'Paedophilia is natural and normal for males'

I don't know if you guys realize this, but 150 years ago girls got married between age 9-12 to adult men. Not only was it not frowned upon, it was accepted as normal. My grandmother got married at 13 to a 19 year old. And that was after they dated for 2 years. They were only happily married for about 70 years until he passed away.

I think the problem is we love to label people. You're a this, she's a that, he's a that. Labels are too common in our society. Human beings love to compartmentalize people and things. We like groups. We love to be part of a group and we want to know what groups others are part of. People don't realize that we are the only species on earth that doesn't begin procreation as soon as one becomes a viable fertile female. We put an artificial age on when someone can legally do what mother nature intended. We're also the only species with laws, and some of the laws go against human nature. Do dogs wait years after they are fertile before they mate? How about gorillas? Chimps? Horses? Cows? There is a reason that men could be attracted to children, post pubescent of course. That being that a teen girl has more energy, is likely to create healthier children and can keep up with a house full of kids and raising them. It's not pedophilia, it's biology. Men naturally want to find a healthy young female to carry his children. It's the best for the child. I mean there are doctors that say don't get pregnant much past 30, yet if a child gets pregnant at 17 someone's going to jail. That leaves her 12 years to have kids. The risks go up exponentially with age past 30, with almost no risks for a teen girl. I mean how many times do you hear about a teens pregnancy complications? Almost never. They make the best mothers. Just biology. What normal guy isn't more attracted to an 18yo college girl than a 40yo woman? There is a reason for that. And for most, the attraction doesn't magically turn off if she's under 18.

When you criminalize behavior that was normal just a 100 years ago, you end up with a million people in prison for something that everyone did before. Just like a great number of people are not attracted to same sex partners, a great number of people are not attracted to children. I don't see anything in a 12 year old but if someone else does, that's their business, not mine. People need to worry about themselves before they worry about others.
The Age of Consent

U.S. State
Age of Consent Age Gap Provision* Mistake of Age Defense**

Alabama 16 Yes No
Alaska 16 Yes Yes
Arizona 18 No Yes
Arkansas 16 No Yes
California 18 No No
Colorado 17 Yes No
Connecticut 16 Yes No
D.C. 16 Yes No
Delaware 18 Yes No
Florida 18 Yes No


16 Yes No
Hawaii 16 Yes No
Idaho 18 Yes No
Illinois 17 No No
Indiana 16 No Yes
Iowa 16 Yes No
Kansas 16 No No
Kentucky 16 Yes Yes
Louisiana 17 Yes No
Maine 16 Yes Yes
Maryland 16 Yes No
Massachusetts 16 No No
Michigan 16 No No
Minnesota 16 Yes No
Mississippi 16 Yes No
Missouri 17 No Yes
Montana 16 Yes Yes
Nebraska 17 No No
Nevada 16 No No
New Hampshire 16 Yes No
New Jersey 16 Yes No
New Mexico 17 Yes No
New York 17 No Yes
North Carolina 16 Yes No
North Dakota 18 No No
Ohio 16 No No


16 Yes No
Oregon 18 Yes No
Pennsylvania 16 Yes Yes
Rhode Island 16 No No
South Carolina 16 No No
South Dakota 16 No No

18 Yes No


17 No No
Utah 18 Yes No
Vermont 16 Yes No
Virginia 18 No No
Washington 16 Yes Yes
West Virginia 16 Yes Yes
Wisconsin 18 No No
Wyoming 18 Yes Yes
So as you can see - the age of consent is all over the place, in northern/southern/liberal/conservative.
It is all over the place.
So the false narrative that it is "rising everywhere but the Bible belt" is just usual bullsh*t rhetoric from the left.

Notice the title? Sex with children, it's as if they are objects. Filthy pedos
Notice where its from? That's some sick reading right there...feel like I need to take a bath afterwords...reading your article the one professor from a Japanese university USED to work at Pennsylvania University and is a Jew.

Noticed it's from a known Jew hate site.

Well the Jews are not going to publish it on their site, but I have read parts of it before and not on Jew hate sites.

I also read that a pedophile rabbi from Brooklyn will be sent to Israel as punishment, same as RC Priests relocating sexual pedophiles.
It's the next logical step on the depravity road. Once a culture starts down that road it doesn't stop until the end of that culture.
I'm not defending it, I'm explaining it as it was explained to me by a trained Ph.D psycologist. What are your qualifications to comment? If you don't want to listen, so be it. I really don't care.

I don't care what other people do, I have a life of my own and that's it. I don't have kids and have no kids in the immediate family or really extended family. Everyone is grown up now so I'll let others fight this battle.
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The Age of Consent

U.S. State
Age of Consent Age Gap Provision* Mistake of Age Defense**

Alabama 16 Yes No
Alaska 16 Yes Yes
Arizona 18 No Yes
Arkansas 16 No Yes
California 18 No No
Colorado 17 Yes No
Connecticut 16 Yes No
D.C. 16 Yes No
Delaware 18 Yes No
Florida 18 Yes No


16 Yes No
Hawaii 16 Yes No
Idaho 18 Yes No
Illinois 17 No No
Indiana 16 No Yes
Iowa 16 Yes No
Kansas 16 No No
Kentucky 16 Yes Yes
Louisiana 17 Yes No
Maine 16 Yes Yes
Maryland 16 Yes No
Massachusetts 16 No No
Michigan 16 No No
Minnesota 16 Yes No
Mississippi 16 Yes No
Missouri 17 No Yes
Montana 16 Yes Yes
Nebraska 17 No No
Nevada 16 No No
New Hampshire 16 Yes No
New Jersey 16 Yes No
New Mexico 17 Yes No
New York 17 No Yes
North Carolina 16 Yes No
North Dakota 18 No No
Ohio 16 No No


16 Yes No
Oregon 18 Yes No
Pennsylvania 16 Yes Yes
Rhode Island 16 No No
South Carolina 16 No No
South Dakota 16 No No

18 Yes No


17 No No
Utah 18 Yes No
Vermont 16 Yes No
Virginia 18 No No
Washington 16 Yes Yes
West Virginia 16 Yes Yes
Wisconsin 18 No No
Wyoming 18 Yes Yes

Assuming that was the correct order, Missouri doesn't allow a "mistake to age" defense.
I knew the homos would rush to the defense of the perverted child molesters
You did?

I personally, as a gay person, like seeing that the age of consent is going up....and wish it were 18 across the board. How's them apples, LGS?
The AOC in Mexico is 12.

And just FYI, almost all of the cases brought up on that show were thrown out. It was a bad idea from the get go and let a lot of potentially dangerous people right back on the street.
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I knew the homos would rush to the defense of the perverted child molesters
You did?

I personally, as a gay person, like seeing that the age of consent is going up....and wish it were 18 across the board. How's them apples, LGS?

I'm straight and agree with you completely.

I guess she is saying that Phil Robertson, Warren Jeffs and Ted Nugent are lefties.
What the hell is the matter with these people? There is nothing natural and normal about it, it's a mental disorder

'Paedophilia is natural and normal for males'

How some university academics make the case for paedophiles at summer conferences

"Paedophilic interest is natural and normal for human males,” said the presentation. “At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children … Normal males are aroused by children.”

Some yellowing tract from the Seventies or early Eighties, era of abusive celebrities and the infamous PIE, the Paedophile Information Exchange? No. Anonymous commenters on some underground website? No again.

The statement that paedophilia is “natural and normal” was made not three decades ago but last July. It was made not in private but as one of the central claims of an academic presentation delivered, at the invitation of the organisers, to many of the key experts in the field at a conference held by the University of Cambridge.

Other presentations included “Liberating the paedophile: a discursive analysis,” and “Danger and difference: the stakes of hebephilia.”

Hebephilia is the sexual preference for children in early puberty, typically 11 to 14-year-olds.

Paedophilia is natural and normal for males - Telegraph

Pretty soon, they'll seek acceptance and demand equal rights.

Then we'll start hearing how bestiality is normal...
I don't know if you guys realize this, but 150 years ago girls got married between age 9-12 to adult men. Not only was it not frowned upon, it was accepted as normal. My grandmother got married at 13 to a 19 year old. And that was after they dated for 2 years. They were only happily married for about 70 years until he passed away.

I think the problem is we love to label people. You're a this, she's a that, he's a that. Labels are too common in our society. Human beings love to compartmentalize people and things. We like groups. We love to be part of a group and we want to know what groups others are part of. People don't realize that we are the only species on earth that doesn't begin procreation as soon as one becomes a viable fertile female. We put an artificial age on when someone can legally do what mother nature intended. We're also the only species with laws, and some of the laws go against human nature. Do dogs wait years after they are fertile before they mate? How about gorillas? Chimps? Horses? Cows? There is a reason that men could be attracted to children, post pubescent of course. That being that a teen girl has more energy, is likely to create healthier children and can keep up with a house full of kids and raising them. It's not pedophilia, it's biology. Men naturally want to find a healthy young female to carry his children. It's the best for the child. I mean there are doctors that say don't get pregnant much past 30, yet if a child gets pregnant at 17 someone's going to jail. That leaves her 12 years to have kids. The risks go up exponentially with age past 30, with almost no risks for a teen girl. I mean how many times do you hear about a teens pregnancy complications? Almost never. They make the best mothers. Just biology. What normal guy isn't more attracted to an 18yo college girl than a 40yo woman? There is a reason for that. And for most, the attraction doesn't magically turn off if she's under 18.

When you criminalize behavior that was normal just a 100 years ago, you end up with a million people in prison for something that everyone did before. Just like a great number of people are not attracted to same sex partners, a great number of people are not attracted to children. I don't see anything in a 12 year old but if someone else does, that's their business, not mine. People need to worry about themselves before they worry about others.

Was about to say 'nothing he said was factually incorrect.' Unfortunately you went off the rails here,

"There is a reason that men could be attracted to children, post pubescent of course. That being that a teen girl has more energy, is likely to create healthier children and can keep up with a house full of kids and raising them. It's not pedophilia, it's biology. Men naturally want to find a healthy young female to carry his children. It's the best for the child. I mean there are doctors that say don't get pregnant much past 30, yet if a child gets pregnant at 17 someone's going to jail. That leaves her 12 years to have kids. The risks go up exponentially with age past 30, with almost no risks for a teen girl. I mean how many times do you hear about a teens pregnancy complications? Almost never. They make the best mothers. Just biology.

When you criminalize behavior that was normal just a 100 years ago, you end up with a million people in prison for something that everyone did before. Just like a great number of people are not attracted to same sex partners, a great number of people are not attracted to children. I don't see anything in a 12 year old but if someone else does, that's their business, not mine. People need to worry about themselves before they worry about others."

Young women do not have healthier children. That's actually incorrect. Endless variations in health of course, but being younger in and of itself, does not make healthier children.

Incarcerated child sexual abusers often say they thought younger children were healthier and less likely diseased. So I'd wonder if the myth that they make healthier children is related.

Law's the law. As happened in 2008 in Canada they raised their aoc from 14 to 16. Having sex with a 14 year-old (above 18 or 21 or whatever they use) is illegal. Doesn't matter if it used to be legal. Aoc in the US used to be 10. And one state had it at 7. Doesn't make it a good idea just because it was once legal.
It IS horrible how religions have excused pedophilia over the centuries. And it's good to see that as we get farther away from being chained to religion, the age of consent is going up......except in the Bible belt.

The catholic religion and catholics have excused it for centuries and many catholics still do.

The catholics have "excused it"? I don't think so. There was a lot of fury at the clergy scandals from the Catholic community.
What the hell is the matter with these people? There is nothing natural and normal about it, it's a mental disorder

'Paedophilia is natural and normal for males'

How some university academics make the case for paedophiles at summer conferences

"Paedophilic interest is natural and normal for human males,” said the presentation. “At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children … Normal males are aroused by children.”

Some yellowing tract from the Seventies or early Eighties, era of abusive celebrities and the infamous PIE, the Paedophile Information Exchange? No. Anonymous commenters on some underground website? No again.

The statement that paedophilia is “natural and normal” was made not three decades ago but last July. It was made not in private but as one of the central claims of an academic presentation delivered, at the invitation of the organisers, to many of the key experts in the field at a conference held by the University of Cambridge.

Other presentations included “Liberating the paedophile: a discursive analysis,” and “Danger and difference: the stakes of hebephilia.”

Hebephilia is the sexual preference for children in early puberty, typically 11 to 14-year-olds.

Paedophilia is natural and normal for males - Telegraph

Pretty soon, they'll seek acceptance and demand equal rights.

Then we'll start hearing how bestiality is normal...

They might. Doesn't mean they'll get it. There is considerable in sex between consenting adults and sex with children.
I don't know if you guys realize this, but 150 years ago girls got married between age 9-12 to adult men. Not only was it not frowned upon, it was accepted as normal. My grandmother got married at 13 to a 19 year old. And that was after they dated for 2 years. They were only happily married for about 70 years until he passed away.

I think the problem is we love to label people. You're a this, she's a that, he's a that. Labels are too common in our society. Human beings love to compartmentalize people and things. We like groups. We love to be part of a group and we want to know what groups others are part of. People don't realize that we are the only species on earth that doesn't begin procreation as soon as one becomes a viable fertile female. We put an artificial age on when someone can legally do what mother nature intended. We're also the only species with laws, and some of the laws go against human nature. Do dogs wait years after they are fertile before they mate? How about gorillas? Chimps? Horses? Cows? There is a reason that men could be attracted to children, post pubescent of course. That being that a teen girl has more energy, is likely to create healthier children and can keep up with a house full of kids and raising them. It's not pedophilia, it's biology. Men naturally want to find a healthy young female to carry his children. It's the best for the child. I mean there are doctors that say don't get pregnant much past 30, yet if a child gets pregnant at 17 someone's going to jail. That leaves her 12 years to have kids. The risks go up exponentially with age past 30, with almost no risks for a teen girl. I mean how many times do you hear about a teens pregnancy complications? Almost never. They make the best mothers. Just biology. What normal guy isn't more attracted to an 18yo college girl than a 40yo woman? There is a reason for that. And for most, the attraction doesn't magically turn off if she's under 18.

When you criminalize behavior that was normal just a 100 years ago, you end up with a million people in prison for something that everyone did before. Just like a great number of people are not attracted to same sex partners, a great number of people are not attracted to children. I don't see anything in a 12 year old but if someone else does, that's their business, not mine. People need to worry about themselves before they worry about others.

There is a considerable difference between us today and 150 years ago, and millinia ago. Our life span is much longer, our understanding of children and their development is greater as is our understanding of the effects of motherhood on a young girl.

All you have to do is take a look at the effects of child marriages in the countries where they are endemic. The girls almost always end up dropping out of school, if indeed they had much education to begin with, the relationships are often abusive and the effect of multiple pregnancies on a young person like that can be very damaging.

Child Marriage ICRW
Child marriage most often occurs in poor, rural communities. In many regions, parents arrange their daughter’s marriage unbeknownst to the girl. That can mean that one day, she may be at home playing with her siblings and the next, she’s married off and sent to live in another village with her husband and his family – strangers, essentially. She is pulled out of school. She is separated from her peers. And once married, she is more likely to be a victim of domestic violence and suffer health complications associated with early sexual activity and childbearing.

A lot of things are "biologically natural" but when they damage another person we need to consider what it is that seperates us from other species.
It IS horrible how religions have excused pedophilia over the centuries. And it's good to see that as we get farther away from being chained to religion, the age of consent is going up......except in the Bible belt.

And where, pray tell, did you get that piece of horsesh*t from?

Here is an actual map....

Sorry to burst your bullshit bubble....again.

A map like that doesn't tell the whole story. Many states don't prosecute an 18 year old having sex with a 16 year old and have specific allowances on age proximity.

The map shows the ages for the younger to have sex with anyone over whatever the age is the state uses. Typically 21+. Due to the Romeo and Juliet provisions many states now have, there may be 'close in age' exceptions where a minor under the legal aoc can have legal sex with someone within a few years of age when both are still under the 21 or whatever age.

I think parents should have authority over this issue as in other industrialized nations. Have a regular higher aoc without parental consent, and a lower one with consent. Already have that in the US via the marriage exception where (as here in Missouri) though the aoc is 17, a 15yo can marry an 'adult' with parental consent and then since married the 15 yo and adult can have sex. Should have that but minus the marriage component.
What the hell is the matter with these people? There is nothing natural and normal about it, it's a mental disorder

'Paedophilia is natural and normal for males'

How some university academics make the case for paedophiles at summer conferences

"Paedophilic interest is natural and normal for human males,” said the presentation. “At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children … Normal males are aroused by children.”

Some yellowing tract from the Seventies or early Eighties, era of abusive celebrities and the infamous PIE, the Paedophile Information Exchange? No. Anonymous commenters on some underground website? No again.

The statement that paedophilia is “natural and normal” was made not three decades ago but last July. It was made not in private but as one of the central claims of an academic presentation delivered, at the invitation of the organisers, to many of the key experts in the field at a conference held by the University of Cambridge.

Other presentations included “Liberating the paedophile: a discursive analysis,” and “Danger and difference: the stakes of hebephilia.”

Hebephilia is the sexual preference for children in early puberty, typically 11 to 14-year-olds.

Paedophilia is natural and normal for males - Telegraph

Pretty soon, they'll seek acceptance and demand equal rights.

Then we'll start hearing how bestiality is normal...

Just because the voices in your head are saying that doesn't mean we all will hear it.

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