Owner of restaurant that booted out Sara Huckabee Sanders speaks


"Fucktards ONLY!!!!!!!"....then everybody wins!!

Owner of restaurant that booted out Sarah Huckabee Sanders speaks | Daily Mail Online

The owner of The Red Hen restaurant that kicked out Sarah Huckabee Sanders has revealed why she refused to serve the White House Press Secretary.

On Friday night Sanders was asked to leave the Lexington, Virginia restaurant where she was dining with her seven family members.

Restaurant owner Stephanie Wilkinson said she took a staff vote before asking Sanders to leave. When they voted to boot her out, Wilkinson complied.

'Tell me what you want me to do. I can ask her to leave. They said "yes,"' Wilkinson said to the Washington Post.

Hahahh good this is what you get for being an ANTI AMERICAN fk, don't play with real Americans because OUR MONEY AND OUR PEOPLE DID BUILD THAT unlike the leftist screw ball Obama who tells the pathetic public " you didn't built that someone else did" ......... WELL WATCH HOW FAST OUR NOT SPENDING MONEY AT YOUR CRAP EATERY DOES FOR YOU LOSERS.

nazis will be nazis no matter how these idiots try spinning that title onto TRUMP they're so fkn stupid they don't even realize it is them who are the nazis.
She was stupid for doing that, Maxine was stupid for advocating protest of Trump employees....the best way to beat Trump and his nuts is at the POLLS PEOPLE!!
I don't condone it but to be fair Sanders lies a lot so how can you ever figure out what she really wants off the menu. Then even when she seems truthful she is evasive. If I was the owner I wouldn't wan't to put my staff through figuring out her bs.

They had already ordered. You dizzy from the spin yet?
Yes but would you really trust Sanders to stand behind her order? I wouldn't.

She offered to pay for meal she would not eat.

So they took her order, and she found out she had a gay waiter or waitress. Interesting.

I see NOTHING in this thread that talks about "gay waiter or waitress". If you have to make up things in order to talk, you've talked long enough. Have a nice day as you reflect on your failure.
I don't condone it but to be fair Sanders lies a lot so how can you ever figure out what she really wants off the menu. Then even when she seems truthful she is evasive. If I was the owner I wouldn't wan't to put my staff through figuring out her bs.

They had already ordered. You dizzy from the spin yet?
Yes but would you really trust Sanders to stand behind her order? I wouldn't.

She offered to pay for meal she would not eat.

So they took her order, and she found out she had a gay waiter or waitress. Interesting.

I see NOTHING in this thread that talks about "gay waiter or waitress". If you have to make up things in order to talk, you've talked long enough. Have a nice day as you reflect on your failure.

Well she is anti gay, and the owner of the restaurant said they have gay waiters, so how dare her have a gay wait on her. I see you will have a new opening on the Supreme Court, good for you, I thank god I'm a confirmed Catholic and causation.

She can take her money , which we pay and she can go back and be nasty as can be to the press. The child is like the Dad, gross and a bigot.
The bitch can hand it out but can't take it, who in the hell cares. She is disgusting the way she talks to the press.
None of the peeps who feel that busness owners should be forced to serve people (aka bake muh dang cake) have a problem with this?

Come on. Say it ain't so.

This is the part that gets to me. We on the right would be put out of business if we refused to bake a pervert wedding cake, or to host a pervert wedding of a man marrying a man, but these restaurants (there was another one held a riot in Georgetown) can throw out respectable and prominent members of the administration and nobody thinks there's a problem with that?

I'm totally fine with it being absolutely free to reject ANYONE from one's business, including me: rental property, house sales, restaurants, taxies, pizza delivery, any business at all, anyone. But it needs to be total freedom on all sides, not just the left throwing out anyone they want, like all those coffee shop homosexuals who throw out conservatives all the time --- but enslaving the right to make their pervert cakes or cooperate with whatever gross leftist stuff they are getting up to.

It is obvious the left very much wants to throw out everyone who is a "deplorable." Fine, as long as we can play too. Game on, I say.
In old america nobody did that. If we accept that bs as it's the " American Freedom" thing to do where do we draw the line , as we can start not serving anyone over anything.

No whites
No blakcs
No Blue shirts
No Black shirts

No red shoes......

In the colleges it's getting that bad.

What you said. That's what I want: every business entitled to refuse to serve whomever they don't want to serve, for any reason or no reason.

But not just the left getting to throw anyone out but the right enslaved to make pervert cakes.
Pity restaurant health inspections don't include MENTAL health components. Oh well, infanticide and suicide are Democrat virtues so maybe economic suicide counts as normal in this case.
Owner of restaurant that booted out Sarah Huckabee Sanders speaks | Daily Mail Online

The owner of The Red Hen restaurant that kicked out Sarah Huckabee Sanders has revealed why she refused to serve the White House Press Secretary.

On Friday night Sanders was asked to leave the Lexington, Virginia restaurant where she was dining with her seven family members.

Restaurant owner Stephanie Wilkinson said she took a staff vote before asking Sanders to leave. When they voted to boot her out, Wilkinson complied.

'Tell me what you want me to do. I can ask her to leave. They said "yes,"' Wilkinson said to the Washington Post.

Hahahh good this is what you get for being an ANTI AMERICAN fk, don't play with real Americans because OUR MONEY AND OUR PEOPLE DID BUILD THAT unlike the leftist screw ball Obama who tells the pathetic public " you didn't built that someone else did" ......... WELL WATCH HOW FAST OUR NOT SPENDING MONEY AT YOUR CRAP EATERY DOES FOR YOU LOSERS.

nazis will be nazis no matter how these idiots try spinning that title onto TRUMP they're so fkn stupid they don't even realize it is them who are the nazis.

A). Pox on her for asking her staff how to treat a customer.
B). Won't it be great when all of that staff are soon all out of a job?

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