just as supporting the due rights of the Palestinians to have their own state need not be 'attacking' Israel.

As for a term 'supporters of Israel' would do nicely - as long as you drip all the lying filth of 'apartheid' and 'fascist' and 'oppression' and 'indigenous people'. That last is obscenely ridiculous: Palestinians are Arabs - they even say so. And 'Arabs' means 'people from Arabia'.... of whom many were Jews, once upon a time. Before Khayber......

Think of the U.S. in 1966.
There were quite a few southerners that supported civil rights for blacks, but their voices were lost among all the hatred. If they tolerated an unjust system, then they themselves were guilty. So, way to go, Hadassah, for providing medical to Palestinians, sincere applause, but don't let it whitewash the hatred inherent in the Zionist system. Speak out, say what you know! Palestinians need so much more than medical care. So quit allying yourselves with those who suppress them.
As for a term 'supporters of Israel' would do nicely - as long as you drip all the lying filth of 'apartheid' and 'fascist' and 'oppression' and 'indigenous people'. That last is obscenely ridiculous: Palestinians are Arabs - they even say so. And 'Arabs' means 'people from Arabia'.... of whom many were Jews, once upon a time. Before Khayber......

Operational definitions:
1) No, "supporter of Israel" is NOT a synonym for Zionist.

2) It is apparent that I need to clarify something about what you are saying about Arabs.

"Arab" does NOT mean "people from Arabia." The term for people from Arabia is "Arabian."

The difference parallels the terms "Spaniard" and "Hispanic." A Spaniard is a person from Spain, a Hispanic is a person who speaks Spanish as a native language and participates is Spanish culture, but may have little or no actual Spanish ancestry, and may in fact be African or German in ancestry.

During the so called "Arab conquest" Palestinians (and a lot of other peoples) were Arabized, learned a new language, adopted a new culture, but those people do not have any significant Arabian ancestry. They remain the same Levantines that they always were. In the case of the Palestinians, they are descended largely (85%) from ancient Jews. There were VERY few true Arabians during the 7th and 8th centuries and it is still not a very populous part of the world. They certainly did not settle and colonize the entire Arab world! It is sort of like the concept of the Byzantines ... a change in identity but not a population transfer. I'm sure you must have recognized that Moroccans don't look much like Iraqis... Yet both are Arabs. Neither are Arabians.

Here again, any good middle eastern history book will cover the process for you.
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Wow! How many times do I have to point out how illogical Pappe Smear is in the first 10 minutes of his "Myth" video.
It's worth watching just to actually deny that there was a military conflict in 1948 and that the Arab leaders were paid off to cry in front of cameras that Israel just kicked their collective asses.
Amity, are you REALLY that stupid?
I believe you are.

Jews being Zionists?
Most are.
After the 2008 crash, the majority of extremely wealthy secular and Orthodox Jews stopped giving to non-Jewish charities in favor of Israel and their fellow Jews.
So push Jews far enough and watch the money flow to Israel.
Wow! How many times do I have to point out how illogical Pappe Smear is in the first 10 minutes of his "Myth" video.
It's worth watching just to actually deny that there was a military conflict in 1948 and that the Arab leaders were paid off to cry in front of cameras that Israel just kicked their collective asses.
Amity, are you REALLY that stupid?
I believe you are.

Jews being Zionists?
Most are.
After the 2008 crash, the majority of extremely wealthy secular and Orthodox Jews stopped giving to non-Jewish charities in favor of Israel and their fellow Jews.
So push Jews far enough and watch the money flow to Israel.

I didn't know that about 2008. It is too bad that money is diverted from Jewish communities elsewhere in the world to send to Israel, who aren't doing much good with it. There are still needs elsewhere, and seeming to abandon or step out of the societies Jews are part of will lead to a rise in anti-Semitism. One of the anti-Semites' oldest refrains is "the Jews aren't loyal citizens of ________."

So yes, among U.S. Jews most are Zionist RIGHT NOW, but U.S. Jews were the slowest of all world Jewry to jump on the Zionist bandwagon as you know. Most Jews in France are not Zionist. It just depends on where ....

And if you watched one of the videos I posted awhile back it is talking about support for Israel waning quite a bit because U.S. Jews are much more liberal than Israeli politics, and are increasingly uncomfortable with what they are seeing.
Wow! How many times do I have to point out how illogical Pappe Smear is in the first 10 minutes of his "Myth" video.
It's worth watching just to actually deny that there was a military conflict in 1948 and that the Arab leaders were paid off to cry in front of cameras that Israel just kicked their collective asses.
Amity, are you REALLY that stupid?
I believe you are.

Jews being Zionists?
Most are.
After the 2008 crash, the majority of extremely wealthy secular and Orthodox Jews stopped giving to non-Jewish charities in favor of Israel and their fellow Jews.
So push Jews far enough and watch the money flow to Israel.

I didn't know that about 2008. It is too bad that money is diverted from Jewish communities elsewhere in the world to send to Israel, who aren't doing much good with it. There are still needs elsewhere, and seeming to abandon or step out of the societies Jews are part of will lead to a rise in anti-Semitism. One of the anti-Semites' oldest refrains is "the Jews aren't loyal citizens of ________."

So yes, among U.S. Jews most are Zionist RIGHT NOW, but U.S. Jews were the slowest of all world Jewry to jump on the Zionist bandwagon as you know. Most Jews in France are not Zionist. It just depends on where ....

And if you watched one of the videos I posted awhile back it is talking about support for Israel waning quite a bit because U.S. Jews are much more liberal than Israeli politics, and are increasingly uncomfortable with what they are seeing.

Too bad you missed the US of the 1980s when the secular heirs of wealthy Orthodox Jews were abandoning Jews and Israel.
So you see, that wave has come and gone.
Why else do you think Israel's economy is so intertwined with the world?
The Jew haters lost and the only way to deal with that is to search for "high quality" videos of self-hating Jews on YouTube.
Oh,yeah, Israel is building thousands of multi-million dollar homes because Jews world-wide just aren't interested in having a home in the Holy Land.
In which delusional world do you reside?
Wow! How many times do I have to point out how illogical Pappe Smear is in the first 10 minutes of his "Myth" video.
It's worth watching just to actually deny that there was a military conflict in 1948 and that the Arab leaders were paid off to cry in front of cameras that Israel just kicked their collective asses.
Amity, are you REALLY that stupid?
I believe you are.

Jews being Zionists?
Most are.
After the 2008 crash, the majority of extremely wealthy secular and Orthodox Jews stopped giving to non-Jewish charities in favor of Israel and their fellow Jews.
So push Jews far enough and watch the money flow to Israel.

I didn't know that about 2008. It is too bad that money is diverted from Jewish communities elsewhere in the world to send to Israel, who aren't doing much good with it. There are still needs elsewhere, and seeming to abandon or step out of the societies Jews are part of will lead to a rise in anti-Semitism. One of the anti-Semites' oldest refrains is "the Jews aren't loyal citizens of ________."

So yes, among U.S. Jews most are Zionist RIGHT NOW, but U.S. Jews were the slowest of all world Jewry to jump on the Zionist bandwagon as you know. Most Jews in France are not Zionist. It just depends on where ....

And if you watched one of the videos I posted awhile back it is talking about support for Israel waning quite a bit because U.S. Jews are much more liberal than Israeli politics, and are increasingly uncomfortable with what they are seeing.
All that aside, what do you think of the announcement about an hour ago on Fox News that Israel sez they will have to administer Gaza?
Too bad you missed the US of the 1980s when the secular heirs of wealthy Orthodox Jews were abandoning Jews and Israel.
So you see, that wave has come and gone.
Why else do you think Israel's economy is so intertwined with the world?
The Jew haters lost and the only way to deal with that is to search for "high quality" videos of self-hating Jews on YouTube.
Oh,yeah, Israel is building thousands of multi-million dollar homes because Jews world-wide just aren't interested in having a home in the Holy Land.
In which delusional world do you reside?

I don't think Pappe's research is a "smear." Again, this was all published by Yale and Oxford, etc. etc. We have the photos of the docs.

And I live in the part of the world that reads actual neutral news sources instead of just made up Zionist crap!
Dear Amity, putting up a horrific picture and start blaming is very childish and yet it is known fact the media is mostly under control of the pro-palestinian and this is why I'm talking about the subjective facts nobody can denial, lets put it this way, Israel is legal, Palestine is not, by international law, by history records, and by the bibles, Quraan, The new Testament, and the Tanah.
I'll say this once again so we won't be mistaken on that - Israel is fully legal by international law.
Palestine NEVER existed by all known records including the most neutral record - international law.
therefore by saying that settlements are illegal comes up the question who said so..
Israeli territory including conquered areas are fully legal and so as the 'settlements'
None-Israeli settlements within the borders of Israel - Illegal.
When the six days war began Israel was assaulted by 5 armies surrounded including the precious Palestinians, most of them were driven out back to their countries but some remained homeless which could also happen to the Jewish within Israel if they were remaining alive in such war, I hope it answer your question why we build a wall and why we carry guns.
Palestinians NEVER accepted any sort of commitment to peace by sharing the land on 47,66,2010, and who knows about other closed-doors discussions that were made, they NEVER desired to accept international law, ever since the U.N. (British) suggestion on 47 to give them 80% of the land but they keep using violence so let me ask you straightly - who is illegal?
One more thing, Israel is in state of peace with Jordan after 3 brutal wars and several incidents accorded (Peace Island for example) and fully cooperate over the water flow, same sort of peace also signed with Egypt and The Muslim Brothers were tryin to break, the Egyptians killed them all by the way.
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Dear Amity, putting up a horrific picture and start blaming is very childish and yet it is known fact the media is mostly under control of the pro-palestinian and this is why I'm talking about the subjective facts nobody can denial, lets put it this way, Israel is legal, Palestine is not, by international law, by history records, and by the bibles, Quraan, The new Testament, and the Tanah.
I'll say this once again so we won't be mistaken on that - Israel is fully legal by international law.
On their side of the Green Line. They are not legal in the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights or East Jerusalem. And that is according to international law, as well as the position of every country on the planet.

Palestine NEVER existed by all known records including the most neutral record - international law.
Doesn't matter what name you call it. There are indigenous, non-Jewish arabs living there for generations and they have rights to.

therefore by saying that settlements are illegal comes up the question who said so..
Israeli territory including conquered areas are fully legal and so as the 'settlements'
None-Israeli settlements within the borders of Israel - Illegal.
The Geneva Conventions say so. You cannot transfer nationals of an occupying force, into the area under occupation. You cannot change the demographics of an area under occupation.

When the six days war began Israel was assaulted by 5 armies surrounded including the precious Palestinians, most of them were driven out back to their countries but some remained homeless which could also happen to the Jewish within Israel if they were remaining alive in such war, I hope it answer your question why we build a wall and why we carry guns.
Israel started that war by sending tanks into Egypt.

Palestinians NEVER accepted any sort of commitment to peace by sharing the land on 47,66,2010, and who knows about other closed-doors discussions that were made, they NEVER desired to accept international law, ever since the U.N. (British) suggestion on 47 to give them 80% of the land but they keep using violence so let me ask you straightly - who is illegal?
No one would accept the bullshit deal they were offered. Why would 70% of the population, settle for 30% of the land?

One more thing, Israel is in state of peace with Jordan after 3 brutal wars and several incidents accorded (Peace Island for example) and fully cooperate over the water flow, same sort of peace also signed with Egypt and The Muslim Brothers were tryin to break, the Egyptians killed them all by the way.
Israel doesn't "occupy" Jordan or Egypt.
Dear Amity, putting up a horrific picture and start blaming is very childish and yet it is known fact the media is mostly under control of the pro-palestinian and this is why I'm talking about the subjective facts nobody can denial, lets put it this way, Israel is legal, Palestine is not, by international law, by history records, and by the bibles, Quraan, The new Testament, and the Tanah.
I'll say this once again so we won't be mistaken on that - Israel is fully legal by international law.
On their side of the Green Line. They are not legal in the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights or East Jerusalem. And that is according to international law, as well as the position of every country on the planet.

Palestine NEVER existed by all known records including the most neutral record - international law.
Doesn't matter what name you call it. There are indigenous, non-Jewish arabs living there for generations and they have rights to.

The Geneva Conventions say so. You cannot transfer nationals of an occupying force, into the area under occupation. You cannot change the demographics of an area under occupation.

Israel started that war by sending tanks into Egypt.

Palestinians NEVER accepted any sort of commitment to peace by sharing the land on 47,66,2010, and who knows about other closed-doors discussions that were made, they NEVER desired to accept international law, ever since the U.N. (British) suggestion on 47 to give them 80% of the land but they keep using violence so let me ask you straightly - who is illegal?
No one would accept the bullshit deal they were offered. Why would 70% of the population, settle for 30% of the land?

One more thing, Israel is in state of peace with Jordan after 3 brutal wars and several incidents accorded (Peace Island for example) and fully cooperate over the water flow, same sort of peace also signed with Egypt and The Muslim Brothers were tryin to break, the Egyptians killed them all by the way.
Israel doesn't "occupy" Jordan or Egypt.
Again I would like to ask who claims these lands, The West Bank,Golan Heights, Gaza(which is not under Israeli control by the way)? Is it the Palestinians that never had any authority over those lands? Living in the settlements which definitely not belong to the state of Palestine is legal for Israeli since it doesn't belong to ANYONE ELSE.
In the U.S. there are estimated number of 17 million Jewish, is that making it belong also to the Jewish regardless of the American rights to run a the state the way they see it?
About the 6 days war in Hebrew we have two ancient sayings I'll try to translate it as simple as possible.
1."Haste a medicine to the incoming pain"
2."To those who aim to kill you, get up earlier to kill them"
that mentality is why we as a strategic move decided to move tanks, it is well known Israel did not attacked first and the Egyptians that were also out numbering just by themselves whole Israel initiated first and lost along side with 4 other armies, our country is too small to hide in and don't be mistaken Bnei Netzarim was the first colony to be attacked by Egyptian forces.
And if you do want to talk about conquered areas open a map and see for your self Sinai and Peace Island.
back in the days of 47 the U.N. offered the Arabs (Muslim and Christians) which was 68% of the population within Israel 80% of the land I don't see any reason in the world why this is not fair or why to declare war.
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Again I would like to ask who claims these lands, The West Bank,Golan Heights, Gaza(which is not under Israeli control by the way)? Is it the Palestinians that never had any authority over those lands? Living in the settlements which definitely not belong to the state of Palestine is legal for Israeli since it doesn't belong to ANYONE ELSE.
In the U.S. there are estimated number of 17 million Jewish, is that making it belong also to the Jewish regardless of the American rights to run a the state the way they see it?
About the 6 days war in Hebrew we have two ancient sayings I'll try to translate it as simple as possible.
1."Haste a medicine to the incoming pain"
2."To those who aim to kill you, get up earlier to kill them"
that mentality is why we as a strategic move decided to move tanks, it is well known Israel did not attacked first and the Egyptians that were also out numbering just by themselves whole Israel initiated first and lost along side with 4 other armies, our country is too small to hide in and don't be mistaken Bnei Netzarim was the first colony to be attacked by Egyptian forces.
And if you do want to talk about conquered areas open a map and see for your self Sinai and Peace Island.
back in the days of 47 the U.N. offered the Arabs (Muslim and Christians) which was 68% of the population within Israel 80% of the land I don't see any reason in the world why this is not fair or why to declare war.
It is illegal to hold onto land seized in a war. Period.

And yes, Israel does control Gaza. It controls 80% of everything that goes into (and out of) that area. Why can't Gazans leave by sea or air? Why do they need to get permission from Israeli authorities in order to travel abroad?
Again I would like to ask who claims these lands, The West Bank,Golan Heights, Gaza(which is not under Israeli control by the way)? Is it the Palestinians that never had any authority over those lands? Living in the settlements which definitely not belong to the state of Palestine is legal for Israeli since it doesn't belong to ANYONE ELSE.
In the U.S. there are estimated number of 17 million Jewish, is that making it belong also to the Jewish regardless of the American rights to run a the state the way they see it?
About the 6 days war in Hebrew we have two ancient sayings I'll try to translate it as simple as possible.
1."Haste a medicine to the incoming pain"
2."To those who aim to kill you, get up earlier to kill them"
that mentality is why we as a strategic move decided to move tanks, it is well known Israel did not attacked first and the Egyptians that were also out numbering just by themselves whole Israel initiated first and lost along side with 4 other armies, our country is too small to hide in and don't be mistaken Bnei Netzarim was the first colony to be attacked by Egyptian forces.
And if you do want to talk about conquered areas open a map and see for your self Sinai and Peace Island.
back in the days of 47 the U.N. offered the Arabs (Muslim and Christians) which was 68% of the population within Israel 80% of the land I don't see any reason in the world why this is not fair or why to declare war.
It is illegal to hold onto land seized in a war. Period.

And yes, Israel does control Gaza. It controls 80% of everything that goes into (and out of) that area. Why can't Gazans leave by sea or air? Why do they need to get permission from Israeli authorities in order to travel abroad?
Because the leaders of the poor Gazans are also internationally declared as Terrorists.
Israel wouldn't go into ground invasion if they would've control Gaza in the first place don't you think? and one last note - according to you nobody deserve to live in the West Bank, Since Palestinians occupied those lands also, but you just blame Israel..why Palestinians are legal and Israelis are not? this is a true face of racism I see you making there.
Because the leaders of the poor Gazans are also internationally declared as Terrorists.
So you're saying all 1.5 million Gazans should be treated like terrorists?

You think it's right to punish someone who's committed no crime?

And why do they have to get permission from Israel?

It's none of Israel's god-damn business where Gazans want to go, unless it's Israel.

Israel wouldn't go into ground invasion if they would've control Gaza in the first place don't you think? and one last note - according to you nobody deserve to live in the West Bank, Since Palestinians occupied those lands also, but you just blame Israel..why Palestinians are legal and Israelis are not? this is a true face of racism I see you making there.
Palestinian's didn't occupy those lands, they are the indigenous population in that area.

The West Bank was never given to Israel and they have no clear title to that land. Palestinian's do.
Because the leaders of the poor Gazans are also internationally declared as Terrorists.
So you're saying all 1.5 million Gazans should be treated like terrorists?

You think it's right to punish someone who's committed no crime?

And why do they have to get permission from Israel?

It's none of Israel's god-damn business where Gazans want to go, unless it's Israel.

Israel wouldn't go into ground invasion if they would've control Gaza in the first place don't you think? and one last note - according to you nobody deserve to live in the West Bank, Since Palestinians occupied those lands also, but you just blame Israel..why Palestinians are legal and Israelis are not? this is a true face of racism I see you making there.
Palestinian's didn't occupy those lands, they are the indigenous population in that area.

The West Bank was never given to Israel and they have no clear title to that land. Palestinian's do.
First of all the reason I mentioned the six days war is because when Iran aims for nuclear missiles, it is my goddamn business to know they won't make it as they aim to kill me, I deserve to live under nobody mercy, but as a human being, sadly the people of Gaza chose Hamas knowing they are Terrorists, Helping a murderer make you as guilty as the murderer and so about Hamas and the Gazans people, and right now I hear the interceptions of Iron Dome above my home, does Hamas give a damn about my rights to live in safety?
and for the last time this is a fact, Palestinians have zero rights to live in those lands by international law since they occupied those land after the Ottoman Empire fallen, which means they were illegal in the first place as much as the Israeli settlements which by the way is a nation declared and accepted by the U.N. that under security measures decided to manage the West Bank along side with the illegal Palestinians within.
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